Chapter 32

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Upon reading Yunlan's answer to his good morning message, Wei had gone into a state of anxiousness. He had considered not going to work, calling the station, demand where Yunlan was and run to him, but he didn't.

He forced himself to calm down, Yunlan might not appreciate him intruding into his job. He was a police officer, it was what he did for a living, and Wei should give him his space and trust him to know what he was doing.

So he went to work, but Yunlan's text was constantly on his mind.

Yunlan's call came shortly after he had arrived; it made him jump on the seat and he answered within a second. He didn't waste any time after that, he simply stood from his seat and hurried out, caring only about making sure that he was really, truly alright.

He called a taxi and gave the driver the address Yunlan had sent him, barely remembering to pay for the ride before he jumped out of it and towards his man.

Yunlan looked so good standing there in a grey shirt, dark blue jeans and his usual brown jacket. Of course he was ok, Wei had known that all along, but nonetheless he had been so worried  that he needed to hold him now.

Wei held him tight for several seconds, unwilling to let go, until he finally realised that there were many people around and Yunlan was talking to him.

He tried to focus on his words, and agreed to talk more about what was happening. Wei wasn't sure what else could he tell him that he hadn't already, there were things he didn't know himself, but he followed him nonetheless.

They walked side by side and Wei managed to calm down, that hug had done his job well and he was feeling more at ease. They entered a bar and sat down. Wei remained silent, waiting for Yunlan to speak.

As a waiter approached their table, Yunlan ordered for both of them and Wei felt something tugging at his heart. Maybe he was being unreasonable, but he felt like they were slowly but constantly moving on, making progress. It wasn't their first time drinking something together, but the fact that Yunlan had ordered a tea for him instead of quickly saying "two coffees" had a pleasant sense of familiarity to it that he enjoyed.

Of course Yunlan neglected to ask him if he wanted something else, he had that look about himself that meant he was focused on his job. Wei could understand  that, but he really needed something sweet right now. How could Yunlan always forget about desserts was a mystery to him.

After adding a piece of cake to the order he turned to look at Yunlan and saw that he was staring at him. Wei smiled at that, and reached to place his hand over Yunlan's.

"I was worried about you. What happened?"

Yunlan waited for their order to arrive then replied slowly.

"I had to... use your gift again, it was the only way to stop her without hurting her too much. I need to stop this, Wei. It's escalating, people are not simply disappearing, they're turning violent and I don't know how to stop it."

Wei saw Yunlan's eyes move to their joined hands, but since he didn't say anything Wei kept his where it was.

"Why does this pendant... I mean, what happens when..." Yunlan struggled to find the right words. "The woman seemed unstoppable, her knuckles were all bloody but she kept thrashing about, hitting anything and anyone she could reach, then I u... used your g... gift and she sagged down unconscious, just like that. What... how?"

Wei smiled at his stuttering words, he could understand how difficult it was for him to come to terms with what was happening. After all, he couldn't see any of it.

"The woman was most probably controlled by a Shadow made of rage. I discovered that day at my apartment, when I cut my finger, that Takeo and the others can take some energy from my blood, that's why I gave you that."
Wei pointed to the vial hanging around Yunlan's neck.

"To interact with the world of the living they need my energy. I don't know why but only mine works. It's always been like that. I see people unknowingly passing throw them without any effect whatsoever, but my energy makes them stronger."

Yunlan sipped his tea while considering his words.

"Why is that? What's so special about you...r energy?"

"I don't know. Really, I don't know."

Yunlan nodded lost in thought. Wei enjoyed his tea and even more his chocolate cake. After he finished he put the cup and plate aside and stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Judging by what you told me, I'd say that the other time my ghosts used the energy to pull that man off you and keep him down for as long as necessary. I guess the Shadow abandoned him once it realised that that body was no more useful to it."

Yunlan's focused eyes encouraged him to continue. It still amazed Wei to see how Yunlan listened to him with so much attention despite his internal struggle to come to terms with such supernatural concepts.

"Today I think Takeo didn't really 'interact' with our world, he simply pushed the Shadow out of the woman's body. Still, he needed to feel my energy to find you. They can sense it, and are drawn to it."

"Yeah, you said that once, but you also said that you don't know why."

Wei shook his head. "No, I don't."

"What happens to these... shadows once they leave a body alone?"

Wei shrugged. "They leave... free to possess someone else if they want." He sounded defeated.

"Is there a way to stop them? I mean, for good? Is it possible to kill a shadow?" Yunlan blushed saying those words, and Wei noticed.

He thought of how cute Yunlan looked when he blushed. Wei fought the urge to grab him across the table and kiss him.

Instead he cleared his throat and turned serious again. "Not that I know, I never had to, I simply avoided them. Quite easily too, they don't seek me out like my friends do."

Yunlan sighed. "We must find a way, or it'll just become a neverending cycle."

Wei nodded sadly. He had been thinking just that, but hadn't come up with anything yet.


Yunlan had been trying to focus on the task at hand, trying to learn as much as he could about what was going on and find a solution, but while he listened to Wei a part of him couldn't help thinking of what was so special about Wei to make him feel so different.

He nodded, listening intently to Wei's words while he watched him eat his cake in silence. The sight of those long elegant fingers made his mouth water more than the cake.

Another spoonful of the dark dessert made its way through Wei's lips and Yunlan stared transfixed remembering what those lips could do to him. He really wanted to kiss him right now.

Yunlan silently scolded himself and focused back on what Wei was saying. His sad eyes pierced his heart, he wanted to hug him and bring back the smile that he liked so much.

"Will I see you tonight?" he blurted out before he could think better of it, feeling shamefully like a lovestruck teenager. Why was he acting like this, it wasn't his first relationship and he wasn't a kid anymore. It wasn't like he had never been in love before... or was it?

Feeling embarrassed at how his heart was beating loudly inside his chest, he raised his eyes and what he saw took his breath away. Wei had a smile so bright now that it was almost blinding.

Yunlan regretted his words, he didn't even know if that night he would be free, but before either of them could say anything, Yunlan's phone started ringing.

He listened with a frown then turned to Wei.

"I'm afraid you won't be going back to work just now."

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