Chapter 7: Late Night Lullaby

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Kris showed Ralsei almost all around his childhood town, from the places he always spent time with his older brother to the places he's rarely visited.

Ralsei, well, he loved The Lightner World. It was bright, beautiful, and so different from the place he grew up in. And a lot of the people there were so kind to the new visitor, even when they didn't know he was royalty. It was like a dream come true!

"So, do you like my home so far-" Kris chuckled in the middle of his sentence when he saw Ralsei's amazed face as he looked around. "I'll take that as a yes."

"It's so...beautiful! I never imagined such a realm like this!" Ralsei exclaimed. "It's a bit bright though..." He chuckled, blinking a couple times because his eyes were still trying to adjust to the sun.

Kris shrugged. "It's called The Light World for a reason."

"True. What's that thing in the sky that is hard to look at?" Ralsei asked, pointing to the sun.

"That? That's the sun, it's basically our source of light during the day and it's all the way in space, next to the stars. It is a star actually." Kris explained. "I don't suggest you look directly at it. It hurts your eyes."

Ralsei put an arm up in front of his face to block the sun until his eyes could fully adjust. "Yeah, I noticed." He giggled.

Kris laughed a little with his prince, but then noticed the sun was about to set. "Oh, it's getting late. We should probably head to my place."

Ralsei unblocked his sight and looked at the setting sun, and then just looked at it for a while. "Whoa..."

Kris walked over to Ralsei and viewed the sunset with him before both of them went to the Dreemur Residence.

"Alright, so I should probably tell you that my mom...isn't a human."

"Huh?" Ralsei asked, confused.

"Yeah. I was adopted by Toriel and Asgore and they've been my family ever since, along with my older brother." Kris explained. 

"Oh! Well, I'll try to act my best!"

"Heh, I know you will. But I'm worried that she might think we're crazy when I say that you helped me and Susie save the world." Kris said with a chuckle. 

"I guess that makes sense." Ralsei replied.

Kris smiled and then both of them headed inside. "Mom! I'm back!"

Toriel was grading some assignments from her class, but then turned and smiled at Kris. "Welcome home, honey! Who's your new friend?"

"Oh, it's one of the friends I hung out with yesterday. I invited him over."

"Well, it's nice to see you making friends while your brother is at university." Toriel said to her son before looking at Ralsei. "And what's your name?"

Ralsei smiled and waved. "I'm Ralsei, ma'am! It's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too! It makes me smile to see my boy making friends." Toriel said with a kind smile. "Now, I am doing some work, so maybe Kris can show you around?"

"That'd be lovely!" Ralsei replied.

Kris smiled and then showed Ralsei around, along with some short stories, some good and some flat out hilarious. Then, they made it to Kris' room and sat down on the floor.

"You live in such a lovely place, Kris! No wonder you're so kind!" Ralsei told him with his signature kind smile.

Kris smiled back at him. "Nah, that's just how I act around you, my prince." 

Ralsei chuckled and blushed a tiny bit at that line, he was going to have to get used to that.

Kris looked outside and noticed the sun had fully set and it was almost dark out. "I'm sure my mom will get it if you stay here for the night. You can have my brother's bed since he isn't here."

"Oh, thank you! You sure your brother won't mind?"

"He's not gonna be back for a while, so I'm sure."

"Huh? When is he coming back?"

"I'm not so sure. I was kinda young when he left for university." Kris said with a sigh. "Y'know, he was my only friend before I met you and the others. And even though my family knew Noelle's family, we were more of friendly neighbors than friends that hung out."

Ralsei was a bit shocked at this, how could no one not like Kris? "What about you and Susie? Weren't you friends before?"

Kris shook his head. "She actually slammed me into a locker and threatened to eat my face before we went into the Dark World." He chuckled.

"Oh my goodness! She actually did that?!" Ralsei exclaimed.

"Yup, but it's fine. You and I both know she's becoming a little more kind." The human replied. "Emphasis on 'little'."

Ralsei nodded, agreeing with him and then stood up, trying to figure out which one was his brother's.

"Oh, that's a lot of trophies you won." Ralsei said, looking at Asriel's shelf.

"Huh?" Kris said, confused for a minute before noticing Ralsei was looking at his brother's shelf. "Oh, that's not mine. That's my brother's. My side is the extremely depressing one."

Ralsei turned his head and then looked at Kris' empty side of the room. There was only his bed and a wagon that had seen a few crashes. "Oh...Well, if you can sleep fine in it, I'm sure it's not that bad!"

"True." Kris agreed.

However, neither of them could really sleep that night. Ralsei found Asriel's bed comfy and he could easily fall asleep in it, but he was too distracted from Kris struggling to fall asleep, it might've been because he didn't bother to put the covers on, but it was definitely more than that. 

Kris was a bit worried that if the same incident with his soul would happen, and in front of Ralsei. If his soul wouldn't break out in time, he would've hurt Ralsei...That mere thought made him stay wide awake.

"Kris? You still awake?"

"Yeah, I am." Kris spoke, turning to face Ralsei. "You need something?"

Ralsei shook his head. "No, I just noticed that you have some trouble falling asleep and I was...wondering if I could...s-sing to you?"

Kris nodded a bit too quickly. During their time in The Dark World, Ralsei would often use a lullaby to put Susie or their enemies to sleep, and his voice was like an angel singing a lullaby to a scared child.

Ralsei nodded, got out of Asriel's bed and then walked over to Kris, putting his hands together. "Want me to start?"

Kris nodded, and began to listen, expecting Ralsei's lullaby that he sang to enemies and Susie, but the song that he sang was a new one. Ralsei closed his eyes and took a breath and began to sing.

"~When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow. And the places that you know, seem like fantasy.

There's a light inside your soul, that's still shining in the cold, with a truth. A promise in our hearts. Don't forget...I'm with you in the dark.~"

Kris wanted to listen to his heavenly voice, but the song was so soothing that he was having trouble staying awake. He felt like as if all his worries were lifted off his shoulders and that he could sleep peacefully. He closed his eyes and let Ralsei keep singing to him.

"~When the air is getting thin, and you feel like you can't win. And the joy that you once felt seems like make believe.

There's a light that shines within, that you know there's always been with a truth, the love that fills our hearts.

Don't forget...I'm with you in the dark~"

Ralsei took a breath and then opened his eyes to see Kris sleeping peacefully, and he smiled. "I hope that helped, Kris." He said softly.

As he began to walk back to Asriel's bed to sleep, he stopped himself and looked at Kris again. For some reason, he just wanted to lay his head on his chest and fall asleep without a care in the world. The thought made him blush madly. But, he took of his hat and set it aside, along with neatly folding his glasses and setting them aside as well.

'M-Maybe he won't mind...' He thought.

The Prince Of Darkness began to slowly and carefully lay down next to Kris.

"Goodnight, Kris." The blushing prince whispered as he laid his head on the human's chest and closed his eyes, letting his warm skin comfort his fluffy white fur.

Eventually, he fell asleep as well, and the two of them slept away into the night.

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