Chapter 14: Broken Memories

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An: this was supposed to be up Friday but I got kinda busy and didn't get a chance to upload so here it is!

Chapter 14

Broken Memories

'My regime will soon be at hand" Ash thought, while sitting on his throne with his eyes closed. 'The final piece of the puzzle will soon be within my grasp. All the pain and suffering in the world will finally end. I shall be God of the new world.' The ebony haired trainer's thoughts were interrupted when an Omni Grunt came.

"Your majesty" the Omni Grunt said, while bowing. Ash opened his auburn eyes and looked at his servant. "We will be arriving in Sendoff Spring in matter of hours." The ebony haired trainer merely nodded and shooed the Omni Grunt away. The armor clad trainer bowed again and left his majesty with his thoughts again.

"I wonder if there will be anybody that can stop me" The auburn eyed trainer wondered aloud. "No trainer comes near my skills. Even the world's champion trainers couldn't stop me. They fell before me like the others." Ash suddenly gripped the armrest of his throne tightly. 'But why do I have a strange feeling' he thought. The ebony haired trainer's vision started to blur. He covered his mouth and coughed out blood. He quickly wiped the blood from his mouth. 'What is wrong with me?' Ash leaned his back in his throne and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a certain blue haired coordinator appeared in his mind.

"I promise you Ash that I will always love you."

Ash opened his eyes quickly and put his hand over his heart. He gripped it tight. 'Why can't I forget about her!?' Ash thought, and slammed his fist. 'She is worthless! She is nothing to me!' The ebony haired trainer clenched both of his fists. 'She lied…I h-hate her.' Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of his face.

"This is Sinnoh Now and I'm Rhonda' she said. "It has been a couple of hours since the attack of Organization Omni. Police are doing everything they can. Multiple cities are under attack as we speak." Rhonda put her hand to her ear. "We just received word that Jubilife City has been rescued by none other than the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia." Ash smirked.

"It would seem that Paul has failed me" the auburn eyed trainer said. "I can't feel the aura within him anymore. No matter. They will not stop me."

"We will report to you all when we get more words on the situation" Rhonda said. The screen before Ash disappeared. The ebony haired trainer closed his eyes, while resting his head on his right arm.

"It's hard to believe that just four years ago my life changed into this" the leader of Organization Omni said. "I wonder what would have happened if my mother didn't die and if Dawn had never left me." A smile appeared on his face and he chuckled bitterly. "That could never happen. What's done is done. I can't change the past." Ash rose from his throne and walked to the large window in the bridge. He closed his eyes. "I feel her aura. Dawn is very close." The ebony haired trainer laughed. "She just won't give up. She has lost her chance with me. She is one of the reasons why I turned into this person that she hates so much. I can still see it clearly when she left me…"


"Ash, you're so annoying!" a blue haired coordinator yelled at the ebony haired trainer. "Why can't you do anything right!?" The lovebirds have been traveling for days now, and they were desperately lost. Brock was called back home for family reasons leaving only the couple to travel. They thought this would be a good chance to strengthen their love, but now they were having second thoughts. "We've been lost for days now!" After the Sinnoh Grand Festival and the Sinnoh League the lovely couple decided to go to the Hoenn Region. Dawn wanted to enter their contests, while Ash wanted to try their new Battle Frontier Challenge.

"Will you be quiet!?" Ash shouted at the blue haired coordinator. Dawn huffed. "It's hard enough to read this map with your complaints. You're just making it worse!" Pikachu who was on its trainer's shoulder looked back and forth, Ash then Dawn. It let out a deep sigh. The auburn eyed trainer continued to look at the map with a large anime vein popping out of his forehead. "Why does reading a map have to be so hard!?"

"Maybe if you were smarter you could!" the beanie wearing girl yelled. Ash stopped in his track. He stopped walking and faced his girlfriend. Dawn glared at the boy.

"What did you just say!?" he shouted.

"I said we wouldn't be in this mess if you were smarter!" the blue haired coordinator yelled. Ash was about to retort until he saw Pikachu's ears pop up. "What is it buddy?"

"Pika!" the yellow rodent shouted as it pointed its finger towards the bush. The bush shook and a figure walked out. He had green hair with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. Ash's face immediately darkened. He never forgave Drew for taking his first crush away, May. When Dawn first met Drew he immediately flirted with her. Ash was beyond pissed so he just kept on trying to avoid the green haired coordinator as best as he could.

