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"Date of death?"

"5th of May."


"00:37 AM."


".... Murder."

Two voices talked in the background as i looked at the ceiling. A white ceiling.
I was there, beside the two, but,at the same time, i wasn't. At least i felt like i wasn't. Everything was weird. My vision was blurry, very blurry. I was surprised i could see the ceiling.
When i tried to move my head, i realised i couldn't. Why's that?

Cause of death? One of the voices said that... Are they talking about me? Im not dead... Am i? I can feel.... I can't feel anything. Anything at all...

All of a sudden, my chest began to move slowly.

"It moved.." one of the voices said.

"What?!" the other replied in a surprised manner.

Both seemed female.

Breathe. In. Out.
My lungs hurt, feeling like a cat was scratching them. I squeaked.

"She's alive!" the surprised one shouted.

Noises came from everywhere. Things moved. More voices arrived. Everything became a blur, a bright light occupying my vision, wich i just noticed was a little bit better.
I then saw a plastic-like thing being put on my face.... and for a second, i could've sworn i saw a little golden muzzle in it's reflection... before everything went black.


I woke up again, now staring at the same white ceiling. By this point, i am 98% sure im in a hospital. The mask that was put on my face was gone, thats what i felt, my breathing being relatively normal.
I tried to move my head, this time actually managing to do it, moving it to my left.
All i could see, was a chair, with... a girl on it?
A teen from what i could tell, since i am one too. And she appeared to be sleeping, a few silent snores confirming my theory.

I think it was obvious by now that i was very injured but my dumb self tried to move my whole body.

Big mistake.

It hurt a lot, my mid-section feeling like it was gonna come off, as i squeaked loudly.

Why do i keep doing that..?

The squeak woke the girl up, her hazel eyes meeting mine.

"She's awake!" the teen mumbles running out of the room

Owww... My mid-section was hurting a lot...... like an elephant was standing on it...

It didn't take long before... some kind of nurses came into the room, starting to look over me. They started touching my bandaged mid-section, ending up in me squeaking again.

"We might need to sedate her." a pink haired nurse said.

"Seems like it.." another one said from my right, wich i couldn't see because my head was still on my left.

I felt something pinch my left paw...
Wait......... Paw...?

Everything blacked out again.

I woke up again, now on my belly. I felt the soft bed under me move a bit as i tried to move my members.
I looked around the room, or as far as my vision let me, since i still couldn't lift my head.
Another thing i failed to notice is that.... im small.... very small.

What happened to me!?

From what i remember, im way bigger than this.
I tried to move my head to the right, and, to my surprise it actually worked.

As i moved my head toward the right side of the hospital bed, i quickly noticed how big the room was, and that i was one, of many patients...

All of those patients... were pokemon.

In the bed beside mine was one in a particularly critical condition, a Flareon.

After his bed, i could spot a few more:a Houndour, a Bagon, Noibat, a Litleo and a Litten.

So.... I saw a paw.. Then these pokemon around me....

I tried to make sense of what i have just seen, closing my eyes to think.

What the heck happened to me?

I don't remember anything... at all. What's my name? How old am i? Where do i live!?

These questions bombarded my head, as it started to hurt a little.

I have to be dreaming.. How can i be in this world?

I held my han... -paw... up to see it.
It was mine alright.. It opened and closed whenever i comanded it to...
I touched my face with it... and felt a big nose.?
No... A muzzle..

I have a muzzle.

I closed my eyes yet again.
I can't be a pokemon, right? It's impossible!

Something tingled at my rear end. I tried to look, holding my head to see behind me.


Six of them.

I wanted to literally scream at the sight of those... but it felt weirdly comforting, moving them around, albeit slowly. It was pretty weird that i could move them individually, and at the same time.

As a last counterattack to this reality.. i tried to speak.

"Vulpix?" my rather raspy voice sounded out

I-its confirmed.... Im a Vulpix...

I sighed internally. What now? Im a six tailed fox, in a hospital.. Wich now im sure is a Pokemon Center... Possibly fatally wounded...
How am i even alive?

The door opened abruptly, a few nurses coming in to check on all the pokemon.... including me.

"Is she going to be alright Nurse Joy?" i heard a young, girl-like voice ask.

"She's in a stable condition right now.. But she won't be able to leave the hospital before we're sure she is completely allright." the older woman replied

I tried to spot the two talking, however my energy ran out, wich resulted in me not being able to move at all.
Fortunetly, a few nurses were nearby my bed, and put me on a pillow, a bowl being presented in front of me. Water.

And that was the time i noticed how thirsty and hungry i was.

Allthough i knew it was degrading to drink from a bowl, like a pet... I really had no other option..... So i started to drink from the bowl..... by licking it.
Surprisingly, the licking was more usefull then i thought, the water cooling me.

The Nurse then put a bowl of.... dog food?.. No pokefood.. in front of me.

At that point i didnt even care anymore, straight up eating half of it.

"Someone was hungry." she smiled.

"Vulp.." i replied as i finished my meal. I was feeling a bit better now and even more energized.

Now i just realised there were other people around me. Not just nurses.. Civillians.... Or Trainers, i think.

Nearly every pokemon had their trainer with them, petting and assuring their pal.

Except the Flareon, wich was being checked on by the Nurses.... and me.

I wonder what happened to him.. Hes in a worse condition than me.. Surprisingly enough. He is covered in bandages from tail to his upper half...
Come to think of it... Why am i here?
I mean, not me me, the Vulpix's body.
What happened to it?

It does hurt a lot if i try to move around...

Another trainer stepped in, this time, a guy.. I'd estimate a twenty years old,and rushed in to see his Flareon

All of a sudden,the Flareon started talking.

"Bad man... Fate... F..." he mumbled. Of course, to the humans he sounded like every other pokemon, repeating his name.

"Bad man?.." i asked curiously.

"Quick! He's dying!" a Nurse said, pointing to his heartbeat monitor.
It was indeed decreasing.

The guy looked heartbroken, as he looked at the Nurses, trying to shock the Flareon back to life.
It was of no use.

The once noisy room became silent as the night.

I could hear the Flareon's last breath.

Once the heartbeat hit zero.... everything went downhill.

The trainer started crying, hugging his Flareon's lifeless body.

Between his tears, he looked straight at me.
"You better live. You hear me?..... He died protecting you.." he said between sobs.

I nodded my head slowly,not knowing what i am getting myself into..

And then i realised how screwed i was. Even if i got out of here alive, i wouldn't know how to hunt...therefore,i will die of starvation... having no trainer to feed me..

That left me in thought, as the nurses dragged the bed with the Flareon, and his owner away.

He died protecting me.... Why did he do that? It didn't appear like his owner knew me...

"Get some rest little one.." my Nurse told me, petting my head. Or well, the hair tuff that was on my head, before leaving.

That was the first time i felt comfortable since i woken up the first time.....

Falling asleep wasn't hard to do after that... Just closing my eyes was enough......

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