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(n) To form a bond with one another: to become known to each other through small moments.

I wanted to form a plan on how to gain my necklace back to pay the debts I owed to Zeroth. I really wanted to, but my motivation seemed to have vanished with my utterly extreme fear of the Prince. I still feared him, I was not stupid. But he was more approachable than I ought him to be. Still, I did not dare to simply go up to him, demanding permission to get my necklace back. Every plan seemed to end with my immediate death, no matter how I twisted it.

I really did not want to die. But not paying my debts would also lead to my death, so maybe the Prince would be more... gentle in killing me? I did not want to imagine it either way.

I turned around in my bed, trying to tune out the snorts of the other maids lying in their beds. It was dark outside and the castle was wrapped in silence. Still, I could not sleep. Hundreds of thoughts seemed to run around in my head, my mind felt like it would explode at any given moment. I clutched it in my hands, trying to tune out my desperate thoughts. When I could not stand them anymore, I got up, still wearing my clothes underneath the thin blanket. It has gotten cold. Cold like the dark walls of the stone castle.

Quietly, I slipped on my slippers and sneaked out of the room. Mindlessly, I wandered around the hallways, greeting the few guards who did not greet me back. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the huge doors leading to the library. It seemed to have become my coping location. But before I could enter, a loud crash destroyed the silence of the castle. At first, I thought the noise was coming from inside the library, but then the shouting began:


It was only this one word, called again and again. I froze in place, thinking about hiding inside the library. My thoughts turned into mush, my surroundings were getting blurrier and blurrier, the noises muffled. It was not until one of the guards shoved a bucket of water into my trembling arms that my consciousness seemed to come back. He ordered me to help put out the fire that had broken out in the west wing. Without a thought, I obeyed. I ran as fast as I could without bumping into any of the people shuffling around in the hallways. A bit of water splashed out of the bucket, but I did not pay attention to it. People around me were panicking, some even crying. The guards were shoving them out of the way, giving out buckets to the few who still seemed to be in their right minds. I saw Nia's blonde hair, her dark eyes opened wide and fearfully. I wanted to console her, but then I remembered the bucket in my hands. Carefully, I pushed my way through the crowd that was shuffling in the opposite direction.

When I was going around the corner, I saw the beginning of the reason that had the people running away. I coughed when the black smoke was getting far too thick to breathe. Still, I went around the other people trying to extinguish the fire. I knew that one bucket would not be enough. 

Instead of going all the way back to the kitchens to fetch new water, I took a turn and went up a pair of stairs, the smoke following me like ashen hands, holding onto the seam of my darkened dress. I had my red hair tied up, out of fear that the fire would lash onto it. After all, it was the feature my brother loved most about me.

The staircase led to the private chambers of the royal family. Seeing that the bathing room was closer to the fire than the kitchens, I simply hoped that Prince Phobos would not be angry with me using the water of the bathing pool instead. But when I heard a cry of rage nearby, followed by the loud Bang!  of something heavy falling, I forgot about the fire and ran down the hall. The first thing I saw was a pillar and a mop of white-blonde hair. I gasped when I realized that it was Prince Phobos, almost crushed by a pillar, knocked out unconscious. Fearfully I clutched the bucket in my arms when I registered that I was not the only one standing next to the Prince.

Five girls stood there, arms raised, ready to attack me at any given moment. The bucket fell out of my arms, landing on the ground with a loud shattering noise. The girls, who could not be any older than 14 years old, winced at the sound. Trembling, I raised my arms.

    "I-I'm only a maid", I muttered, looking towards the Prince who still had to regain his consciousness. He had no visible wounds, the pillar did not seem to crush him wholly, only trapping him to the ground.

They did not lower their guard. "Why are you here?" asked the red-haired girl. Seeing that the other four girls were standing slightly behind her, I ought her to be some kind of a leader.

    "I heard the noise and wanted to see if someone got hurt" I answered truthfully, still not able to look away from Prince Phobos. I had a bad feeling about this whole situation. Maybe these girls were the Guardians who kept on causing trouble? Meaning that they wanted to do something to or with the Prince. Which I could not let happen. After all, he still had my necklace.

The girls exchanged a meaningful glance. "You should go," said the redhead again, her hair much more vibrant than mine. "We don't wanna hurt anybody, we just want to bring Phobos to trial."

I tried to stay calm, but my insides were raging with anxiety. I had to buy time. "Please, I know that he did many things the wrong way, I would not dare to deny it. But he has got something of mine that I need back. Him being in prison would be my death sentence."

A look of pity crossed the redhead's face, but the rest did not bulge. "I'm sorry, but we're not gonna risk the universe's safety for some... whatever your thing might be that he stole from you. And if he stole it, wouldn't it be better if he was brought to trial?" The blonde one said in a snarky tone.  