"Drew!" the blue haired coordinator cheered happily, too happily for Ash's taste. She ran to the arrogant coordinator and greeted him. "It's nice to see you."

"Ah, Dawn your beauty never ceases to amaze me" Drew said, while bowing. Dawn blushed. The green haired coordinator looked up at gave the blushing girl a blue rose. The blush on Dawn's face turned a deep crimson which didn't go unnoticed by the ebony haired trainer. Ash gritted his teeth. "Now, what brings you out here?"

"Well, mister big shot over there got us lost" Dawn said, while pointing at the peeved auburn eyed trainer. "We've been walking around nonstop for days now."

"I can help" Drew said, never keeping his eyes off Dawn. "I'm actually on my way to the Pokemon Center.

"Really!?" Dawn said jumping up and down with her hands clamped together.

"Actually Drew, I think Dawn and I will be fine just by ourselves" Ash said rather angrily.

"Pika!" the electric type Pokemon shouted, agreeing with its trainer. Pikachu knew that Ash didn't like Drew and adding him to the problem at hand right now will result into more trouble. Dawn turned her head and glared at the two.

"We're lost and starving. Drew is coming with us and that's final!" the beanie wearing girl yelled. Drew smirked unbeknownst to Dawn. Ash saw that and was about to say something until his girlfriend interrupted him. "No buts!" Ash clenched his fist and sighed.

"Fine" he muttered with his arms crossed.

"Now, Drew will you lead the way" she said, while smiling at the green haired coordinator. Drew smiled back and took the lead. In a few minutes the arrogant coordinator led the couple to the Pokemon Center. As a token of appreciation Dawn gave Drew a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Ash saw this and was red in the face with anger. "I'll get us some rooms." Dawn left her boyfriend and Drew alone, while she left to talk to Nurse Joy. The green haired coordinator watched the fleeing figure of the girl, trying to catch a peek under her skirt.

"I know what you're trying to do, Drew" Ash said. Drew looked back at the auburn eyed trainer and flicked his hair.

"And what would that be?" he asked in a mockingly innocent tone.

"Drew, you better back away or else!" the ebony haired trainer shouted. Pikachu nodded and growled at the arrogant coordinator.

"Or else what?" Drew asked with smirk on his face. Ash was about to throw a fist at the boy until he saw Dawn coming back with a key in her hands.

"I have our rooms!" she said happily.

"I'm going out" Ash said, while shoving his hands into his pocket. Dawn raised an eyebrow.

"What's your problem?" she asked.

"Just getting some fresh air" the ebony haired trainer replied.

"Well, our room number is 5!" the beanie wearing girl shouted. Ash exited the Pokemon Center and sat on the grassy ground that was quite a bit far from the Pokemon Center. He sighed.

"That Drew I hate him" he said aloud. Pikachu jumped off his trainer's shoulder and went in front of him. "I just want punch him right in the face." Pikachu made punches into the air which made Ash laugh. "Thanks buddy. You always can cheer me up." Ash petted the electric rodent's head.

"Cha!" it squealed.

"You know Pikachu" the ebony haired trainer said, stopping his petting. Pikachu looked up to its trainer. "Sometimes I think Dawn likes Drew." He sighed and lowered his head. Pikachu saw a tear running down its trainer's face. The yellow rodent patted Ash's foot. Ash looked at his faithful Pokemon.

"Pika pi chu Pikachu pika pi!" it said. Ash smiled.

"You're right" the ebony haired trainer said. "Dawn loves me. I know she wouldn't leave me for a guy who has nasty spinach hair." Ash chuckled with Pikachu. "Alright let's get back. I'm sure Dawn is getting worried right now." The auburn eyed trainer rose to his feet with Pikachu on his shoulder and sprinted to the Pokemon Center. "5, 5, 5 now where is it. Ah, there it is!" Ash walked to the door and stopped immediately when he heard voices. He opened the door a little.

"Dawn, come on" Drew said. "Why can't we be together? There is obviously a connection. You know it, I know it."

"Drew, I lo-" she was about to say, but was stopped when Drew crashed his lips unto hers. Dawn's eyes widened, but soon closed slowly. She wrapped her arms around the green coordinator's neck to deepen the kiss. Drew wrapped his arms around Dawn's waist pushing her body against his. Suddenly, the door burst opened which caused the two to stop kissing. Ash ran to Drew and picked him by the collar ready to deliver a punch to his face.

