How Good Of An Ally Are You Test

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After reading lilspacebirb 's oneshot and Addxiety and listening to the grim dark creepypasta of The Friendship Test, I could help but feel inspired to write my own oneshot of this and how my characters would react to in this situation -

Blood, gore and descriptive deaths and scenes are featured in this oneshot, please don't read if you're uncomfortable with this kind of stuff.


" ... " The male's body heaved up as he glimpsed around in the unlit room, his sunglasses were still on and probably weren't helping the fact that it was so dark in the room.

" ... Maple ..? " His groggily voice asked out, his body ached in pain and he last remembered hanging out with his younger twin brother. A couple of seconds later, he had finally heard a small squeak respond,

" ... I'm here... "

" What in hell's name am I doing here? " A British voice rang out through the dark and a small glimpse of light up the darkroom, revealing others in a small jail cell.

" .. w-what is this..? " A quiet female's voice rang out into the darkness as they all heard a loud shout coming from the German, Buck.

" Don't touch ittttt! This is a powerful substance that was used back in world war 2, it's illegal to have ...! "

" Very good ~ " a cold hiss rang out from the darkness as a tall silhouette made its way to the center of the room. Red eyes glowed from the dark as the lights snapped on a bit, revealing a colorless room with molding walls. " It would've been a shame if a player was to get hurt so... early into the round. "

" Sergei...? What in the world are you doing !?? " Istvàn shouted, he had a long scar down the middle of his forehead that hadn't been there before.

Sergei's face had been covered by shadows before but now, everyone could see the darkness that laid in hiding in his dark and gloomy red eyes. He adjusted his hat that laid on top of his head as his gray hair poked out the bottom.

" I've got a game I wanted all of you to try out ~ " he veered his body around the small circle and stood directly in the middle. " I've always been curious.. what made a good Ally? And since you guys are ... close ... " The male stopped when the tsundere interrupted him.


" Hmm...~? " Was all that Sergei acknowledged, spinning around as he grabbed out a small notebook with the cover hanging off of the binding. It was an old notebook and Sergei perked his eyes up after he was done writing.

" What are you planning on doing...? " Mitch broke through the uncomfortable silence, his sunglasses were on top of his blond hair as his stormy gray eyes glanced around the dull room.

" The first challenge will be a challenge of kindness... " Sergei smiled, he turned towards Mitch and a sour smile painted themselves onto his chappy lips.

" Will you sacrifice something of yours for someone else or will you take something from them ~? "

Sergei grabbed something out of his pocket and he felt the blade of the small ax. Dry blood remained on the Russian's fingertips as he wiped it on his brown jacket.

" Chop off someone's hand off or chop your own off. " Sergei placed his hands behind his back, the ax straight in the middle.

" Before we start this game, I just want to let you know of some ground rules, failure to follow the rules will resort in someone being eliminated at random for trying to attack me so it would be better if you didn't try to do something rash ~ "

" .. fuck .. "

" Try running away or resisting will result in one of you to be killed at random and if you don't choose in the timer's limit, well let's just say that this Russian will get to have some fun~ "

Sergei's voice taunted at the end and he pointed towards the American.

" Let's start with my dear Mitch. " His voice snarled out as a glare was sent towards the American.

" Chop off Archie's hand or chop your own off? " A timer appeared on the wall as Sergei had pressed a small remote, controlling the timer.

" Mitch... " Archie breathed, he sat on the right side of the American, and Mitch glanced at the blade.

" I'd rather kill myself than hurt anyone in here -! " Mitch shouted, his gray eyes watering up as the timer ticked down.

" Now Mr. Hero, no need to act all suicidal ~ " Sergei grinned at the male's despair. Mitch hung his head low as he glanced at the British male who's gaze held steadily with his.

" Mitch, whichever choice you choose, it'll be okay... " Archie's voice shivered as the timer ticked down,




" ... I choose ... "

" Yes, Mitch? " Sergei perked one of his eyebrows up as he crossed his arms. " Who do you choose ~? "

Mitch turned towards Archie as his demeanor broke down. " I'm so sorry... "

Archie couldn't speak as he only nodded softly.

