Fears Realized

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Warning! Includes:

- homophobic & transphobic slurs

- mild sex scenes / notions to sex

- abuse (physical&emotional)

Feel free to theorize on their fears, I love reading your guy's theories and such (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤



Everyone has a fear whether they feel comfortable to admit it or not.

Everyone has a fear whether they consciously know it or not.

"You think this is a good idea coming to a dumbass experiment thingy?" István asked, jogging ahead to where the bold dumbass stood: Roman. His best friend, Tobias quickened to match his footsteps. To be frank, István only accepted because Tobias was curious to see if it worked or not, doubt was so clearly written on his face as the tall dumbass gave a twirl.

"Precisely!!" Roman chirped, glancing at the Hungarian who only scoffed out as a response. "They said that it's all private and helps gather data... Why not help out our communities? Maybe they could... Help others with fears we have...?"

"Tch. Scared to go alone?" The Russian muttered, turning away from the debate he was having with the fed up American and a crooked smile spread across his lips. "Perhaps we don't... Need a test~?"

"You can stop that..." Shivered Roman, who sulked inbetween Tobias and István, pushing their two bodies away from each other. A smirk sloppily drew itself onto his face as he draped his arms over their shoulders, "soooooooo~"

"Ugh," Isti pushed away from the Austrian and Romanian, taking the leading strides into the facility that awaited them. He heard the whispers of Paris and Archie muttering about something while Mitch whispered into his phone that he wished he was home with his husband and son than out getting into a fight with the Russian who retreated towards the backline. Anxiety took hold of the Hungarian, what would await to haunt him during the experiment?

He felt a comforting hand slide up his back and onto his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "You alright?" Hearing Tobias's voice always made him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Butterflies fluttered delicately while Isti brought a hand up to his own cheek and imagined it was Tobias's.

"I am, now." He wanted to scold himself for such a cheesy oneliner; however, his short moment he had with Tobias ended as soon as it begun. "Excuse me, wankers," the Brit pushed himself to the front, crossing his arms as an angry France followed behind him. If only she was speaking Finnish, maybe then he'd pick out what cusses she was using right now. He crossed his arms as Tobias only eyed the male, not wanting to step the boundary line.

"Did she finally have enough of your lil penis, Archie-Warchie???" Teased Roman, receiving a sock to the stomach, causing the Romanian's hands to instantly explode to his stomach.

"Don't call me that nickname and it's none of your business to why we're fighting."

"Probably a bed hog-" instead of Archie socking the male, a hand smacked the back of his fluffy brown hair and her silky voice scoffed, "you're probably worse, Roman. However, I'd never sleep with someone who'd get a STI from how unfaithful he is to Hristo," sneered the Frenchwoman as Archie gave a small chuckle, his brown eyes glimpsing at the blonde girl for a split moment.

"Okay, okay. No more," The American adjusted his shades as a dark voice chuckled.

"Come on, it was finally getting to a good ass part of the climax."

"You and chaos are an ultimate duo..." Sighed Mitch as he rubbed his stormy eyes that he preferred to cover.

"You and covering those eyes of yours..." Tsked Sergei as the building drew closer and closer. The group of seven finally entered the tall skyscraper that scratched at the sky.

"Gratte-ciel!!" Paris chirped while Mitch only asked for clarification, "that means... Sky scratcher, doesn't it?"

"Yep!" She proudly bolstered, her gaze falling onto Archie for a split second before turning back towards Mitch. "You're quite the language expert, does that come... Naturally?"

A small smile inched itself onto his face as the gang entered through the building. The white walls and floors felt like something out of a science fiction movie. As they entered through the lobby, a woman with auburn hair and bright great eyes trotted towards them. "Ello, I'm Ms. Roxanne. I'll be conducting the experiment on all of you. Proceed with me."

She glanced down at her clipboard, writing stuff down as the groups feet began to pick up once more when the small introduction to the program ended. They walked down corridors upon corridors upon corridors upon corridors until they finally reached a small room locked behind a keypad.

"In this room, your worst fear comes to life." She began pressing buttons, musical cues playing here and there. The door screeched open and blue comfy chairs lined the two opposite walls while a door was in the middle of the wall. "This is the lobby where you'll be sitting. That door in front of us is the chamber. All that will be monitored is your heart rate. The room is designed to pick up your worst fear and make a scenario out of it. Who wants to go first-?" Her forest green eyes dulled when nobody raised their hands. Her eyes scanned the individuals who sat before her.

"Okay. We will go in with a game of fate. Choose a number on a scale of 1-10."







"3- wait 5- wait 1-"

"10 was the correct answer, meaning Sergei will go last. In order from first to last we have, István, Archie, Paris, Tobias, Mitch, Roman and Sergei. Any objections?"

"Yeah, me. I want out!" István shouted, only for the girl to get up in his face and softly push him down in his chair.