"Stop!" the blue haired coordinator shouted. Dawn ran to Ash and stopped his fist. Ash was shocked and dropped Drew. Auburn clashed with sapphire. "Stop it, Ash."

"What is going on!" the ebony haired trainer demanded.

"Pikachu!" the electric rodent shouted.

"Ash, I can't take it anymore" the beanie wearing girls said softly. "I can't keep on living like this. It's over." Ash's eyes widened, tears threatening to fall.

"What do you mean?" he asked desperately, tears clearly falling from his eyes.

"Us, we're over" she replied. "Ash I don't love you anymore. I'm in love to Drew." Ash put his hands on the blue haired coordinator's shoulders.

"Dawn, remember our promise!" he shouted. Dawn lowered her head. "You promised you would love me forever!" The beanie wearing raised her head and looked at Ash straight into his auburn eyes.

"Ash, I can't keep that promise" the blue haired coordinator said. "You knew this was coming. We constantly fight with each other. It was bound to happen. Here." She took off the sapphire bracelet and offered it to Ash. The auburn eyed trainer took his hands off her shoulder.

"Keep it" Ash whispered. "I don't want anything from you. I don't want to be near you!" At that Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder ran out the door. Dawn was about run after him, but was stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Drew shaking his head.

"No, he needs to be alone right now" the green haired coordinator said. Dawn nodded and hugged the boy. Drew put his arms around her and smirked. Ash ran out of the Pokemon Center, not hearing Nurse Joy yelling out his name. The ebony haired trainer ran to the grassy area where he was last time and collapsed on his knees. He punched the ground.

"Why!?" he shouted, his voice broken. "How could she do this to me!?" Pikachu jumped off his trainer's shoulder and tried to console the boy.

(End of Flashback)

The leader of Organization Omni growled at the bitter memories. "They all deserve to die" Ash said to himself. The ebony haired trainer walked back to his throne and sat down. "Once I become God I will see that all the horrible people of the world will be punished and deleted from existence." A maniacal grin appeared on his handsome face. "Mother, watch over me." The auburn eyed trainer closed his eyes once again to let memories take over. "Mother, why did you have to die?"


"Why!?" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs. He continued to punch the ground repeatedly until his knuckles were bloody. Pikachu jumped on his trainers and rubbed its cheek against its trainer. The electric type Pokemon could feel the wetness on its trainer's cheek.

"Pika pi…" it said softly.

"I thought she love me Pikachu" the ebony haired trainer said brokenly. "Our promise meant absolutely nothing to her!" Ash felt anger running through is body. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tight. A blue aura began to form around his body. He slammed both of his fists onto the grassy ground causing it to wither and decay. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his left shoulder, opposite of Pikachu.

"Excuse me, Ash Ketchum, right?" a sweet voice said. Ash opened his red, puffy eyes and looked over his shoulder. He saw a lady with pink hair in a familiar outfit. "You're Ash Ketchum right?" she repeated. The young boy nodded slowly. "I'm sorry for being a bringer of bad news, but there has been an accident…"

"An accident? What kind of accident?" Ash said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Nurse Joy lowered her head.

"I received a phone call from Professor Oak" she said. Ash was puzzled. Why would Professor Oak be calling him? "It's about your mother…" The word "mother" made Ash's eyes widened and he rose to his feet quickly. "Your mother was in an accident. There was a gas leak in the house and there was a fire…"

"She's o-ok-kay r-right?" he stuttered out. Nurse Joy's face darkened. "Right!?" She shook her head. At that moment Ash felt as his heart was shattered. He was breathing heavily. Pikachu looked at its trainer with sad eyes. It was about to say something until Ash sprinted into the forest with tears falling from his eyes. The yellow rodent held on its trainer head tightly. Ash continued running until he was at the edge of a cliff.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed with all of his might. Shockwaves were emitted from the young' boys body and were spreading everywhere. All the Pokemon in the vicinity ran away from the area, scared of the negative energy they were feeling. The dark, starry night was covered with black clouds. Flashes of light were coloring the sky. Thunder rumbled and lightning crashed. Rain began pouring down soaking the trainer. The ebony haired trainer fell to his knees broken. Tears were falling from his eyes freely along with Pikachu.

