Chapter 23: Tale Of The Queen Of Spades

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The Dark World was just as peaceful as The Light World. 

They knew that eventually The Knight would regain his health and break out again, so they decided that maybe it was best to let the executor take care of him.

Jevil, on the other hand, was locked away once more, but the old shopkeeper was working on a spell to erase the memory of the 'truth' Jevil kept laughing about. So far, that as only a work in progress.

Spade was back to normal, but instead of taking over as king, he turned himself in for all his earlier crimes, the Kings tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but he insisted that he should while Lancer would continue as King Of Spades. Lancer visits him daily though, making sure his dad gets some company.

One day, Lancer was just talking to him as usual, but Spade wasn't really listening, he was wondering that now he had his own free will, if he could tell Lancer about The Queen Of Spades, his mother. Lancer was way too young when both of them were in power, so it's likely that he didn't remember her. But, he still had to tell him.

"Lancer, I hate to interrupt you, but I need to tell you about someone important."

Lancer looked at him confusingly. "Who, Dad?"

"Your..." Spade sighed. "Your mother."

"My..." Lancer could barely make out any words to speak, he was only told of the Queen once by Roullx, but he didn't say anything after that. "My mom?"

Spade nodded. "I never told you what happened to her...And why she isn't here with us anymore."

"W...What is it?"

"I was a long time ago, when both King and Queen could help rule over The Dark World. Surprisingly, the strongest and aggressive of the Kings was the first to find love in Queen Sirara. The rules of the kingdom said that as long some kind of royalty got married to another, commoner or warrior, that person would become King or Queen, the law wasn't as complicated in The Dark World.

Eventually, the two had a child who they named Prince Lancer. And he was quite a challenge to raise, but also a blessing. However, that all changed one day...

A strange knight had arrived in front of both of them, demanding a duel between him and both of them. 

The Queen was hesitant, she did not want to put her 9 month old son into danger. So as she hid the child away with the guards, she went out to help her" Spade said with a saddened sigh as he tried to hold back tears.

Lancer tried his best not to cry along with his dad and urged him to go on.

Spade let a tear fall from his face and drip down his cheek. "They both fought valiantly, but whoever the strange knight was, they were powerful, stronger than anything we had ever faced. Eventually, The Knight struck me down and I was going to be finished.

I remember the blade of his sword being pointed at me, charging up to kill me with the very darkness itself.

As he was about to blast...The Queen...Your mother stepped in, taking the hit and then...vanishing." Spade said, remembering the blast that ended up hitting her instead of him.

 Lancer felt tears go down his cheeks, but he nodded, seeing that he wasn't alone in sadness.

Spade tried not to burst into sobbing. "Your mother loved you, Lancer. We both did with all our hearts, but The Knight took her away somehow...Please, I know you may blame me for her-"

"I...I don't." Lancer said.


"Dad, it wasn't your or my fault, it was Knight's. A-And, I wanna meet my mom one day...Maybe she's not g-gone, but now...I just want my dad, and I know mom would want that."

Spade smiled as tears fell down from his cheeks. "You're a lot like her, Lancer."

(Heya! Quick note!

I actually have no idea about the origins of the Spade Queen nor do I know her name. But, this is just the story I wanted to put in, so you may have different thoughts and a lot I will probably agree with, but this is just what I think happened if it went along with my story!

That being said, there have been teasers for Chapter 2!!! Yay!!! But, that could mean a lot of this ain't canon, so I'm considering this the 'In Prison' AU if a lot of the pasts aren't correct. Just felt like I should let you know!

That's all for now! I'll see you all in the next one! Bai!)

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