One Last Dance [ REWRITE ]

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This oneshot meant a lot to me back in the day and I wanted to rewrite it and retweak it since writing has been hard for me to get back into.

This one (like the original) is written for pastelchromist! Hopefully you don't find it scummy I am rewriting this.

Trigger warning
- blood
- violence
- angst
- swear words

Enjoy .DD


"Are you here for anything, detective?" A dark voice grinned through the bars of their cell. Their eyes plastered to the badge of the officer: Officer Mitch. The male smoothed back his blond hair as he took a step forward.

"In fact, I am." The detective held up a picture, his dark stormy gray's narrowed under his even darker shades that masked the male's emotions. 

"You show me a picture of her, why?" The male cooed, turning his head to the side as the detective took off his hat and moved even closer. 

"I married her. I want to see the monster that consumed her nightmares. I want to help her get over you." 

The voice didn't say anything at first, their dark eyes flickered up at the detective as they moved towards the bars, his hot breath the detective could feel on his neck, although bars separated the two. A safety net that the detective softly thanked under his breath. 

"Did your WIFE tell you what happened?" The monster pressed, his eyes twisted in ecstasy as he watched the detective squirm backwards. 

"She hasn't opened up to me about that yet." 

"Then allow me to tell you the fateful story of what happened five years ago on Halloween," his voice cackled as crows cawed outside the prison window. 

》5 years ago…《

" Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~! " The girl with the pigtails whined, her voice had cut out from the other side of the phone; furthermore, she really didn't want to the Halloween dance alone and wanted her crush to escort her across the silvery, shining floor on Halloween night. 

Paris LOVED Halloween. She loved the idea, the candy, the partying, the mischief. She just wished the person on the opposite side of the phone could understand the beauty of fall… 

" Do you comprehend I'm not one for dancing, Paris? Plus, I don't know if I wanna go… I don't really like Halloween " the cantankerous voice huffed from the other side of the phone, breaking her daydream about being dressed up as a princess. 

She waited all year for this opportunity for the Halloween dance. It was their last Halloween together before the friend group would be split up due to college and she couldn't cope if her love interest didn't go. Didn't he see how much this meant to their friends? To her?? 

"Besides, this stuff is really meant for freshman and sophomores you cannot cope over the school not celebrating Halloween," the voice once again broke into her thoughts, strain so present that she couldn't help but want to strangle the poor man into submission. 

" It won't be fun without you!!! This party meant so much to us throughout the years and … I wanna spend it with you… " her voice fell flat, her hands dropped her pink phone onto the floor with a loud bang and she instantly picked it up. 

"You say something?? Sorry, dropped my phone," she awkwardly chuckled, her heartbeat royally beating into her eardrums.  

After moments of silence, his British dialect broke through what felt like an eternity as he finally let out a subdued sigh. " I presume since our other companions are coming, why not... Right…? " 

He seemed uncertain about the whole ordeal; however, Paris squeaked through the phone moderately loudly in excitement, she could only imagine that he held the phone away from his ear. Her eyes glittering as she barely heard what her crush had been saying until he repeated himself. 

" Should I pick you up...? " The British voice was awkward and tranquil. Paris beamed at the small offer, and her head veered towards the clock as she exclaimed: " Todd is going to pick me up, so no need to worry about getting me~." Paris teased through the phone; however, the silence was all she received until she heard a light grumble that she couldn't quite make out. 

"I am going to get ready, see you at the dance…!" She prepped her pink dress that clung around her chest area nice and snug while she took her mascara and softly curled her eyelashes. 

"Well, I bet your outfit is nice."  Her heart fluttered at his compliment; she couldn't help but feel a rush of serotonin rush to her cheeks. She was about to say something when a thundering knock on her downstairs door startled her. She hastily gave a rushed ' I love you ' only to hear what sounded like dying cat noises emanating from the other end of the phone. Her jacket had been tied around her waist and she unfastened the hold to throw it around her exposed shoulders. 

She skipped down the stairs, her younger sister sat on the couch with her boyfriend and gave a small smile, " Have fun Paris-! " 

" Thanks, you too! " Paris beamed at her younger sister, waving goodbye and shutting the door gently behind her. She began to skip down the small porch stairs, only to hear a meager chuckle come from behind her. 

" Hey, there chérie, full of energy are we…? " her best friend asked, a small grin on his face as a faint red pickup truck's passenger door was ominously open. He wore a red werewolf-prince outfit as he took off his gloved claws and held out his hand. Paris gave a warm-hearted simper, her eyes skimming down at Todd's suit, and adjusted the sloppily tied bowtie.