Four days later…

Ash quit his journey in the Hoenn Region and returned home after hearing about the tragic death of his mother. Rain continued pouring down, never stopping. Everybody in Pallet Town was at the Funeral of Delia Ketchum. Ash stood by his mother's coffin with a blank expression with Pikachu on his shoulder. All of his friends including Drew and Dawn were there. They never saw Ash so broken before. "Why?" the ebony haired trainer said softly, only Pikachu hearing him. The electric type Pokemon lowered its head. They lowered the coffin and buried Ash's mother.

"Ash-" Dawn said, but was interrupted when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw her new boyfriend, Drew. He shook his head. The green haired coordinator motioned her to leave with him. She nodded and took one last look at her former lover and left. Everybody at the funeral left except Ash and Pikachu.

(End of Flashback)

"The world is a truly disgusting place" Ash said, while opening his eyes. He felt a tear run down his eye and quickly wiped it off. "On that day…I realized my destiny. My destiny is to eliminate pain and suffering and to govern the world as its new God. Any who oppose me shall suffer death." An Omni Grunt walked to the throne and bowed.

"Your majesty" the armor clad soldier said. "We will be arriving at the destination in thirty minutes." Ash nodded. The Omni Grunt bowed once again and walked away to resume his work.

"I will purify this world."


The auburn eyed trainer stayed at his mother grave for two days without making a budge. Pikachu stood by its trainer side. Rain continued pounding his body. "Why would they take her away?" he asked nobody. The electric type Pokemon looked up at his trainer. A blue aura began to form around his body. "I save the world many times and this is how it repays me by taking my mother!" The ebony haired trainer clenched his fist. "Come on Pikachu." The yellow rodent jumped on his trainer's shoulder and looked at him curiously. Ash ran to the Professor Oak's lab and took all of his Pokemon. He returned back to his mother's grave wearing a black cloak. "Mother, watch over me." At that he walked away, putting the black hood over his head. "Pikachu, we're going on one final journey." A blue aura surrounded Ash. "With this power the world shall bow down to me." The ebony haired trainer dashed making him look like a black blur. He continued running for days until he saw a girl with tattered clothing with curly blonde hair. She had on glasses and had silver eyes. Ash walked up to her.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, scared of who this stranger could be. The cloaked trainer took off his hood. The girl gasped. She never saw a more handsome person. His bangs combed perfectly and framed his handsome face. The back of his hair spiked up. What mesmerized her were his piercing auburn eyes. She was about say something until the figure spoke up.

"My name is Ash Ketchum and this is Pikachu" he said. "Travel with me." The glasses wearing girl flinched by the blunt invitation. It was more of an order, than an invitation. The auburn eyed trainer extended his hand. "I understand your pain. Follow me and I can take it away." Tears fell from her eyes. For some reason she knew he was telling the truth. She slowly reached and grabbed his hand. "What is your name?"


"A nice name" Ash said. The silver eyed girl blushed. "I have a plan to make the world a better place. I need your expertise on Pokemon to help me." She nodded. "Very well, you are now part of my plan." Ash put the hood over his head and picked up the girl bridal style causing her face to flush. Ash ran and reached a large, modern city, but it was very empty.

"What is this place?" Koyomi asked.

"Sasado City" he replied. "This place shall be the base of our operation. First we need money and I know how to do that." He set down the girl, much to her disappointment.

Three years later…

Ash had built a large reputation as the strongest trainer in the world. Nobody knew his true identity so they gave him the name "King" as to honor him for bringing Sasado City as one of the richest cities in the world. During the time Ash has abducted large amount of trainers into his new order which he called Organization Omni. He also caught many Pokemon to further his goal. In the darkest part of Ash's mansion was a lab. Ash stood in front of five tubes. "My elites will soon rise and when that happens my plan can begin."

One year later…

The five test tubes broke releasing five naked figures. "My elites you shall help my plans of ruling this world."

"Yes, your majesty!" they all shouted.

