Light and Darkness

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Everything went perfectly that day, she put so much care into the event that absolutely nothing could go wrong: the church, huge and dark, as old as possible and Bach being played on the organ during the entrance and exit; he, handsome and dashing in his black satin frock coat and top hat; she in a black dress, in mourning, a nineteenth-century Victorian model because she was in mourning, this wedding buried the aspirations of many others. The sisters who attended looked at them between joy and surprise, no one thought that the dispensation from the church could be achieved, but if the "pelegrinitos" (little pilgrims)(1) of Lorca could, why not them? The reception was not a party, just dinner and music in the background, and then to hell with everything and everyone because tonight was the night, she had held back for so long!

They spent a difficult year in which they were separated, she was finishing her postgraduate degree in dead languages and he was in Europe, finishing a contract. It was he who was aware of the dispensation paperwork, since it was close to Rome, although it was she who was in charge of giving him all the instructions on where to go and who to talk to, in addition to keeping a record of the historical background to achieve the waiver (of course she used this for her doctorate too, but who cares about small things?).

He entered the enormous suite reserved for that night and took off his frock coat as he remembered the beautiful figure of his now wife entering the church, superb in that dress that made her look almost unreal, like a spirit from past centuries recreating an old ritual ; he unbuttoned his vest and shirt, not that they were tight, he simply wanted to move more freely; while he was taking off his shoes, he heard a very short voice humming in the bathroom, he knew that his beloved was there, getting ready for him, to consummate the act and the fact.

He finished undressing and was careful to put everything in order, unlike her dress, made by hand and purchased in a very exclusive boutique in Providence, which was barely arranged on a divan at one side of the bed, the tailcoat was rented and not worth paying for due to some accident, so he hung it on a hook in the bedroom closet and then forgot about it.

The sound of muffled footsteps on the carpet made him turn and he found her, beautiful and provocative in her generous forms, with large heavy breasts, a narrow waist, wide hips and firm legs; her broad smile contrasted with her half-closed eyes where a light of a strange nature shone in those almost violet blue eyes. She glanced at the man facing her: gray hair, blue eyes, clear and clean; the frank smile from which the prominent underbite and chipped tooth had long since disappeared; the broad and hard chest, the muscles of the abdomen marked, and the hips and legs well-formed and strong.

They approached each other slowly, as if acknowledging the land that already belonged to them before, but that they had not traveled in a long time; their eyes met and a small spark between them was enough for all the saved love to overflow, they melted into each other's arms while their mouths sought each other, desirous of the saliva and the taste that so many times before they quenched their thirst, the bodies were carved wanting to become one at the point of squeezing, the heat increased while the sexes swelled and moistened preparing the ground for battle.

Unable to hold out any longer, he picked her up and carried her to bed without stopping kissing her, whispering how much he loved her and how much he had missed her, and she reciprocated while tears of happiness escaped from her eyes; They fell on the black silk sheets and he began to explore that milky skin with an indefinite flavor, the neck and the chest that, barely blooming in adolescence, had already been offered and accepted, the breasts that he saw and helped to grow with the hands and mouth in nocturnal and furtive encounters; that belly that he recognized for having offered him so many times the irrigation of a warm and young seed, the legs that received him in her center while squeezing him, urging him to mate, and finally, the center, the origin, the flower, the source of the elixir of life where he got drunk forever from the aroma and taste of sex, from her love and with her forever.

His tongue traveled every inch of the body to meet and reclaim ownership of all of her, each wrinkle and fold were explored causing the woman to sigh and moan the pleasure that she could not find on cold and lonely nights where her hands rubbed and they pinched his eager flesh; now that beloved mouth and tongue bit her, kissed her and penetrated her while her body trembled with pleasure and delight, it dissolved into juices that he greedily sipped, at the same time, his fingers played with her button and her ass. The orgasm came huge, violent, and she screamed at it as she grabbed his head, pressed him between her legs and roared for more, screaming her love, and he didn't stop until it was impossible to stay in there since the mooring of his legs threatened to burst his skull; she got up to look at her, languid and limp, with a lost look and a smile barely traced on her lips, he was caressing her, drawing her fine features just with the tips of her fingers.