"Fate demanded you go first? What are you hiding, Isti?"

"N-nothing! Just open the damn door..." A defeated István crumbled, glimpsing at Tobias who gave him a sideways smile and entered the room with a little less wobble.

( István )

It looked just like home. His messy room with a bible propped right up with a silver cross marking the spot where he had ended reading. His fading gray walls into a dirty white. His closet full of old memories he didn't want to look at. The black and white walls felt like an endless prison he didn't know how to account for.

He laid down on the white and black checkered blanket, his mind numb as he picked up a small, colorless rubix cube. He doesn't fear the cube he created. He doesn't fear his room, or the cross or reading. He turned towards the closet that creaked open, his body glued to the bed. Ghosts? The past? Was he even sure he wanted to venture into the closet??

He finally forced himself off the bed with what felt like a million years. However, when he turned around, the bed began to decay into reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples! His footsteps seemingly grew further and further away from the colorful bed that began to take the floor with.

He jumped within the closet, slamming it shut and feeling the comfort of the black and white scenary. He saw color flash under the closet door as he gripped the handle, his hands burning as he shouted, "w-wait!!!!!!"

"... This way... Isti..." His feet began to move, finding a hole in the wall as he jumped through it. "... Tobias...?"

It felt as if the ground had shoved him through the hole. His body fell through as if he was going down a rabbit hole, falling deeper and deeper until he hit a colorful floor. His eyes focused in on his hands before he heard an angry woman screech, "fag! Fag! Watch out for that man, he will steal your husbands and transfer all sorts of STDs!!"

"What, that's not true!! I. Am. Not. Gay!" István shot up off of the ground, running towards the woman repeating the same things. Her eyes flickered to him when he angrily cussed her out in Hungarian.

"You're not gay? What are these then?" And she handed him photographs of a certain someone kissing his neck and holding their bodies together. His tight hold on the photographs drifted to the floor when the woman's voice asked, "what will God think of you sinning with a man who you are not married to??"

Istvan glanced up at the sky, his heart beating, what was he supposed to do when he broke the bible?? He felt the angry stare from the man in the clouds, muttering banishing spells.

"W-Wait!!" István croaked, dropping to one knee and sandwiching both his hands together. "I don't wanna go to hell, I pray for forgiveness, I pray...!"

"Don't bother Isti." His heart sank when he heard the smoothness of Tobias's voice. "You're just a lil fag that God abandoned." István felt himself drop to the floor as Tobias crawled onto him, shoving him deeper into the colorful oblivion. "Good thing I don't like you. I never will like you."

And the colors dragged István down.

( Archie )

Waiting for István to return felt like forever for the prim gent. Good thing there wasn't a specific time or else, he would have gone bonkers. Stepping into the room hadn't been all that difficult and it seemed to be simple already.

Until his face turned bright red when someone decided to give him a "squeeze" on his groin. "H... Hey!" shouted Archie, smoothing down his brown hair as he heard a familiar giggle.

"Hey Archie~" breathed a certain Frenchman. His body pressed up behind him as numerous people strolled by.

"G... Get off me... Yanno I don't like showing affection in..."

"Public? Haven't forgotten, just don't care."

People began to stop and stare as he felt his skin shiver as the nibbling began. Their dark eyes watched as their whisperings increased and increased.

"I'm not gay, get off me you, you, twat!" Archie screeched, shoving away from the Frenchman. "Witch! Has been trying to seduce me with his heretic magic!!"

The people began to move away as he felt his body slammed into the ground. "Heretic? I don't know what you'd do without me. Without me, you're lonely and you enjoy shoving away everyone when you so desire to have company."

"I don't need anybody, I don't have a family or need company-"

"Don't have a family, Archie? But don't people need you, Archie?" A young teenager drifted into the picture, peering over as his suit turned into the all too familiar revolutionary war uniform he had dressed himself in. The coldness in the male's voice grew, grew, grew and grew as he continued. "You say you care, but do you really? You push people away, for what? You told me you loved me, you'd be back but you never came back. You had broken your promise. Do you really wanna things alone?"

He felt a shove only for a green military uniform to done itself upon him. "Can you really do things alone or do you REGRET not getting involved sooner? It was your fault for not putting a stop to me mobilizing... However, so much fun tearing through Europe and picking off each and every one of them~" A wicked grin had drew itself onto the dark eyes of the devil who crouched infront of him.

"Fuck off!" The male lashed in anger as a shattered glass startled his attention away from them. Their questions and guilt overwhelmed the Britishmale until he felt a comforting touch rest themselves on his shoulder.

"But what about me, Archie? Would you rather just live out your golden years then reconcile? Do you REALLY want to self pity and swallow melancholy alcohol? What does that do?"