" ... Archie ... " Was all that Mitch could say, Sergei, grinned widely as he released the circle that surrounded the two, and Sergei yelled.

" Perfect ~ take out the one who wanted to rule, CONTROL you when you were little .. ~ "

His words sounded like venom as Mitch wobbled up towards the ax and grabbed it.

His lungs were heavy as his gray eyes tried to stay calm. Archie placed his hand on the small desk that they all had in their small circle and Mitch glanced into Archie's blurry eyes.

" I'm sorry... "

" I know. "

Mitch dropped the ax where Archie's left hand was and a painful scream bounced off of the walls in the room.

Paris couldn't help but sob loudly as she heard the love of her life in so much pain and agony. Maple whimpered as he covered his ears, small tears falling out of his light blue eyes and Mitch lowering his head, tears falling like a waterfall out of his eyes.

" I'm... sorry .. I'm sorry.. " he wished he could take back what he had done and it felt like his heart had stopped beating. Mitch wobbled back to his circle and sat on the ground, his head in between his legs as he hugged himself. Archie grabbed at his left hand that had been chopped off as his hiccuping noises tried to die down, but couldn't.

" Now Archie, your turn ~ " the low pitched male responded, the ax was closer to Archie now as it sat outside his circle from the events that had happened.

Sergei clapped his hands and grinned sadistically as he smirked, " loose your right hand or ~ " Sergei pointed to Istvàn as the Hungarian's eyes widened. " Or Istvàn's. "

The timer didn't even start the countdown as the British male shouted. " Istvàn's. "

" That was sure as hell quick ~ " Sergei grabbed out his small notebook and began to quickly jot something down, his eyes clearly enjoying what he was writing down...

The two's circle had faded as Archie grabbed the ax with his right hand, dragging the ax towards Istvàn, blood leaking out of where his left hand used to be.

" W-wait Arch... " Istvàn pleaded, he stood up as the male began to approach


And closer

And closer ...

" I don't want to hear it! " Archie shouted, Paris's sobs had grown louder as she heard what her partner had said.

The Hungarian whimpered in fright at the male's sudden reaction and then approached Istvàn.

" Hand. Out. "

" Archie, wait...! "

Archie slung down at the male's right hand and blood squirted out onto the table. Istvàn let out a gut-wrenching scream as he fell onto the floor, his legs caving in as Archie stood over him, his throat tied into a giant knot, hearing the Hungarian scream bloody murder had made him realize his selfish deed.

" Now with that little drama out of the way ~ " Sergei clapped his hands and turned towards Istvàn. " Chop off your other hand or ~ " he pointed at Tobias who was in the other cell.

" chop off Tobias' hand. "

" I.. " Istvàn turned towards the Austrian who gave him a rare smile,

" please Istvàn, you need your other hand... "

" I'll hurt you though - "

" It's okay, I forgive you... " Tobias responded, a small tear falling out of his right eye. He had been strangely quiet the whole time and Istvàn bit his lip.

" But if I hurt you... I'd lose apart of myself.," he exclaimed, tears falling down the Hungarian's cheeks as he began to cry. The timer ticked onward.

" Please Istvàn, do it for me... "

"I... "

" Your choice Istvàn? " Sergei smirked, interrupting the conversation the two were having. " This is your choice after all. "

" I choose.. " he turned towards Tobias who gave him a small nod and then back towards Sergei.

" JUST TAKE OFF MY OTHER HAND YOU COLDHEARTED SON OF A BITCH...! " He sobbed loudly as he fell down towards the ground. Sergei grabbed the bloodstained ax as he smirked, his smile had grown larger after hearing the male's words and he gripped Istvàn's only good hand and swung the ax down with so much force that wood chips flew up from the table from the strike.

Istvàn let out more giant sobs as blood trickled down onto the floor as a pool of scarlet red blood began to form.

" Seems like the first one to lose his hands was this late into the test... " Sergei muttered to himself as he began to write down something in his notebook.

" Anyways, Tobias, it's your turn - "

" Take off my own hand you coldhearted - "

Sergei interrupted as he let out a long yawn and glanced at the Austrian. " Awwwww, feeling like shit because your boyfriend didn't cut your hand off and now guilt's getting to you ~? Get used to it. "

Sergei once again grabbed the ax with blood dripping onto the floor and Tobias placed his hand down onto the small, wooden table. He closed his eyes and bit his lip.