"Excellent" Ash said. He walked off, while the elites were taken by Omni Grunts to get some clothing. The leader of Organization Omni walked to a bookshelf and took a book. The book he took out was very old. Ash flipped the pages of the book carefully, so not to damage the book. He read a passage. "Whosoever has the six Remnants can summon the God. Bring them to Spear Pillar and the world shall tremble and mankind shall meet the Creator. The one who controls everything." The ebony haired trainer closed the book and smile. "Soon…"

(End of Flashback)

"Your majesty" an Omni Grunt said as he bowed. Ash snapped of his thoughts and looked at his servant. "We directly above Sendoff Springs." The ebony haired trainer nodded. He rose up from his throne and walked to the armor clad soldier. He patted him on the shoulder.

"Good job" the leader of Organization Omni said. At that the ebony haired trainer walked away, but stopped when he heard the Omni Grunt speak.

"Your majesty" the armor clad soldier said. "Shall I send Omni Grunts to accompany you?" The auburn eyed trainer shook his head.

"I will handle this alone" the leader of Organization Omni said. Ash left the room and entered the docking bay. He pressed a button and door opened causing a burst of wind to flow everywhere. His ebony hair flowed in the air. Ash jumped off the ship and landed on his feet with no scratches on his body. "Finally, the last piece of the puzzle will be mine." Suddenly, Ash sensed something behind him. He turned around and saw a familiar blue haired coordinator and by her side was a curly blond haired girl. His eyes widened.

"Dawn…" he said. "And Koyomi. Well, I suspected Dawn, but not you Koyomi. This is quite a surprise."


"Where is Ash heading to?" Dawn asked. The duo including Pikachu has been flying nonstop since they followed Ash. "I thought there were only three lakes in Sinnoh."

"There are actually four" the curly blonde haired girl replied. "It's called Sendoff Spring. At Sendoff Spring there is Turnback Cave. Inside there supposedly lies a legendary Pokemon, Giratina."

"So in this Turnback Cave lies the artifact that Ash needs" the beanie wearing girl stated. The silver eyed girl nodded. "Look they stopped." Koyomi and Pikachu looked and saw the large black ship stop above a lake. "Wait, what is that?" The blue haired coordinator narrowed her eyes and saw a figure jump from the ship. She narrowed her eyes even further and saw that the figure was none other than the love of her life. "It's Ash!"

"Alright, hang on!" Koyomi shouted. The curly blonde haired girl pushed the thruster and the small ship rocketed to the area. The ship landed on the grass and took the invisible cloak off. The doors open. Dawn was going to run out, but was stopped when she felt a hand on her left shoulder. She turned her head around and saw the silver eyed girl. "I want to come."

"But you said that you didn't want Ash to know you're helping us" the blue eyed girl said.

"I want to be there to rescue Ash" the silver eyed girl said. "It's about time I face him." Dawn nodded. Both of them including Pikachu dashed out of the ship to confront the leader of Organization Omni. They saw the ebony haired trainer and stopped. He turned his body around.

"Dawn…" he said. "And Koyomi. Well, I suspected Dawn, but not you Koyomi. This is quite a surprise."

"Ash, you have to stop what you're doing!" the silver eyed girl yelled. "Can't you see what you're doing is wrong!"

"Ah, Koyomi I had high hopes for you" the auburn eyed trainer said. "But I see that you're the little traitor." Ash sighed. "There is only one way to deal with a traitor…and that's to kill them!" The ebony haired trainer lifted his right arm and shot an Aura Sphere towards the glasses wearing girl. Koyomi's eyes widened. Pikachu jumped in front of the attack and released a Thunderbolt attack. Both attack collided and cancelled each other. Ash glared at his former Pokemon. "All the traitors are here. Well, isn't this something?"

"What the hell are you doing, Ash?" the beanie wearing girl yelled. "You could have killed her."

"That was the point" he simply stated. "Traitors should be killed. They are a waste of space."

"Waste of space!?" Dawn questioned. "She's been by your side for a long time and you would just kill her like that!?" Ash nodded. The blue haired coordinator growled. "That's it you have to be stopped!"

"And you think you can stop me!" the leader of Organization Omni shouted. "Ha! Don't make me laugh! I am the strongest trainer in the world! What can a mere coordinator do to stop me!?"

"This!" she yelled. "Go pokeball!" Dawn released a red and white spherical object from her hands. A wild light came out and hit the ground releasing a large blue Pokemon. It looked like it was wearing a tuxedo. On its face was a yellow trident.

"Empoleon!" the water/steel type shouted its name. Ash smirked.

