chapter 30

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Mini was hanging out with is new best friends wich are the werewolves Mini hasen't seen the guys in a week or so but he diden't mind


They where at Brian's and Brock's place as Mini found out they where mates and... Wait did he just hear a moan.... OH SHIT THATS RIGHT MOO WAS IN HIS HEAT DAY!

"Uhm... I think i have to go bye guys" Mini said while standing up and grabbing his stuff and booking it

'Crap crap crap crap crap craaaap I FORGOT!' Mini mentaly screamed at himself

He wasent looking but his feet took him too... A clearing?

Mini looked around burns, holes, scratches and frost where visible on the ground and tree's

"Where did i end up?" Mini asked himself and Aiden looked around while Mini looked around the clearing

Is.... I-Is this a training area? Mini thought of it and it hit he was in an training area he diden't know from who or what but Aiden said something wich made his heart rate quicken

'Someone's coming Mini run!' Aiden said in his mind and he diden't have to say twice Mini took of running turning into a fox and hiding in some tall grass those 4 years in the forest did make some sense

"Hey do you smell that?" Someone asked Mini could hear but not see but that person's voice sounded familiar

Another fox walked to Mini and sat down "Hey... Bro Bro" The fox said smiling

"Hanna? Oh my god Hanna!" Relization hit Mini like lighting and he tackled the other fox laughing

They both roled down the small hill and Hanna stood up laughing Mini did aswell and they began to playfully play

"Uhm Foxes?" A voice made them freeze Mini looked at Tyler growling and standing infront of Hanna

"I'm no baby! Plus i'm older!" Mini rolled his eyes at his sister

Mini mumbled to her and she nodded and they ran off changing back Hanna and Mini turned into they kid forms with smirks

"Ready?" Hanna asked in a high pitched voice and Mini nodded

"Ready" Both ran and Mini tackled Tyler with a hug

"Ty Ty!" Mini said happly looking at him

Hanna giggled and laughed pulling his brother off "Mini who are these people?"

"My friends!" Mini exclaimed while the others got confused looks

"Oh so these people are the vampires Mom used to tell us about" Hanna smiled and Mini nodded

"The portectors of the Queens son!" Mini said giggling

"Uhm... Who are you?" Evan asked

Mini took a glance at Hanna and she nodded and they both turned back

"Ello" Hanna said and waved "Uh wait bro why do you smell like dogs?"

"Oh i was hanging out with Brian and stuff" Mini explained

"What made you flee?" Hanna asked tilting her head

"Uhm........ Brock was in his heat day" Mini said cracking up

Hanna started laughing "D-Did you hear a moan?!" She asked through laughs and Mini nodded

"I'm good i'm good" Hanna said after a bit

"Oh uhm... Okay?" Evan said and Jonathan tackle hugged Mini then let go immidently holding his hands

"Ow..." Jon said while looking at his hands wich where... Red?

"Huh whats wrong??" Mini asked worried

"Uhm Evan Brian gave Mini something" Del said and Tyler looked at him up and down

Tyler looked at Evan who was now next to him

Evan grabbed Mini's left hand but it burned him "OW"

"It's the bracelet" Tyler said grabbing Mini's hand and taking off the bracelet

"Bro the necklace has just a protection spell on it no worries" Hanna wispered to him

"Here" Ohm said while handing The confused Mini a bracelete wich had amythist on it and put it on


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