The Guardian Angel

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Payment for pastelchromist's adopt! This oneshot is going to be full of angst and wholesome moments since I'm in DA MOOD.

Trigger warnings
- abuse (domestic, physical and mental)
- messed up ways of abusing someone
- Talks of ODing and Suicide
- Almost being taken advantage of

Hope you enjoy Jackie <33


"Your daughter is literally a waste of space, a good for nothing brat who cant understand how to correctly scrub a plate or do what is asked of her!" Roared the angry red fox that stormed up the stairs, waking her up from her soft slumber. Her tired eyes never got that much sleep as angry discipline always followed her. The door was nearly ripped off of its hinges as she cowered under her blanket, wishing it to be a metallic shield. Wishing to jump out the window and not live out her sad existence.

Her mother only edged her boyfriend's anger on even more, "whatcha doing to do to the lil brat? Are you going to strangle her until she wishes for death? Spank her with a warmed up iron curler?? Make her not be able to walk for three months, Mr. Yellow eyes???"

The girl's head popped out of the blanket, her soft green eyes blurry, mixing the two disturbed individuals together as her older sister snored softly, the blanket rising evenly up and down. Summer had never experienced the cruelty she had and unfairness leaked out as waterfalls. She glanced towards the window that laid beside her bed, watching the soundless road beside her and quickly snapped the window open, feeling the bittercold wind. She couldn't stand not being 18 anymore, the thought of freedom being years, years and years away felt like teasing, an unfair punishment she had to go through while her siblings got off scotch free, tormenting her as well for being the small and fragile runt of the family.

She felt the man who forced her to say "step father" tear the blanket off of her, his alcoholic breath stinking up through her small nostrils. "You've been asked to do one simple thing. Come downstairs and receive your punishment."

"N-nuh," she squeaked out, watching her brother place a pillow over his head, softly sniffling back tears, he would whine to Mavis about how she took away his fragile sleep that he needed, his worry on his sleep rather than if Mavis could walk.

"WHAT?" His voice boomed loudly as the silhouette of her mother blocked the hallway light, his anger exploded as she found herself being pushed back, the wind screaming as she fell into the soft white powder. She dug herself through the powder, her clothing dampening through the thickness and she bolted.

She bolted as fast as she could.

She bolted until her socks mushed of soaked in water.

She bolted in a straight line, tears flooding her eyes until she collapsed in front of a small church. Her legs raised instantly, wobbling inside in front of the fireplace where a young male rested in front of a fireplace that had a Jesus Crucifixion cross carved into the gothic mabel structure.

"You look like you've been through hell youngone," the male called out, his red eyes gazed upon the broken girl and the sillombre gave up his place besides the fire. She fell forward, absorbing the heat of the flame upon her moist fur and felt the priest softly lay a blanket ontop of her.

"You'll be safe here. The angels will watch over you just as I, my child."

She glanced up at the Father who got on his knees beside the young girl. "I will be your guardian angel, this was a sign from God. You are now my daughter."

,, years later ,,

The marble seemed more like a prison then it did a home. Father Shadow was overprotective, knitpicking whatever she said and making sure she didn't go out of the church as demons could snatch her away. The newly twenty-three-year-old rested on her knees, surrounding her old friends that she knew since she was just a child.

"You must be so proud of your Father, speaking to God," a black and gray cat purred, his yellow and blue eye reminded her of the monster that preyed upon her in nightmares. She gave a still nod as the crowd began to disperse and there remained Father Shadow.

She tiptoed over to him, his posture slumped as his red eyes softly spotted her out of the corner.

"Mavis, it's always nice to see you at the ceremony." She plastered a fake smile that she couldn't help; he had always said that whenever she approached him, congratulating her she was doing God's will.

"As you knowwww," Mavis began, Shadow didn't adjust his smile yet. Yet. "Today is my Twenty Third birthday and I was wondering..."

That's when his face contorted into an ugly angry face. "You are prohibited from LEAVING. Do you want me to return you to your whorish mom and whatever loser she ended up with and return you back into being a sinner???"

Mavis bit her lip as Father Shadow's anger diffused when he noticed her seafoam green eyes swelling. Her body quaked as she covered her mouth. Father Shadow reached forward; however, Mavis squeaked away from him.

"Mavis, you know I didn't mean that. You know that, right? Mavis. Tell me that you know I was just kidding. MAVIS??"

She spun on her heels, darting towards the spiraling stairs into a brown door. She slammed it shut, locking the moaning door, only hearing Father Shadow shout that what she was doing was sinful and demanded she pray for forgiveness.