He remembered how small she was, with a lowered face and hidden gaze behind the fringe of hair with blue reflections from being so dark; shy and quiet, making poems to express her withdrawal and her loneliness; and since then he loved her, kept her company even in her weird rites or in the strange pastimes that she had for her; he always had the word that the little girl was looking for to complete the simple rhymes that she formulated hidden in the basement, the chimney or the ventilation ducts; he wept with her over her failures and celebrated her victories; he swore to himself to protect her at the cost of her life because her love was already the cause and the consequence of everything that involved her.


She sat up, leaning on one elbow, and threw herself on him, kissing his chest, nibbling greedily on the little pink nipples; the man was darker than her, but it was the effect of the sun; In spite of everything, she had to thank her sister for having forced him to play sports and give him that culture of physical exertion that he adopted, and that well-marked, but not muscular, body was proof of the benefits that she now enjoyed; she went down little by little, leaving kisses and licks all the way until she reached the most desired and forbidden fruit, the one she dreamed of during all the years of hidden love and repressed desires, and that she attacked as soon as she had a chance; she already knew it too well, but she never tired of going back and loving it, letting explore all the cavities and corners of her to finally delight with the warm milk.

He didn't wait long and put it in his mouth while his hands squeezed it playfully in a rhythmic ups and downs, she licked and sucked on it like a greedy girl with a popsicle or an ice cream, and he let himself be done sighing or snorting with force, stifling moans of pleasure and responding with small movements of the hips; her hands increased his pace little by little and his mouth continued its noisy sucking work. She wanted to look more daring and opened her mouth to let him enter her throat, where there was a dirty noise of splashing and choking, it was a very guilty pleasure that she had, feeling how the great tool of her lover invaded her while she struggled to hold the arcades.

The man was snorting announcing a great cumshot while he was thrusting his hips as fast as possible and she was already using her hands as a brake to avoid really choking; two or three strokes of the cock were enough for the first shot to go directly to the bell, and from there, it went down inside, this was followed by others with abundant and warm milk, with which she filled her mouth, checking that flavor strong and somewhat bitter, but she loved feeling it on her tongue, playing with it and then swallowing it, feeling it slide down to her stomach. They lay down again, one next to the other, to rest while they kissed slowly, barely touching their lips and saying silly things about love and death, because she always talked about death, she had it very present since the day they were surprised.


It was the first day that she really wanted to die, but her love for him grew more when she saw him face his parents and his sisters, swear that he would rather die than leave her and she did the same, she clung to him and not even the insults and even the blows were able to make them change their minds; They were hard days, where she was locked up all day, only going to see a psychiatrist and away from him; her sadness was such that she refused to eat, she refused to sleep and the only thought of her, the only word that came out of her lips was his name, she didn't care anything but him.

The boy had been taken to a military school and there, he became the most withdrawn, asocial and fierce human being that had ever been seen; he didn't talk to anyone, he didn't have friends and he didn't say anything, only one word was heard and it was a feminine name, her name. Unexpectedly, they had a guardian angel, the least expected person was the one who managed to get them back together, and although she didn't do it alone, she had all the ideas and made the plans.