" Tobias ... " Istvàn cried, his eyes closed as he crisscrossed his arms underneath his bloodstained vest, he couldn't bear to watch what the Austrian had done.

Sergei swung upwards and stopped halfway through the male's hand which caused Tobias' breathing to become hard in pain.

" Oopsies, seems like I didn't use enough force and pressure ~ " mocked Sergei, enjoying the pain that had flashed in Tobias' now open eyes.

" ... Just ... " Hissed out Tobias through gritted teeth, water began to flow from his open eyes as Sergei lifted the bloody ax from the male's hand and then swung down again, chopping the hand clean off. Blood began to flow heavily from the open wound as Tobias ripped off part of his shirt, trying to clog up the heavy flow.

Tears fell down silently from his cheek as his glasses had been fogged up by the immense pain that Sergei had put him through.

" Paris~ " Sergei sang as he stepped in front of her jail. " Your hand or Buck's ~ "

Paris glanced over at Buck with blurry eyes as she hid her head in between her legs, the loud ticking of the timer teased her with time.

" I don't want to hurt Buck... " She murmured softly, her voice breaking as deprived with emotion.

" What dear? " Sergei shouted loudly, leaning towards her cell slightly. Her sobbing picked up again as a dark smile spread upon his face.

" 5... 4... 3... 2... "

" Cut my hand off! " She sobbed out, her purple orbs blurry as she heard Archie across the court protest her choice, while Buck only shouted, " Cut mine off. "

" Looks like you made two of your dearest friends mad at you, I wonder if they're going to get back at you? " His voice was filled with venom as he only spotted Paris place her left hand down shakily onto the table.

" ... " She sniffled as she didn't look up at anyone, she couldn't bear to see any of her friends in a state like this and he began to sob again as she saw the shadow of Sergei lifting the ax.

Immense pain bestowed upon her as she felt the ax strike her left hand, her hand falling down onto the floor and a pool of blood left in its place. She screamed at the pain and fell backward, hugging the arm that once had her hand located on it.

" Don't be such a pussy Paris ~ " grinned Sergei as he dropped the ax and yawned. " Yeesh, I expected more of you to chop off each other's hands... maybe Buck won't disappoint me ...? "

Buck glanced around the room and saw the distortion in all of his friends, Mitch hadn't looked up once and cradled his head in between his legs, wishing that he made a different choice. Archie flexed his fingers in and out on the only hand he had left and Istvàn glanced down at his bloody wear, his tears never did stop falling.

Buck was fed up with the sadisticness of what Sergei was plotting and he turned towards Mitch's twin, Maple who glanced fearfully up at Buck.

" ... Buck, I don't want you hurting yourself ... " He squeaked out. " ... Please ... "

Buck turned towards the Russian who was glaring intensely at him, 15 seconds on the timer that threateningly loomed down towards 0.

" Maple. " Buck shouted, Mitch veered his head upwards and he wiped his gray eyes on the palms of his hands.

" .. wait Buck... "

Buck turned towards Mitch who had frail determination. " Please don't hurt him.. I don't want to hear him in so much pain... "

" Don't worry, it'll be quick .. " Buck had so much anger bent up inside him. His veins boiled as he watched the circle open up between the two and Buck gripped the handle of the ax, imprints of his fingernails embedded his palms.

He lunged forward towards Sergei that only cocked an eyebrow and he pressed a button, which paused the timer and caused Sergei's lightning-fast reaction for his communist whip.

" Eenie, weenie, miny, moe - " his eyes lingered over Mitch for a quick second and the golden whip began to choke Maple, the male's breathing began to lessen at each pull and Buck turned and glanced at the male.

" NO STOP -! " Mitch shouted, watching his baby twin being choked to death.

" You see Buck - you break the rules and then this happens. " Maple's hands tried to rip the golden whip off of his neck and his light blue eyes finally went dull, the last breath choked right out of him.

" Get back to your circle. "

Buck could only oblige to the Russian and glanced over at Mitch, who didn't dare look over at him. His heart sank at what he had done and he closed his eyes, he was the reason why Maple was dead.

