What Is Love? ~ Wade and Jp

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Just an fyi, this story was written slightly different, as I wrote it for my allegory assignment for my English class, but yes, it features exactly who you think it features. The last paragraph gets a bit more redundant than I would have liked, but I still got a 100 on the assignment.


Wade and Jeremiah, two guys of relatively tall stature with a few years between them in age and quite a few states between them, have always been close. Friends since Jeremy started high school, they're always there for each other. They were super close, with practically what they would call a brotherly bond. Not being the same age didn't matter, as they didn't care about how many years apart they were. They enjoyed hanging out with each other and also their other friends, usually through online means since Wade lived in Ohio and Jeremy in Florida.

Soon, Brycelyn and Molly each came around. Jeremy met Brycelyn at a bonfire he was persuaded to go to, while Wade met Molly through an online game and happened to find out that she lived in the same city of Cincinnati. They began chatting more and more. Wade noticed that whenever he would chat with Jeremy, the younger male would always mention Brycelyn, whether it was about something she texted him, something she did, or something she said. It seemed like he was already falling in love, despite only knowing her for a relatively short amount of time.

Wade's suspicions were confirmed when one day, while chatting with him about a month later, Jeremy excitedly yelled that he asked Brycelyn out and she had said yes. While he was happy for Jeremy, he expressed concern for his new relationship and asked, "Don't you think you should give it more time and get to know her better?"

"But I know that I love her, Wade!" he responded. "I didn't want to wait, honestly."

Wade, still doubtful, just sighed. "Well, I'm not stopping you, Jeremy."

Since she hadn't been mentioned, Jeremy proceeded to bug Wade about Molly since they often texted each other at various times of the day. Unlike Jeremy with Brycelyn, Wade often rarely mentioned Molly in conversations with Jeremy; he saw no reason for mentioning her since him and Molly often just talked about mundane, everyday things while also slowly getting to know each other. Occasionally, when they could find time between her job and his job, they would meet up for a coffee or lunch, but nothing fancy and certainly nothing entailing a date.

As time passed by, Wade did indeed slowly but surely did get to know Molly well, eventually to the point of developing love for the blonde-haired female. Before he asked her out, he waited for a bit, mostly because he was nervous. When he finally asked her to be his girlfriend, she said yes, much to his delight. As he mentioned to Jeremy when he started dating Brycelyn, he didn't try to rush things, wanting to cherish what they had.

Meanwhile, though Jeremy denied it, his relationship with Brycelyn was starting to fall apart. The dynamic between the two was starting to change. Brycelyn also seemed to be changing, though the change was close to miniscule at first. Finally, he confronted her about it. She denied any change in her personality or their relationship dynamic, but she denied it in a way that caused him to realize the truth: she was lying. He let it go for the moment, intending to eventually find out what was going on with her.

One day, while she was over at his house, her phone buzzed at an inconvenient time for her. A quick glance at the text that came through told Jeremy what he had suspected: she wasn't faithful to him. A confrontation exploded into a fight, and both were soon screaming at each other. The fight ended with Brycelyn hitting him with a harsh truth: "I'm sorry, Jeremy, but I never really loved you!" She left with the slam of a door, leaving him heartbroken and in tears.

Later, when he was crying over the phone while talking to Wade about the explosive breakup, all Wade could think was "I told you so," but he never said it out loud. That wasn't what Jeremy needed to hear, as his heart was smashed to pieces by his now ex-girlfriend, so Wade instead gave him words of comfort.

Out of nowhere, Jeremy blurted out, "I should have listened to you, Wade! I'm so sorry!"

Wade was only slightly startled, but startled enough to not know what Jeremy was talking about. When he remembered, he responded, "Nothing we can do about it now, Jeremy, but now you know for next time. I'm sorry you had to get hurt like this. You don't deserve pain like this."

"I just want to rewind time and redo it! I rushed it, and I shouldn't have done that!"

"Jeremy, it will be okay. You can and will find someone else who won't turn on you."

Jeremy smiled for the first time since the breakup, despite the tears still staining his cheeks. "Thank you so much, Wade."

Jeremy took Wade's advice to heart, not rushing into anything like a relationship, especially when he saw that Wade's own advice led him into a happy marriage with Molly. He was happy to have such a great friend like Wade, even if they had their disagreements. Not rushing anything with a girl has led to much less heartbreak for him. Wade has noticed this on multiple occasions, and he was happy that Jeremy was much happy now than before. While Jeremy had found out what love is not the hard way, he was glad that he knew better now, and then subsequently he met a girl at a hockey game that did eventually become his girlfriend after a year or so of quite frequent communication, all because he didn't try to rush things.

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