Being You Is Perfect ~

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This is a oneshot for lilspacebirb and I used to write these crackships between his characters and mine and I decided to rewrite one of them!

This is the Zander x István . If you're curious about what the original oneshot was, I'll dm you!


The male exhaled as he clenched and unclenched his fingers into a fist. His mind concentrated on the overwhelming amount of guilt he had felt. His brown eyes focused onto the ground as he took a deep breath when he heard his name called by a male with blond hair and piercing, beautiful gold eyes.

Just be honest with the therapist...

"Dr. Lovely Aqua would love to see you. On your card it says you are having sexual orientation problems? " the golden fairy read, a smirk growing on his face as István felt his jaw softly open. Heat muttered itself onto the back of his neck as the fairy ushered Isti right on in.

"Don't worry, Dr. Aqua will take good care of you~ " the male winked as he slammed the door shut, startling someone in the back of the room when Isti heard an adorable squeak ring through the air.

Just be honest...

He sat down in the comfy green chair, the satin fabric crinkled under his fingers as his body untensed underneath the softness.

... Wow. This fifty year old man really knows his shit... Many therapists were old men that István was forced to meet up with; however, this was the first one he actually wanted to see. Furthermore, someone who specialized in this type of thing.

Tell him about the boy that can't leave your thoughts and keeps winking at you—

A loud noise startled István out of his thoughts as a young male tripped out of the backroom and fell on his knees infront of István.  "BONJOUR - CIAO - ALOHA - SZIA - GUTEN TAG !! "

István opened his mouth; however, Dr. Aqua cut him off as he clapped his hands and plopped his thicc curves down into the chair across from him. "... Sorry. Top— I mean, my assistant, didn't let me know you were in here..."

"... But didn't you... Squeak...?" István asked as the male placed a finger to his mouth and let out a small 'shh' as if he had gossiped a juicy secret. "The door scared me. He does that a lot."

Istvan began scanning the male top to bottom. He seemed as if he had fluffy hair and his eyes enchanted him to gaze into them all day...

Fuck! István glanced towards his feet as he heard his therapist chuckle while papers being flipped.

"Old men, am I right? They're so... Traditionally wrapped in their values and think being gay is a 'trend' don't they?"

"Huh?" István's eyes perked up at what the therapist had said and slumped down into his chair while Zander began to scribble something down.

"Oh rainbows! I'm so rude! Please, tell me about yourself, cutie ~" Zander winked as a toothy grin drew itself onto his stunning face. István held his breath as red hued itself onto his features. He hated people winking at him.

"I'm not a cutie-!"

Zander began to write what he said down and István narrowed his eyes. Heat remained on his cheeks as he shagged the hair out of his eyes. "hEY-!"

"Hm ?" Zander hummed and looked up, his emerald eyes pierced right through the male's heart as it skipped multiple beats. His face was playful and childish. How did he ever turn out to be a therapist? His cute face was distracting—

"What are you-!?"

"What. Am. I?" Zander paused after he pronounced each word, his thoughts tracing over them as he tapped his pale cheek.

"Fuck! That's not what I meant to say! I just... How do I cure myself of this..."

"Disease, lemme guess?" Zander cocked an eyebrow as he scribbled something down. "You're completely healthy."

Dumbfounded, István only stared at the handsome male that had plagued his thoughts. "I met you at the fountain!"

"Yeah, I remember you," he hummed softly as his green eyes never left the clipboard.

"And... You enchanted me!!" István blurted out as the male only glimpsed up for a second, never ceasing his writings, holding back a chuckle.

"I have that affect on people. My gaydar goes WILDDDD when I am around you. It seems like you're in a crisis. In a... Closet." 

"What was your name..." István interrupted the male as he began to list off names. "Vincent? Waikiki? Yonas? Xavier?"  István asked, with each name attempt, his Therapist's warm gaze grew duller and duller. For what felt like years of guessing, his therapist glanced up with a deadpanned expression and answered with, "Zander".

"Oh, right." István scratched the back of his neck as he didn't reveal the true reason why he had "forgotten" Zander's name. He closed his eyes as he thought back to the long hours of praying to his parents to forgive him for lying about going out and crushing on someone who made him genuinely happy.

"You're having a hard time accepting you're gay. Everyone is at that point sometimes; however, you should be who you want to be. Being gay isn't a personality trait and nobody should harass you for it. Being Gay has been around since Ancient Greece and hell, maybe even further—" Zander paused as his eyebrows knit together, furious he couldn't remember the correct date. 

"My parents would hate what you're saying," István mumbled as he yanked at the cross necklace that typically hung around his neck.

"Don't let others force their way of thinking on you as well. You're your own person and you should feel proud! I have 5 partners, do you think I care about what people think? Be proud. Be loud. Be you." Zander hugged the clipboard he had been writing on as István let everything sink in. His mind and heart waged a war on each other.

"Why do you hug that clipboard like it's someone?"

Zander turned it around and handed István the clipboard.

Who cares if they call you gay and make fun? You're fabulous the way you are. I'd love to be apart of your journey and your first boyfriend ❤️

István felt the heat boil on his cheeks. His eyes finally held against the beautiful green of Zander who's face hued up softly.

"My gaydar is going off~" Zander teased, scooting to the end of his chair which got a scoff out of István. The heat never left his cheeks as he felt Zander gently place a hand over István's.

Words : 1101

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