She collapsed onto her feet, wiping her falling tears on her sweater as she tried to hold back her sobbing wails. Her trapped heart thumped against her rib cage as she grabbed the meds to control her acute beating.

An impulse flashed across her consciousness; take them all. She tried to unscrew the cap; however, something was stopping it from opening. She slammed the tangerine medicine bottle on the ground and curled up into a small ball in the corner.

A wintery wind softly whispered to her, "jump". Her legs didn't hesitate to rise as they wandered to the window, glancing down at the icy terrain below. Her door slammed open as her dull eyes turned towards Father Shadow who shouted, his red eyes closed, "I DONT HEAR YOU PRAYING."

However, when he opened them, his heart stopped within his chest as the girl he had been raising for ten years allowed herself to fall backwards out the window. "MAVIS!"

Her small figure fluttered down through the wind, her green eyes closing as warmth collected around her. What felt like minutes passed by when she should've splattered all over God's creation confused her to open her eyes, feeling comfortable arms surround her.

"I finally was able to get you out of that church, I am sorry he made you feel that way," the male mumbled, not letting go of her as his legs began to stride away from the church.


The male sighed softly, his red eyes glanced down at her as his icy cold hands held her firmly. "I don't expect you to understand; however, I am your guardian."

"My... Guardian??" She pondered out loud, gripping the male's shoulders intensely as he stepped over a big hole in the Earth. "As in, an angel guardian??"

The male didn't speak right away as he tried to set the girl down; however, she refused to touch the icy cold ground. She wasn't ever supposed to leave or even survive the fall. "Yeah... Something like that."

The two began to walk in silence until the angel guardian asked, "so Mavis, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I hate seeing you so afraid and upset over something that wasn't your fault."

"I... I dunno..."

The male stopped moving for a split second until something jumped upon his shoulders; her wet eyes widened as the animal snuggled its cute face into her fur. "I thought Birbuns were fictional??"

"Nono, they exist. They're just shy critters, aren't ya Chirp?"

The birbun chirped as Mavis softly rubbed through the critter's soft fur as the birbun sang a happy song. The song made her feel a tiny bit better as she began to hum to the birbun's tune.

"Woah..." The taller male breathed. "You're really good at humming, I bet your singing would be more beautiful tho."

"Ahhh really??" Mavis asked, pushing down the small comment as the birbun blinked up at her, wanting her to sing with him. She opened her mouth and sung out a soft pitch, her vocal cords vibrated each time she sung a high note until a yawn escaped through her mouth, resulting her to rest her head against his chest and didn't hear a heart beat.

"Aww, tired?" Her guardian asked. She nuzzled under his chin which promptly caused him to stop. She had seen her mom do that with her stepfather and stumbled out, "I-I am sow-ry if I..."

"Don't sweat or over think it Mavy, it's fine." Hearing him say her name brought a small sense of peace as her quick heart began to slow down.

"I bet you have a wonderful voice, they say angels can sing so cheerfully and lovely."

"Honestly? My voice is horrible," he laughed and then silence developed between them. The birbun jumped off of her and hopped away, the small birbun chirping as he went.

"I'm sure it's not, I'd love to duet with you."

"Really?" The demon inquired as a small smile glanced down at her. "I'd like that."

Mavis wished the male started singing; however, the two of them stopped talking as he stopped and inquired, "remember this place?"

Mavis glanced at the house as her heart sunk, her nightmares and childhood flooded in, bringing her heart to run a marathon. "Why did you bring me to this place??" He softly placed her on the ground, not realizing she was still clinging to him.

"I want to show you something," the words were hard to make out through the deep accent as he softly laid a hand upon her shoulder. She jumped underneath the friendly touch, the only touch that she ever felt that was... Loving. "Do you trust me to take care of you?"

"You're my guardian so yes," her sentence snaked out through a shaky breath which calmed when she felt his soft lips against her cheek.

"I promise nothing will hurt you when I am around. I just need to do something here."

"Okay..." Whatever he had to do seemed like a mystery. Maybe he was going to make her mom realize the sins she had caused? Maybe it was some angel business??

"Can you open the door for me, Darling?" His voice broke through her wildriver of thoughts. His hard accent had turned soft as she turned the cooper handle, the door squeaking open as the lights flickered and a lightbulb exploded on the floor. The noise caused her to jump back as the guardian angel softly knit his fingers protectively around her.

"Don't worry. Like I promised, I'll protect you." Those simple words moved something within her, something she never felt from anything around her. Was it the fact that he was guarding her from the evils that ripped at her childhood mind? They tiptoed up the broken stairs as the guardian led the way.

