8.2| he who destroys the world.

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Everything around Saint-Max froze, and he panted, his heart racing, sending vibration waves across his body.

This was a joke. Maybe he misheard Dr. Iness. Why would he destroy the world? After everything he said and did to get to where he was, he ended up becoming the thing he hated most?

No way.

He refused to believe it.

Saint-Max took a deep breath, then stood and walked around. Though Janice and Dr. Iness sat frozen in their seats, the latter's eyes followed him as he contemplated what to do next.

"What will my family think of me when I become a villain? What about Tim? Xia Li?" He returned to his seat and buried his face in his hands.

There was no better feeling than saving people and seeing the smile on their faces. It was the best part of being a superhero. He made the world a safer place than before, ensuring a better tomorrow.

"What do you mean, Saint-Max destroys the world?" Janice asked after unfreezing.

"Do you understand the concept of different timelines?" Dr. Iness asked.

"Yes." The reporter nodded.

"Then you understand me being here means I've already changed the course of events, right?"


"Good. Then this will be easy to explain." Dr. Iness uncrossed her legs, then crossed her left leg over her right. "In my timeline, there are key events that lead to Saint—Lightfoot—destroying the world."

"What key events?"

The doctor looked at Saint-Max. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Is there harm in me knowing?" he asked.

"Not anymore."

"Then tell me."

"In my timeline, Tim and Fabian die today."


"They die while trying to help a family whose car crashed. A kaiju destroys a building, and it falls on them."

Saint-Max stood. "We should go save them!"

"Relax. It's already taken care of. I made sure the family left before the kaijus arrived. Also, Tim and Fabian are already outside the city, somewhere safe."

The unranked hero breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Iness went on, "Tim's death really affected you, Saint. He was your anchor, making sure the leeches in the hero business didn't corrupt you. When he died, you lost yourself. You didn't listen to anyone. Not your media friends, family, or best friend. You went on a suicide mission, trying to expose the villainous superheroes by yourself. But it didn't work. You failed miserably.

"And because of your actions, your family died. Their deaths barely got any media attention. The few news sites that covered it said it was a road accident. A drunk driver crashed into them, and their car exploded. But you knew that wasn't the truth. So did Janice. She promised to help you uncover the truth. And in doing so, she found herself in a near-death situation which—"

"Activated my dormant peculiar gene," Janice finished.

"Exactly. But you weren't strong, Janice. Not as strong as Saint needed you to be. You died not long after you got your powers, and this sent Saint into a murderous rage. No one could stop him. He had crossed the speed of light, breaking its barrier like it was nothing."

She pointed at Saint-Max. "That's why you have to accept The Watchdog's offer. They understand loss more than you ever will. They'll keep you in check while trying to save the world."

Saint-Max leaned back in his chair. Though he didn't want to admit it, it made sense why he ended up like that in the dark timeline. His family was everything. He had refused to portray a negative narrative about them when sponsors asked, so of course, he'd lose his mind when the corrupt superheroes killed them.

I won't involve them in what I'm doing from now on. "If I don't take the hero tests, then the corrupt superheroes won't think of me as a threat, right?"


"And I'm supposed to infiltrate them, right?" Janice asked.

Dr. Iness nodded. "Whatever you discover, you'll pass it on to Saint and The Watchdogs, who'll be in charge of exposing them."

"I see. While they focus on The Watchdogs, I'll be able to snoop around."


"When am I meeting The Watchdogs?" Saint-Max asked.

"A month or two after today."

"Are you a member of The Watchdogs?"

"No." The doctor shook her head. "But I'm friends with the father of the founding member."

"How long have you been here?"

"Over sixty years."

Saint-Max and Janice gasped.

Dr. Iness laughed. "I age slowly. A benefit of..." She bit the inside of her cheeks.

"What have you been up to for sixty years?" Janice asked.


"Planning what?"

"This. All of this." She opened her arms, referring to the entire room. "It wasn't easy making sure you both came to the bank, got stuck in the time loop, and become Class-1 superheroes."

"Did you meet Future Me?" Saint-Max asked.

"Yes. I was the only one who understood your pain, and that made us friends."

"Was that before or after I destroyed the world?"

Dr. Iness smiled. "After."

"If you're from the future, is there a Younger Iness in our timeline?" Janice asked.

"Yes. If things go as planned, you'll meet her at the hero tests. She has lost so much; she barely trusts anyone. So please, be kind to her."

Janice smiled. "I will."

"Is that all? Can we leave now?" Saint-Max asked.

"Not yet." Dr. Iness stood, and the chair behind her disappeared. "You still have one more thing to do." She extended her right hand to the side, flicked her wrist, and a white portal materialized. "Future You wants to talk to you."

"Aren't there time travel rules that explain how wrong that is?"

"The Dark Future is an extension of this timeline. As the leader of Time Corps, I've identified this timeline as the main one, so I'll delete the other one. Future You wants to get off his chest."

Saint-Max bit his lower lip. He didn't want to look at his evil version and listen to him. Not that he was afraid he'd be corrupted. Rather, he didn't want to stare into the possibility of that being him. "Fine, I'll do it."

"How long before the dark timeline disappears?" Janice asked.

"Thirty minutes."

"Is it safe there?"

"No. Superpowered soldiers are patrolling the area. You'll have to fight them. It's one of the reasons I trapped you in the loop. Otherwise, you wouldn't have stood a chance against them."

"Where will we find Future Me?" Saint-Max asked.

"At the top of the tower. It's the only building left standing in the world."

Saint-Max and Janice glanced at each other.

"Alright, let's go," the unranked hero said.

"I'm not coming with you. I have to stay behind and open the portal for your return."


Dr. Iness stepped aside, allowing them passage into the portal. "Remember, you have thirty minutes before the dark timeline vanishes. Miss it, and you'll also disappear."

"Understood." Saint-Max looked at Janice. "Ready?"


Together, they walked through the portal.

Total Words: 16,019.

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