Prologue: Defeating The King

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The King Of Spades was finally defeated, it took so much energy out of our heroes, but they had won. They had refused to fight him the whole time, which took so much energy out the King, that he could no longer go on battling.

The King breathed heavily. "I see...I see that I cannot defeat you. I have grown exhausted from our long battle."

He fell to his knees, his cape somehow flying off his back and into the darkness...

"Lightners...I...Perhaps I...I have been too cruel. The truth is, I was not always this way. There once was a time...where Darkners and Lightners lived in harmony. A time where Darkners could fulfill their purpose in peace. It would be a lie to say that I, too, do not yearn for those days." He looked down onto the ground of the battlefield. "Perhaps...Perhaps you young ones are right. Please, let us put away our weapons. There must be a peaceful solution to all this."

Ralsei and Kris believed the weakened King, and they stopped preparing themselves for battle, one of them retracting his sword back into his scabbard.

Susie, on the other hand, didn't buy it. She gripped her ax again, waiting for his next move.

"Come now, Susie!" Ralsei said kindly, telling her that the battle was now over.

Susie sighed and put away her ax, and joined her allies in walking closer to The King.

"I'm glad you're starting to realize, Mr. King, that none of us really want to fight! If you can just tell us about your worries, I'm sure we can all be friends, Mr. King!" Ralsei told him with a smile.

The King smiled sympathetically. "Y-Yes...'Friends'..." He began. "That sounds...lovely." He suddenly began coughing. "My apologies, I am...I am not used to fighting like that. My body is...getting weak."

Ralsei instantly took action. "Oh, don't say another word!" He readied his magic and cast 'Heal Prayer' on The King. "There! You should be all healed up!" He exclaimed.

Kris narrowed his hidden eyes. '...I've got a bad feeling about this.'

"How do you feel...?" Ralsei asked kindly to The King Of Spades.

"L...Let's see...." Then,  a dark red glimmer came from his face, but instantly went away before anyone could see it was there. He immediately attacked all of heroes with a huge attack of spades, sending the heroes down onto the ground of the battlefield. "NEVER BETTER!!!"

Kris and Susie got to their knees, Kris looking at the unconscious Ralsei, wanting to rush over to him to help him, but right now he had to focus on taking down The King.

"Y...You..." Susie growled.

The King got to his feet and readied another spade attack. "Did I say you could get up?!" He fired it at her, but Kris ran in, took out his shield and deflected the attack. 

"Kris?!" Susie exclaimed.

The King just laughed and fired an attack from above, knocking them onto the ground again. Kris coughed out some blood, but he got to his knees.

"Oh, spare me the heroics!!!" The King yelled, firing a spade attack that sent Kris flying, causing him to drop his sword and shield, and tumble onto the ground, not being able to get up again.

The King slowly walked up to Kris with an evil smile. "You...You're the leader, aren't you? So, what's your plan? To laugh, as you cast us all back into obscurity?!"

Kris did not respond, he only looked at The King with anger.

"You can't even say?" He kneeled down to his current level. "Young one, let me tell you a secret." He grabbed Kris by the neck and lifted him in the air, ready to finish him off by stabbing a spade through his armor and into his heart.

"QUIET PEOPLE PISS ME OFF!!!" The King roared, but then dropped Kris as an attack hit him in the back...It was Susie, whose bangs were removed, showing her beastly yellow eyes, and a huge scar.

"Hey...Get away. From my. Friend."

The King smirked and turned to Susie. "Heheheh....Or what? You'll kill me?"


"So, what's your plan then? To talk me to death?" He laughed as he walked closer to her. "You stupid, stupid Lightner. You honestly think you have any way..." He summoned two sets of spade attacks from above, that would surely kill them if fired. "to convince me NOT to kill you?"

"Nah." Susie said with a smirk. "But, THEY might."

Suddenly, almost the entire kingdom burst into the Throne Room, with Lancer leading them, and then they all grabbed Spade and lifted him into the air.

"L-Lancer?! E-Everyone?!" The King cried. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Sorry, Dad! You're being overthrown! When I told everyone you were fighting the Lightners...Everyone remembered how kind they were! They decided they'd rather have a king...That accepts them! Me!!!" Lancer exclaimed happily. "Now, I'm the Dad!!!"