They couldn't be still for a long time, love urged them to continue showing each other how much they had felt the distance and how much they longed for their presence and their bodies, she wasn't surprised to feel caressed again by those hands, first by her breasts and then down to her sex, which was still flooded; she felt the rush of pleasure again as those deft fingers caressed her, traversing her folds and stopping at her clitoris, which was hard and protruding from its hood, she arched at the slightest touch and moaned with pleasure when one of them skirted her most intimate entrance, but the attack did not occur and made her desperate; she wanted, she needed to feel something inside, whatever it was, but if she took her hand to her sex, he would stop her, then the game would start again, the caresses and the touches, again about to enter and then leave her with a ragged sigh in the throat; when she turned to him with a pleading look, two of her fingers entered as deep as possible and began to rub the most sensitive point of her vagina while her other hand took hold of her button; Seeing herself attacked in this way, she screamed and gasped nonstop while a strong orgasm ran through her, his fingers inside and outside of her gave her no respite and her pleasure lengthened until it became a cosmic journey, a feeling out of reality; when she began to tremble uncontrollably, he stopped, letting her go down little by little, kissing her and caressing her body, whispering to her how much he loved her and that they would never be separated from her again.


There was a first escape from the military school, he was going crazy and he needed to see her, to know that she was okay, that she still loved him; he jumped the perimeter fence ripping his clothes and skin off him in the process, but he didn't get very far and had to swallow a week in isolation and forced labor, which only increased his desire to escape; the next time there were no injuries or mistakes, he arrived at Royal Woods in a freight truck after a day's journey, and immediately went to see her. There weren't many people at home at the time, although there was a strict surveillance on the girl, but surprisingly, the surveillance gave up without a fight, Leni and Luan received their brother crying and apologizing for the role they had to play in this drama, he immediately forgave them as they gave him their full support and swore they would do their best to help them.

The reunion was beautiful, she thought she saw a ghost and he thought she saw an angel, the kiss was long and then, to everyone's fright, the girl passed out in those beloved arms; she woke up to see how everyone was crying as they surrounded her, but she assured them that she was fine, that it was her emotion, although immediately her sisters betrayed her, telling her fasting and her sleeplessness; he didn't scold her, he begged her to leave her sacrifice and that he would come for her soon, that he would get her out of that prison to take her to a better place; they kissed again and he left, she was calmer, knowing that he was fine and that her life would be easier with that hope and with the help of her sisters.


He watched her sleep as he thought about all the time they were apart and everything they had done to be together: family, "friends", the whole world could go to hell at that very moment because they were already a real couple and formal, they managed to beat society at least in their small universe and nothing else mattered; if Lynn cried and threatened, if Lori declared that they were no longer part of her family or if Lola had cursed them, nothing mattered anymore; he thanked Leni and her unconditional love, Luna, Luan and their absolute support, Lana and Lily for their lifelong sympathy and Lisa for everything she achieved legally... and her parents hurt her, the rejection and the violence shown by Lynn Sr., Rita's crying and her grief, at least Pop-pop no longer experienced this family breakup; the friends moved away, and although he didn't entirely blame them, he found out many things that made him not miss most of them, although it hurt him a lot that it was Clyde who abandoned him first.

As he began to fall asleep, he felt the weight of a body on his, he opened his eyes to see those deep blue eyes and an almost diabolical smile; he knew the fuse was lit and the dream evaporated; Then the long kisses started again and she made it violent, biting him and rubbing her face roughly; she moved on him like a snake and tried to entwine his arms and legs with hers, and she rubbed against him, showing her state of heat as she ran her hands all over him; the erection grew rapidly between them while the man's hands took hold of her large buttocks, an inheritance from her mother, and opened them looking behind her for access to her pussy; she immediately opened her legs and sat on top of him, riding her swollen member that was already dripping with the juices that bathed him; she began to ride him, moving her hips back and forth, feeling the rubbing between her nether lips and her clit, setting herself up for everything that would come later.

She stopped to bend over him and reach for his mouth, kissing him long, deep, as she slipped her left hand between them and raised his big cock, aiming it at her more than hot slit, and dropped down, penetrating herself to the bottom; she felt a short circuit in her brain that left her "in a coma" for an instant, despite everything, she was not ready to feel full in such an abrupt way; he was ecstatic, the hot and tight sensation that caught him suddenly almost made him come and he thanked the gods that she stayed still for that moment, which he used to calm down too.