I do not want him to be put in prison, I heard my consciousness impulsively saying. Not having any arguments left, I simply said "Please".

My big eyes did not save me, however, I heard quick steps coming in our direction. 

I looked towards the girls. "His time to be brought to trial has yet to come, you should go now. Or it would be you who will have to rot in prison." I looked down the corridor. "You should follow this hallway, there is a painting of the Prince's mother to your left. Behind it, you will find a passageway that leads outside of the castle. Hurry!"

The Guardians hesitated for a moment. "Won't they know that you helped us escape? You should come with us!" the one with the long black ponytails said.

I weakly smiled. "He will need someone who is there for him. Even if he does not want to accept it."

Unwillingly, the girls nodded and ran along the hallway. When they were out of my sight, I rushed towards the Prince, kneeling next to him. "Help!" I cried out. "I need help!"

The steps came towards me. Two guards made a halt in front of me, their eyes almost gauging out of their faces when they saw the Prince.

    "I do not know what happened," I lied. "He already was like this when I found him." I resisted the urge to brush the hair out of his face. I stood up and went a step back so that the guards could hoist the pillar up. They picked the Prince up before one of them turned his face towards me.

    "You should report to the head maid to see if you can help with something. What is your name?"

    "Fayre", I mumbled, not being able to avert my eyes from the unconscious Prince. Finally, I looked away and turned around, leaving the Prince and my necklace behind.

It was not until hours later that the rumor made his round that the Prince was knocked unconscious by an unknown intruder. However, it seemed like he had regained his consciousness, seeing that the head maid came rushing towards me, only telling me that "He wants to speak to you". She did not have to clarify who she meant. 

Alas, why I found myself to be standing in front of his private chambers, wringing my hands. I did not have time to knock before the doors were opened wide, revealing a stressed doctor with a big bag, beads of sweat running down his forehead. He rushed past me, letting the doors wide open. I peaked inside.

The Prince sat upright in his bed, hands folded onto the cozy-looking blanket. Quickly, I bowed.

    "You wanted to speak to me, my liege."

Prince Phobos raised one of his arched eyebrows. "The head maid only told me your name, I had no idea it was you." He said it almost monotone, still, his mood seemed to have gone from irritated to neutral. I chewed my lip, unsure which reaction he wanted from me.

He sighed, motioning me closer. I obeyed, leaving the doors open. With me being nearer the bed now, I could see him more clearly. He looked more refreshed than yesterday. Also, he was not wearing one of his robes, but instead a white shirt. The ribbons near his V-neck were slightly disheveled, leaving the cleavage almost bare. A white bandage peeked out from underneath it. I averted my gaze, blushing slightly.

After I had my blood rush back under control, I turned my gaze back to the Prince. He was smirking slightly, almost evilly. Oh, he looked good and he knew it. After all, it was no secret that his looks were part of his charming façade. 

However, he did not comment on my blushing, opposite to what I had expected from him. Instead, he folded his hands together, leaning forward, allowing me to look even deeper into his cleavage, leaving almost nothing of his slim, but well-built upper body to my imagination. 

    "To be honest, I did not think this through" he admitted. "I do not know how to reward you for saving my life."

By saying thank you and giving me my necklace back, I thought, knowing full well that he would separate my head and body if I ever said it out loud. He would never give it back, not like this.

    "Is there anything you want?"

My necklace which you would not give to me because you think I am not worthy of having it. "No, my Prince."

    "Really?" He raised his eyebrow, not quite believing me. "No higher occupation or your own room in the staff quarters?"

My necklace. "No, my Prince, I am content with how it is right now."

Seemingly irritated, he leaned back. "Fine." He said. "So be it." He waved his hand. "Then, I declare our conversation as over. If I need something from you, I will let you know."

I bowed and turned around, closing the doors behind my back. Outside, I let out the breath I was holding. 

Maybe I should have bargained for money. Or higher wages. But I did not want to anger him by demanding things like that when I knew that I had to get on his good side because the money still would not be enough for my debt. Maybe I achieved the opposite by declining his offer. He did seem irritated. But he also said that he would call me if he needed something from me. That had to mean that he was not all that crossed with me, did it not?

Oh, how stupid I was for believing that he would just let me be when now that he knew and internalized my name, he now had the power to simply have me called, no matter when or where.

Oof, it's been a hot minute, sorry guys... I had so much to do at university, but now I have much more (or too much?) free time at my hands, so here we go! I'll try updating this baby much more frequently from now on, so keep your eyes open for new chapters! And leave me a comment, heart, whatever, I hope you enjoyed it. See u next time!

LoL, Rae <3

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