"Paris... I..." The voices of the others began to be drowned out by the blood that pounded in his ears.

"Do you... Really love me Archie, or are you going to shove me away, too?"

( Paris )

She watched as the Britishmale slumped down in his feet, his brown eyes narrowed as he glimpsed around the room until they rested upon him. His hands were crossed as his posture was unorthodox compared to how he usually positioned himself.

"Wish me lucccck~!" She waved and it only fell upon empty ears. She trotted into the room, feeling the door close behind her, she took a deep breathe as trotted to the heart of the room.


"Bonjour," she heard an awful butcher of her word mock right back at her. The Britishmale slunk out of darkness as the color seeemed to fade from between them.

"Archie? Oh dear, I must've tortured you in your fear..."

"Really? I don't fear anything, Francis." That single word kicked her anger off, she lunged forward as she grabbed the male's cuff.

"Wanna finish what you're going to say~?" She cooed, her mind buzzing at a million miles per hour.

"You're really a fraud, do you think you could POSSIBLY pass as a real girl? Every guy in the world wouldn't want to sleep you with, Francis."

"You make that sound as if I wanna stop banging the only person I want to be with, Archie." She flung him towards the ground and crouched, placing a hand upon his cheek as she murmured, "If this is about my self conscious telling me I am afraid of being trans and people not wanting to sleep with me, I don't care anymore. I know people will judge me if I told them; however, their opinion is invalid! Why should I sacrifice my self worth to making them feel 'comfortable' when there have been numerous trans people in history? Is it so hard to just like a human being? I know... I know you're probably still getting used to the change and everything but you're doing an amazing job and... That means a lot to me... Arch..." She removed her hand off his soft skin until he gripped her hand at the end, sliding it back into place.

"As long as you're happy and aren't doing this for another reason."

"I am very happy. I feel like I finally fit where I was supposed to be."

"Then you're valid. You're valid."

"I always was valid. You told me that and I told you that when you were panicking over if you were gay or not," she let out as small chuckle as she felt the male place a soft kiss under her neck, catching her off guard.

"Paris" he murmured and she couldn't help but smile.

( Tobias )

"Damn, that was fast," Tobias stood up softly as Paris exited the room, smiling like she had a great awakening.

"It was... Amazing! I learned so much about myself, good luck to you!" She gave a bright smile as she took the Austrian's spot right next to Archie, wrapping an arm around the short Brit.

He opened the door and when it closed, abrupt clapping sounded out all around him, spotlights flickering as they revealed a piano.

A piano? I am good with instruments!

He sat down at the small bench, tracing his fingers over the unique wood that the piano had possessed. His fingers began to dance across the keys as the clapping died down, listening. Watching. Viewing.

His rhythmic pattern haulted when his finger slid to the wrong key, red lights shining down upon him. The crowd began to boo. To shout. To laugh. To ridicule.

"W-wait , sorry I just..." He played the last notes and still got the ending wrong. It was as if someone had cursed him with bad voodoo. His eyes spotted the crowd dispersing as the booing only grew louder and louder and louder and louder and louder as the Hungarian only remained.

"Pretty shitty show, cant believe a single mistake costed you everything." And Istvan threw a medal down onto the stage, the sound of the coin cluncking off beat perked the perfectionist within him. One simple mistake costed him his whole career.

( Mitch )

"I already have an idea what my fear is," Mitch told Ms. Roxanne who only opened the door for the tired Austrian. István moved to give up his seat, only for Tobias to distance himself away from him, a small frown tugging on his fragile lips.

"Go on, don't be shy~" and she shoved the American into the room. The smell of beef waffled through the air into his nostrils as a small hum sung itself like a full song.

"Welcome home, Mitchy!" Buck glanced up from the stove as Angel bounced towards his father, grabbing at his legs as Mitch lifted his son up.

"I love you guys, how are you two?"

"G-" Mitch closed his eyes as the features upon their porcelain faces began to melt, their bodies sinking towards the floor as he accidentally dropped his melting son, causing his son to become a puddle.

"Angel!?!? Buck!?!?" He screeched as he dropped to his knees, picking up the melty mess of his family.

"S... Shit..." He tried desperately to pick them up but it was all in vain. His shades had fallen into the giant mess as a dark coo was heard behind him, "what a show. I applaud you, my dear."

( Roman )

"My boyfriend is suffering from a STI and I need to go see him so I can't continue this dumb experiment." He stammered as he watched the usual bold and upbeat individual sulk in his chair. He gulped as he felt the hot and quite well gifted, Ms. Roxanne shove him into the room.

The room became engulfed in loud music and whiskey being tossed around. A large pole stadium flickered on as he spotted his boss beckoning him towards the back. He opened the changing room's door and felt his boss place his hands around his waist.

"Hey Romanie... I thought it'd be a good idea if you... Wore this to thrilllllll the crowd." And showed the skimpy laced lingerie.