" Where would you be without me..? " Paris sighed, her hands softly adjusting the bowtie and making the knot tighter. She only heard a small chuckle as the werewolf Prince shrugged, " The fashion police would be all over me, wouldn't they —? " 

" Tch, they'd lock you up— " and with that animadversion, she felt a small slug as they both trotted towards the dark red pickup truck. The wind blew coldly, raking itself against the female's skin and she couldn't help but shiver. 

One thing she didn't like about Halloween was the coldness of the night. 

Todd noticed the small shiver and waited for Paris at the open door, softly closing it behind her as she stepped into the truck. " Don't worry princess, I'll turn the heater on~." He winked, finger gunning the air like he usually did when making a disastrous flirt. Paris could only let out a humble giggle, her hand concealing her face. 

" Thanks. " 

Todd galloped towards the driver's seat and surmounted clumsily. Paris couldn't help but notice that Todd's cheeks hued with redness as he took his truck out of reverse and back into drive, ready to go to the dance. 

" So… " Paris unobtrusively asked out. Making conversations and making new friends was her talent, it was important to be when you were student council president. Kinda screwed if you didn't have those two skills. Her face hued up in light pink as she scotched towards her bestie. " You and Mavis seal the deal or…? " 

" Me and Mavy!?!? Pfft— " Todd brushed off the question and then buried his head into his exposing, fake chest fur. His eyes glanced away from the road as Paris grabbed the steering wheel, keeping the car steady. 

" I'm going to take that as a duh~? " Paris teased as the male glimpsed back up suddenly, her hands releasing the steering wheel and going back cozily into her lap. Her purse falling noisily on the dirty floor, her lipstick exploding out of the bag. She ducked down as Todd spoke. 

" I don't get why I am so nervous to talk to her... " Todd sighed out, his soft glance began to manifest into a frustrated glower. He clenched his teeth, and Paris placed a gentle hand on his shoulder as she returned to a straight position. Her comforting aura seemed to calm the frustrated werewolf. His shoulders slouched a bit, and let out a desperate sigh. 

" I just... want her so bad... " 

" And it's going to be alright, " Paris calmly responded, her voice soft like a blanket. She noticed the bright lights dancing along the street and noticed kids going from houses to houses, racing to gather candy. 

"I really love Halloween," Paris hummed as she leaned closer to the window, her daydreams running wild! Her memories running wild! Her nostalgia… Her nostalgia. 

"Are you excited for college..?" Paris piqued, her eyes refusing to move away from the window. 

"No matter what happens, everyone will be here for you." A small mob of people swarmed in front of the popular school as Todd pulled into the school's driveway, softly slugging her arm as Paris gave a small giggle. 

" I have a question... " Todd asked quietly. His voice was almost so quiet that she didn't catch what the wolf had said. Paris scootched towards him, her eyes glittering with curiosity as she wanted to help her dear friend out. A small part still whined about college; however, that wasn't important right now. 

" What's wrong dear...? "  Paris asked, her voice soothing like a mother talking to an infant. Todd had pulled his pickup truck in reverse, parking it along the other cars. The dark had snuck up on the two as their feet made soiled contact with the ground, a small puddle roared upwards at Paris, splashing her exposed legs. She ignored the rising coldness on her flesh as she grabbed her purse. 

" I wanna ask her out; however, I do not know if I am her type or not. She apparently really likes Sergei?? " His usual monotone voice was oozing with despair that he would never be able to get with Mavis. Paris waddled her way towards Todd, a bright smile on her face as she tried to bring enlightenment towards the prince. 

" Hey, it's totally alright to be frightened! There's nothing fallacious with being timid about asking someone to dance, trust me... " Paris gave a small smile, her purple eyes moving away from the red wolf that joined her side. "It doesn't hurt to go up and ask her!" 

" I guess so. Is he even going to show up...? " That sentence triggered a feeling that Paris tried to ignore. Her heart thumped quietly as her clammy hands clung to Todd's sleeve. 

" I know he will. I know he will. "

The two traveled towards their destination, the school, and spotted the beautiful girl with warm brown skin wearing a frilly, seat green witch outfit. Her back was exposed, and she hid in her curly lavender hair. Paris glimpsed towards her right side and gave a small chuckle when Todd tore off his royal suit jacket and placed it around Mavis, giving a small smile. 

" Hey, Mavy. Don't want you to be cold. " The gesture was short and sweet as the shorter girl gave a small giggle, her green eyes lighting up like a firefly in the summertime. 

