chapter three- Vampire's, Werewolf's and human's?

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Craig's pov

I was sitting at my desk scrooling through the internet when something popped up in my head i did read about them but they're just a myth? Right? Or are they real? Welp lemma give it a try i searched up 'Are Vampires And Werewolf Real?' What i got where fake sightings but one cought my eye it was a video of that gang i clicked on it and it was a six second video wierd... I pressed start and the vid turned into a fithteen minute video um.... Okay "Should we?" The guy with the Red jacket asked "Yeah dude the camara is not even on so go ahead" Tyler said and the guy with the red jacket closed his eyes and a red smoke went around him "You know thats useless right?" He just did a thumps up and opened his eyes again wich where crismon red and he had fangs now "Yo Basically turn too!" Tyler said and the guy named Basically said "Sure i haven't really turned so this is gonna be good" Tyler turned to him just too see him pop and turn into a wolf that's when i stopped the video and shut off my computer taking my headphones and phone going downstairs and headed outside mostly i needed to go the park to realive stress i headed that way i turned the song Control on wich is one of my favorite songs to dance too i really just wanted to run so i did i was fast too fast for my taste but i diden't care this always happened when i was in stress i knew my magic was just street magic but i just knew it was real i got to the park wich was empty i felt like crying i dont know what was happening it felt real but had to be a dream right? No it wasent i wiped away tears i wanted to go away go home..... But i was home i just let myself cry i really wanted to go home now i hugged myself as i kept walking towards a forest i was a 17 year old boy who was getting himself stuck betwen reality and fanftisy i needed a break i always liked to be somewhere quite even tho i had to leave that and go back when i got into the forest i took off my headphones and i put them on my neck just as i did i heard a voice from that video "Aw but Delly you know i can just tickle you until you will surrendure" I froze mid track just fucking great i just needed a break and here are the freaks or something i just keept walking not wanting to see or hear them but just for my luck "H-Hey Evan do you hear that? Someone's here" Crap crap crap i took of running i diden't want to hear it! "They're running we need to go after them!" I heard multipul pear of footsteps behind me i snapped and screamed out "And all the kids cried out "Please stop your scaring me!" I cant help this alwful energy!" I was just fast way faster but they followed i was already crying i diden't want to die from my bad luck i tripped and fell "Ow ow ow" I quickly got up and kept running i felt sick from running so much but i couldent stop i looked behind me and they where gone i stopped and fell on my knees catching air "I'm just delirous Vampires are not real they were just fast really fast yeah thats all" I actully got myself to belive it "Hey you alright there?" I heard a voice ask i looked up to see a guy with brown hair and green eyes "Yeah i'm good" He held out a hand and i took it helping me up "Thanks" He smiled and said "No problem" I cracked my back cuss it enough of running "I should be heading back" He nodded "See you at school" I waved at him and started walking back ok now i do belive that my magic is real i never ran that fast in my life i started running a bit i did get faster out i just speed walked home and collasped on my bed

Delitious's pov

"Who was that and why was he so fast?" I asked and Lui repleyed "The prinze is safe home he couldent be it" 'We know dumbass monkey' I thought "I heard that" "Stfu" I knew i havent seen Mini in so long so i'm gonna suprise him with hugging him and saying that i'm back i smiled under my mask at that he will be so happy to see a old friend again it's gonna be a long ride home

???'s pov

"My king we know where the prinze is know" Said one of my guards "Thats great you shall hunt him down when he is at that age" My guards bowed and left he shall never take over i king of the dark knights shall hunt him down

Evan's pov

He is almost at that age just a few more weeks and he is eightteen almost time

(Looks like Mini is getting himself into some deep shit XD)

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