"I... I never got your name..." She whispered, the male turned towards her, giving a small smile that caused her heart to seemlessly flatline. "I don't even know that much about you?? I want to know."

"Hm? Oh right, however, I know a lot about you, Mavy," he gave a small chuckle to himself that sung itself like music to her. She longed for a duet of her favorite song with him. Her face heated up as he finally answered her question, "Sergei."

He pushed open the wooden door and saw Camilla applying lipstick in the mirror, her golden eyes hardened as she snapped the tube's lid back on. "Mavis? What the hell are you doing back from being fucking dead, Stanley killed you!?"

"No he didn't as you can see-" those words fell out so casually that she took a step back when her mother spun around to face the two. She didn't even ask who the male was and focused attention on her daughter. "What are you doing here runt, come to ruin my date with Father Shadow? That pussy put you up to stopping me or did he want more foreplay before commiting a sin?"

"Sergei brought me here, he's right in front of you!" She felt sick after hearing that her wicked mother knew where she was and was screwing what was the holiest man underground. Her mother had never left her alone when she disappeared 13 years ago.

"There's nobody infront of-" Sergei touched the tv, the static blaring through the room as Camilla fumbled for the rectangular remote, slamming the off button down as Sergei grabbed at her fragile neck, her highheels falling onto the soft carpet as Camilla choked, clasping her hands on Sergei's.

"What should I do, Mavy?" Sergei asked quietly, watching the woman struggle within his iron tight grip. Mavis closed her eyes, her mind racing as the words softly fell out quietly. "... Kill her as she had killed my childhood."

All she got was a low, dark laugh from the other, squeezing her eyes shut as thr gasping began to grow louder. Louder. Louder. Louder until suddenly, it stopped. A small thud landed on the ground as a soft hand rested itself under her chin.

"Its done Mavis, you can open your eyes. You're shivering, here-" he took off his brown jacket and wrapped it around her, she opened her eyes and noticed he was just in a white t-shirt.

"You killed her!" She cried, noticing the contorted woman on the floor. She bolted down the stairs and flung out the door, seeing fuzzy colors of orange as she passed.

She bolted through the empty streets, the broken homes on her left and her right as she stopped where she had started this day at, the church. She spun around and noticed the taller male right behind her as she began to climb the marble stairs.

"Come on, you must pray for forgiveness..." She cried, her blurry vision made everything around Sergei blurry as he didn't follow her up the stairs. "COME ON!!!" She pleaded, her voice cracking. "You have to apologize before God gets mad!!"

Sergei glanced up at the gothic structure, remaining still as he never touched the marble surface. "Mavy, God forgives me-"

"I DIDNT SEE YOU PRAY... PLEASE... I DONT WANT TO LOOSE YOU... ANGELS HAVE TO BE... BE..." Mavis cut herself off as her voice shrilled, the uncomfortable sobs resurfacing once again as Sergei extended his arm out and then retracted it.

"Mavy, listen. I'm not your guardian angel."

She dropped to her knees, a cold rain had started as Sergei held out his hand as the drops dripped upon his palms. "You... Aren't... Then... What..."

"It may sound crazy," Sergei started and then let out a small chuckle, "and promise me you won't look at me different."

"I... I... Promise..." She whispered softly. "Please don't lie to me Sergei, don't try to hurt me like my mother had done..."

"I'm your Guardian-"

"THE DEVIL!" Father Shadow screeched, grabbing the crying fox and throwing a cross at Sergei, who dodged the action quite easily. "YOU DARE TAINT MY DAUGHTER AND I??"

Sergei tore off his white, blue, red hat, revealing red horns and throwing it infront of Mavis's feet. "Your angel didn't care about you to help you out of your situation, somebody had to be there for you, it doesn't matter if I am a demon or not, I care about you."

Mavis gripped the fluffy hat as Father Shadow ushered her inside, shutting the church doors. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT DEVILS AND DEMONS ROAMING AROUND AS PEOPLE. DID HE TOUCH YOU? PLANT A SEED WITHIN YOU TO SPROUT EVIL?"

"What!! No!" She gasped out, nearly clawing at the wooden door that trapped her. "He would never! He protected me!"

"Mavy, as I said I am your protector and I will love you." He held firmly onto her arm as he leaned in. "It's as simple as that. You will marry me just as God intends your fate."

"Eww, you're old enough to be my biological father!!" She never knew what had happened to her father; however, she didn't want to find out. She elbowed Father Shadow and raced back up the stairs and into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She gasped as she raced over to the barred in window, making the church more of her prison.