"Ah, a Pokemon battle, then so be it" the ebony haired trainer said. "Meet a Pokemon that knows the pain of losing a mother. Go pokeball!" Ash released the pokeball from his hand and a wild burst of light came out. The light settled and revealed a large green Pokemon with spike protruding from its back. It had black holes around its body and has a blue stomach.

"Tyranitar!" the armor Pokemon roared its name.

"You see once upon a time during my journey through the Jhoto Region I received an egg" Ash said. "The egg hatched into a Larvitar. This Pokemon was afraid of humans because Pokemon Poachers hurt its mother and took it away from her. When I returned it back to its mother and stopped the Pokemon Poachers I thought everything would be fine. I later came back and witness the same Pokemon Poachers killing its mother. I rescued it from them, and bestow judgment on the Pokemon Poachers. Let's just say that they won't be bothering anybody else. You see this Pokemon knows what pain and suffering is and now it will do the same to you." The rock/ground type Pokemon roared its name. Tyranitar stomped its foot causing the ground to shake.

"This is not going to be easy" the beanie wearing girl said to herself.

"Tyranitar, can you handle this by yourself?" the leader of Organization Omni asked. The armor Pokemon nodded. "Good job. Hold them back as long as you possible can." The auburn eyed trainer took his leave and entered the cave.

"Ash, get back here!" Dawn shouted. She was about to run after the love her life, but was stopped when Tyranitar stood in front of the entrance.

"Tyranitar!" it roared its name.

"It seems like I won't be going anywhere unless I stop Tyranitar" Dawn said. "Koyomi, Pikachu stay back! This battle is mine!" The silver eyed girl and the electric rodent nodded and stood back. "Empoleon, let's start this off with Ice Beam!" The water/steel type Pokemon opened its mouth and form a white sphere. A ray came forth from the sphere towards the rock/dark type Pokemon. The Ice Beam attach hit Tyranitar causing it to freeze into a block of ice. "Direct hit!" The blue haired coordinator was jumping for joy. Suddenly, the block of ice began to shake and cracks appeared. Dawn immediately stopped her jumping. The block of ice exploded into shards of ice flying everywhere.

"Tyranitar!" it roared its name. Dawn and Empoleon flinched. Suddenly, a sand tornado began to form in front the rock/dark type Pokemon. Tyranitar roared its name again causing the sand tornado to come straight towards the water/steel type.

"It's Sandstorm" Dawn said. She gritted her teeth. "Empoleon, Whirlpool!" The trident face Pokemon raised its head into the air and formed a swirling mass of water. The water/steel type Pokemon threw it at the Sandstorm attack. Both attacks collided and exploded causing mud to fly everywhere. "Now, use Metal Claw!" Empoleon's fins began to glow white. It ran full speed towards the armor Pokemon.

"Ty Tyranitar!" it shouted. The armor Pokemon raised both of its arms in front of itself. Empoleon lunged both of its fin, but Tyranitar caught them. Shockwaves of energy surged everywhere. Suddenly, Tyranitar opened its mouth and an orange orb of energy formed. A beam emitted from the orange sphere causing a massive explosion. Clouds of dust surrounded where the two Pokemon were standing. Both Pokemon slid out of the cloud dust with scratches all over their body.

"Are you okay, Empoleon?" the beanie wearing coordinator said to her Pokemon. The water/steel type Pokemon nodded its head. "Good, use Hydro Pump!" Empoleon took in a huge breath and released a burst of water from its mouth. Tyranitar was still tired from the Hyper Beam attack resulting it to get hit right in the chest. The armor Pokemon flew back and tumbled across the ground. "We did it!"

"Tyranitar!" the rock/dark type Pokemon roared its name. It dug its claws into the ground and stopped its tumbling. It rose to its feet and roared its name once again.

"No way" Dawn whispered. Empoleon was equally stunned. The armor Pokemon roared its name and summoned a sand tornado in front of itself. The rock/dark type Pokemon jumped in the middle of the sandstorm. "What is it doing!?" Suddenly, Tyranitar started to float into the air. It roared its name and surrounded itself with a purple veil with yellow spirals. "It's Giga Impact! It's using the Sandstorm to increase the speed and power of the attack!" Dawn growled. "Empoleon, Whirlpool into Drill Peck!" The water/steel type Pokemon formed a Whirlpool above itself. Empoleon jumped into the swirl of the water and spun forming a Drill Peck attack. Suddenly, the Whirlpool attack and Drill Peck attack formed together in the form a drill composed of water. The tip of the drill was white, glowing with power. "Now!" Both Pokemon launched themselves towards each other. They both collided creating a blinding light that covered the entire field.


