chapter 22

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It's been a few days since Mini's been avoiding his friends and he's been breaking since, today was tuesday well the end of school actully Tyler was walking out of school and decided to stay a bit maybe his Angel stays aswell

Mini was walking around with his headphones on listining to 'Marry Me' His sisters phone was the only thing keeping him togethor he was always close to crying when he saw his friends

Tyler was sitting at a bench reading a book he had a hoodie on wich was pink and orange he had the hood up so no one could see his face

Mini sat down on a bench next to someone who was reading Twighlight 'Heh a Vampire AU With Werewolf's and a girl named Isabella Swan or Bella Swan and a Vampire named Edward Cullen it was not like this it was so much more stranger' Mini thought with a smile

Little did both of them know that they're world was the same exept Bella was named Craig Thompson and had a harder background and the Vampire Edward Cullen was Tyler Wild

Tyler looked at the person sitting next to him only to see his Angel right there his eyes widen and he looked up fully

Mini had his head up looking at the sky the sky. . . It was clear with only a few clouds going past a beautifull light blue Mini liked how the sky was always that color it's pretty to him

Tyler tilted his head and tapped Mini's shoulder

Mini looked at the person and his heart skipped a beat Tyler was right there looking at him with his blue eyes

"Mini what are you doing here?" Tyler asked and pulled his hood down and put the book aside

Mini took of his headphones and put then away stopping the music and shutting his phone off staying silent

"Mini?" Tyler asked and poked his arm

Mini broke down in tears and he hid his face in his hands crying or sobbing DUNNO

"Mini...?" Tyler unsurely took Mini's hands away from his face

Mini just hugged him tighly "I-I'm sorry Ty-ler" Mini hiccuped and he burried his face in the other males shoulder

Tyler rubbed the others back "Mini whats wrong? And why are you sorry?"

"I-I was acting selfish... A-And i was avoiding you guys... I-I hate myself for that" Mini said between hiccups

Tyler only hushed him and hummed a lullaby wich was very familiar to Craig

Mini stopped sobbing or whatever but he was still crying

Tyler pulled him off and he wiped some tears off his face "It's okay Mini you just over reacted"

Mini nodded and yawned a bit wich he diden't show

"Your tired and probably thirsty aren't you?" Tyler asked and Mini nodded, Tyler smiled and got out a water bottle and opened it for Mini knowing he was weak and tired. He gave the bottle to Mini and he drank alot probably half the bottle then he gave it back after wiping his mouth

"Thanks" Mini said and wiped some tears away

"No problem and you should probably sleep" Tyler said and cupped Mini's face with his hands and kissed his forehead

"I know" Mini said and put his hands on Tyler's

"C'mon lets get you home" Tyler said and stood up grabbing Mini's hand and started walking Mini of course followed

After a bit they got to Mini's house and the door- Suprisingly - Was open so Tyler just opened it and led the tired male to his room and tucked him in after he took of his stuff he diden't need

"Sleep well" Tyler said and smiled and turned around to leave but Mini grabbed his hand

"P-Please stay... Please?" Mini asked sitting up

Tyler looked at him and smiled "Sure i can stay"

Mini smiled and let his hand go laying back down

Tyler sat down on his knees facing Mini ((Like he's head and arm on the bed))

Mini looked at him and started drifting off

Tylee hummed the same lullaby holding Mini's hand and soon both fell into they're dreams

~Mini's dream~

I was standing in darkness pure darkness and the only thing other than Mini was a small heart shaped music box in his hand.

The music box was red and pink with small crystal like things on it the inside was a ballerina in a orange ballet dress with a crown on her head.

Mini got curios and opened the music box and winded it up

The same melody as the lullaby came from the small music box and time flew by quickly quicker then ever


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