Chapter 11: True Faces

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Toriel had to leave for somewhere a bit early, leaving the two alone.....Oh, get your minds out of the gutter.

Kris snuggled up a little to Ralsei, loving the touch of his fluffy white fur against his skin.

Ralsei looked at Kris and giggled. "You can't take no as an answer, can you?"

"Nope, and never will." Kris replied.

Ralsei cuddled up with Kris as well. "I was lying about it anyway."

"Good, cause I might've freaked." Kris said to him. "Call it my 'Inner Toriel' I guess. Or the fact that you're just an adorable fluffy boy, your majesty."

Ralsei shrugged. "I guess so."

After a few minutes, Kris looked at Ralsei's hat for a bit, wanting to take it off and reveal that face he found absolutely adorable and lovely. But, he had a feeling Ralsei would get incredibly nervous and angry, he must've really liked that hat.

There was a reason Ralsei liked that hat so much, it was one of the few memories left behind of his mother and father. They gave it to him as a present for his birthday when he was very little, he could barely see out of it at that age, and the mystic illusion transferred into the fabric of the hat didn't even work when he was that small. But...Ever since that day passed, he's been keeping this hat on to hide himself away from the world...


"Yes, Kris?"

"Can...Can I see your face again?" Kris asked, looking up at him, even though his eyes never showed.

Ralsei blushed a little, and looked to the side, unsure of the answer. "I..."

"You don't have to if you don't want too." Kris told him.

Ralsei nodded. "I know. But, I will."


"As long as your promise me to show your eyes!" Ralsei added.

Kris laughed, but then realized he wasn't joking. "You're...You're not kidding."

Ralsei shook his head. "No, I'm not. But, you don't-"

"I'll do it. As they say, you scratch my back, I scratch yours." Kris said with a smile.

Ralsei smiled with a chuckle. "Ok, I'll go first."

And with that, he took off his hat, revealing his adorable face with some highlights if bright pink. He looked embarrassed, but even that looked cute.

Kris smiled wide, and petted his right ear, trying to relax Ralsei.

Ralsei's nervousness almost immediately faded away and he became focused on what Kris was doing for him, and smiled, closing his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep."

Ralsei nodded. "I won't."

After a couple minutes of petting his ear, Kris stopped to Ralsei's small disappointment. "Ok, now you can show me your eyes." He said, his eyes and smile filled with excitement.

Kris sighed, worried what he would think, but he nodded and then removed his bangs.

The moment Kris revealed his eyes, Ralsei froze, wide eyed.

He could actually see all of Kris' face, but the thing that was most mesmerizing was his crimson red eyes. They shined like fireflies flying during the night, and twinkled like stars themselves. The mere sight of them practically hypnotized The Prince Of Darkness...

"Well, are you happy?" Kris said, rubbing the back of his head.

'Oh crud, he's hot!!!!!' Ralsei's mind cried out, before getting a tiny nosebleed. The prince covered his nose and wiped away the blood from his nose. 

Kris went wide eyed. "Ralsei?!"

"I-I'm fine!" Ralsei reassured, trying his best not get hypnotized by his beautiful rubies he had for eyes.

"Your nose just shot out a bit of blood!" Kris cried, before realizing why and then smirked at Ralsei. "So, you like my eyes, huh?~"

Ralsei blushed madly as Kris leaned in, and nodded rapidly.

"Want me to show them more?~"

Ralsei nodded even more quickly. 

The human smirked and then pecked him on his lips, and when his eyes opened again, Ralsei became mesmerized again.

Kris chuckled and then put his arm around him. "I love you, Ralsei." He said, kissing his forehead.

Ralsei shook his head out of his trance, and then slowly cuddled up to Kris. "L-Love you too."

(Heya! Lord Olsory here with a confession. I realized I made a mistake.

Shocking, I know. And the mistake itself is actually very minor but needs to be addressed so no one gets confused.

When Kris, Ralsei, Noelle, and Susie enter The Dark Fountain, I meant to say the one at Ralsei's castle, the true and first dark fountain, and since this is going off the ending, we all know that they succeeded in banishing that fountain and fixing the balance!

I realized that after re reading this, and it totally flew over my head while I was writing it! So, I apologize!

My next thing isn't really a mistake, more of an explanation. You may have noticed that it's a weird transition from The Knight defeating Susie and her team, to Kris and Ralsei revealing their true faces to each other. Drama to fluff.

Why did I do this? Well, cause Chapter 11 is supposed to show what Kris and Ralsei were doing while all that was happening. The message The Knight sends will happen, but he's still busy putting his plan into motion, so Kris and Ralsei don't exactly know that their friends are defeated and The Knight has finally revealed himself.

I promise, I will add a tiny bit of drama in the next chapters, telling you how things are going with Kris and Ralsei The Light World, while the plan is being put into motion in The Dark World eventually these two plots will combine and create the final act of the story...Unless I decide to make more, which is likely.

So, I'm sorry that the mistake happened and that the transition is a little weird. I just hope you can forgive my way of telling this story.)

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