HIS brash instincts had kicked in and now, they were only down to 6 people in this dark room.

Paris had sniffled and glanced up at the Russian who looked over the group and then smirked, his voice showed no hint of emotion.

" Such a shame, we are down a player.. anyways, the quiz will have to continue without a keen player... " Sergei grabbed the bloody ax and threw it across the room, the blade hit something large in the darkness and Sergei left the middle of the center and trotted back with a dagger that had a crooked blade and a large, giant rod.

" Since Buck selfishly killed Maple out of the test, this next test is going to be loyalty. " Sergei grabbed the long rod and struck it three times in Buck's back, the thickening thuds made Mitch want to puke.

Buck's breathing quickened as he didn't look up at the group of friends, how could he?

" .. Stab the person to the hilt, anyone of your choice, as long as they're only 2 people away or hit Buck three times with the rod as a punishment of Maple's suffering, " a sour smile appeared on the male's lips as he grinned at the crowd and his dark red eyes rested upon Mitch.

" Fuck you. "

Sergei was undeterred by what the Russian had said and only hummed, " what's your choice? "

" Mitch, I can take it... "

" No, I can't .. Buck... " Mitch's heartbroken voice shivered out as the timer's ticking was starting to get on the male's nerves.

He glanced over at Archie, Istvàn, and Tobias that seemingly didn't want to be stabbed to the hilt.

" Mitch .. please, I deserve this... " Buck pleaded with the male, his eyes watering with guilt as what he had done to Maple.

" It wasn't your fault tho... "

" He'd still be around if it weren't for me... "

" 10 seconds left on the clock ~ " Sergei interrupted the conversation as Mitch glanced around the room and he choked out.

" The knife... "

" Mitch please don't stab me .. " Archie breathed out, Mitch glanced at the crooked blade and took a deep breath and plunged it into his own leg, his breathing picked up as his sunglasses fell over his gray eyes and Sergei stalked towards the male.

" Maybe I should've been more clear but I'm surprised that you found a creative way of not hurting one of your friends... " Sergei taunted as he forced the blade more into Mitch's leg, the crooked blade ripped out of the male's leg and scarlet covered the blade.

" From this point on, you'll have to stab someone else that isn't you, " he glared over at Mitch, who dropped the bloody knife onto the ground and only glanced at Buck who had been shaking through the whole thing.

" Mitch, you should've whacked me... "

" I told you I couldn't... " Mitch whispered softly as he crisscrossed his arms over his stomach and sat down, he couldn't bear the thought of hurting someone else... He didn't want to hurt someone else.

" Archie, your turn. "

" I know my choice, " Archie's eyes glanced at the long rod and picked it up and turned towards the German, who closed his eyes, ready for the whipping.

Archie went behind the German male, whacking him hard with the metal rod, Archie had hit the male with so much force that it caused him to fall forward, his chin hitting the floor rather hard and Archie gave him one more whack, which resulted in a small grunt.

" Thank you, Archie, that was rather .. interesting to watch... " Sergei wrote down what he had just witnessed and then closed his book with a lot of force.

" Istvàn, this is the perfect time to get revenge on Archie for cutting your hand off or you can whack Buck 3 times. "

Istvàn glanced up, his bloody stubs for hands raised towards Sergei and narrowed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks.

" How exactly -? "

" That's right, you're the only one without hands... " Sergei chuckled darkly to himself and then eyed the Hungarian, " don't worry, I'll do whatever choice you do... "

Istvàn eyed the German and his breathing tightened as the German had finally gotten up from the blows that Sergei and Archie had done to him.

" István please ... " Tobias pleaded out, his brown eyes glancing fretfully at his older brother as he bit his lip.

" I don't think he can take another beating.. "

István glanced over at the German, who slowly began to get up, his brown eyes hiding the pain he had just went through and gave a small , reassuring smile.

Buck mouthed the words ' it'll be okay ' and Istvàn only choked on his saliva as a timer went off behind him.

" Buck... " Istvàn choked out, he watched in horror as Sergei grabbed the long pole and stalked towards the male, hate bleeding out of his red eyes as a sadistic smile drew itself onto his face.

