Chapter 6

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"All right, kiddos!" James announced to the kids. "It's time for sleep."

"Do we have to?" little Crow asked, rubbing his eyes a bit. "I want to stay up with you guys."

"But if you don't," Keiza began, "you won't grow strong when you grow up. Don't you want to be strong?"

"I do but why don't you go to sleep when we do?"

"We have to do more adult things," William explained to the boy. "Sometimes it involves us staying up a bit later than you. But honestly, I'm gonna sleep early tonight."

"Same!" Ryan exclaimed, yawning. "So let's go upstairs and get sleep." Everyone agreed and began to walk up the stair steps slowly, except for Lizzy. She stayed downstairs and looked up at her friends happily. She heard one of the kids say,

"Can you tell us a bedtime story?"

"Sure!" William said from afar. "I'll tell you the story of what happened to Ryan on a carousel."

"Don't tell that story!!" Ryan yelled loudly. Lizzy giggled and went off into the kitchen, taking a deep breath and rolling up her jacket sleeves.

"Let's see if I can get it right tonight," she told herself. She opened up the locked cupboard and got some bottles with liquid from the bottom part of the cabinet. She locked it up again and prepared a bowl that was on the counter and mixed liquids from two bottles in the bowl, whistling a melody that she knew. All though she was whistling, she contemplated on how she can turn Crow, Yusei, and Jack back to normal soon. She also wanted to keep them as kids until the potion wears off. The kids were sticking to her friends closely and her friends were enjoying their company and having fun. As she thought hard on what to do, she heard,

"What are you doing?" Her eyes shot open and she turned to the voice, who was little Crow wrapped in a big blanket.

"Oh I'm working, little man," she responded with a smile, still stirring the liquid in the bowl with a mixer.

"Working on what?"

"Well, it's hard to explain....but it has to do with magic."

"Magic?" Lizzy nodded at him and his dark gray eyes sparkled a bit, thinking it was cool. Keiza ran into the room and sighed in relief, seeing little Crow in the room.

"Hey, it's time for bed," Keiza said.

"Ok...." the boy sighed, walking to her. Keiza then turned to Lizzy and said the same thing.

"I'll be in bed soon," Lizzy responded with a small smile. "Just give me thirty minutes." Her friend nodded and took little Crow upstairs. She began to think of how guilty Lizzy must be feeling...

"Are you sure you're okay?" 10-year-old Lizzy asked.

"Yes, I'm fine!" 10-year-old William exclaimed, getting a bit annoyed. "This is the third time you asked." Keiza, who was about the same age, wrapped up William's hurt arm with a bandage and said,

"Why do you keep saying sorry, Liz? Will already forgave you."

"I still feel horrible," Lizzy admitted. "I don't know why but my chest would hurt a lot sometimes. Is that normal?" William shrugged and said,

"All I know is this: it wasn't your fault that you fell on my arm during practice. Let's just leave it at that, okay?" Lizzy nodded but Keiza looked at her, noticing that she was still a bit tense.

That memory stuck with Keiza as she fell asleep in the shared room with Aaliyah, knowing that Lizzy won't be done for a long time.

Meanwhile, Lizzy groaned in frustration as her liquid creation wasn't working the way she wanted it too.

"Why isn't it turning red?!" she thought. "I did everything I could but why isn't it working?!!!" She laid her head on the counter and groaned loudly. She sighed and lifted her head, only to see little Yusei staring at her. "H-Hey buddy!" she said, astonished. "How long have you been watching me?"

"Only a little while," little Yusei said quietly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm working on something important."


"Yup. Wanna see?" The little boy nodded and Lizzy picked him up to let him see the bowl with liquid in it. "I'm making a potion that can do a lot of things."

"Do you do this all the time?" the boy asked curiously, staring at the contents of the bowl.

"Sometimes," Lizzy smiled. "But I've been focusing hard this time."


"Well, let's say that I accidentally messed up on something and I need to fix it."

"Is that why you've been staying up late?" Lizzy was surprised that he knew about that but then sighed, knowing that she couldn't keep the secret anymore. She merely nodded, staring at the bowl. Little Yusei looked at her and said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay," Lizzy answered. "I just have an unfortunate tendency to feel guilty for things I am a part of."

"But it wasn't your fault that it happened!"

"I know, kiddo. But it comes around once in awhile." Lizzy began to stir the contents of the bowl again with one hand while holding little Yusei with her other. She didn't know if he could understand the type of guilt she felt since he was only a boy. She also didn't want to bring the topic back up again, so she decided to stay silent. After a few moments, she felt something squeezing her shoulders and chest. She looked at little Yusei and saw that he was hugging her tightly. Her eyes widened and he said,

"If I drank one of your potions by accident, I wouldn't blame you.." At his response, she shed one tear and chuckled,

"Thank you, little man. Now shouldn't you go to sleep?"

"Tell me what the potions are made of first!"

"Oh no, you don't! Your brothers are already in bed and you should be too."

"Tell me, please!! I promise to go to bed after."

"......oh okay. But you have to keep your promise." The boy nodded happily and Lizzy began to explain to him that she was a magician, an actual magician that works with potions and magic. She kept her explanation as simple as possible so that he could understand and he listened attentively. He seemed enchanted by the fact that she can wield magic and Lizzy found that interesting, considering that she knew his grown-up self. Little Yusei looked at one of the potion bottles, which looked almost empty and asked,

"What potion is that?"

"Oh that's called the Light of Yuina," Lizzy explained with a smile. "It was made where my friends and I are from, Yuina "

"What about Light?"

"I read a book once that it was called Light of Yuina because of a powerful magician's ability to change fate with her tears. With one drop it can cure anything from its current state, no matter how deep the scar or spell could be. But it takes time and nurturing to let its power work, and a brave magician that is willing to discover its mysterious ability."


"Yeah!! It needs a lot of love and care for it to thrive. All I can hope for is that its magic can work within me one day." Little Yusei smiled in awe but then yawned, saying,

"I'm sleepy."

"Okay," Lizzy chuckled. "Let's head to bed." She put everything away and placed the potions inside of the locked cupboard. "That cupboard is the place where I keep all my potions. You can't grab anything from it, okay Yusei?" The boy nodded with a smile and Lizzy rubbed his head, grinning. He laughed as the two left the room and climbed upstairs.

"Hey, don't wake everyone up," Aaliyah murmured. She was waiting for the two at the top of the stairs. "I'll get him to bed, Lizzy." Lizzy nodded in agreement and set Yusei on his feet.

"Good night, buddy," she said.

"Good night, Lizzy," he smiled. He followed Aaliyah to his room as Lizzy went into her room, content that even though she didn't find the antidote she was able to make someone and herself smile.

Hello, everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope to continue posting parts until the weekend is over.

Don't be afraid to comment on my story for grammar issues. I sometimes can't see my own grammar.

See you next chapter! :)

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