A New Beginning

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(Y/n) POV

      I am flying around while trying to find a weak point on Jormungandr, but having no luck. I can't give up though, not until everyone is safe, I summon another thunder storm with all the might I have at my disposal and I dive and once again slam Mjolnir on the Serpent's head. Jormungandr reels back in pain but recovers quickly and tries to strike at me, but I manage to dodge and continue flying circles to figure out some way to beat this monstrosity. I hope the others are having better luck.

Hermione POV

     I am not having an easy time, I mean I'm up against the God of Mischief and he is hell bent on the destruction of Midgard and all the nine realms really. I throw a Stupefy spell but Loki tanks right through and throws an energy blast at me which I manage to block with Protego. Damn, and I thought it was just (Y/n) that was this tough, but I guess it's all Asgardians. Loki throws another blast but I manage to dodge roll and then throw another Stupefy then throw the knife (Y/n) gave me, the spell was blocked but the knife hit Loki in the arm and I began to rush him. I reach him as he takes out the knife and tries to strike at me but I slide to duck under his attack and between his legs, I get back up and kick the back of Loki's knee which, while he flinched, he didn't buckle. I duck again as Loki spins around with his spear and I then cast a close range Bombardum spell causing an explosion between us. I get sent rolling across the ground of the courtyard as a result of the explosion, I recover somewhat slowly, because that kind of hurt, and I look at the smoke cloud and try to look for Loki's next move, suddenly an energy blast comes from the smoke and I just barely manage to use Protego but the force of the blast sent me skidding across the ground. Ow.

3rd Person POV

     Harry is desperately trying to keep Voldemort busy while Ron and Maria try to destroy the snake, Nagini. Harry and Voldemort end up at the edge of a ruined balcony.

Voldemort: I killed Snape. The Elder wand belongs to me.

Harry: What if it never belonged to Snape in the first place? Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started. Together.

     Harry grabs Voldemort and pushes both wizards off the edge and start careening towards the canyon below. Voldemort is forced to Apparterate both of them and each now fight for control until both end up back in the courtyard. Both wizards recover and grab their wands, then cast spells at each other causing each to clash. Meanwhile, Neville has finally recovered from Voldemort casting whatever spell he was hit with, he sees the fighting around him as his senses come back and his eyes land on the Sword of Gryffindor. As he goes to grab it, Neville hears Maria scream and sees Ron desperately trying to kill Nagini. Ron is keeping himself between Maria and the snake as it charges and strikes at him, before the snake can connect though Neville charges in and swings the Sword in his hands and destroys the final Horcrux. Feeling this, Voldemort and Harry stop their spell beam struggle and Harry sees Voldemort in pain but recovers and they two continue their beam struggle. The only reason their evenly matched is because what Harry said was true, the Elder Wand still resists Voldemort, and eventually Harry overpowers and disarms Voldemort while reflecting his own spell back at him. Harry watches as Voldemort starts turning into nothingness, the Dark Lord is finally, defeated.

(Y/n) POV


     I am still hammering away at Jormungandr, I've managed to do some major damage even knocking out more of the monster's teeth and even taking out and eyeball. But this battle is starting to become tiring, and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I summon what strength I have and keep fighting off Jormungandr's strikes and casting the biggest lightning blasts in the history of lightning of anywhere. I then start to get an idea, a way to save earth and destroy the Midgard Serpent once and for all. I cast another lightning bolt and it disorients Jormungandr long enough for me to get under him and start trying to lift him off the ground, but damn this thing is heavier than anything I've ever attempted to lift, even mountains were nothing compared to the giant serpent. I start to think about my friends and everyone who have sacrificed so much to help me and everyone else safeguard this planet, my thoughts then turn to Hermione and the fact that I would do anything to make her happy and at this point that means defying my fate and surviving this conflict. I soon lose all senses and just feel rage and start lifting hard and finally, Jormungandr starts rising in the air. The Warrior's Madness increases my strength by 10 and with the help of the Belt of Strength I manage to lift Jormungandr off Earth's surface and into outer space. I can tell the Serpent is bewildered by this but tries to strike at me but I simply swing Mjolnir and break his lower jaw with relative ease. Jormungandr roars and screeches in pain, I then move to his tail and start spinning him around and around in circles, gaining momentum.

(Y/n): Jormungandr! Begone!

      I throw Jormungandr as hard as I can towards the sun and I watch as he burns up upon contact with the sun's fiery surface. I finally calm down and regain my thoughts.

(Y/n): *breathing heavy* Yeah, that showed him.

       The feeling of exhaustion finally hit me and I feel weak as I start falling back to Earth's surface.

(A/N): End music here.

Hermione POV

     I am not fairing well against Loki, I may have skill in both mortal and asgardian magic, but Loki is just way too powerful. But I can't give up, not while Loki still threatens the human race, I struggle back to my feet and Loki seems amused by my determination.

