Camp-Half Blood

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Name: Jade Collins

Age:  16

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Species: Demi-God


Personality: Jade is pretty friendly, and super sweet. She's stubborn when she needs to be though, and isn't afraid to put up a fight. She's smart and bubbly, and really sarcastic. Just, don't take her humor the wrong way, she really does mean well.

Godly Parent: Iris (ironically enough, since her favorite color is black)

Human Parent: A mortal named Daniel

Claimed/Unclaimed: Claimed

Weapon of Choice: Celestial bronze dagger called "kataigída" (Storm)

Name: Natalie "Nat" McLain

Age: 15

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Demi-God


Personality: Nat is sarcastic as fuck, and tells jokes all the time (mostly bad ones). She's good under pressure, completely headstrong and good to have during a crisis. She's dorky, strange, a round peg in a square hole if you will.

Godly Parent: None, technically. (Hypnos and Demeter)

Human Parents:  She's the daughter of two Half-Bloods, but when they died, she was adopted by mortals.

Claimed/Unclaimed: Unclaimed

Weapon of Choice: Stygian iron sword called "Soúroupo" (Nightfall)

Name: Dean Czar

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Demi-God


Personality: Dean is a sarcastic dork, seriously. He's pretty persassy by anyone's standards, and he's quite witty. He's a great friend, and a fun companion

Godly Parent: Apollo

Human Parent: A mortal called Elizabeth

Claimed/Unclaimed: Claimed

Weapon of Choice: Bow & Arrow

Name: Jae Spirit

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pan (Heh heh, get it?)

Species: Satyr


Personality: He's dorky, I mean really dorky, it's endearing though. He's basically if comic relief was a person- er, satyr. Oh, and let's just say, he's protective.

Weapon Of Choice: Just his Pan Pipes

Scenario 1: You've been going to camp for ages.  One day, you get chosen to be the leader of a quest (to retrieve a certain lost weapon of a certain water God), who do you choose to take with you?

Scenario 2: Your choice...

Form Extras:

-Godly Parent

-Human Parent (optional)


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