Chapter 40

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Yunlan was still laughing and Wei couldn't be more embarrassed.

"Were you jealous of Li Chang? Wow, I'm flattered." He laughed again, despite Wei's feeble attempts at denying his jealousy.

Since they arrived, Yunlan hadn't stopped laughing. Wei had been asked to recount every single word exchanged at the station - although he managed to omit the compliment to a certain computer genius. It didn't seem relevant at the moment.

Finally giving up, Wei threw his hands in the air. "Fine, I was a bit jealous. Who wouldn't be, he's your ex!"

Yunlan stopped laughing. He seemed to consider it for a moment.
"How strange, I kinda like that."

They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then Wei lowered his eyes.

"So, you're not angry about it? I didn't even ask you if you wanted to talk to him."

"I didn't. He's the past. I don't care about the past, it's gone."

Yunlan's voice was calm, certain; on his face there was no hint of any doubts anywhere that Wei could see, and he felt better.

They were at Yunlan's house where they could talk in absolute privacy. They were laying on the bed, Yunlan on the left side and Wei on the right. He had been watching curiously while Nari tried to make the bed and straighten the covers under them. She really seemed to have an obsession with Yunlan's bed.

Their conversation had quickly diverted all his attention, though, and at those words he turned around and planted a kiss on Yunlan's lips. He placed a hand on his left cheek and kissed him tenderly with his eyes closed.

Yunlan put a hand on his hip and rewarded him with his full attention. It wasn't passionate, but long and tender. It felt emotional and domestic, and Wei loved everything about it. He parted with a sigh and laid again on his side of the bed.

"Would you tell me now what happened last night? How did you find me?"

It was Yunlan's turn to blush now. He laid back as well, to avoid looking directly at him.

"I..." He cleared his throat and fired his next words as quickly as he could. "I asked Andrew to lead me to you and he left a path of flour for me to follow."

He couldn't look him in the eyes while saying those words, and Wei was rendered speechless for a while.

Yunlan was blushing more by the second, and it was a few moments until Wei fully registered what he had said.

"You asked for Andrew's help? You actually talked to him?"

"Well, I couldn't know if there was anyone or not, but you said he's always in the kitchen, so I tried... I was worried about you!" Yunlan had a defensive tone in his voice as if he felt he had to justify such a silly action.

Wei's eyes were open wide in disbelief. "So you really spoke to someone you couldn't see, and then followed the trail to me?"

Yunlan cleared his throat again. "Yeah, I did. I can't see your... your friends, so I couldn't know if there was anyone in, but you said that this Andrew never leaves the kitchen. No harm in trying, right? I really wanted to know where you had gone."


At Yunlan's confused frown, Wei explained. "Why were you worried? I myself had no idea what I was going to do. How could you know I would need you?"

"At least part of you must have known. There was sadness in your kiss."

Wei stared at him, not knowing what to say, and Yunlan cleared his throat once again in an attempt to hide his own embarrassment.

"Anyway, I found you. You were shaking and then you fell down, so I brought you here."

For a second they remained silent, then they spoke simultaneously.

"Oh Yunlan, I lo..." Wei started saying, with his heart in his hands, every word coming out slowly as if they were overwhelming him.

"I promised him you'd let him cook a whole dinner." Yunlan quickly let it out, to get it off his chest, effectively interrupting him.

"What?" They said at the same time.

Wei groaned. "You can be sure that he will not forget. You're eating at my house, tonight. We must check that he doesn't set the kitchen on fire."

Somewhere deep down, Yunlan wanted him to repeat what he was saying before he interrupted him, but another part of him was okay with how things were going. They were good now, no reason to push things too much.

Suddenly Wei's expression changed.

"I spoke to my parents," he said, picking Yunlan's interest. He didn't have time to ask anything though, because Wei started explaining right away.

Wei told him everything and Yunlan listened without interruptions. After all they had been through together, hearing that Wei was the son of two supernatural beings, born human after they took a leap of faith and chose to experience mortal life and love, wasn't as absurd to him as it would have once been. Maybe being around Wei was doing weird things to his sanity, but he couldn't care less at this point.

"That was... very romantic, I guess." Yunlan wasn't really an expert in that sort of things, but he had to admit that it was a pretty good story. The fact that they didn't know who they were, didn't remember their previous existence together, but still managed to find each other was the most romantic thing he had ever heard.

"It was, wasn't it?" There was a sweet, affectionate smile on Wei's face, and Yunlan thought to himself that he never looked more beautiful than in that moment.

There was a new lightness in Wei's features. No doubt because he had finally spoken to his parents again after such a long time. Years of wondering why they had abandoned him were now replaced by their full acceptance of who he was.

Wei recalled every word they had told him. Saying it out loud made it even more real, filling him with affection and peace.

He ended his tale by explaining what had happened that day with the Shadows and the missing persons.

"My parents helped awakening a part of me that was always there without my knowledge. My energy is stronger now, and I no longer tire so much as before. Now I can finally stop the Shadows for good. Maybe I won't even have to wait for you to find them. It might be enough to send Huan and Luca looking for them. I should try as soon as possible, we could put an end to all this sooner than we ever hoped to."

Yunlan listened with a sparkle in his eyes. "My Guardian of the Light, I always knew you were special."

Wei had waited enough. After these words, he couldn't wait any longer. He moved closer rolling on the bed until he was on him and kissed him deeply.

When he pulled back, he stayed where he was and looked him in the eyes.
"They thanked you for helping me. Thank you, Yunlan, for always being there when I need you."

"Where else would I be?"

In the following silence, they quietly enjoyed being in each other's arms.
With his head on Yunlan's chest, Wei closed his eyes in peaceful contentment. After a few blissful minutes, Wei resumed their previous conversation, a playful smile on his lips.
"So, you're sure you're not angry that I told him about us?" 

"Of course not." Yunlan kissed the top of his head. "I simply don't talk about my private life at work, but I don't hide. Feel free to act jealous every time some handsome man hovers around me, I don't mind."

Wei pulled back immediately with a frown and Yunlan laughed, before pulling him down again and going back to kiss him senseless.

It didn't go any further than that though. Yunlan seemed very much inclined to do much more than just kiss, but Wei sighed and pulled back, murmuring something about retrieving his car.

Yunlan didn't hide his disappointment, but Wei was irremovable. He didn't know how to break it to Yunlan that there was constantly a ghost in his bedroom who refused to leave, so he didn't, for now, but since Wei could see her he refused to do anything more intimate in there.

He stretched his arms, but Nari wasn't part of his life long friends and didn't recognize the signal, so he quickly checked that Yunlan wasn't looking and moved his hands towards her. This was a more familiar gesture and Nari happily took her share of Light energy.

There was a fond smile on Wei's face when Yunlan turned to look at him.

"Aren't you coming?"

Wei removed his eyes from the excited ghost and hurried out the door.

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