Chapter 18: Shadowed Merryman And Former King

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The final battle had begun, and it was ruthless. Kris and Lancer fought King Spade, while Susie and Noelle took on the insane court jester known as Jevil.

Jevil laughed and laughed, sending all kinds of attacks and magic from above and below, even side ways, it was an exhaustion just to dodge all of them. Noelle barely dodged a row of diamond missiles, and takes out 3 arrows and fires them at the same time, but Jevil deflected them with a shield made of hearts and then sends some kind of merry go round attacks, sending Noelle in the air so he can finish her off, until Susie fires Red Buster at Jevil, and his head springs from his body on a literal spring before going back to normal. Noelle is freed and caught by Susie.

"You ok?" She asked.

Noelle was silent for a moment, but she nodded rapidly and Susie set her down.

Jevil uses his J shaped tail to lift himself off the ground and then teleports in every direction and area he could think of, making a grunt while firing a club attack, which exploded whenever it was near the heroes, but they managed to dodge them, Noelle being able to destroy one set with an arrow before it came near them.

Susie growled and jumped in the air, throwing her double bladed axe like a boomerang, hitting Jevil in the face before it came back to Susie's hand and she landed on the ground, and Noelle fired a few arrows, which luckily hit Jevil instead of Susie.

Jevil got an arrow lodged in his eye, but he was laughing while screaming in pain, it was above all disturbing. "SO, YOU WANT TO PLAY THAT TYPE OF GAME? ALRIGHTY THEN!" Jevil exclaimed.

'Oh, crud...' Noelle thought to herself, readying Joyous Fire for whatever Jevil was planning, while watching Susie prepare Red Buster once more.

Jevil hovered in the air and then spun around, turning into that scythe again, which he had called the Devilsknife.

"Shit." Susie breathed.

The Devilsknife let out a loud giggle and then spun around, firing itself at Susie, slashing her, causing her to scream in pain.

Noelle grunted and fired her Joyous Fire arrow at the Devilsknife, sending it to the ground as the metal clanged against the floor of the battlefield. Jevil transformed back to normal and then sent as many attacks as he could, but was beginning to become tired out, it seems like Susie had prepared for another fight with him, while Noelle was mimicking her with her own move set.

Noelle took out her bow and deflected a couple attacks by swinging it like it was a stick, although she got hit a couple times, holding back a cry of pain. Susie slammed her axe into the ground, firing Red Buster at the attacks and destroying them.

"That all you got?!" Susie called out, ripping out her axe.

Jevil breathed heavily, but smiled wickedly. "I'M NOT OUT OF THE GAME YET!!!"

He sent several Devilsknifes and they all fired blasts of energy at them, actually hitting them a couple times, sending Susie and Noelle to their knees. The jester laughed and then summoned a handful of diamond, heart, and spade attacks, ready to fire at them, until suddenly Jevil was tied up in some kind of spade chain and then knocked out by a spade attack and a slash from a sword.

It was Lancer, Kris, and....Spade?!


Spade laughed maniacally. "You could barely beat me on your own last time! What makes you think you have any hope of standing against me now?" He snarled.

Kris smirked underneath his helmet. "Maybe it's the fact that you're nothing but a puppet in The Knight's hand."

Spade growled and then threw his second spear like tongue like a chain at Kris, but he deflected it with his shield.

Lancer grunted and fired spade missiles at his father, but Spade simply did the same and then charged at his son, swinging his weapon at him and hitting him in the face, swatting him aside.

Kris jumped in the air and then came crashing down as he swung his sword against Spade's spear. They did it again and again until the sound of the clashing between weapons became a constant to their ears.

"What's the matter human? Can't seem to deal a last blow?" Spade said as his evil grin grew.

"Nah, just about to do this." Kris said, slamming his armored boot into Spade's stomach, causing him to stumble backwards, covering his stomach. Kris ran over and punched him in the face with his shield over and over, the strong steel it was formed of looked like it would give Spade a concussion at best.

Spade roared and then swatted Kris away with his massive arms and then covered the top of their battle field with a sky filled with spade attacks, and then he fired them down onto Kris.

"Crap." Kris muttered, using his shield to deflect most of them, but he had gotten hit a couple times and he fell to his knees.

Spade walked over, spinning his weapon as he laughed. "Now, it is time to end this..."

Kris just chuckled. "I don't think so..."

Suddenly, Lancer came crashing in, kicking Spade in his mouth and then slashed him in the arm and chest with both of his weapons.

Spade roared in pain and swung his weapon against his son's, entering a clash, but Lancer was losing, slowly being pushed.

Kris got to his feet and then swung his sword upwards, sending Spade flying onto the ground and lowering his HP critically like they did last time.

The King of Spades landed on the ground with a loud THUD, and then groaned in pain, covering his wounds with his hands.

Lancer wanted to make sure he was ok, but the last time they did, Spade nearly killed them.

Kris and Lancer slowly walked over anyway, and then saw that the red glow in Spade's eye was gone...He must've been back to normal.

"D...Dad?" Lancer asked nervously.

Spade groaned. "Lancer...? What happened? My head is-"

Lancer almost instantly hugged him tightly, glad to have his dad back. Spade was...surprised, he hadn't shown this kind of affection ever since he became controlled and the Queen Of Spades had left. The King hugged his son back, happy to see him with his own eyes and hug him with his own will.

Kris smiled, but then saw Jevil about to finish Susie and Noelle off and began running, ready to attack.

Spade and Lancer noticed this too and followed Kris...

Back to the present...

"Thanks for the save, dude." Susie said as she was helped up.

Kris smiled. "Anytime."

Susie then turned to Noelle and helped her up. "You ok, Noe?"

"M-My head hurts a lot, but I should be ok."

Susie took a small breath of relief, but then turned to Spade. "Ok, now why did you help us?"

Spade didn't really know how to put this, he had tricked them while under The Knight's control so he wasn't sure Susie out of all Lightners would believe him.

"It's a long story." Kris said. "But, now we fight the-"

Kris was almost immediately interrupted by a slash of darkness hitting him and sending him flying.

The rest of the heroes turned and then growled, getting out their weapons.

"I'm almost disappointed. Jevil was given great power...And Spade was the strongest of The Four Kings. But, it seems that you are all useless to my cause." The Knight snarled, The New Dark Fountain spewing out its darkness behind him. "So, now...I'll kill you all myself."

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