" What are you supposed to be?? " 

" I am a sea witch!! I decided to do that because… " her face lit up when her eyes locked onto something in the distance; however, Todd didn't need to know WHO she was referring to. 

Todd stood there awkwardly for what seemed like the longest moment of their lives. He finally coughed in his hand as his tail began to slash anxiously. " Yeah, nice talking to you- " 

Paris grabbed him in her iron grip at his wrist and gave him a warm nod, an inviting invitation to make their duo a trio. Mavy was Paris' right hand girl but she didn't want Todd to miss his shot at asking her out. 

" Paris was wonderin- " Paris elbowed him hard in his side, his words getting caught in his throat as he began to kick at the dirt with his foot. " I was actually wondering if... "

" Are you asking me to accompany you to the dance, Mr. Scott? " Her angelically soft voice whispered through the cold air, her cheeks darkening with each passing moment. " 

" You guys are so wholesome... " Paris whispered to herself, her heart screaming in joy as Mavis cuddled her face into Todd's arm and mumbling the words, 

" Finish the sentence, Mr. Scott. "

" May I have a dance with you? " 

The squeal that escaped the smaller witch said it all as she clung to the taller wolf's arm, his eyes gleaming as he flashed a toothy grin at the pigtail girl. 'Thank you' he mouthed as Paris waved Todd and Mavis off, who skipped excitedly towards the door. Paris gave a soft smile as she watched the two giggle their way into the dance as a feeling of coldness washed over the girl, her purple eyes glancing around for her date. 

Seconds turned to minutes. 

Minutes felt like hours, which felt like endless days.

A soft rain began to cry from the sullen sky as the french girl had finally given up and turned her attention towards the school door. Her hands burned into the cloth of her purse as her eyes whined out longingly. 

Should she even stay? Her purple eyes scanned the empty road. Cars clustered around the street, causing uneasy claustrophobics to feel afraid. She didn't feel like there was a need to even stay at the dance if she knew her crush wasn't going to show up. 

Did he do this on purpose?? 

He must've KNEW how important this was to her?? 

Something pained her heart as the slow heartbeat throbbed in her ears. She felt like she had been robbed of a good time. Her fingernails began to scratch at her flesh. Her feet glued to the ground didn't want to move forward or back. Their naive wishes that Archie would show up hurt her even more. 

Was it selfish of her to wish to hang out one more Halloween before college?? 

Before she never saw him again…? 


Something caught her eye off towards the gloomy trees that surrounded her school!! A small, colorless speck against a sloppy background inquisitived her!! She couldn't yank her feet off the ground. Her purple eyes tried to squint against the rain, trying to focus on what that object was, the silhouette seemed relatively short, but she couldn't be sure. 

What if... 

" Need any help...? " A cool voice asked, his voice fragile like glass. It interrupted her focus, and Paris veered her attention towards the taller and slim male, Jake, who stood in front of her. He wore a white tuxedo and had his black tie neatly in the middle of his suit, unlike what Todd had before she fixed it. 

" What are you supposed to be? " 

" a male in a fancy suit. I could be your bodyguard tho, princess. "

She gave a small chuckle as Jake's expression morphed into a serious, older brother look. Jake was never one in touch with his feelings; however, he made an effort to be there for her and she softly thanked him for caring. 

" You look upset. What's wrong...? " 

" Oh! I am quite alright. Trust me... " Paris responded, her eyes tearing up as she felt her legs unstick from the pavement. Halloween was meant for fun and games not crying!! 

" Come on, you'll catch a cold if you don't get out of this weather. I'll accompany you inside. " Paris's feet didn't want to budge but the magnetic pull Jake had taken her out of her spot. Her vision blurred as she didn't focus on the surroundings and only heard the loud noises of blaring music escalate off the school walls.

" Two tickets please, " his stern voice asked, pulling out his wallet and handing the two dollars over. He lightly grabbed Paris's hand and caressed it softly. 

He was only doing it to be nice since he saw you crying.

He was only doing it to be nice since he saw you crying.

Her eyes adjusted to the neon lights as she spotted Todd lightly running his nuzzle across Mavis' knuckles. His yellow and blue eyes glued to Mavy as she gave a warm-hearted giggle. Mavy noticed Paris glimpsing in their direction and gave a small wave, which Todd flashed a toothy grin. Paris's heart sunk as she felt a soft hand on her cheek, wiping away tiny tears that had fallen on her sensitive skin. 

