Chapter 5: Possibility

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Kris and Ralsei just began talking as usual, their area filled with nothing but happiness. They decided to begin walking to Card Castle to go see Susie, who had already went there, along with some new Lightner that had followed them, not knowing what she got herself into.

"So, this 'Noelle' followed you?" Ralsei asked.

Kris nodded. "Yup, she got curious and then found out about this realm. Thankfully this place is peaceful, cause she's a bit..."

"Harsh?" Ralsei asked, thinking that this person was like Susie, willing to fight pretty much anyone who was in her way.

Kris snorted. "Noelle? Harsh? Not in the slightest." He laughed. "She's rather...defenseless."

"Oh, I see." Ralsei said. He stared at Kris' hand as they walked and then gently grabbed it. 

Kris looked at Ralsei and then chuckled. "If you wanted to hold hands, just ask."

"Oh, ok! I've never been in a relationship before, heh." Ralsei said with a small chuckle.

"It's fine, your majesty. I haven't either." Kris replied. 

Ralsei smiled and then just went back to walking with the human, he always saw him as a knight because of the way he protected him, but he didn't see him as just a guard that didn't matter to him, just...his knight, like how he would be his prince. 

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just...happy." Ralsei said with a smile.

Once they finally made it to Card Castle, they saw Lancer sitting on the throne, Susie leaning against the wall, and who Ralsei thought was Noelle just standing there, looking around the castle amazed.

"Oh! Blue guy and Ralsei is back!" Lancer cried.

Susie turned her head and then waved. "Hey."


Noelle turned and then waved happily. "Hello again, Kris! This world is absolutely amazing, it's filled with castles, kings, warriors, and also who's our friend?" She asked quickly, but then cleared her throat. "Sorry, I'm a little shocked by this still."

 "Eh, it's fine." Kris said.

Ralsei slowly let go of Kris' hand and then walked up to Noelle, holding out his hand for a handshake. "Hi! I'm Ralsei!"

Noelle smiled and shook his hand. "My name is Noelle, it's nice to meet you!"

Susie was smiling a tiny bit at their little meet and greet, but then saw Kris gave Susie a smirk, causing her to growl.

Lancer was confused about what Susie was growling about, but he just ignored it, cause he really didn't care.

"Well, I hate to break the moment, guys. But, someone's gonna call the police once Kris or Noelle's parents realize we're gone." Susie said, walking up to everyone.

Noelle went wide eyed. "Oh, crud, you're right!"

Susie smirked. "Course I am."

"Aww, you're leaving already?" Lancer asked sadly.

"I'm afraid so. But, I think we can come back, your highness!" Noelle said happily.

"Eh, true. I'll see you all soon then!" Lancer said with a wave.

Susie and Noelle waved, and as Susie began leading the newest member of 'The Fun Gang' to the Dark Fountain, she noticed that Kris was staying with Ralsei.

"Kris? You coming?" Noelle asked, trying her best not to rush him.

"....I will, just give me a second." He said, walking over to Ralsei.

Ralsei had a saddened look on his face, he didn't want Kris to leave so soon, but then he saw Kris walking to him.

"Ralsei, come with me." He said, holding out his hand.

Ralsei went wide eyed. "H-Huh?"

"You don't have to be alone anymore, if you just come with me. I don't want to leave you here, it doesn't feel right." Kris said. "And...I want you with me."

Ralsei was silent for a little while, until finally finding his words and beginning to speak. "Kris, I...I want too, it's just...I'm not sure I can. I really want to be with you, but this world, the fountain...It's what gives me form. If I leave, I could...I could die."

Kris retracted his hand slowly, he didn't want Ralsei to die because of his selfish needs, that wasn't what he wanted...It wasn't fair.

"B-But...I'm willing to risk it." Ralsei spoke.


"For you, Kris. I'll try." Ralsei said with a small smile, and taking Kris' hand. "Even if I die, at least the prophecy is complete, and I found a new reason to continue my life... "

Kris smiled and hugged him. "You won't die, I promise."

The two walked hand in hand to join Susie and Noelle, and when they used Kris' soul to open the portal through the fountain, they walked in and entered the Lightner World...Or, at least some of them did...

Or did all of them?

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