chapter 26

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Mini couldent sleep tonight he was in bed listining to music trying to fall asleep (I do that)

He sighed and got out of bed and walked to the window the night sky was beatiful the moon being a smile like the Chesshire Cat has

Mini smiled and looked at the Moon and Stars

"Hey sister are you having fun? Are you even up there? Maybe your here" Mini said looking at the Stars

'Hey Mini look up!' The two Brunets starred at the sky

'You know they look like porcipines pushing they're cuils into the night sky' The girl said with a soft smile

Her brother nodded 'They do look like porcipines'

"They do look like porcipines dont they?" Mini asked

"What are you talking about?" A small voice in his head asked it was her's he imagent

"Well as you said they look like prcipines pushing they're cuils into the night sky" Mini anwsered the small voice and there was silence

Mini sighed and got dressed ready to leave to go to the forest he put on his headphones wich had cat hears on it and it was blue

Mini headed out and quickly got there it was pitch black but it was beautiful at the same time

Mini was listing to 'The Hanging Tree' Since it was on repeat

"Do you hear that?" Mini heard from his music it sounded familiar

"Maybe a fox" Mini snorted and covered his mouth he was a fox hybrid

"What was that?!" Someone asked alearted

Mini took it as a warning and started running as fast as he can as he let his hybrid speed out wich made him 5× faster

"WHAT THE?!" One screamed and Mini pushed himself harder

"How is he so fast?!" One asked

"I dont know!" Another anwsered

Mini quickly went towards the hanging tree knowing Katniss will help and call help

"Where are you going?!" One asked pretty near

Mini jumped and luckly caught a branch so he could hide in the tree the others fell

"OW FUCK!" One cursed at a rather high pitched voice

"How did he know" Another asked who had a. . . Metal face part?

"Oow" Another said and the guy who had the metal thing quickly rushed over to him

"Brock are you ok?" The guy asked consrend

"I'm fine Brian" Brock said

"Anthony could you call Tyler here?" Another guy asked

"Course Nanners" Anthony replyed and ran off

'Wait Tyler?' Mini thought

"Is everyone else ok? Scotty? You too?" Brock asked

"Yeah i'm fine dont worry 'bout me" Scotty replyed

"Me and Jack are too Brock" A guy with red hair said helping up a guy who had green hair

"Yeah we're fine aswell" A guy with a kid voice anwsered and helped up a guy who was way taller

"I think i focking hurt my back Lui" The guy in an Irish accent said

"Dont be a big baby David" Lui playfully punched the other males arm

"Guys what is it? And why are you guys here?" A familiar voice asked Tyler

Mini's head shot up too look at Tyler oooh did Mini mention that Vampires actully can sleep? Yeah they dont have to

"Well we where chasing a guy and he lead us here" Brock explained

"You know he's not here Ty Ty~" Katniss hummed

"How do you know?" Tyler asked eyeing the girl

She giggled "Because that stranger is familiar you dummy it's Someone your very close to"

Mini thanked Katniss for not saying it was him

"Or it was just a fox running to safety" Katniss playfully said

"Well how do i know it's not Mini?" Tyler asked wich made him freeze

"Silly if he was here i would have said so" The girl smiled

"Then could you prove it let me see" Tyler said and Mini's breath hitched

"Of course" She smiled and disapeared

'She's giving me out' Mini thought

Tyler walked to the tree and looked all over it but Mini moved aswell away from his and the others sight until


The sound of the branch breaking beneath Mini echoed through the forest Mini yelped

He fell but vines and flowers caught him making him just slide to the ground in his fox form

"A. . . Fox?" Tyler asked

Mini backed away and quickly started running until the Nanners guy grabbed Mini by his tail wich made him yelp

"Maybe i can have a bite" He said licking his lips

"WHAT?! NO NO NO NO LET ME GO!!" Mini yelled but it only sounded like fox noises to them exept Tyler

"NANNERS LET HIM GO!" Tyler yelled out of panic wich made Nanners drop Mini and he quickly ran to Tyler who picked him up

"What was that about?!" The guy asked and Mini curled up in a ball

"Mini are you ok?" Tyler asked and looked at the small fox he nodded

"What the heck Tiger!" Brian freaked and yes Tyler was a hybrid aswell an Albino Tiger actully

"Shut up your scaring Mini!" Tyler said and shot a death glare at Nanners before disapearing

"Mini why did you hide?" Tyler asked after putting the fox down on his bed

"I just... I diden't want to get caught because i was worried you would hurt me" Mini said looking down and putting his stuff away and yes he turned back then turned back

"Why would i?" Tyler asked confused and picked up Mini and sat down placing Mini on his lap

"I just.... I thought you would since thats how my family treaded me until my parents died and me and my sister escaped but she then also disapeared" Mini explained sad

"Oh" Tyler was a bit shocked

"Do you know what the star's look like?" Mini asked out of the bloom

"I dont know what?" Tyler asked curios

"They look like porcipine dipping they're cuils into the night" Mini said with a yawn

"They sure do" Tyler said smiling and laying down hugging Mini close to him

Mini smiled and turned back falling asleep

And so did Tyler

Jk! Wont do the next day 😉

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