Life Goddess Pt.1

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This is an oneshot for pastelchromist's first place prize! Sorry it took so long for it to come out but here it is!
Also, sorry I always end up writing SerMav/Servis/Mavgei xD


She'd never would suspect that any of her creations had feelings, they were just simple creations that she'd never grow attach to. Her solitude of lightness made her beautifulness spiral into an empty, callous pettiness after the dreadful centuries she endured bored and unimpressed. She raised an eyebrow when her ex, the God of Death, Todd knocked on her door one meek morning. He wore his casual robes that covered his ugly ankles. She remembered cherishing all the happy moments she had with him; however, his touch always grew more painful and painful to her each day he touched her.

"What is it, Todd?" All the happy moments didn't last for long; however, when they reached the 5th century of them dating, the damage of her life touch began to distort her perfect creations, leaving her upset and angry at her hard work destroyed. They were meant to be harmless and peaceful; however, rage burned within a lot of them causing uneasiness in the world. She did never forgive his foolishness since she never wanted to be touched by his icy cold hands that wilted even the prettiest of creatures.

"You don't sound happy to see me, what a shame," Todd's cheerfulness shifted into a melancholy wave, his eyes drooped down, weary an argument was on the dark horizon.

"Why would I be happy that someone is causing me pain?" Her voice lathered in poison as she leaned back against her golden throne. She pointed to the darkness that surrounded her left arm as she hissed, "now my creations are suffering something tragic when they were supposed to live beautiful lives, is that what you wanted?"

"Creatures are complex, Mavy," Todd calmly stated before her voice bellowed out of her throat.


The Death God remained silent for what seemed like an eternity. His eyes stared up at the golden ceiling of her castle, often what he did when he was pondering over a deal. The Life Goddess only scoffed at what she thought the male was thinking of, tapping her painted golden finger nails as Todd watched her fingers make contact with the brilliant, shining throne detailed with small quartz that seemed dull compared to the red ruby in the middle of the headboard.

"What if, I bring you a present."

"Go on," she never normally got thrilled whenever Todd would bring a present as it would always be dead and ashy when she would receive it. However, his words enticed her even more.

"What if one of your creations can teach you that despite their flaws, they're valuable? That their flaws don't determine who they are but the core of their personality?"

"Your words entice me. I believe you tried this before and brought me an estranged murderer. I hope you don't repeat that mistake," the Life Goddess huffed, remembering the days when she was just an innocent girl, shying her way through the beautiful surroundings she had made before it was taken from her. "How do you expect to bring him to me?"

"His soul will be confined to you, simple," Todd laughed, smacking his knee as if he had made the funniest joke in the whole universe. "Build a house on top of a tall mountain, there, rumors will spread of you and brave warriors will come and try to convince you to live."

"Funny pun you used at the end," she only scoffed as her ex boyfriend blinked multiple times, not getting the pun or maybe she misread the conversation. "I'll go now. I expect to be miserable at what I have created now."

"Your standards are low?" Todd asked as she only rolled her eyes, feeling her angel wings sprout in their place on her slim back. "Of course they are dipshit."

She shouldered past him, shutting him out of her house and locking the door that disappeared from sight. Her eyes glanced down at the blue planet as Todd flew off. Her eyes wandered over all the large landmasses as she finally chose her spot to descend down to.

Her dress fluttered all around her, brilliant silvers and golds in the night sky as brilliant diamonds surrounded her. She never had flown down to this filthy planet she once nurtured and loved since all her hard work was being destroyed and corrupted. She glanced up at her shining castle before it became a blur when she entered the atmosphere.

Oh, she hated falling. She remembered being a giant fan of falling and visiting her creations; however, her satisfaction with them often felt like dead weight; they weren't good enough. Before she knew it, her soft feet made contact with a soft, white substance that lazily shined on the land. Her wings departed and her outfit began to take form of a simple yellow dress that flown around her small but fragile figure.

A soft breeze lifted up her purple hair as her soft pale skin didn't flinch to it; she couldn't feel any temperature differences which often made her envious of those who could feel the wind brush against them or the warm sun tickle their skin. Her feet crunched under the substance she was walking on and often stumbled in the powdered substance. "... What is this??"

Her eyes darted upwards when she heard small cheers coming from what looked like boring, tiresome houses. She couldn't help but feel intrigued by the small town and maybe instead of isolation like she had always known, maybe it was time for a new pace?

