Inadequate Valentine

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This oneshot was meant to be published on Vday of two years ago; however, I kinda.. Got into a writing block so here I ammmmm!


He'd always held a firm smile that tore at the ends of his lips whenever he watched his significant other dance with someone else.

He always glanced away, bracing himself when he watched from afar as his lover leaned in, not wishing to know if his lips met with a complete stranger.

"I love you" he'd whisper from time to time; however, the shorter couldn't help but sigh, shove his hands deep within his pockets as he flirted with some other individual.

He didn't understand what set him off. He didn't like getting into petty arguments that would end with "I'll try to fix that about myself for your sake". The one day he looked forward to. The one day he would FINALLY get to be romantic with his lover fell short when he sat there for about two hours, getting ready to leave only for him to catch his hand.

"sorry I am late, thanks for waiting."

"you SERIOUSLY are late on our three year anniversary of dating?? You're bad with dates." he scolded only for his significant other to sigh, pulling out a box that was half wrapped.

"I know this doesn't excuse me being late but... I brought you your favorite."

He bit his lip, his eyes turning away, glancing off as he noticed a familiar individual walk in with his date.

"OHMYGOSH, we HAVVEE to say hello!!" he chirped, grabbing his wrist as his torn smile dragged against his chin, deepening as the two groups collided.

"hey... You OK...?"

This was supposed to be our day together, his heart ached as a sheepish smile curled itself onto his face. Was it selfish of him to just want to have a dinner night with someone he enjoyed...? He zoned out as his heart thumped rapidly.

"It's whatever, don't worry about it"


It had been a couple of months since their anniversary. Roman had been busy, usually stopping in here and there from time to time. Hristo glanced off to the side as he opened a message from Roman, seeing a picture of him and István hanging out when Rom said he wasn't available.

Roman: work had let me out early, decided to hang with István before the movie!! Meet you there

He closed his phone, shoving his hands within his pockets as his chest began to quiver. He dressed in his fancy outfit, tying his cape around his neck tighter than usual as he stormed out of the house, going down to the  fancy restaurant they had reservations for and pushing open the large door. 

"I am so excited to try this restaurant with you!!"

"I'll try to get out of work and try it with you."

"Fuck you..." He muttered as Rom's words bounced throughout his thoughts. He crossed his arms as the lady glanced at him.

"Date canceled?" The waitress asked, a book in her hand as she had a hip popped out to one side. "Lemme go get you some more wine." And just like that, she was off.

He sighed, getting up. Fuck this. Fuck Rom. Fuck being alone on Valentine's day. He moved towards the lobby, his legs aching to run home and curl up in bed.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" He asked, moving towards the counter. He turned around as he heard the door to the building slam open and shut.

"Sorry I'm late, Hristo—" huffed Moldova - Roman's lil sister who affectionately goes by Haisley. She readjusted her heart purse as her soft blonde hair stuck to her forehead. She must have been passing by and noticed the male alone. He had ignored her advice to find someone 'better'; however, his heart couldn't listen to her.

"It's okay. You just gave me a scare," lied Hristo, offering his hand as he led her back to the table he had been sitting at before: the table closest to the window as Hristo crossed his arms.

"Rom put you up to this?"

"Hm?" She glanced up from rummaging through her purse as she crossed her legs.

"Lars is still sick and Rom canceled this dinner date on you, didn't he? I wanted to save your night from him destroying it. He tells me he fucks up a lot and I always knew he did so here I am!" 

"... You can say that again," muttered Hristo as Haisley let out a soft giggle, brushing her hair out of her face as she gave a soft purr.

"Besides, Lars and I were going to come here too so why not eat dinner together??"

Music played as they ordered their food and waited. It felt refreshing to finally be talking to someone at dinner, rather than sitting alone. The dinner date seemed to fly by faster than he anticipated.

"Im going to wash up and go home. I hope to see you again!" Her silverly voice chirped, taking the warmth he had felt and left him with the cold winds that ruffled his hair into his face.

"I'd never abandon you."