" Good choice Istvàn, you'd rather let someone go who wronged you and punish someone who killed someone. "

His heart twisted into a knot as Tobias glanced hurtfully at Istvàn and could only witness in terror as Sergei whacked the male 4 times in the back, one growing harder and harder with hate.

" ... That was 4 ... " Istvàn choked out. Buck had fallen to his knees after taking the punishment standing up and he couldn't bear the pain of standing up.

" Oh ~ " cooed the Russian, his red eyes lingering on them. " The punishment goes up by one so Tobias ~ "

Tobias glared hatefully at the Russian and only listened to what the sadistic male had ordered,

" Stab someone 2 players away in either direction or whack Buck 5 times. "

" I'd rather stab someone. " He glanced over at Istvàn who only bit his lip, regretting hurting the Austrian's older brother and one of his good friends. Tobias picked up the long, crooked blade and glanced at the darkening blood and glanced in the direction of Archie.

" Tobias - "

Tobias stalked over to where Archie was and the circle opened. Tobias glanced over at the male, trying to find a place that would do the least amount of damage and stabbed it into the male's right shoulder, halfway. He began to drag the blade out until he felt a cold hand grasp his hand.

" I said to the hilt of the blade. " Sergei forced the blade into Archie's shoulder which caused Archie to hiss out in agony.

Paris's sobbing picked up again as she curled herself up into a ball, not excited it was her turn to choose.

Would she stab someone or whack Buck?

Sergei glanced over at the crying french girl and then dropped the metal rod and the crooked blade in front of her.

" And so, it comes to you... " Sergei responded. Paris didn't respond as she looked at the blade and glimmering metal rod.

" I'll... I'll .. " her circle disappeared as she reached for the metal rod and felt the cold metal in her hand. There was a giant blood splatter at the end of the thing.

" Paris ... Please don't hit him... He's already in so much pain ...! " Mitch choked out, Tobias shook his head as he shouted.

" ... Please, you can stab me ... He won't survive 5 whacks- "

" It's 6 ~ " Sergei grinned darkly and placed his hands on her shoulders, the coldness of his hands caused a small shiver to run down her spine. " Just because you didn't whack him doesn't mean it's still at 5, so give him 6 fucking whacks. "

Paris sniffed as she glanced over at the crying Mitch and Tobias who pleaded for her not to.

" ... I have to... " Paris choked out, her words were very quiet as Tobias shouted,

" He can't take another beating... Stab me to the hilt, PLEASE I beg you...! " Tobias shouted loudly, his vision blurred as tears began to fall down his face.

" He's already in so much pain... Please don't cause my brother any more... " Tobias grew sadder and sadder as he watched every step she took towards his older brother until she stood over Buck.

Buck only turned his head up towards her, his mouth barely opening.

" ... " She tried to open her mouth but no words fell out, she only stared down at the German in regret, tears falling from her eyes as she weakly hit him in the back with the rod.

She began to walk back to her spot before Sergei jumped in her way. " I'm sorry sweetheart but you barely hit him. 6 times, remember ...? " His mocking voice kicked in, his red eyes narrowing down at her as she clutched her blonde pigtails and began to whimper.

She clutched the rod in the only hand she had left and she turned away from the Russian who only snarled in acceptance.

Sergei grabbed the notebook that he had placed into his pocket and began to write out what he was observing.

Paris raised the shiny rod over her head and struck the male's back.



Three times.




Each time making a more sickening noise than the rest. Paris glanced down at the German who didn't try and get up.

Sergei stalked towards the German and asked, " Buck? "

There was no answer.

" Looks like you beat the life out of him ~ " Sergei smirked as he is then pulled up the male's shirt, his back was bruised hard as blood leaked out of multiple holes that had been inflicted on his back.

" Looks like some of your guy's loyalty to some allies are greater than others... " Sergei wrote something down as he muttered that and clapped his hands.

" For this next part, I'm afraid that I'll have to knock you all out and move you, no hard feelings? " Sergei responded, his voice curled up at the end as someone had just told a funny joke.