"You need a lift lil lady? It's very freezing to be out here in such flimsy clothing," a male voice called behind her. Loud barks of grayish-white beasts startled her backwards into the powder. "Not a fan of Huskey's, I see?"

"Huskey..." She murmured quietly to herself as the male watched her, his blue eyes never leaving her. "Sure, take me to your village."

The male only huffed at her demanding tone of voice and told her to hang onto his back. She glanced at the small carriage he had and shrugged, this hadn't been the worst thing that has ever happened to her. She wrapped her arms lightly around the male, if she were to tighten it she could potentially squeeze the male's spine out and the two soared across the soft ground.

"What is this powdered stuff?"

"You must always be locked in your house cuz you're too pretty looking..." The male muttered to himself; however, the goddess heard and didn't fester up a response. "It's snow, darling. And here is my village." The sled suddenly stopped as she jumped off, crunching her bare toes into the powder called "snow".

"Hey- he's back-" the male that had given her a lift tightly gripped her wrist, moving her against her will. She struggled to free herself; however, stopped resisting when a dark figure rolled into town. His horse was black as night and the male was covered in dark robes. The crowd began to cheer while she huffed, her wrist becoming free as her face made contact with the snow. She brushed it off quickly when she noticed the tall figure stalk closer and closer to group.

The crowd cleared a path and she stubbornly followed, not wanting to make a giant circus of herself. She watched as his red eyes glanced at each and every single one of the villagers until his horse stopped, his red eyes confused, staring at her fragile figure.

"What?" She huffed, her agitation bit around her words as the figure only muttered.

"Vladimir, why did you not get this woman some warmer clothes, she must be freezing.."

"Actually, feels quite warm!" The Life Goddess sneered, she enjoyed watching mortals confused expressions riled her up; however, this stonefaced male then asked her, "what region are you from, Northern Siberia?"

"From the north, I suppose," her expression traveled upwards when her attention then snapped back on the tall figure. He made her look like a stream next to a brilliant sea. However, his sentences didn't make any sense when she listened to the two communicate, their voices deepened while speaking this... "Gibberish" and began to upset the Goddess.

"You-!" She pointed to the tall figure who shifted his weight to glance down at her. His red eyes pierced her soul while she bite her lip for a quick second. "Why are you speaking nonsense?"

He blinked before muttering, "are you British? Spanish? French? American?"

"I have no idea who those people are," laughed the goddess, what a foolish question. "If you must know, I go by Mavis."

The male only blinked before rubbing his gloved hands against his pale skin. She could tell that his brain was loosing millions upon millions of petit brain cells. "Do you need a place to stay?"

"Sure, I suppose sleeping here will have to do."

"I mean, you're weird enough to sleep outside so do be my guest," the male huffed, his deep voice deepened even more which made the goddess feel a small beat patter in her chest.

The male began to move away from the goddess who only cocked her head to the side. "You're not going to drag me across the snow by my wrist?"

"... What a strange question. The answer to said question is what the fuck did you just ask me?"

"... Fuck? Is that a misshapen duck?"

"... Forget it," his breathed, his shoulders had hitched forward when she stepped closer, looking at his wrist and gripped it tightly.

"There! Now I have you!"

The male didn't say anything as freshly fallen snow softly giggled on the floor, flinging upwards to the sky as the two trudged around in the snowflakes. They finally made it to a small, wooden cabin that had a gray door to it. The male opened the door and shoved her inside, telling her to "patiently wait here". Her eyes glanced around at the glassy paintings that looked like some kid had painted and her eyes rolled at the cheapness of the chairs.

Where were all the diamonds and jewels? Why was the place in absolute darkness?? Hell, even Todd's cave was much better than this and his furniture were made out of rocks!
R o c k s.

The male came in, staring at her in silence as he watched her fumble on the unusual soft substance. "You could've started a fire." The male grabbed the logs that were slumped up against the wooden wall and thrown them into the hole in the wall. He struck his rosy red match that had a flame giggle on the end of it. The room suddenly danced to life as yellows and oranges raced around the log cabin, filling it with color.

"What was that!?" She demanded, nearly falling back on her bottom.

"Fire..?" The male raised an eyebrow as he then began to take off the heavy layers that kept his features hidden from view. The male unzipped his brown jacket and laid it on a brown stick infront of the fire. Furthermore, he untied his gray scarf and did the same. "Need to dry anything?"

"Tell me something," she sat up, which prompted the male to take a small step back; however, she closed the distance between her and the male by pressing him against the stoney fireplace. "Who are you?"