" Mind if we... dance before you join your two friends? " His voice was soft and quiet, and Paris plastered a small smile as she didn't want to seem rude after he had just bought her ticket. Furthermore, she nodded her head softly, her pigtails bobbing up and down. 

He took her waist softly, placing his warm gray hand, and began to pull her towards him. Their torsos meet awkwardly as Paris let out an embarrassed giggle. 

" Sorry, this is my first time dancing with someone outside of my family. " Jake admitted, his feet began to guide Paris' as they lightly danced back and forth, the music taking control of them both as Paris's heart began to flutter. 

Who cares if he didn't show up, right? He didn't want to come anyway and spend any time with you. 

The more she thought about Archie, the more she had buried her head into Jake's shoulder, her left cheek squishing with how hard she was fighting back a storm of tears. The song circled them, entrapped them in a dance that she wished would just end. The soft beat tapped quietly as the instrumentals began to fade. Paris softly pushed away from Jake, who kissed her forehead gently.  

" Thanks for the dance. " 

Paris glanced over his narrowed shoulders and spotted a slender individual wearing high-top boots. His gaze pierced through her skin as an individual by the name of Maggie bounced towards him, her eyes beaming as she began to conversate with him. 

Poor girl, it was HEAVILY an one-sided conversation. 

" I ... I got to go... Thanks... " Paris breathed, her heart-stopping each time she choked out a word. The words fell out jumbled as she shoved past Jake, dropping her purse. 

" Wait, Paris-! " Jake swiped her purse off the ground and watched the girl with pigtails leave, her dress flowing gently behind. Archie tried to grab Paris to explain his position, only to hear a faint " don't " slipping off her tongue and slam open the gymnasium doors. 

She heard the voices of Todd and Mavis shout down the hallway but she ignored them. Her feet thundered down the silent hallway as she turned around, seeing her two friends chasing after her while pleading. 

She had to get away from everything. 

She had to get away from Archie, disappointment, college, hurt, everything. She silently wished everything would stay as it was; however, what a feverish dream.

And sadly, what a HORRIBLE decision. 

" Come back, dear! " 

" If you're leaving, at least allow me to drive you-! " Todd shouted, his voice echoing down the hallway as Mavy stood next to his side, glancing down at her phone. 

Paris thrusted open the doors leading outside to the morose rain, her feet kept running and running. She felt trapped, restricted and she despised her heart for feeling so heavy of emotions. She saw 4 people follow behind her, but they were only silhouettes in her eyes. Instead of running down the pavement, her eyes wandered towards the dark woods. Her house was on the other side of the woods, and she tracked through them before with Todd. So, her body took a lunge towards the woods. Her purple eyes obscured as rain shattered against the ground. 

The woods were set to be haunted tho, especially on Halloween. She took a deep breath. She HAD to get home. She couldn't remain positive anymore.  

" WAIT-! " Archie shouted, his voice bleeding through the rain as he watched the petite girl fade off into the woods. His boots were stained with mud as he felt Todd's fist strike hard in his back. Archie plummeted forward, his hands squeezed into the muddy terrain. His pants soaked up the mud as he felt Todd's fingers squeeze his brown hair as he heard a demanding question shoot his way. 

" WHERE the FUCK were YOU? " 

" My car broke down so I hiked, " Archie hissed, his accent smearing his words as he felt the pressure on the back of his head let go. " I was going to address why I was late, but she left before the elephant in the room could be killed. I didn't have my phone on me to call, so it's my blunder. " 

A scream escaped from the woods, their uptight stances startled as Todd led the way, his voice pitching upwards as he shouted. " Paris and I have hiked these paths before, just. Follow me-" A log hung out in front of the path, and Todd stopped in front of it. He offered his hand to Mavis and helped lift her over, her dress snagging on a branch and ripping the side.

" Oh, dear… Can you see my underwear?? " She timidly whispered. Her hand grasped the seams, trying to tie a knot to keep it together. 

Jake glared at the two men who stood there in silence. " Of course not, sis! You are all good! " 

" Don't fret. I am convinced Paris will help you sow it back, " Archie landed right next to her. A nauseous plop of mud made contact with his face, which caused the female to flinch. 

Jake had heaved one leg over the log and landed in the mud. His beautiful suit getting all dirty and muddy caused his mood to dry up as he scoffed. " Fuckin serious? Let's fuckin progress. We are wasting time. " 

The group began to make their way through the woods, branches snapping and the crunch of the leaves were the only melody that floated gently in the air. 

