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So I got the idea to try to use artbreeder to make "faceclaims" for some of my OCs that didn't have any. I thought it'd be interesting. I meant to do all of my OC, but looking at the issues I was having, I just...gave up on even trying Sylvester.

See, here's the thing: hair length is tied to how masculine or feminine a character is. Which is OK for most of my characters, the ones with shorter hair are either actually guys or androgynous women, but Sylvester is a dude...with long hair.

Well, no, it's more of that length that's "short" on girls and "long" on guys. You know. That one. Either way, it just wasn't happening.

Also, as great as a lot of characters turned out, I am pissed with my results for Blue. They just would not let me create her!

The biggest issue was the hair. It was near impossible to get hair more curly than a slight wave, let alone similar to her actual hair style. They had pictures that looked right, but the generator always smoothed out the hair to look like a straight hair style when I changed it. Then, when I tried to add Asian features (again, for those of you who don't know, she's mixed) it kept lightening her skin.

I dunno, man, I'm just mad. Probably because Blue is the character I have the clearest imagine of in my head, so not getting her exact was more frustrating than the other characters.

And none of them are exact exact, except maybe Matthias, who looks exactly like the little shit he is. They basically look like the characters, but without their style.

You're probably wondering why I'm sharing them after all this complaining, and it's because

1. I worked hard on getting these nice, damn it!

2. Other than Blue's, I'm okay with them

So, uh, let's get to sharing.


Similar to Sylvester, I had a bit of an issue with the hair. Because, while Georgina's hair is very short, her face isn't actually that masculine. Unlike Sylvester, I think I actually think this turned out pretty good.


Again...not very happy with it. I feel like the features are close, but it's just not giving me the right vibe. The best I can think of is...too glam?


Aside from looking s little grumpy and needing some make-up, pretty accurate. Like I said, it's pretty much the character without their style. 9/10.


Little basement dwelling troll.


I had two hair lengths for Tom, mainly because I couldn't decide. He's suppose to be pretty androgynous, since it's the 1800s and the closest he can do to transitioning is dressing masculine and cutting his hair (also he's just naturally more androgynous.) I think it fits because he's so young.

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