Chapter 25

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Work hours finally ended and Wei was the first out the door.

He felt so restless he reached home in a hurry, wondering if he could go meet Yunlan later. He would decide when the time came, at the moment he had something to do.

As he entered his apartment, he took the things he bought out of the bag and set to work. He realised he might be light-headed for a while later so he opted to ask Yunlan to meet here. He had only the slightest hesitation, then he took his phone and thought about what to say; it was always better to keep it simple.

"Can you stop by tonight? I have something to give you."

He looked at the words while a million others swirled in his head, but he kept them there. Before he could hit send, his stomach sent him clear signals. No matter his late lunch he was hungry again now, so he added: "Buy something to eat maybe? I'm starving."

He sent the message hoping Yunlan would bring something good. He had no will to cook and even less to let Andrew deal by himself with a whole dinner.

To his surprise, he heard a beep almost immediately.

"The same thing you gave me yesterday night?"

Wei laughed, inebriated at the images that filled his mind after reading those words. "That too, if you ask nicely. See you in an hour?"


Wei's smile didn't leave his face the whole time until he finished his task. Living alone he had learned how to sew quite well, at least regarding what suited his needs. He could always let DongMei do it, she was all too eager as well, but he had learned because there were times when he was too tired or simply wanted to do it himself, like now. He wasn't as quick as she was though, and the hour was entirely used while he frantically checked the clock every five minutes to be sure he made it in time. When the doorbell rang he had just finished.

He went to open the door and was greeted by a double vision: the most handsome man with a big bag full of food.

"You said you were starving." Yunlan grinned raising the hand holding the food.

"You're a life saver. Come in."

"Need help setting the table?" Yunlan offered after noticing his pale face, but Wei wouldn't let him.

"I already have help. I have a servant in the house, remember?"

Wei laughed at his expression. He was enjoying not hiding his true self anymore, for once in his life he wanted to feel free.

He called DongMei's name. "We have a guest for dinner. Can you take care of the table?"

Yunlan couldn't see the eager ghost floating around choosing the best china at her disposal, so he blinked numerous times watching things move by themselves until a full set for two people welcomed them on the table.

Wei walked slowly now, he felt weak but a good meal would do him good.
Yunlan sat down in front of him and they started eating. There was a lot of food, which was good because Wei had a lot of appetite.

After he finished the first two dishes, Wei got up and took the pendant he had prepared.

"This is for you," he said to Yunlan handing it to him.

Yunlan inspected it uncertainly.
"A necklace? No offence but I'm not a girl."

Wei didn't falter, he needed to convince Yunlan to keep it with him.
"I know for a fact that you're a man, but one who is constantly in danger so I would really like for you to keep this as a lucky charm. I will tie it for you."

Yunlan let him tie the string around his neck in a way that was easy to take it off when he wanted. The pendant was quite big, but the string was long so it could be hidden under his clothes.

To be honest, Yunlan was a bit uncomfortable. He could feel that under the soft blue cloth covering the pendant there was something hard, but he couldn't tell what it was. The thing was round like a tube and something like four or five inches long, not what lovers usually gift each other, indeed a very weird choice in his opinion.

"Isn't this too big? Where did you get it?"

"I made it myself. It's a lucky charm. Promise me you'll keep it with you whenever I'm not around, please?"

Yunlan nodded, still wondering what it could be. He wouldn't be able to rest thinking about it, he just knew it.

They got back to eating, Wei doing honour to the feast in front of him. Feeling much better, he had gained a healthy colour again.

"Are you going to eat that?" Wei asked eyeing Yunlan's unfinished dessert.

"Be my guest, I want you full of energy."

Wei hid his blushing cheeks lowering his head and devouring the cake.

Yunlan got up and came closer. 
"So... am I being nice enough?"

Wei watched the sexy man in front of him and hurried to get up as well.
"Yes, you are," he agreed putting his hands on Yunlan's waist. They moved at the same time and their mouths connected.

Wei tightened his hold and kissed him so lovingly that Yunlan opened his eyes and was the first to break the kiss.

"Should we go somewhere more comfortable?"

"Just one more," Wei pleaded, moving his hands to cup Yunlan's face.

Wei's mouth descended once more capturing his lips again. It was never enough, he would have kissed him all day long if he could. More or less consciously, he had craved to kiss him again the whole day, so it took a while before he was satisfied.

Only then he lead him to his bedroom. He carefully took the pendant off him.
"You don't need it when you're with me."

Yunlan didn't protest. Wei was being as mysterious as usual, but he didn't mind.
They began undressing each other while lowering onto the bed.

Nothing had changed, Wei still couldn't believe that he could have Yunlan to himself, he felt so good as if a new stage of his life had finally started.

Suddenly his eyes caught something and he sprinted up and at the door. "Out, out out!" he hissed, then closed it and went back to his personal heaven.

It was everything Wei remembered from the night before and more. The joy of a new discovery had been replaced by the delight of knowing exactly what expected him, and that knowledge was more exciting than any surprise might ever be.

Wei kissed him and touched him with a reverence that inebriated Yunlan to the point that he wasn't in control of his own senses anymore.

Unknown to the other, both minds were dwelling on the same thought: could they really have all this? Could this happiness be part of their future?
Wei seemed to be in no hurry while he traced his tongue on every inch of Yunlan's body. It all felt so good it was rather scary and Yunlan almost wanted to run away.

He didn't though.

He basked in the other's attention and loving touch, and it was as good as he remembered, better than he could have ever imagined. Yesterday night had been hot, they had fun together, but tonight, oh tonight was a completely different thing.

Yunlan felt like everything and everyone had changed, for a while he felt like lost in a foreign land.

Gone was the greedy hunger of the night before, gone was the thirsty beast that demanded so much from him. He wasn't in an unknown room anymore, unveiling part of a mystery. Yunlan knew this bed now, there was no surprise, no mystery to solve. If he was here, there had to be another reason, and he knew all too well what it was.

Yunlan enjoyed every second thinking of nothing but the here and now. He knew tomorrow he would go home again, he knew himself well enough to be sure of it, but he didn't want to think about it now.

Once completely satisfied, he closed his eyes resting his head on that pillow that wasn't his own, but before he had a chance to fall asleep he heard that sweet, sleepy voice calling to him:

"Stay for breakfast."

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