" Forgot to ask, Archie, what are you meant to be? " Mavy pondered, her eyes glancing at the male's normal attire while Todd gave a snort: " asshole. " 

" Actually… supposed to be dressed up like Paris' boyfriend but asshole works too, " Archie snickered as Jake stopped moving, causing the Brit to slam into the male's cold exterior. 

" Calm it Romeo, it was a joke. "

" Why didn't you go with Sergei? " Todd suddenly asked, changing the subject. " Don't you like him ? " 

Her face lit up like a tomato as she gave an awkward laugh. Jake judged her from a distance as she admitted: " I do REALLY like him; however, you asked me first. I felt obligated to turn him down besides this isn't Snowco. " 

Todd glanced off when he heard the words that flung out of her mouth and their conversations fizzled away like carbonated water. A small knife lodged itself into the male's heart as her eyes drooped at his expression, regretting her diction. 

 The silence didn't last long; however, all stopped when they heard loud sobbing coming off the trail somewhere. Archie's eyes bounced around and shouted, " PARIS-! " taking off into the cryptic woods. His kinky boots crunching leaves with freshly fallen wet raindrops on them. 

" Fuck, there goes bitchface. " 

Mavis noticed that Jake was carrying Paris' purse and lunged for it, grabbing at the pink phone that had zero notifications. Odd. Did she have them turned off?? Did she just need a breather?? Was there more that her best friend wasn't telling her about her mental life?? She would have to comfort the blonde girl when they would find her and group hug. 

" We can use this for light! " She swiped the flashlight button on and noticed two small figures off in the distance. " Follow. " Her words allured the other two and they began to feel the wind brush against them as the silhouettes in the distance began to grow more and more in size.   

The blonde-haired pigtail girl was on the ground, her breathing hiccuping as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Archie stood behind her, placing his arms around her in a comforting manner, but to no avail. 

" What is-" The last remaining three to join them noticed an opened corpse. The mouth had been slit in a gruesome smile, the head was stuck upon a stick, its eyes carved out of its sockets. The leaves around the body were dark scarlet. The victim had two bloody stumps for hands, and the victim was wearing a mermaid tail that exposed her hip area. It must have fallen off when the body was being propped against the old oak tree that was believed to bring good luck. 

" GROSS, WHAT THE FUCK-! " Todd gagged out. The smell was repugnant. Todd grabbed his stomach and began to cough, turning his head away from the sight while Jake comforted Todd, only to get a toothy glare. He didn't know Jake all that much. Furthermore, he didn't like the calm demeanor the male had towards the sight of the corpse. 

" ... Summer ... " Mavis choked out, her words fell out melancholy as her feet began to move towards the body. The erring sight of her sister jerked tears that explored from her eyes as a shaky hand began to lift to her mouth. " Summer... " 

They all glanced at the raggedy corpse. The victim had been thrown away like a broken doll, and then they all glanced closer, the orange hair that curled around her chin and a yellow bracelet upon her wrist said it all. The corpse they all had been gagging about was Summer. 

" I... I am so sorry this happened to you Mavy, " Paris whispered. Mud had attached itself to her legs as she gave Mavy a soft hug. Mavy buried her head into Paris's chest and softly whined a response that none of the boys could make out. Paris hadn't stopped sobbing as she closed her purple eyes, trying to ignore the dead corpse, but it had been burned into her memory. The cold, dull sockets where her eyes were meant to be and the slit mouth sent a chill down Paris's spine. 

Todd moved towards Mavy, giving her a big hug and cuddling the two of them close. Archie didn't move for a split second as his feet felt sunk deep into the mud while Jake had already moved towards Paris, hugging the french girl from behind and giving a small smirk as Archie scoffed, crossing his arms as the cold wind ruffled his hair.

A dark laugh echoed through the forest, killing the small wholesome moment that they were all sharing. Something scratched against the soft trees that offered little to no protection for the small team. 

" What was that ?? " 

IT HAPPENED LIKE A BLUR!! A knife screeched through the eerie night, lodging itself into the tree that was too close to them… if… they had been one step over, Todd would've had a knife through his perfect larynx and NOBODY wanted that!! Another blade of steel lodged itself through the air; however, it found itself a fleshy new home. 

" SCATTER-! " Archie shouted, his hand covering his side as Todd's hands wrapped itself around Mavy's, and they took off, their colors blurring together. Paris glanced at the Brit as he began to limp, ushering her to just run. A noise whizzed by her ear, sounding like an annoying mosquito buzzing around her ear. Her sobs rose up once more as she fled the scene; her eyes wide and out in front of her. She didn't look back as adrenaline rushed across her body. Her breathing hiccuped as a branch stuck wearily out of the ground. Her foot lodged in the hole, her weight causing her to plummet down a small foothill. 