"Ah, what an interesting place" the ebony haired trainer said. "This place holds such a mysterious aura. It's as if I'm in a different dimension than my own. I guess the legends are true. The leader of Organization Omni continued walking through the perilous cave with ease. He used his aura to find the best possible path to the Remnant of Giratina. The auburn eyed trainer finally reached the chamber. The chamber hand ruins of building everywhere. It resembled a cemetery. Ash looked around and spotted a pedestal with a small black crystal on top. "Ah, the Remnant of Giratina." He slowly walked to the pedestal, but stopped in his tracks when he heard a voice.

"Who dares enter my domain" a voice bellowed out. Suddenly, a large thunderous boom came from behind the leader of Organization Omni. Ash smirked. He turned his body around. The large figure in front of him had a large long, platinum colored body. It had six legs and had ghostly wings with red spikes. On its head was a golden crown-like thing. "I will not repeat myself."

"You must be Giratina, correct?" Ash asked calmly, not afraid of the renegade Pokemon. It nodded its long neck. "It's an honor to meet you. I'm Ash Ketchum and I'm here to take that black crystal over there with me." Giratina stomped two of its leg which caused the entire chamber to shake.

"You will not!" the renegade Pokemon shouted. "I heard many things about you, Ash Ketchum. You're upsetting the natural balance of the universe. I looked into your destiny and I see that you will bring the destruction of the world, not only our world, but the other worlds in the universe. The universe's destruction will be caused by your hands." The ebony haired trainer laughed.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Ash shouted. "That will not come to pass. My power is too great! I can control it!" The auburn eyed trainer pointed his finger at the ghost/dragon type Pokemon. "You will not stop me!"

"Foolish mortal!" the legendary Pokemon bellowed. "I will not allow you to live! Prepare yourself mortal and fall before me!" The renegade Pokemon opened its mouth and summoned an orange sphere in its mouth. The orange orb of energy shot out a powerful orange beam towards the ebony haired trainer. The Hyper Beam attack was mere inches away from Ash. The leader of Organization Omni merely lifted his right hand. He smacked the Hyper Beam attack away. Giratina gasped.

"Me, fall before you" Ash said softly. "You have to be kidding me! You're the one that shall fall before me!" A maniacal grin appeared on the ebony haired trainer's handsome face. "Command the skies, Charizard!" Ash released a pokeball from his hand. A wild flash of light hit the ground. The light settled revealing a large orange dragon with a black flame tip on its tail.

"Charizard!" it roared its name, while taking off into the air.

"Charizard, let's show Giratina what we do to those who oppose us!" the auburn eyed trainer shouted. The fire/flying type Pokemon roared its name in approval. "Flamethrower!" The dragon-like Pokemon took in a huge breath and spewed out black flames. Suddenly, Giratina disappeared and black Flamethrower attack missed. "What!?" A black sphere of energy came out of nowhere and hit Charizard across the back creating an explosion. Charizard roared its name in pain. The dragon-like Pokemon fell to the ground. "Damn it! Get up!" The fire/flying type Pokemon rose to its feet slowly and flew into the air. The renegade Pokemon finally appeared in front of the peeved off trainer.

"You cannot stop me!" Giratina yelled. It disappeared once again and appeared above the stunned dragon-like Pokemon. Charizard's eyes widened. Giratina landed on the fire/flying type Pokemon and body slammed it into the ground. The renegade Pokemon flew off and landed a couple of feet from the fallen Pokemon. Dust surrounded the area and when it settled it revealed Charizard with swirls for eyes. Giratina roared. Suddenly, Ash fell to his knees and coughed up blood.

"Damn it" the leader of Organization Omni muttered. "Not now." Ash returned his Pokemon back into its pokeball and rose to his feet. He wiped the blood that was dripping from his mouth. 'Why is this happening?' he wondered.