"You're my only one, Hristy~"

"They don't call me ROMANtic for nothing baby."

His tired feet walked to the theater as he saw the Romanian standing by the popcorn station, his mouth moving as a Hungarian female with curly brown hair kissed his cheek. His eyes turned away as so did his feet as he pushed  the door shut, dropping his ticket in the trash.

I'm just going going home. I can't.

He opened the door, locking it as he noticed he had numerous missed calls from Roman and text messages that read:

"Where are you?"

"You OK??"

"You safe??"

"Want me to come get you??"

And he refused to respond to any of them. He dropped his phone on the carpet and climbed into bed. His eyes began to grow blurry as he let out a large exhale.

"No. Your sister wanted me to help lift some stuff. I'll run a lil late."

"Alright! I'll save you a seat next to me ❤️💋"

And for some reason, he didn't feel guilty about his actions.


It must've been around midnight when he felt an individual climb into his bed and spoon him.

"Im surprised you still remember where I live as you probably end up somewhere new every day," he muttered under his breath, a frown carving itself onto both Hristo's and Roman's faces.

"What are you talking about??" Roman asked, leaning over and kissing the male's cheek.

"You know EXACTLY what I mean."

"I'm sorry Hristo. I didn't mean to upset you—"

"Upset me?? That's an understatement." Hristo jumped out of the bed, tying a robe around his waist as his amber eyes narrowed down into a menacing glare. He had had enough of what Roman was doing and playing.

"Please tell me what's wrong so I can fix it—"

"You love someone else and you're too afraid to hurt my feelings to end it; however, you're hurting me even more." Hearing the bluntness in Hristo's voice caused the Romanian to flinch, he didn't have a chance to feel bad when Roman lifted himself out of bed, his shirt nowhere in sight.

"I was repulsive, horrible, late. I hurt you more than I meant to have..."

"Than you 'MEANT'? Give me a break Roman, did I not mean ANYTHING to you??"

Roman didn't answer right away as Hristo turned away from the Romanian, only hearing his footsteps on the carpet.

"I lost sight of why I loved you. To care for you and be there. I was caught up in not hurting you that I ended up doing it anyways," Roman murmured softly, it was barely audible, which angered the Bulgarian even more.

Hristo cocked his head over his shoulder as Roman continued on: "I know that me saying my insecurities doesn't justify my actions—"

"Or excuse your actions," Hristo interrupted as Roman moved in front of him. His chocolate brown eyes blurry and wet as he continued.

"I want to be around you and near you and love on you and just... I am scared. I am scared that no matter what I do, you'll hate me and I guess I hyperfixiated on that fear that I turned into it..."

"Then just go. I'm tired of you dragging me down." Roman flinched yet again at the coldness of Hristo's voice. "I SAT alone for far too long, Rom. If you love me, you have to prove it: make an effort! ACTUALLY show me that you care and love me and it isn't for any game, for any sex for anything other than you loving me."

Roman didn't say anything right away and only leaned forward, "makeup—?"

"uGH, you're repulsing. We are in the middle of an argument and that's what you think will fix this??"

"Nonono, that was a joke, Hri, I sWEAR! I was being coy!" Roman pleaded, getting down on his hands and knees as he grabbed onto Hristo's leg, his chocolate eyes streaming tears down upon his pale cheeks.

"Roman, I'm giving you a month to fix whatever you need to do or else, we're over. I need a break right now to evaluate myself," Hristo murmured and only watched Roman get up off the floor, wipe the tears that swallowed the colors of his eyes and hug Hristo! HUG Hristo!

"I don't deserve you..." Roman whispered into Hristo's right ear, sending a shiver down his spine as a red hue gathered upon his—

NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. he SCREAMED at himself. He pushed Roman harder than he should, hearing a small squeak as he rolled his eyes. "Alright, go back home."

"I'll make it up to you, I swear!" And he was out the door.

Could Roman change? He heard his self-doubt fill his ears as he scoffed. Well, if he couldn't, they'd both be single.

... He couldn't help a frown to draw itself lazily upon his face.

Words: 1706


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