Barmecide Update + New OCs

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So, I haven't talked about Barmecide in awhile. Which sucks, because I love Georgina and Blue, and definitely love the Good Place.

To start, I made more Picrews of Georgina and Blue:

(OK, Blue looks adorable in this picture <3 it's the little bee tank-top)

Then, I made Picrews because I needed to add character for the second set of characters. There, um,

I love them, but Jesus they're a mess.

(Not very happy with either of these. The face of the above is more accurate, but the outfit of the bottom is closer. Thankfully, I made two. Also, if you can't tell, I forgot her eyes were grey while making the second one. Whoops.)

Barbara Milburn

Good Christian Mom TM

— That's not a joke, she has three kids

Still thinks it's the 60s

Sweet woman. So sweet, in fact, you almost don't notice that she's a raging conservative


Three pounds of muffins aren't going to hide the fact you're a bigot, Karen

Enough hairspray to kill a small ecosystem. Legend says it doesn't even move in the wind


Kinda awkward calling her out on anything because she says it super nicely...and also ugly cries to make you feel bad

10/10 guilt trip

Watching her and Brent is great because they'll just start arguing about the other being "rude" like they aren't both being giant assholes

Aside from that, she is 100% convinced everyone is her friend

They're not. They just don't want her ugly crying on them

Matthias Anton Kalbfleisch

The one guy

And also trash human, metaphorically and literally

Needs no substance, only your rage

Poor Chidi's out here trying to teach morals while he's literally over here lighting a bush on fire

Has no real opinions. His opinion is the opposite of your opinion

And it's not an opinion, it's a FACT

Is it human?

No, seriously, is it human or did they just send another demon?

Spoilers: He's human. Just a shitty one

Anyways, onto new OC

First order of business, these three

Got names. Amrit Nowak, Cherry Vance, and Toffee. I genuinely hope you can tell which is which. Not pictured is Amrit's pet ants.

Also, fun fact, Amrit is of Polish and Indian decent, inspired by Danny Pudi who, while not a faceclaim because he's way older than Amrit is, did inspire his appearance. It also explains his name.

Second: I wanted to talk about my Legends of Korra OC, inspired by cheerybIossoms saying she liked my idea. Thanks! :D


Fun fact, her name was original Koichi, which I liked but is sort of a guy's name so...might use that for another OC, though!

Another fun fact, this time with what I could find on the name meaning. Chihiro comes two parts: Chi, meaning "thousand", and Hiro, meaning "search, seek." One website translated this fully as "a thousand questions."

Which is roughly Chihiro in a nutshell. She's fourteen in the first season, and still in the "why" phase of life.

Chihiro is Tenzin and Pema's eldest daughter, though she identifies more with her mother because...well, they're both non-bender.

Which is a real bummer, because Chihiro probably could have made a really good bender. Or not.

Basically, since a lot of the family's focus was on training air-bending and what not, Chihiro ended up with a lot of her own free time. Part of that is spent with Pema, because ✨ mother - daughter bonding ✨, but a lot of it was spent studying bending styles and history.

What I'm saying is, Chihiro is a giant fucking nerd.

She's a big fan of working out different bending styles specifically applying concepts of one element's style to another ala lightening redirection to make new moves. Most get a "that's great sweetie, but that's super impossible" response, but she's gotten some good ones.

Also, Chihiro is a big history buff. Specifically she's been collecting information on past Avatars, which is really great when Korra gets disconnected from her past lives. It isn't personal advice or anything, but it helps.

Chihiro...never actually gets any bending.

It's kinda funny in season 1 when they're all "oh, how horrible it would be to have no bending!" and she's just like "yep, sounds horrible" to dick with them (and also because it gets kinda frustrating to listen complain about how horrible life must be having no bending, and how they just wouldn't be able to live with themselves, and you're just sitting there like ??? I never had bending??? It's not that bad???) but by the time of the harmonic convergence she's just sitting there like

It doesn't help that everyone's like "oh, Bumi got airbending, maybe YOU'LL get airbending!" and it's just like NOPE

Like, personally, Chihiro has no issues with not bending. She's perfectly happy loving her life, doing whatever. She doesn't need bending. But when you're entire family is build around BREED ALL THE AIRBENDERS and 99.9999999999% of family activities are BE ALL THE AIRBENDERS it gets kinda grating.

Jokes on them, she probably knows more about bending than they do so HAH

In general, Chihiro is a bit of a moody person. Not in the sense that she's overly negative all the time just that her mood switches very easily. Chihiro can get really happy or sulk for hours, and somehow manages to have both the best and worst day...on the same day, depending on what is currently happening. But if you had to choose, she's mostly optimistic. After all, things can always get better, even if they aren't currently doing so.

I imagine Chihiro gets into waterbending culture as much or even more so, since they don't expect her to be able to bend as airbending culture. After all, they still visit their Gran Gran. (✨grandmother-granddaughter bonding time✨)

I haven't actually decided her relationships with team avatar yet, mainly because she's quite a bit younger than them (2 years younger than the youngest, Bolin, if the wiki is right and he's sixteen in season 1) so bit if a WIP. Love her anyways.

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