"You don't know do you?" the ghost/dragon type Pokemon said. Ash had a puzzled expression. "Your body is shutting down." The ebony haired trainer's eyes widened. "Your aura power is too massive. The power is destroying your body from the inside out. By using your aura you suffer." Ash lowered his head, hiding his eyes. "It's inevitable. You will die by me or you will kill yourself for exerting yourself."

"Shut up…" Ash said. "I cannot die…For what I plan…I will…become eternal!" Ash lifted his head up and revealed that his auburn eyes turned bright blue. Giratina looked into the Ash's mind. Its eyes widened. The leader of Organization Omni raised both of his hands. "Do not underestimate me!" Ash's body shined with a blue light. "Take this!" Hundreds of Aura Spheres attack came from his hands towards the renegade Pokemon. Giratina's eyes widened. The attacks hit the legendary Pokemon causing mini explosion. Giratina roared in agony.

"You will die foolish mortal!" Giratina disappeared from the barrage of Aura Sphere attack. Ash closed his eyes.

"I will find you" the ebony haired trainer said. Ash opened his eyes. "There!" The leader of Organization Omni summoned a blue orb into his hand. Ash closed his fist morphing the Aura Sphere into a pure, bright blue blade. Suddenly, a portal opened in front of Ash. A lone neck appeared. It looked like Giratina, but the crown lowered over its face.

"Feast your eyes on my Origin Form!" the renegade Pokemon shouted. Giratina was about to ram the ebony haired trainer, but Ash merely sidestepped. Giratina's eyes widened. "How?"

"Now feel my power!" Ash shouted. As Giratina flew passed the trainer, the leader of Organization Omni took this opportunity to slash right down the entire side of the renegade Pokemon. A blue line went across Giratina's side and exploded causing it to scream in pain. It collapsed on the ground. The Aura Blade disappeared from Ash's hand. Ash breathed heavily.

"You will be the death of us all…" Giratina said. Ash turned around and looked at the fallen Pokemon. At that the renegade Pokemon disappeared. Ash smirked and walked to the pedestal and pocketed the black crystal. The auburn eyed trainer's vision became blurred. He collapsed to his knees.

"My time is coming…" Ash muttered. "I won't be able to survive for long. I must complete my plan." The ebony haired trainer rose to his feet. He used his aura and sprinted to the exit of Turnback Cave. When he came out he saw Tyranitar covered in scratches and was breathing heavily. He looked at its opponent, it was fairing well either.

"Ash!" a familiar voice shouted. The ebony haired trainer looked the blue haired coordinator. He smirked. Ash pulled out the black crystal, and then pocketed it. Everybody's eyes widened.

"You did a good job, Tyranitar" the leader of Organization Omni said. "Return for a good rest." Ash returned the Pokemon. "You have failed. Now there are few things I have to take care of." The auburn eyed trainer suddenly disappeared. He appeared right in front of the beanie wearing girls and grabbed her by the neck with his left hand. He lifted her up with her feet dangling.

"Dawn!" Koyomi yelled.

"Pikachu!" the yellow rodent screamed.

"Empoleon!" the water/steel type Pokemon yelled.

"No stop!" Dawn strained to say. "He doesn't have it in himself to kill me." Ash gripped tightened around the coordinator's neck. A blue Aura Sphere appeared in Ash's right hand. He lifted it up to her face.

"Really? I will show you then!" Ash shouted. A maniacal grinned appeared on his face. He launched his right hand towards the face of his former lover.

"Ash, STOP!"

The leader of Organization Omni stopped his attack. That voice was so familiar. His eyes widened. He knew the voice. The voice belonged to his mother. Ash dropped the blue haired coordinator and she fell on her bottom. He clenched his heart. "What was that?" he questioned.

"Ash…" Dawn said softly. The ebony haired trainer directed his gaze to the girl.

"You are lucky" Ash said. "The next time we meet you will die." He directed his gaze to Koyomi and Pikachu. "Along with you two." A black rope descended from the large black ship in the sky. Ash grabbed it and was reeled back into the ship. It turned on its cloak and flew off.

"Ash…" Dawn said with tears coming from her eyes.

"Your majesty was the mission a success?" an Omni Grunt asked as Ash came into the bridge. He nodded and sat in his throne.

"Set course to the rendezvous point" Ash said. The Omni Grunt bowed and left. The ebony haired trainer took the black crystal from his pocket and looked at it. "Mother, was that you?"

Word Count: 6670

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