A small river softly bubbled as her hands felt the freezing kiss the river gave her. She pushed herself upwards; her neck snapped to the side as she heard a loud scream that sounded like one of her friends and a mechanical laugh. She covered her mouth as her doormat tears began to emerge from their sleep and expose themselves. 

She heard the crunch of footsteps get louder and louder, she TRIED to scurry to her feet, not wanting to get killed by just sitting there. Anything would be better than that. Why didn't she just stay in the gym and talk to her date?? Accept college with open arms?? 

She turned her eyes towards the noise that slid down the steep drop and noticed two figures emerge.  

" Thank heavens we found you... " Mavy breathed, coaxing Paris' cheek with her soft touch. Her touch could soothe anything. Todd jumped down and joined them; Paris noticed that his outfit was ripped in his pec area and she gave a small smirk at Mavy, who turned beet red. Todd didn't notice tho, his eyes were glued to the woods, acting as a silent protector and making sure that they were to be safe.  

" We need to get out of here... " Paris silently sobbed, her hands tingling as she wrapped herself around Mavy. The comforting feeling of Mavy's skin made her think of a soft stuffed animal that an upset child would cuddle with. " I am so sorry for everything. For running away, for being worried about college— " 

" Shhh… it's okay Paris, being upset for college is totally okay! This doesn't mean this is our last Halloween or last time hanging out! We could all go to the same college ! " Mavy beamed, her eyes sparkling like stars as Paris hugged her even tighter. 

" Sorry to ruin the moment but should we try going back to the entrance of the woods...? " Mavy glanced over at Todd, who tried to clean his dirt-caked skin. 

" The faster we can get out of these woods, the better. " 

" We haven't been this way before, have we...? " Paris whispered. Everything looked so much more bleak than usual, and her purple eyes couldn't comprehend the foreign sights and sounds of the animals that scampered around or the wind's shrill sirens. 

" We'll just keep moving straight... " 

" What about Jake and Arch...? " Paris quietly stammered, her breathing picked up again as she clutched Mavis tightly. She couldn't help herself but cry. She seemed to jump in her skin when Todd adjusted himself to a foreign noise that sounded frighteningly near. Todd grabbed them and broke up the small reunion; however, this didn't kill Paris's question. 

" What about... " 

" We saw Jake die… " Mavy susurrated as Todd ran his hand through her hair. He unstuck her sweaty bangs from her forehead, and she closed her green eyes softly, fighting back the tears that leaked onto her delicate cheeks. Paris's heart sank for her best female friend as she felt the softness of Mavis's face in her dirty pink dress. " I am not certain about Archie. However, it's safe to assume that he is, well... " 

" We have to move, " the tall male murmured. He ripped off his werewolf ears, throwing them into the riverbed as the rustling in the leaves picked up; the foreign being was getting closer and closer to where the three were conversating. 

" This way... " Todd grabbed Mavis's cold hand and rubbed it up and down, trying to maintain her body heat and make sure that her fingers didn't turn purple. Paris delicately wrapped her hand around Mavis's ring finger, as a child would do. They could not risk losing each other, not like this.  

The river quietly whispered sweet nothings to them as their damp shoes made contact with the water. Paris shivered quietly as Mavis took off the jacket that Todd had given her. Quietly glanced at the shoulders of Paris and smiled softly: " Here. " she stopped softly in the middle of the path, placing the jacket around Paris while Todd went ahead to make sure it was clear. The wind brustled against the lifeless branches as Mavis withdrew, holding her breath. 

" Thanks... " Paris tried to ease the tension the two felt; however, the beating of their hearts gathered in their ears. " No problem dear, " Mavis quietly chirped, her eyes glimmering a bit for the first time in the last hour. They all stopped when Todd let out an agonizing scream, his faux tail scrunching up and falling off as the two glanced in horror about what had clamped itself onto his leg, a bear trap. 

A dark laugh echoed somewhere off in the distance as Mavis let out a terrifying scream, burying her head into Todd's shirt, crying profusely. 

" I am NOT leaving you... " She stated. She didn't move from her spot as Todd reached down, trying to unclamp the bear trap that had lodged itself into his leg. His fingernails dug into the cold iron; however, it would not give. 