Loki: Why prolong this, I can keep this up for days, but you are only a mortal.

Hermione: No way, because I have people worth fighting for. Even if you beat me, you'll never win because you lack conviction.

Loki: Let's see the extent of yours till you're nothing more than dust.

       Loki leaps at me with his spear, I wait until the last second and dodgeroll behind him and his spear get's lodged in the ground, I then cast a asgardian fire explosion spell. The force of the blast once again sent me flying backwards, once I come to a halt I am in pain and I can't find the strength to stand up again. I can only watch as Loki slowly recovers from the explosion and chuckles as he approaches me.

Loki: You have certainly been a minor source of entertainment but now I will take great pleasure in killing the one mortal that pathetic excuse for a hero cares the most about. Before I do though, tell me in what universe did you think you could ever hope to beat me.

*Thunder rumbles*

Hermione: *smirks* I didn't have to beat you. I just had to keep you busy.

    I then shield my eyes from a lightning strike that hit Loki for a solid minute, Loki screamed in agony until the lightning stopped. I looked up and see (Y/n) floating above me, his armor severely damaged and his hammer covered in blood, his body has sustained a few scars but nothing major. (Y/n)'s thunder storm dissapates and the lightning disappears from his body as he lands next to me, I weakly smile at him and say.

Hermione: So, how's your day been?

(Y/n): Oh wonderful, dear. You?

Hermione: Never better.

     We chuckled with each other a little bit as (Y/n) sits next to me and I intertwine our hands and we just sit and rest for a few minutes before (Y/n) carries me back inside the school and he actually treats my injuries, which were just slight burns, skid marks and bruises. Eventually, Freyja came and took Loki back to Asgard for his punishment and we reunite with Ron and Harry and we end up outside on the bridge and Harry has the Elder Wand in hand.

Hermione: Why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand.

Harry: It answered to someone else. When he killed Snape, he thought it would belong to him. The trouble was that the wand never belonged to Snape. Draco disarmed Dumbeldore that night on the Astronomy Tower, so the Elder Wand would've answered to Draco. Until that night at Malfoy Manor when I disarmed Draco.

Ron: So, that means-

Harry: It's mine.

Ron: What should we do with it?

(Y/n): We?

Ron: Just saying. That's the most powerful wand in the world. With that you'd be invincible.

       Harry thinks for a moment and ends up snapping the wand in two and tossing into the canyon below. No one should possess that much power over his fellow man. The four of us stand next to each other as the sun rises on a new future, a future that we will face together.

3rd Person POV

     Some time after the battle of Hogwarts, Hermione finished her NEWT's to finish out the school year, which she passed with flying colors, which surprised absokuteky no on, but the boys did question why bother. (Y/n) and Hermione continued dating and after Hermione "graduated", (Y/n) took her out on a date to celebrate her accomplishment. The two had a lovely time and a little while later they pair were joined by Harry, Ginny, Ron and Maria, and the group just hung out and (Y/n) was as usual eating and drinking too much causing Hermione to just roll her eyes and chuckle at her boyfriend's appetite. A little while later as (Y/n) and Hermione leave for the night, (Y/n) remembered something and started rummaging around in his pockets, this confused Hermione.

Hermione: Love, what are you doing?

(Y/n): I made something for you, I just can't remember where I put it. Come on, where is it? Oh, found it.

       (Y/n) pulled out a small christmas decorated box with a bow and he handed it to Hermione.

Hermione: *with a slight chuckle* (Y/n). What is-

(Y/n): I wanted to give you this for christmas earlier this year but, well, everything else happened.

     Hermione decided to open it right there and gently undid the bow before taking apart the box to reveal a smaller black box, Hermione could feel the nervousness coming from (Y/n) and opened the box. The box contained a ring with viking artwork along the band and a diamond adorning it, she then noticed there was something engraved on the inside of the band. The engraving wrote "Lightning and Magic Together Forever".

      Hermione started tearing up with happiness at what this might mean and asked.

Hermione: (Y/n), are you trying to propose to me?

(Y/n): *shyly* Uh, if it's working, then yesss....

      (Y/n) was all kinds of nervous and sort of flinched away as Hermione jumped on him and embraced him in a tight hug.

Hermione: Yes! Of course, yes!

       (Y/n) lost his nervousness and returned the hug, the pair stayed liked this for several minutes. Hermione pulled away a little and pulled (Y/n) into a long passionate kiss. When they finally seperate, the pair realize that they have no place to go because (Y/n) was forced to destroy his house and Hermione forced to wipe her parent's memories of her entire life. So, what now?

(A/N): Well, there it is guys, the battle has been won and now we look to the future of our favorite couple.

      Again, thank you all so much for all your love and support all throughout this book. God knows I would probably be still stuck on Year 2 without you guys' support and encouragment. So, thank you and have a great rest of your day and I'll see you all in the next chapter. PEACE OUT!!!

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