Big Trouble

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Hermione POV

     It's been a few weeks since our first day back and I have been noticing that (Y/n) is getting frustrated over the simplest mistakes, like accidently tearing a door off it's hinges, or slightly shocking someone without meaning too. His temper fuse is pretty long but I fear he may be starting to lose it, so Ron and I invited (Y/n) to go to the library and do some studying in peace and quiet. I may not know what's going on with him but it's clear to me that he is having trouble keeping his powers under control. As the three of us walk past the courtyard we see both the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams having a stand off.

Ron: Uh-oh, I smell trouble.

    We walk over to see what's going on and we see that Malfoy is Slytherin's new Seeker and that's not all.

Ron: Those are Nimbus 2001's! How did you get those?

Flynt: A gift from Draco's Father.

Malfoy: You see Weasley, unlike some my father can afford the best.

Hermione: At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.

      As Malfoy approached me with a disgusted look, I could hear the sparkling crackle of lightning and glance at (Y/n), who is really starting to get pissed off.

Malfoy: No one asked your opinion. You filthy little Mudblood.

     As I stand there with really hurt feelings-

(Y/n): THAT'S IT!

      Suddenly, Malfoy gets hit with a lightning bolt and sent flying across the courtyard and through some doors. I look at (Y/n) and he has completely lost his temper and his powers are on full display. (Y/n) starts chasing after Malfoy and I finally knock myself out of my trance to hear.

Flynt: Looks like the monster has finally lost his mind.

Hermione: *pissed* And this wouldn't have happened had your stupid Seeker kept his mouth shut!

Dumbeldore: Had what not have happened?

     We all look and see Professor Dumbeldore standing before all of us.

Harry: Professor?

Hermione: Please, this isn't (Y/n)'s fault!

Dumbeldore: I will deal with (Y/n) when he has calmed down.

Hermione: Right, Ron, Harry let's go!

Ron: Uh, are you sure about this?

      I simply shoot a glare at the two boys and they immediately agree to help. We run after (Y/n)'s trail of destruction, we keep following and see several unfortunate students who got in the way. We make it to the Great Hall and (Y/n) is still after Malfoy. Malfoy tried and Expelliarmus spell and (Y/n) just tanked right through it and punched both his hands into the ground and tore a large boulder the size of a hatchback out of the floor and got ready to throw it.

Hermione: (Y/n), please stop!

     He didn't appear to hear me, so I just ran in front of him and forced him to look at me.

Hermione: (Y/n), STOP!

     He finally sees me but he still holds the boulder above his head, Harry and Ron join me and they try to calm (Y/n) down too.

Harry: Easy there, big guy.

Ron: Yeah, come on, mate. Malfoy isn't worth it.

Hermione: (Y/n), I know you can hear me. Please, it's time to calm down. Everything going to be alright, I promise.

      The lightning starts dying down and I can see (Y/n)'s (E/C) eyes again, as soon as the lightning dies down completely, (Y/n) puts the boulder down gently and looks around.

(Y/n): I...did all this?

Malfoy: You most certainly did, monster!

Harry: Malfoy, shut up! You are the cause of all of this!

(Y/n): No, he's right. I really am a monster.

     Without another word (Y/n) runs out of the Great Hall, before I can run after him Professor McGonagall stops us.

McGonagall: What is the meaning of this madness?!

Hermione: This not (Y/n)'s fault, Professor.

McGonagall: Be that as it may, Ms Granger. He still destroyed school property and hurt several students. He will be brought up to Dumbeldore's office when he is found.

     With that I run out of the Great Hall and start searching for (Y/n), Ron and Harry catch up to me but we are having no luck finding him in the school.

Harry: Maybe we should check Hagrid's house.

     We all head to Hagrid's hut and see smoke rising from the chimney and we knock and walk in.

Hagrid: Oh hello, was wondering when you three were going to show up.

Hermione: Please, Hagrid. We have to find (Y/n), did he stop by here at all?

(Y/n): Hey guys.

     We all look and see (Y/n) sitting at Hagrid's table, Hagrid then pours us all some tea.

Hagrid: So what seems to be the trouble huh?

Ron: (Y/n) may be in real big trouble.

Hagrid: Ok, who was on the recieving end?

Harry: Malfoy. He called Hermione.... Well, I don't know exactly what it means.

     Remembering that I get up and walk to the fireplace with my arms crossed.

Hermione: He called me a Mudblood.

Hagrid: *gasp* He did not.

Harry: What's a Mudblood?

Hermione: It means dirty blood. *voice starts to break* Mublood is a foul name for someone who is Muggle-born. Someone with non magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.

(Y/n): The thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood.

Harry: That's horrible!

Ron: It's disgusting is what it is.

Hagrid: And it's codswallop to boot Dirty blood.... Why there isn't a wizard alive today that's half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here.