"Better question is, who are you? You showed up and don't have a clue what anything is, how could you survived in Northern Siberia?"

"Siberia isn't Northern!" This response got a deadpanned expression from the male which prompted her to speak. "The sky is!"

"That's up, sweetheart. Yanno, forget it," his red eyes flicked to the side as the male from earlier, Vladimir slammed open the wooden door. "What?" He snarled which caused Vlad to jump back.

"Oh, I just... Have the... Reports.." Mavis's eyes wandered off of Vlad to a small picture of a male with orange hair and two different colored eyes. He wore a bright, sunny smile on his warm features and grasped for the picture only to skim the male's bear arm. A shiver went down her spine as the male in the white t-shirt coldly glanced down at her and back to Vlad who scrambled out the door.

"If you need to bathe, you can do so, no need to ask, I'm not like the stereotypical husband," he muttered so clearly that she followed his eyes to a small room in a small hallway.

"No thanks, did so before I left," her eyes danced around the bleak room and noticed unkept, wilting flowers. "However, what are these?"


"Why do have them and that picture-" the male turned around to face the small portrait as he softly turned it away from Mavis's view.

"Rather nosy. I'm going to rest up and head to bed. If you need help, wake me." And there, the male left her sight, darting to the back room and shutting the door softly. Her attention turned towards the fluffy, large thing. Was she expected to sleep on that?? Doubt creeped in when she plopped down on it, allowing the night to surround her.

"What are you doing, my lovely?" The soft tone of Todd startled her. "What happened to the cabin on the mountain?"

"I found someone intriguing," she admitted, usually going off plan wasn't something she liked; however, it was a nice change of pace. "Why not learn about what makes Earth so special?"

Todd softly sat down on the bed next to her, causing the flowers to turn to a gray ash. Her eyes softly landed on the mess on the floor before snapping back to Todd when he murmured, "aren't they complex?"

"No. Not at all. I don't see what makes 'humans' so special," and just like that, Todd vanished. She flung out of her position when the flame died out and she only crouched, looking at the dust that flew away at a small drift and she pressed her hand against the crumbled mess.

Light formed from underneath her as the flower's petals began to reverse the damaged spell that had been cast, bringing the beautiful sunflower back to its glory day. As it is meant to be. She triumphantly mumbled to herself. Her eyes turned towards the small hallway the male disappeared down, curiosity growing, she descended down the hall and twisted the cold handle of the shut door.

This action, caused the male to move over in his bed and huff something she couldn't process. Moments passed of her looking at the male sleeping before he huffed, louder this time, "can't sleep? You can take the bed."

She jumped upon the odd bed that squished wherever she stepped and faced the direction of which the male was facing. His red eyes locked hers as he began to move only for her to ask, "may I ask you a question?"

"I guess," he shrugged as he watched her pull at the quilted comforter, her seafoam group eyes locking with his as she squished her face into the bed.

"What's so good about humanity? The way I see it, the planet is going to die, animals are being hurt and going extinct and you guys kill each other over petty things.." Her fiery spirit died with each example she listed; how could humans be good for anything?

"I used to be like that," the male admitted, shaking his head softly. Of course, her eyes didn't soften up as she expected the 'however, I was proved wrong by a superior human' cliché; however, his words haunted her spirit as he began to speak. "I hated humans, especially one, myself. I let that fuel my hatred and one day, I snapped. My brother had been playing in the woods and was severely injured, that picture was of him. I was too busy fighting a war that I didn't protect my little brother."

"Shouldn't that of fueled you more?" She whispered, her voice breaking as if she didn't wanna hear the end of it.

"No, love is stronger than hate. My little brother tried teaching me that and he always believed that I could be a better person. Humanity is worth saving because love and respect exists."

"What is love..?" It was a foolish question; however, it slipped out in the heat of the moment. "I've never been in love." Her relationship with Todd seemed more of a friendship plus extra to her; did humans have a more complex way of being in love??

"In time, you could be. Love takes time," the male softly whispered, his voice like music to her and she felt a small pain ache her beating heart. For multiple minutes, she wished she were human and experience what every human could possibly do.

Silence developed over her as she finally asked, "whom am I speaking to?"

"Sergei. My name is Sergei."

Words: 2901
I maaay write a second part to this if wanted since the ending is kind of rushed and it'd probably hold more "romantic" things and death!todd x life!Mavis moments -

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