Everyone was silent at that part while Mitch only muttered,

" .. I hope you burn in hell.. " it wasn't directed at anyone as he sat with his back to everyone, but the cold words seemed like they were meant for Paris.

After all, she was the one who didn't want to stab one of her friends, but she would be willing to kill someone who didn't mean any harm to what he had done...

Her heart squeezed in her chest as more tears fell down her face as a soft gas appeared around the group, while Sergei wore a suit covering his face.

Paris tried to squirm as Sergei moved towards her, but her vision blanked...


" I'm sorry that you had to wake up in a place like this, but it was much quieter and quicker to move you unconscious... " the dark voice perked up again as Mitch's sunglasses fell onto the floor and off of his face.

It was obvious that the circle that surrounded them had disappeared and they were chained to the wall by their feet and in a small cell like structure.

" This next test is about laughter. Everyone loves the sound of laughter filling the air but this challenge isn't about laughing. I've concocted a toxic laughing gas that thrives in wet places.. " Sergei placed a cold finger underneath Mitch's neck and smirked.

" When you breathe the chemical in, it causes irreversible internal damage, killing your vocal cords and burning right through your neck ~ "

Sergei shut the small , glass cells that held all of them and sat outside the cell, watching the gas fill up the tank.

" Have fun surviving 5 minutes of all of this ~ " Sergei glanced down at his hands as he smirked as he tapped on the glass , watching the show escalate.

The first 3 minutes, the gang covered their mouths, trying to hold their breathes as long as they could.

At times, Mitch would take small breaths, the chemical lightly burning his nose hairs.

Archie had his eyes shut, his face turning a blue and trying to go the whole 5 minutes without breathing.

Paris had her hand covering her mouth as she hiccuped.

Istvàn looked like he was struggling the most , his face twisted up in emotion as he thought of the jokes that Buck used to tell Tobias and him. The look of hurt crossed Istvàn's mind as his mind raced about what he had done in round 2.

The timer ticked and ticked while Istvàn felt so sick. He was sick of playing this cruel, demented game. He was sick of crying and all the noise.

Istvàn couldn't hold his breath any longer and took a large gulp of air. His vocal cords burned as he began to laugh.

He couldn't stop laughing.

Tears ran down his face as his stub for hands hit him on top of his head.



" ISTVÀN !! " Tobias shouted, breathing in the harmful chemical as well. Tears raced down Istvàn's cheeks as he leaned up against the wall, his body going limp.

Tobias stood there his coughs getting worse and worse. " Istvàn.. I love you.. " he choked out, his body falling onto his knees and limping forward, his glasses shattering on the ground.

Paris let out a small gasp as she began to choke, the gas got sucked out of the small chamber and Sergei only glanced at Paris, a smirk crossed his face cruelly.

" You're lucky the timer had run out ~ " he smirked, his body veered towards the girl with pigtails and he only snapped his fingers.

The cuffs that were around their legs had released and the group fell forward, their ankles sore from the iron-tight cuffs that held them in place.

Sergei smirked as he snapped his fingers twice, the surroundings around them changing into a small glass chamber. There were 7 buttons, but four of them had been disabled.

" Now, this one was a hard one for me... " Sergei started, his red eyes glancing at the three figures in the chamber.

" I had to get thinking yanno ... What challenge do I have to make for someone selfish enough to win...? "

He strolled in front of Archie's chamber and smirked, his red eyes seemingly glaring into his soul.

Tears began to fall from Paris's eyes as Sergei pointed up, revealing a large, metal vent.

" The buttons in front of you correspond to different chambers that hold a player. The vents above you hold water and will dump water on them if their button is selected. If you don't choose a button, your chamber will be filled to the brim. "

" You're a ... You're a monster.. " Paris shouted out, her frail body shaking as Sergei only let out a small cackle.

" You've just noticed ? " Sergei pressed, he leaned up against her glass and began to tap rather loudly, her only hand left grabbed her right ear and cowered before the male. " Don't interrupt me. "

" Anyways , " Sergei spun on his heel. " Which one of you will be generous with your precious oxygen ~ ? " He taunted as the vents began to open slowly, water leaking out of the opening.

" What do we do !!! What do we do ??? " Paris cried out, the water filling up to her ankles.