"Yikes, I think someone needs a timeout! Go to your room, Dad!" Lancer cried. 

And then everyone began taking The King to the dungeon, where he would be locked up for his crimes.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!!" The King yelled.

Kris coughed again, but got to his knees.

Susie walked up to him. "Y'alright, Kris?"

"Y...Yeah. I'm alright." Kris muttered, before getting to his feet. "What about Ralsei?"

"I'm here, Kris!!" Ralsei said, running over to the both of them. "Oh, you're alright!!" 

"Yeah, it'll take more than that to take us down." Susie said pridefully.

Ralsei chuckled, but then looked down. "Kris, Susie...I'm...I'm sorry. Because I healed The King, we almost...we almost..."

Kris walked over to Ralsei and hugged him tightly, trying to comfort the lonely prince.

Ralsei blushed a tiny bit, even though they kissed before, he was still getting used to having a crush, but he hugged Kris back, not letting go until he did. "Susie, you were right...I was foolish to think that we could act so soft around everyone. This isn't a world where kindness always wins, is it?"

"Eh, it's complicated." Susie said. "Yeah, sometimes there's people you just gotta fight...But, if you never let your guard down, then...You might just hurt someone you care about."

Kris nodded. "It's true that violence never solves anything, but it's usually the only way we have to turn too. But...That doesn't mean kindness should die and become a thing of the past, and it never should."

"Aww, guys! You're beginning to sound like heroes!" Ralsei replied, his friendly smile returning to him.

"Eh, don't get used to it." Susie said.

"C'mon, Susie. We know you're a hero deep down." Kris said with a smirk.

"I could've let you die, you know." Susie said, crossing her arms.

"Alright, alright. I'll shut up." Kris laughed.

Ralsei laughed at their conversation, but then sighed...It was time for his friends to go home.

"I two should return home now." Ralsei said sadly.

"Yeah, I...guess that's right, isn't it?" Susie replied. 

She began walking, but then noticed Kris wasn't following her. "Kris, we gotta go."

"I...I wanna say goodbye to everyone, first. Besides, we can't just leave without saying goodbye." Kris replied.

"...You're beginning to sound like Toriel." Susie laughed.

Kris grinned, and then he and Susie went to say goodbye to everyone they had encountered on their journey through The Dark World. Turns out, Lancer was becoming one of the Four Kings who ruled The Dark World, and had a lot of work to do, but he would always make room for some mischief. Everyone else was getting prepared for things to go back to normal, and they were glad that Lightners had come. They all said goodbye and then headed for the Fountain.

"Susie, Kris! Are you..leaving?" Ralsei asked before Susie began leaving, Kris purposely being slow about it. Ralsei began walking up to them, and then began mumbling into his hat. "Umm, I...I just wanted to say I...I really enjoyed meeting you two, and..."

"Hey, can you stop mumbling into your hat for a sec? Can barely hear ya, dude." Susie told him.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry!" Ralsei put his hat to his chest and revealed his true face, shocking Susie and leaving Kris frozen. He a Dreemur, except with pink horns and green glasses, along with fluffy white fur with some pink accents in it.

Kris was speechless, but not regularly, he was just...amazed at how Ralsei looked without the shadow covering him, he even blushed as he stared.

"Umm...Kris, Susie...I" He turned to them and smiled. "I hope I can see you again soon! Next time, I'll bake you lots of yummy cakes! Alright?"

Susie was trying to figure out what to say before finally finding her words. "Umm, yeah! Sure, dude, haha!!" She turned around and began to walk, but wasn't surprised when Kris began walking to Ralsei, she figured she wouldn't ask yet.

"Kris? What are you doing? You want to go home...Right?"

"I...I do. I just..." Kris hugged Ralsei tightly, holding back a few tears. "I really hope I can see you sooner rather than later..."

Ralsei was surprised, but he smiled and hugged Kris back even tighter. "I really hope so too..."

After the hug finally broke, Kris kissed the fluffy boy's cheek before walking away, leaving Ralsei blushing madly and almost as frozen as a statue.

Susie rolled her eyes at the action Kris took, and began following him to The Dark Fountain...

"Next time? I'm letting you die..."

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