Chapter 20: A Knightly Duel (Part 1)

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Kris and The Knight fell through The Dark Fountain into some kind of empty void, with blue and black energy being the only thing surrounding it.

"Huh? Where are we?" Kris asked, getting to his feet.

The Knight got to his feet as well, and looked around, and then clenched his fist and swung his sword at Kris, but the human blocked his attack. "You fool! With two human souls overpowering The Angel's Heaven, you've sent us to the void!!!"

Kris grunted. "I may be a fool, but this only means you can't hurt anyone!"

The Knight roared and broke their clash and slashed against Kris' sword over and over again, the sound of their metal fighting against one another echoing throughout the void. Eventually, The Knight slashed darkness at the human, knocking the sword out of his hands and then jumping in the air, twisting his body and kicking him in the helmet, sending him what wasn't exactly a ground.

Kris grunted, but he got to his feet and then tackled the The Knight, punching him in the face over and over until he was kicked off him. The Knight then swung his sword, but Kris rolled away and kicked it out of his hands before getting back to his feet and slamming his fists into his chest, and then uppercutting him, giving him enough time to grab his sword. The Knight shook his head after the pain was dealt to him and then grabbed his own sword and swung it, but Kris had just barely blocked the attack with his shield.

Kris finally got his sword and then began clashing with The Knight's saber, both of their skills in swordsmanship overpowering each other that at times, neither of them could land their blades against their armor.

As they became stuck in a clash between their blades, they struggled to push one of them away so whoever did would have an upper hand. 

"I must admit, your swordsmanship is not as unsightly as I once thought." The Knight snarled.

Kris growled a little. "I'd say the same for you, but your skills is the work of an amateur."

The Knight ignored his insult and then pushed Kris away, rapidly slashing Kris in the chest and then side kicking him even farther away, giving him enough time to send out a burst of darkness from his blade and fire it at Kris.

Kris raised his shield and deflected the blast, but when he took it away, he found a sword met with his helmet, and then was kicked in the stomach. He groaned in pain, but still fought him, even though the upper hand was given to The Knight.

The Knight slashed his sword against Kris' gauntlet, forcing him drop his sword so he could use it for himself. Once he had two blades, he became like a tornado of deadly blades, swinging them like a maniac against Kris that his armor would be on the verge to breaking because of all the battle scars it now had.

Kris finally blocked both of the swords coming at him with his shield, and then swatted The Knight away by slamming the metal of his shield into his helmet. Then, he threw the shield at him, making him drop both of his swords. Kris took this chance and ran at him, catching his shield at the same time, jumping in the air and kicking him in the face, sending him to whatever the ground was in the void.

The Knight snarled, and then got to his knees, and then charged at him, punching and kicking Kris over and over, and Kris did the same but with his shield until it was pulled off his arm and tossed aside, it was now just a battle of fisticuffs

They punched, they kicked, and even defied gravity in their fight, doing whatever they could to knock one of them down for good. Finally, Kris uppercutted The Knight's helmet straight off, sending it flying, he took this chance to slam his knee into The Knight's stomach, making him groan in pain until Kris was grabbed by the neck and tossed.

Kris groaned and got to his knees, he was exhausted from all this fighting, but he had to keep going. He looked up and got to his feet, but then backed up because of what he saw next.

The Knight's true face was revealed, he was a Lightner, a human...Or rather, what was left of one. One half of his face was covered in dried up bloody scars that the blue skin barely showed, the other half was black, almost empty in the same color of the fountain besides the bloody and black fangs and shining red eyes, but those were more terrifying than mesmerizing. The darkness on the half of his face seemed like it was spreading to his human half.

'Ok, that's a face only a mother could love.' Kris thought, raising his fists.

The Knight laughed and then did the same, charging at him and engaging in battle with Kris once again. "Don't you get it?! This fight does not matter! Our world does not matter, and neither do your actions!" The Knight roared as he punched Kris in the helmet, causing him to stumble backwards.

Kris shook his head. "What are you talking about?!"

"You think I was the only one trying to control you? No, there is another being out there who is more powerful than even me. " The Knight began. "The Player...The being that plays this game and uses any human with a soul of DETERMINATION as their host."


The Knight chuckled. "Shocking, is it not? But, alas, I speak nothing but the truth. The Player plays this game however they want, never stopping until every goal is achieved, and the only way they can do that is with a human of great power...A human of great DETERMINATION." The Knight spoke as he suddenly pulled out his own soul, it was red like Kris', but it was cracked and mysterious darkness was leaking out of it. "I was once that host, and I thought all those choices were my own before I discovered a horrible realization about The Dark and Light World....It's not real."

"No...You're..." Kris was beginning to believe him, back in The Dark World, he had made choices that was not his own, and things he hadn't wanted to do...Was the world just a game? Did any of this matter?

"I am not lying, Kris. You and I know it's true. Your family, your home, your love for that prince and your not matter. The Player does whatever they please. I broke out of their control years ago and then decided to free everyone from their eternal prison of The Player and The Man Who Speaks In Hands. But, they did not understand, so I took over The Dark World after spreading the truth to the jester, and then decided to destroy both worlds by shifting the balance so The Player could not torture us. They would all die quickly, and I'd become a god with the power of darkness itself, but it was all to destroy a greater threat. My family, my home, I killed it all because I knew that none of it was real or mattered. Kris, you're the next host for The Player. Stopping me will accomplish nothing, because if you go back to that foolish prince and your family, none of it will matter and The Player will just want to play again..."

Kris stayed silent...

"Even if I kill you, you'll come back thanks to your soul, the thing that helps you SAVE. You might as well end your own suffering now that you know the truth...Know that I will destroy The Player and The Man Who Speaks In Hands, and free us all."

"No...Freedom is not death."

"W...What? Did you hear me? I said that this world does not matter and is simply a game! Protecting it will do absolutely nothing! The love you feel for Ralsei is not real, Kris!!"

"Yeah, this world may be a game and The Player's the one playing it, but I don't care about that. The things I do matter to the people that you say aren't real, my love for my family, my love for my prince, they're all real to me. And like you said, we're part of this game too, we're just being used to play it, the world is still real to us. And I'd rather live my non existent life to the fullest rather than become a monster like you and take away life." Kris said as he charged at The Knight and punched him in the jaw with his gauntlet.

The Knight stumbled backwards, and shook his head. "You are a fool, Kris."

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