The pause did not last long, the woman began to go up and down slowly, giving herself all the time to feel every vein and every millimeter of the member that penetrated her, she pressed herself to the maximum to make each and every one of the roughness of her vagina feel, to also give as much pleasure as possible to her man.

Little by little the speed and intensity increased until strong blows were made with the buttocks that made her push while he grunted, responding with all his possible force, the penetration was absolute, he hit and carved into the entrance of the uterus causing both of them to shudder, almost to scream their respective names; she, leaning on the man's chest, digging her nails and making him bleed, him, grabbing her buttocks and opening them while trying unsuccessfully to put a finger in her anus. There was no truce, both attacked each other strongly and unceremoniously, they were just two animals of pleasure exploding into each other, in search of food and essence, in the demonstration of their love and commitment, in the oath of flesh that promised them never to be apart again.


Upon returning to school, the boy again suffered a punishment of isolation and forced labor, but he was already calm, the visit to what used to be his home and seeing her again, calmed all the hatred he had towards the world, Now the only thing that mattered was the definitive plan, the final escape and the triumph over everything and everyone. Leni and Lisa, who unexpectedly joined the "rebellious group", worked and saved part of the money they earned to help their brothers escape, while Luan and Luna, were on the lookout for their punished sister and pretended to be the most ruthless guardians, they accompanied her everywhere and even shouted insults and curses while the other, wearing headphones, ate or studied, because the goth had returned to study, she realized that there would be no future if they didn't plan it.


the loud blows testified to the force with which her butt was attacked, they had changed position and he was penetrating her from behind, rough, making her moan, much more due to the fact that she had two fingers inserted into her anus, which they entered and left rhythmically to the rhythm of the hip blows he gave her; the thick tool went almost all the way in and out, speeding up a little at a time, grinding her hairless cunt and leaving that shape in the memory of her inner tissues.

She felt that the head of the member entered the cervix and she writhed with pleasure, it was going up too fast and she couldn't help it, but she wanted to came with him, to climax when she felt the boiling milk spill inside her, so she stood up to make penetration a little more difficult, he was forced to take his fingers out of her ass so as not to hurt her and the rhythm slowed down, but the climax was not that far away, the man hugged her, taking one of her tits and he slid one hand down taking hold of the pleasure button, he began to rub it to the rhythm of penetration and she flinched, it was impossible to resist, she began to lose herself in something that was coming, it was fast, it was strong and it was very intense, he was already penetrating her deep and strong, with frantic blows, knowing that soon he would fill her with boiling liquid, then he intensified the thrusts and let go, the orgasm hitting her brutally as he roared his coming, filling her with hot, thick milk; she huffed as she closed her eyes, smiling, and the final blow of another orgasm, one stronger than the last, knocked her out.


The "peaceful" days of the Loud house ended on a windy, cloudy fall night. Incredibly, Lucy had advanced the high school term exams and the parents lowered their guard a little, Lincoln was well behaved and was advancing fast in his studies as well, both thought that all that problem was already a thing of the past, they acted firmly and now only It was a matter of the boy being old enough to enter the army formally, so they would take him away for a few years and all this would be forgotten.

Lincoln requested and took the exam for a technical university with an outstanding grade, his superiors were a little hesitant to grant it but given the boy's progress and good behavior, there was no objection, and as soon as he obtained the pass, he requested permission to see his girlfriend , he was granted a day off and immediately set off, before warning his sisters that this was day zero and at home everything began to boil with activity, although underground.

By the time he arrived at Royal Woods, everything was ready, he just had to stand in front of his house and honk; immediately the door opened and Lucy ran out and got into the passenger seat, Lincoln started up and Leni and Luan were left on the sidewalk with teary eyes and waving their hands, happy for them and determined to face the storm that was shaping up not only in heaven, but on earth as well.

The riot and the scandal were terrible, but the Loud sisters withstood the gale, they did not care about Lori's insults, Lynn Jr.'s threats of aggression or Lola and her father's screams and curses, they were convinced of having acted correctly; now it was only up to them to stay together.