" Mavy. There's no need to get stubborn, " he chuckled, tears starting to fall down his red cheeks as Paris watched silently. Todd kissed Mavis's knuckles softly, rubbing his cracked lips up to her arm and giving a compassionate smile. " Remember that one time in 5th grade, where I scared you when Tart and Victoria told you I got lost in the woods...? " 

" Yeah, that was pretty mean... " Mavis pouted. She crossed her arms as she scratched her elbow, something Mavis typically did when she was extremely anxious. Todd noticed that behavior and his eyes lit up. 

" And then I emerged behind you and scared the crap out of you, remember !?!?!? " Todd began to snort as a smile began to paint itself lightly; her smile put Paris at ease as Mavis nuzzled Todd's face softly. 

" This time, I will be prepared for you. " 

" I hope. Wouldn't want you to piss yourself this time! " Todd chuckled as he tried to work on the bear trap but it wouldn't budge. Even though he didn't outright scream in pain, his eyes held the whole story. 

" Paris, take care of her when I am not there... okay? " Todd exchanged a small glance as Paris bobbed her head up and down. They both knew that he wasn't going to make it; essentially since the footsteps began to grow louder and louder. 

Mavis finally choked out something small as she stood quietly. " Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask before we separate... I love you, Todd. I'd never date Sergei with you around. " 

Todd lightly reached over and grabbed her, but Mavis quickly pressed her cherry lips to Todd's lips. She locked them tightly as she could as if they were the last two people on Earth. Mavis didn't want the feeling to end as small fireflies danced over them to guide her path to a warm one. She softly lingered the kiss, her eyes unable to open for a couple of seconds before it abruptly ended when Todd pushed her away and shouted for them to run. 

Adrenaline soared over the two as they crossed the skinny river and climbed towards the other end. Since Mavis was shorter than Paris, Paris boosted her friend upwards. Her purple eyes turned back as she spotted a taller and narrow figure slice at the male's neck, the hands of the male trying to catch the scarlet falling blood. 

Paris squeaked, which resulted in the attention being dragged to her, scrambling up,  Mavis offered her hand, which Paris graciously took. The two raced away, their eyes bleeding out tears as their dresses were torn and shredded by the branches and the thorns that surrounded them. A small mud trail splattered on the leaves, and finally, they spotted light at the end of the iniquitous woods. 


Something planted itself hard into the girl's stomachs as they stumbled backwards as a wooden board threw itself down by their feet. They tried to scoot backwards but the voice that emerged froze them to place. 

" Well, what a shame. " 

The two abruptly stood up, their legs coated with blood and river water as small gashes from the thorns collected themselves like trophies on their exposed skin. Paris moved herself in front of Mavis, ready to take the fall for her dear friend, what a mistake. Red eyes glared out of the darkness at them, a sadistic smile engaging on his pale face as his brown jacket was stained with blood. 

" You almost made it; too bad you're just mice in a cat's game. " The dark voice was thick and deep. Red eyes pierced through them like an uncontrollable fire. His smile was curved up at such an angle that none of them could believe what they were seeing. 

" S...Sergei...? " Mavis asked, her voice cracking as the male took a step forward. The two of them felt like deer caught in the brightness of headlights. His gaze made them freeze as he held out a long blade coated in a dark red liquid. 

" Hello, happy ending. " Sergei gave a dark smile as the Russian continued, his boots crunched upon the leaves ever-so-gently. " I couldn't comprehend how you turned down my request to dance since you were hanging out with ... Mr. Scott- " his typical deadpanned voice pitched up in mocking, his eyes gleaming at the fright of the two girls. 

" You took away my joy when I heard Summer calling me a freak. How you didn't stand up for me. I couldn't help myself, babydoll. "

" I wasn't SIDING with her!! " Mavis whined, sobs exploding through the air as Sergei's dominant eyes glared at the two like they were the filthiest things in existence. 

" You did all this...? " Paris perked up, only for the Russian male to glare deeply at her. 

" Did I SAY you could talk, " his cold voice glowering towards Paris. The icy words cut her deeply as she shivered in her skin. " You don't get to talk. Just listen before I take your life. " 

" Please... don't take her life... " Mavis cried out, grabbing onto Paris's exposed skin. " She means so much to me and ... " 

" Well, my dear~ " Sergei smirked. " Clearly, she is an obstacle that I need to smooth over. " Sergei lifted up the knife he worshiped. Mavis's fear escalated as Paris began to lightly cry, her pigtails sticking to her cheeks as Mavis tried to comfort her. 

