Haters Killed My Braincells

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I feel like it's just My Thing ™ to enter a fandom with a nuanced opinion on a character (IE: Kali & Nancy from Stranger Things, or Allison & Lila, and even Luther, which is weird because he fits all of the typical "could literally nuke the universe and still be sympathetic" tropes, from Umbrella Academy) only to have to defend them from so many shitty opinions that by the end of it I'm just going

Ironically, it happened backward with Five (Umbrella Academy.)

Listen, I know it's bad. But when I go into media with people banging on about a character being EVIL, HORRIBLE, LITERAL SATAN or THE GREATEST INNOCENT BABY WHO CAN DO NO WRONG my brain notices everything that makes them not that. It tries to balance things out. I mean, it doesn't always work (for example, I was told Kylo Ren was a heel and...he's a heel. Duh. Or maybe not? I'm not a Stars Wars fan, but apparently "space fascist is a shitbag" is a debatable topic for them?) but it will make an attempt.

Which, combined with my hatred of black and white character analysis, is how you get this whole mess.

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