The young runaways went to Canada where they both had friends, Lincoln was able to make friends in the few days he was in high school and Lucy also knew some Chippewa kids on the reservation across the border. After leaving Lucy there and sure that they would take good care of her, he returned to his school and they went there to look for him, he denied any involvement in his sister's escape and there was no way to get a single word out of him, even Lynn tried hitting him while she insulted him madly, but Lincoln himself was responsible for reducing her to immobility, all the exercise and military discipline paid off, and he even allowed himself to smile at her with contempt, Lynn was no longer an obstacle for him. Lincoln was punished for what happened, but that was the least important thing; his parents and his sisters left empty handed and there was no way they would find Lucy.

Later he went to the state academy, and cunningly left a false address as bait in case his family spied on him, in reality he lived in Canada, on the reservation, from where he crossed the border daily to work and study; she managed to be able to study on that side as well and they began their life as a couple. Of course the opposing Louds started looking for Lucy right away but once again, after finding Lincoln's fake address, they couldn't go any further; Lisa flatly refused to help them look for her siblings and the others left that house where they had once been happy, but now there was only resentment and hatred.


- Lucy, my love, please rest...- he whispered in her ear -... I could almost guess that you're thinking about the family from how you tense up and grind your teeth -

But she couldn't help it, how could she not think of them? what Lincoln ignored was the confusion that reigned in the head of his beloved; despite everything, they were her family, and although he held a grudge against them, a piece of his black heart still had a little corner for them, well, for almost everyone: Lynn Sr. was definitely out and Lola was the same; As for Lori, she would have to apologize for everything and maybe they could talk again, but Lynn Jr. was a completely separate case; she was always her dearest sister until that fateful day, she hurt her by saying and doing everything she did, she insulted her in such a way that she was about to beat her up, it didn't matter if Lynn killed her in the process, just Lincoln was able to contain her, and although nothing happened between them physically, all bonds had been broken, she missed her for a while, who was she kidding? she still missed her, but the damage was too much, she doubted she could forgive her.

The next day, after an excellent and more than deserved breakfast, the newlyweds left for their home in Canada, they didn't say goodbye to anyone, because no one who still lived in that town was worth it. They had barely left Royal Woods when her cell phone rang insistently, he looked at it reluctantly but it was Leni's number and he couldn't deny her anything, so he answered

- hello? Hello Leni, what has...? -

"h-hello Lucy dear, I-I know you don't want to talk to me, b-but, p-please don't hang up..."

Lucy froze, while looking at Lincoln, who immediately pulled out of the road, she told him in a whisper who she was and he also paled, in all the great turmoil of problems that they had closed the door to the night before, he was left someone no one thought of after a while: Rita; the mother of the Loud clan was always present in all the fights, discussions and confrontations that took place, but she did not really participate, she just cried and tried to calm things down, it was true that she opposed the relationship between her children, but she never insulted no one, nor cursed and much less attacked either of the two or the other girls who helped them; The goth knew that Leni was always in contact with her mother despite the stupid prohibitions that Lynn Sr. made her, maybe she didn't want this to happen, but she didn't hate them either, maybe...

"H-hello Rita..." Lucy felt a lump in her throat as she called her by her first name, but she wasn't sure why this call was due "... h-how are you?" -

- Well, I-I'm fine, I was just calling to... congratulate you - their faces reflected enormous confusion -... n-not that I agree with what h-did,... I... I just... -Rita's voice breaks -... I just want you to be happy... (sniff)... (sniff)... it doesn't matter if what you do is wrong... it doesn't matter if I approve... j-just... just be-be happy... bye -

Lincoln and Lucy will cry a little after this, but nothing matters anymore, the past is just a bad memory that will help them build a better future.






1- I refer to "Los peregrinos", a poem by Federico García Lorca.







Here ends this commission in which I took a long time, I hope you like it and please comment, you know that your comments feed me


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