     I walk over to Hagrid and a smile is starting to return, Hagrid takes my hand in his and reassures me.

Hagrid: Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute. *turns back to the group* But that still doesn't explain why (Y/n) is in trouble.

Ron: Well, after Malfoy called Hermione, well that name, (Y/n) kinda of lost it and attacked Malfoy.

Hagrid: What?

(Y/n): I lost my temper and used my powers to try and hurt Malfoy, I might've killed him had you guys not stepped in.

Hermione: *wipes away tears and sits in front of (Y/n)* Alright, (Y/n), I'm done waiting around. What is bothering you so much and why is your temper getting shorter and shorter?

(Y/n): Because, I can't control my powers. I spent the entire summer break with Robert to try and gain control over all of my abilities. It hasn't been easy if working at all, though when you have the power to create a lightning storm that once spanned the entire galaxy, then things get complicated. Now the one thing I feared, nearly happened. I lost it and it nearly killed several people, Malfoy is right, I am a monster.

Hermione: *takes (Y/n)'s hand* You are not a monster.

(Y/n): I have the power to destroy planets, Hermione. How does that not make me a monster?

Hermione: Because you care. You care about everyone you consider a friend. A real monster wouldn't care about anyone but themselves.

Harry: Hermione's right. You never gave up on our friendship, neither will we.

(Y/n): Thanks guys. I suppose it's time to face the music, eh?

I then pull (Y/n) into a hug, (Y/n) hugs back, Ron and Harry join in too. One things for sure, our friendship will endure to the end of time.

(Y/n) POV

I make my way towards Professor Dumbeldore's office with Professor McGonagall.

McGonagall: You're awfully quiet.

(Y/n): Just a lot on my mind is all.

We reach a gargoyle statue and McGonagall opens a doorway with a spell and I head up the stairs. I reach a door and walk into the office, the pictures on the wall start to try and hide from my sight, news spreads quickly I guess.

Dumbeldore: Ah, (Y/n), good to see back to normal.

(Y/n): I was never normal to begin with.

Before Dumbeldore could say anything else, the door to his office bursts open, I'll let you take a guess on who entered.

Lucius: Ah good, the monster is under control this time.

Dumbeldore: Young (Y/n) is not a monster, he is a human with extraordinary abilities.

Lucius: I don't care if he's a gift from God, he attacked my son without provocation and needs to be punished.

Dumbeldore looks at me, but I don't dare lift my head to meet the adult's gaze.

Dumbeldore: You're not going to try and defend yourself?

(Y/n): No, I deserve every punishment you deem necessary.

Lucius: Finally, some humility from you.

Dumbeldore: If I recall your son brought (Y/n)'s wrath upon himself. However, you cannot react the way you did just because you can. Therefore, for the next two months, you (Y/n), are expelled from Hogwarts.

(Y/n): Yes Professor. Will that be all?

Dumbeldore: That will be all. I have told your father to be expecting you at the station.

I walk out and head back to the dorm, as I walk through the halls all the students I pass are looking at me with fearful expressions. I walk into the Gryffindor common room and all of my friends had scared looks on their faces, Hermione walks out of the crowd and throws her arms around me in a hug. Ron and Harry walk out of the crowd too and Ron asks the question everyone's waiting for.

Ron: So, how bad was it?

(Y/n): I arrived in Dumbeldore's office, I didn't even get a word in before Lucius Malfoy busts into the room.

Hermione: What?! Why was he here?

(Y/n): Why do you think? Draco called daddy to fix things. There wasn't much I could do, so Dumbeldore is expelling me for two months.

Everyone: *GASPS*

Hermione: That's not fair!

(Y/n): Believe me it's far better than I deserve. Look everyone, I'm sorry I lost control today.

Seamus: It's alright, just make sure you hit your target next time, eh.

Neville: You didn't mean to, you were just defending a friend. No apologies necessary.

Timeskip 1 Hour Later

I am packing up my trunk in my dorm, I already have Huggin in his bird cage and my wand in my suitcase when I hear the door open and see Hermione and the others walk in and sit on my bed.

(Y/n): I'm sorry for ruining this year for you.

Hermione: You didn't though.

Ron: Yeah you'll be back before you know it.

(Y/n): Promise to look after eachother.

Harry: You can count on us, big guy.

Hermione: And if you ever want to talk send us a letter and we'll happily write back.

Everyone pulls me into another group hug and we stayed like this for several minutes, until it's time for me to get going. I walk down to the train station and look at school one more time before boarding and heading back to King's Cross Station. My dad is waiting for me with a cross look on his face.

Robert: Boy, do we have a lot of work to do.

(A/N): Hey everyone, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to leave a like if you do and if you're new consider subscribing so you never miss any new content from me. Have a great day, PEACE OUT!!!

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