"... No..." She cried, feeling the fabriced hat of Sergei's under her soft fingers. "... Fuck..." She covered her mouth as if she commited a major sin as she sat upon her wooden mattress with a quilted blanket. Her bedroom never kept her warm during the winter time and she shivered as she covered herself, cuddling the hat of the demon.

"Why... Why did you have to be a demon...?"

"I was born that way, just like you were born a fox and Father Shadow a sillombre," answered the demon, resting upon a ledge outside her window.

She didn't respond as she wiped her nose against her damp sleeve.

"13 years ago, I fell in love with a mortal. The difference between Demons and Angels are angels aren't allowed to love nor leave Heaven. Demons aren't allowed to leave Hell based on God's rules, so I basically gave God the middle finger, giving in for sin and desire."


"Guardian angels don't exist. Angels just bring you to heaven and I couldn't allow you to die when you fell so I promised.... Someone."

"Who?" Mavis squeaked timidly. "Who?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, please Sergei, I trust you."

"Father Shadow. I promised him that I forget you and allow him to... A demon can't touch marble, what all churches are made out of."

"But, the ledge-"

"That, my dear, was newly added and made out of stone." He moved on his knees and clasped his hands around the stony bars that didn't allow her to jump once more. She moved towards the window where his cold hand softly planted itself against her cheek.

"I realized I made a foolish offer; how could a demon's desire ever be returned if the demon himself isn't desirable in the first place?" The melancholic question made Mavis bite her lip as she murmured,

"If only these bars didn't separate us..."

His dark red eyes widened a bit as Mavis gave a soft laugh, his hand twirling the hair around his ear as he murmured, "you remind me of Marigold, sweet and beautiful, my darling." he snapped his finger and softly placed the plant behind her ear. Her face heated up as she couldn't help but hide the huge grin behind her sleeve.

"How should I escape??" Mavis whispered, changing the subject as she heard Father Shadow stomping up the steps.

"My hat. The pyre," Sergei's hands let go of the bar and he departed from the balcony right as Father Shadow slammed open the door.

"Come on, my Darling," Shadow purred, gripping her arm as he forced her down the stairs. "I have deeds to commit to God."

"Let go of me!!" She squirmed, his tight grip on her never softened up as he threw her infront of the fireplace. The pyre roared as the flames danced feverishly around.

"Let's pray before this night seals your fate," he took out a crooked dagger and set it down as he kneeled infront of the fire. Mavis inched towards the fire and threw the clothed hat within the flames. The flames began to eat away as Father Shadow grabbed the knife and got up from the ground.

"And as this knife plunges into this sinner's heart, please God save this witches heart and cure her of-"

The flames roared, grabbing Father Shadow, dropping the crooked blade next to Mavis, centimeters from her fur. The fire engulfed the Priest, dragging him into the pyre as his body began to melt into ash. The fire burped, catching paintings and the sanctuary into flames. Mavis stumbled to her feet, the smoke passing throughout the church as she fumbled to unlock the door.

She beat against the door until a familiar black and gray cat opened the door. "GOOD HEAVENS!!"

She raced passed him, breathing up and down heavily as she pointed to the fireplace. "Father... Shadow... The fire took him..."

The cat didn't say a word as he trotted down the marble steps as she followed softly from behind. "Don't worry Mavis, we will call the fire department."

Soon, a giant crowd surrounded the two of them, screams and sobs crying out through the night sky as her eyes traveled around looking for Sergei; however, she didn't see the male.

"Sorry about your church home thing," she spun around and saw a red fox with blue and yellow eyes, the same shade her step father had. She felt her heart pause in its place as the fox glanced away and meet towards a familiar male, her older brother, Jake.

She felt an icy fingers knit themselves around hers and she allowed herself to be torn out of her spot and away from the public's eyes. The dark alleyway the demon had taken her to caused her to wrap her hands around his torso.

"I love you Mavy..." Sergei breathed, leaning down towards her.

"I know.." She softly smile, standing on her tippytoes as she smashed her lips against his, not standing her feelings any longer. Fireworks sizzled throughout her whole body, enjoying the unfamiliar feeling she had never experienced that much. They parted away to catch their breaths as Sergei turned his eyes towards the burning church.

"Sorry about your home."

"It was never my home, it felt more like..."

"A prison?"

"Yeah.. Something like that.." She leaned back in for another kiss as the marigold that rested behind her ear fell into the snow softly.


Words : 3770

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