OC Dæmons

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So, like, remember that dæmon quiz I posted awhile ago? Well, I'm extra, and I went and took it for a bunch of my OCs. First of all, I'm so excited they all got different animals. Some got the same answers on the first quiz, but then got different ones in the second, which show how in depth and awesome this quiz is!

I wasn't going to share it. It was just for fun. But then Anne got a St. Bernard and I was just like YEEESSSS

Big fluffer pupper <3

I drew a picture. I don't draw dogs much, so the St. Bernard is just a big fluffy lump, but like...that's what they are anyways?

Little sleepy babies. Also the BUNNY SLIPPERS! Anne definitely has little bunny slippers, they're so her

Anyways, onto the rest, less cool, combinations (OK I lied, I really like Marty's, too.)

Campbell — Shieldtail Snake

First of all, is that snake iridescent? The fuck? OK Mr. Snake, good for you.

Secondly, I do think a snake fits for Campbell, or at the very least a smaller dæmon. He doesn't exactly have presence for that. But also I prefer a smaller dæmon for him because I imagine he's the sort of person to like, want to hide her as much as possible? If that makes sense? Like you can control your facial expressions, you can't control your dæmon's reaction, so I just imagine she just permanently lives in Campbell's pocket at this point and is pretty pissed about it (they really said no one can hate you more than you already hate yourself.)

Loomis — Husky

First of all, my favorite dog for my favorite guy, good on him, Loomis wins (well, no, Anne technically wins, but he's a close second.) Also, yes, this is 100% accurate. I knew from the second I made Loomis it would be a dog, all that was up to chance was the breed.

Sam — Jackal

Mmmhmmm. I don't know how much Sam gives me specifically jackal, but she does give me wild dog, which is what she got first quiz.

Andrew — Great Horned Owl

I had two owls in this, and both of them definitely fit. Looking at the picture I have I am getting Andrew vibes. A little bit older than Andrew, but that fits since he's only ten in season 3 so his dæmon wouldn't have settled yet by far. I imagine it's sort of going through different owls at the moment.

Shirley — Dingo

Like, I get where they got it. Shirley's got a lot of dog traits naturally friendly, kind, and helpful but also very free and independent. However I imaged something, I dunno, more colorful for her? Shirley's an artist she needs something artistic looking, yah know?

Marty — Flying Squirrel

You know I was like "uuuh, squirrel?" But then I remember they fly and I stared at them for awhile, and I was like "yeah, that's Marty." I just imagine him like launching her at people to jump scare them because he's a shit and she's definitely also a shit.

Logan — Sun Bear

Not gonna lie, I don't care how well this actually fits, I only accept a wolverine for Logan. References over quality, sweetie. But, if I must, a bear does work for Logan. They're pretty scary and occasionally bite off your arms.

Ark — Snowy Owl

Ark's dæmon would definitely be an owl but, like, this specific goofy looking owl. In all seriousness, this is the kid who learned an entire other language because he thought programming a computer might be fun maybe.

Ira — River Otter

Ira's like an otter, in that she looks adorable and cuddly, but also she'll fucking kill an alligator (real story an otter took down an alligator. Jesus, theses water weasels are insane) because it looked at her wrong. In all seriousness, I can't say why, but I can imagine Ira with an otter.

Jesse — Ibex

Listen, the quiz told me goats represent ambition. I'm not seeing it, but those horns do look Jesse levels of extra.

Catherine — Trapdoor Spider

Not pictured, because those things look creepy as hell. Because like I can see Catherine being a spider, just because they're so small and connected to creativity (because webs, I think) but not something as big as a trapdoor spider. I can also imagine Catherine being terrified of her dæmon until she develops more confidence and accepts herself, which works with a spider.

Ciana — Golden Retriever

Perfect. Golden retrievers are perfect for Ciana, especially as she develops more confidence. It also means she has a cuddle buddy.


Ezekiel — Lion

OK so this is a little hard because I've read both Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire, so I have like total opposite ideas of what lion imagery is suppose to represent. I think the more popular one is the Harry Potter braver and justice and all that type which, no offense to Ezekiel, is not him. Though he does seem like the sort of person to walk around with a big cat because like a bastard.

Also he's a 100% a cat person, soooo....

Jess — Penguin

OK this was just the most random option ever. I do not understand. They didn't even say a breed, just penguin. Personally I would have gone with a poison dart frog, because only Jess would just will her dæmon to take a kickass form. Or maybe a porcupine, or a turtle, or anything with a sort of built in defense (ala her force fields.)

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