Chapter 3: King Lancer

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As Ralsei opened the door, hoping to see a certain human, a speedy blue blur passed by him and inside, taking his hat in the process.

"HEY!" Ralsei cried, looking where the blur had sped off too.

The blur had finally stopped speeding around and revealed themselves to be Lancer with a bit of a new look. He had an identical crown to his father's on his head, and black armor covering his arms and legs, and the shoulder pads had the same blue spade symbol like on his chest. Lancer was, of course, riding his flaming bike and had Ralsei's hat in hand.

"Hiya, Toothpaste Boy!" Lancer exclaimed, but then he looked at Ralsei's revealed face and tilted his head in confusion. "Or...Toothpaste Girl???"

Ralsei covered his face with his pink and fluffy scarf. "I'm not a girl..." He said, his voice muffled.

"You sure?" Lancer asked.

"Yes..." He said, his voice still muffled. "Now, can I please have my hat back? I'm losing my breath in here..."

Lancer shrugged and then got off his bike and handed Ralsei his hat back.

The scarf untangled from Ralsei's face and the prince grabbed his hat and put it back on his head, creating the shadow that covered his fluffy white fur, turning it into the black color again.

"I didn't know you looked like a girl." Lancer said, scratching his head, poking his arm by the sharp points of the crown a couple times.

Ralsei narrowed his eyes. "I'm not a girl. Not all girls like pink, y'know."

"You have pink on you?"

Ralsei rubbed the back of his head, did he really look like a girl?

"Oh, sorry. It's not a bad thing! Is that why you like that wizard hat so much?"

Ralsei smiled and shook his head. "No, I just like this hat!"

"Oh, ok!!" Lancer exclaimed with his usual smile returning to his face, although with the new look, it made him look cool.

Ralsei watched for a little bit. "What's with the new look? It looks cool on you!"

"Oh, Lesser Dad says I should wear it since I'm now-eth the king." He said, trying his best to imitate Roullx's voice.

Ralsei almost completely forgot that even though Lancer was so young, he was old enough to become the new King Of Spades and rule in the council as one of The Four Kings.

"I forgot about that!" He said with a chuckle. "Being king must be a big responsibility!"

Lancer shrugged. "I do get to do a lot of things, but it's awfully boring sitting in my royal chair all day, looking scary like Susie."

"....Isn't that called a throne?"

"Nope. I'm pretty sure it's called a royal chair."

"Well, I'm a prince too, so I know it's not called that, but if you want to call it that, you have the ability to do just that!"

"Neat! Cause saying throne makes me sound evil!"

Ralsei smiled again. "I thought you and Susie were bad guys?"

"I'm bad, not evil!"

"Isn't that the same- Nevermind." Ralsei said, knowing Lancer probably would go with his own way. "So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I got bored and then decided to visit toothpaste boy, which is you, and maybe have some fun until Susie and quiet, no eyed blue guy get here!!" Lancer exclaimed.

Ralsei chuckled. "Kris. His name is Kris." He said with a smile, remembering Kris' face again, hoping to see it soon like he had promised.


"The human, the one that's always so nice to me..." He said with a small smile, but then realized what he said and immediately corrected himself. "I mean nice to everyone!!!"

Lancer tried his best to remember who the heck Ralsei was talking about, but his mind was completely blank on someone named 'Kris'. He shrugged in response.

Ralsei sighed. "The boy with Susie?"

"Ohhh!!!! That guy!!"

Ralsei sighed. "Well, while you're here, how about I make us some cake?"

"Sounds tasty! I haven't eaten all day!"

They walk to the kitchen and Ralsei begins baking cake for himself and his former 'enemy', but now friend.

"Hey, do you miss Susie and that guy too...?"

Ralsei sighed. "Everyday. Time is so different here, and it makes it feel so long since I've seen him, I miss him very much." He said, as if he was talking to someone else or himself, and not Lancer. "I especially miss his hugs he gave me, his kind actions, his voice, and even his kiss...Even if we only did it once."

"Wait, you kissed blue person and now you miss it?" Lancer asked, bringing Ralsei back to reality.

"H-Huh?!" The Prince Of Darkness exclaimed. "O-Oh! I didn't s-say he kissed m-me, well m-maybe he did and I-I liked it, but t-that doesn't mean anything, at least I think! Then again, he said h-he liked me and-"

"Then, kiss him again!" Lancer said, not knowing why Ralsei was so nervous about kissing the guy he liked....Or why he was into a person of the same gender. Eh, they were cute together, so it didn't matter to him, plus he was king, he could say or do whatever he wanted now.

Ralsei blushed madly at the thought and hid his face deep in his hat...

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