" Mavis, you've been such a good friend to me, " Paris started. Her purple eyes were blurry and wet. 

" Don't leave me, Paris. " 

" I will always be here. " 

At that point, Mavis couldn't choke out a response as she watched Sergei move closer to them, his red eyes in a glare as his hand bounced the knife upwards towards the sky. Mavis closed her eyes, her pearly whites clenched together but only heard —

" Fuck, " Sergei breathed. " Lost my grip on the stupid knife. Oh well, I always enjoyed strangling someone with my whip better anyways-! " a golden whip exposed itself to the two girls, and he whipped it around the blonde girl's neck. Throwing her down to her knees as she began to choke with each harder pull. 

Mavis tried closing her ears, but she could still hear her best friend's gagging sound through her hands, and then she felt something cold press itself against her neck. Her green eyes closed as her sobs escaped her mouth. 

" Let her go. " 

There wasn't a response. The Russian male seemed like he was in shock that the Britishman had survived the knife wound and stalked his way up here. His spectacle had shattered, and a dark gash trickled down his face. 

" Should've had a better grip, this almost killed me. " 

" Why should I stop~? " The Russian edge, thrusting his hand towards the rope as Paris gagged in response, her eyes crying out for help, her fingernails trying hopelessly to cut through the golden rope.  

" I'll take away your happy ending. " The British man had phrased 'happy ending' just like Sergei had. His voice was deadpanned and monotone, holding no sense of emotion. 

" ... " 

" Let go. " The male was determined and he tightened his grip on Mavis, showing the blade pressed up to her sensitive neck. Mavis couldn't contain her sobs as her eyes tightly scrunched against her cheeks. 

Noticing the reaction that Mavis had given, Sergei stopped pulling, relaxing his control on his whip and giving a dark smirk. " Let's make a deal. "

" I am listening. " 

" You sacrifice yourself and Mavy and Paris won't be harmed. " When the Britishman heard that sentence, he opened his mouth only to hear Mavis sob, 

" Kill me, Archie, don't do it... " Her voice broke as she tried to move towards the blade, but Archie yanked it out of her reach. Throwing the blade towards Sergei as his eyes turned into stone. 

" Ok. Sergei. You win. " 

The sadistic smile returned to the Russian as the whip was loosened from Paris' neck. Rope burns marked where the rope had burned her, and she placed her hands to her neck. Mavis grabbed the French girl and brought her into a hug, burying her face into Paris. 

" Paris.. " 

Archie kneeled down towards Paris, which began to cause the storm of tears to commence. 

" You didn't... " 

" I did. " 

" You could've walked away from all this, Archie... " Paris breathed, her voice hiccuping as Archie placed a hand on her face, softly kissing her forehead. 

" What about college?? Are you going to abandon me…?? " 

" Whatever college you're going to, I will go to. I promise. " Archie turned around as Sergei clasped a hand upon the male's shoulder, bringing the two closer than what Archie was EVER comfortable with. 

" I wanted to spend this Halloween with you, Archie but I ruined it.. Didn't I? " 

" You didn't ruin it, I am glad you asked me. I didn't want to spend the holiday alone. You guys go onward. I will catch up. This moment you know that I didn't just abandon you, and you know where I am. " After many long moments of silence, the British male gave a small smile. " I promise. " 

" Cafeteria. Don't be late, " Paris whispered softly, she glanced over at Mavy, whose green eyes were closed as the leaves began to broadcast the sound of someone being forced to their knees.  

" Sounds good to me. " Archie's words began to croak as he tried to pick at the cold hands that sustained around his neck. He glimpsed over at Paris, who shouted. 

" I'll save you a dance, Mon Chéri. " 

" Good, I couldn't stop thinking about dancing the whole night away. If only you have given me a chance to explain. " 

" I know I should've... " Paris sounded defeated as Sergei yawned, ending the small moment each of them shared. 

" Archie- " Paris choked out, her tears swelling upwards as she shouted. " About when I called you. I truly meant that I loved you. " 

There was a moment of silence as the two turned away, the choking sounds arising as the male's insane red eyes flashed with amusement. 

" And I have deep regards for you too, Paris. " 

》Fast Forward five years《

" You are SICK. " the detective heaved as the monster rested back in the shadows, the Halloween night growing shorter with each passing hour. 

" Tell your wife I say hi and I plan on finishing what I started. NO exceptions." The detective scurried away from the beast as it began to cackle mechanically in solitary confinement. A thread of seafoam tied around his suffocated ring ringer while he listened to the death birds sing.


Words: 7206

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