"B... But that's a girl's-"

He felt a highheel thrown at his forehead, making solid contact against his noogen. "Do it."

And he obliged. Placing on the small lingerie that barely covered all the parts he didn't want to expose. He treaded down across the stage, his laced highheel boots curling his toes down as he felt the cold bar. The music blared as he began to dance, feeling the adrenaline soar through his body until a thick Bulgarian accent caught his attention, "hey Romanie~"

"... Hristo...! It isn't... I would..." And his dancing slowed down as the naked Bulgarian advanced.

"That's such a slutty thing to do. The fact that you dance all night and leave me alone, pfft." And he turned away, his hips moving as a high heel smacked him once again.


"Shut up Roman, you try so hard but your love life is a pile of shit!" The Hungarian cooed, jumping into Hristo's arms as he began to lather the male's face with kisses.

"Come onnnn, I try my hardest. I..."

"Everyone sees you for the slut that you are Romanie, now come here."

And that's where Roman dipped. Jumping into the sea of people as he shoved his way through whoever stood in it. He jumped over the bar as he hid where the bartender was serving, placing a finger to his quivering lips as he heard his boss ask for two glasses. The bartender dipped his head and returned with two glasses and whiskey spilled on the floor next to him. He took a small sigh of relief until he felt hands upon his neck.

"Don't worry Roman, what happens won't hurt me at all~"

( Sergei )

"W... Wow..." Breathed Roman, settling down as his lips quivered. Sergei got up from the chair he had been lounging in as took a deep breathe and heard the door slam shut behind him. The coldness of the room began to grow as a snowball lobbed itself at his head.

"What the..?" He muttered as he felt warm hands tie themselves around his waist and the heavy breath on his neck. "Get off..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jealous. Does me showing intimacy make you... Uncomfortable?" He tore away from the blond male, falling into the snow as he heard the old chinese male speak up, "what happened to us? Did our goals in the end make you uncomfortable?"

"Get away, Deweii," and shoved the male away from him, only hearing the Mongolian roll right next to him and cry, "does me showing you that I want something between us make you uncomfortable?"

"No. There won't be anything between us."

He felt his body lift off the ground as robotic arms gathered around his body. "Does me wanting to have sex with you make you uncomfortable?" And he felt his face collide with the soft snow that he knew all too well from his childhood.

"Does you craving the warmth of a relationship make you want to throw up but seek the comfort of something? You had your shot to ask me before I married, Serg~"

"You wouldn't of shown me any love..." His voice cracked.

Fuck. He showed weakness...

His anger boiled, pushing himself off the ground until he noticed the clothes that Mitch was wearing, a jacket he had given Mitch as a token of friendship when he sold Alaska. He backed up until a cold hand slammed itself onto his shoulder,

"Does my grandfather make you uncomfortable? Remind you of times you were... Younger?" The wind violently blew as his fluffy hat flung off his hat into the mist. He felt the Mongolian's lips against his earlobes.

"Does me being old and wise stop you from wanting something more?"

"I could give a fuck about your age!" Sergei roared until he stopped, wishing he had phrased that differently. "And you Slav, stay away from me-" pointing at Vacro who only took a step back. His dark red eyes rested upon Mitch who pointed at the male's chest.

Mitch closed the distance between them, pressing Sergei against a tree. The two stood there for what felt like an eternity. He heard Mitch's steady breaths that he wished he lean in and close the distance.

No. No he wouldn't.

"And you wonder why you're alone."

"I've always been alone."

"However, do you really need to be?" And the American close the distance between their lips.

( in conclusion )

After Sergei had come out of the chamber, Ms. Roxanne had released them out of the small lobby and back into the dark night.

"Gosh, it's dark out... How long have we been in there?" Paris sighed out, closing her purple eyes as Archie only mumbled something. "Hm?"

"If you want, you could, spend the night if you insist."

A smile curved itself onto her soft face as she exclaimed, "that'd be nice..."

"You're going to get pegged, Archie?" Roman laughed, only to get hit in the stomach from István.

"I don't wanna hear about that, Rom."

"Everyone does!" Rom beamed as Archie shoved his hands in his pockets, wanting to send out a snarky response... Only to say nothing.

"Not really..." Sergei muttered as his red eyes glanced at Mitch for a split second. "Mitchell?"

"Yeah, Sergei?" The American turned around to face the Russian, who only gave a deep inhale as he tugged at his sleeves.

"Your eyes aren't ugly, you don't need shades." He watched as Mitch grasped at the shades that clung to his face as his stormy eyes became visible. Sergei felt heat bite at the back of his neck as he SWORE Mitch's cheeks hued just a bit.

"Also, Mitchell-" he shoved his hands into his pockets and his red eyes darkened. "Nevermind..."


Words: 3999

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