" The only way we are getting out of here is.. if you press the buttons for my chamber... " Mitch shouted, the water lapped against the glass and eventually was waist high.

" Surely there has to be another way ... " Archie pressed.

" There's no time , okay? I believe that you two can find help and punish Sergei for what he has done... "

The water filled up to their chest area as Paris closed her eyes and clicked the button for Mitch's chamber.

Archie glanced up at the vent that opened a bit further and then bit his lip.

" Mitch, you were the best mistake that I have ever made . "

" Tch , don't get sappy. " Mitch smiled softly as Archie clicked Mitch's button. The vent above Mitch's chamber had opened all the way , which caused the male to go under water. The two pressed up against their chambers as Mitch flashed Archie and Paris a thumbs up and a large, reassuring smile.

The air bubbles flooded out of his mouth slower and slower until they had finally stopped.

A large crack sounded off in front of them , which caused Paris to jump. The sound had came from Sergei stomping hard on Mitch's sunglasses. Sergei raised his boot and glanced down at the black shards that littered the floor.

" Welcome now .. the two love birds have made it to the final round.. " Sergei pressed his lips together and let out a small tsk... Tsk... Tsk.

" I was really hoping to get to the friendship test, but not everything goes the way you want it to when designing tests like these.. " Sergei sighed as he opened his notebook up and began to jot something down, a crooked smile forming on his face.

" This last test will be about honesty. " He grabbed out 2 maple syrup bottles and placed them on the table, 2 for each of Archie and Paris.

The maple syrup in front of them had words carved into them. Chance and choice.

" Chance or choice, " Sergei responded, throwing an apple up into the air and smirking.

" I wanted to go with maple syrup since it's a specialty in Canada and one of Maple's favorite things , and I even ordered them handmade from Canada... " The male chuckled as he crushed the apple that he was throwing.

" Where was I...? " Sergei pondered and then Archie spoke up.

" Chance and Choice . "

" Right, thank you , " Sergei responded, throwing the apple towards the ground and slamming his hands on the table, causing both of them to jump back.

" If both of you select chance, one does at random. If one of chooses choice and the other chance, whoever chose chance will diem if you both choose choice, you both die . "

" ... Die from what .. ? "

" An odorless, tasteless substance that will kill you in an instant . You'll have 90 seconds to determine what you'll do ~ "

Sergei moved away from the small table and Paris glanced at Archie.

" You should do choice , there are a lot of people that need and care for you, like your brothers .. " Paris responded quickly, her voice chirping up.

" I can't do that dear, what about all the people that love and care about you too , like Sylvie... "

" Then ... Let's both do chance then... " Paris responded quietly, her voice shaking a bit as they both selected a maple syrup bottle.

Sergei grabbed the maple syrup bottles, pouring the maple syrup into a small mixture and placing them down on the table for them.

Archie grabbed the small tea cup and began to drink out of it, as well as Paris.

Sergei yawned as a smirk drew itself onto his face. " Oh...? Did I forget the answers of what they said are on the bottom of the glass..? "

Archie's face went pale as he noticed his sweetheart's choice, Choice. Paris gasped as he began to cough, he grabbed his throat as Paris began to wail loudly.

" ... I'm sorry ! I'm sorry ...! " She shouted and kept repeating herself. Archie fell to the floor , his brown eyes dull with life.

" Congratulations Paris ... You failed. But as promised, you can punish me as you see fit , you're free to go . " The restraints released themselves off of Paris and she glanced down at her dead lover, guilt lingering in her stomach.

" Oh, but there is one thing you have to do for me.. " Sergei grabbed out his notebook and handed it towards the frenchwoman, who's eyes dropped at the sight of what was written in bold. She opened her mouth, but no words had fallen out and instead thickened up in her throat 

Sergei seemed to notice her hesitant nature and then cleared his throat, smirking a bit. " Oh don't worry darling , I guess I will start it out for you. " 

He cleared his throat and began. " From the tests that had been thoroughly tested, I can hereby say.. "

Sergei eyed the frenchwoman who shifted uncomfortably. 

" That's where you fill in . "

" ... That even if you're allies, you're not true friends ... "

Word count : 6108 words

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