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(Y/n) POV

Hermione and I are in potions class the next morning listening to Professor Slughorn's opening semester speech.

Slughorn: Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning.

Suddenly, Harry and Ron walk into the classroom, late as usual, oh boy.

Slughorn: Ah. Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see.

Ron: Ron Weasely, sir. Although, I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace, really.

Slughorn: Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Grab a book from there and we'll get started.

Ron and Harry grab the books for this semester, while I looked at Hermione, who playfully rolled her eyes over these two knucklheads and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Slughorn: As I was saying, I have prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be? *holds up vial*

Hermione was quick to raise her hand which comes as no shock to me at all.

Slughorn: Yes, Ms.?

Hermione: Granger, sir. *points out vials* That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum. And that would be Polyjuice Potion. It allows the drinker to transform into the form of another provided you have the specific persons hair. And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass, and new parchment, and spearmint.

Slughorn: Very good. Now, Amortentia doesn't actually create love. That would be impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession...

(Y/n): *whispers to Hermione* Beautiful show-off.

Hermione: You do it.

(Y/n): But then you always scold me afterwards.

Hermione: *holds my hand* Sorry.

(Y/n): I'm not.

Slughorn: And it's for this reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room.

Pavarti: Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one. *points out last vial*

Slughorn: Ah, yes. What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly referred to as--

Hermione: Liquid Luck.

Slughorn: Yes, Miss Granger. Liquid Luck. Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed. At least until the effects wear off. So this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of Liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death, the recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books. I should point out, however, only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Nevertheless, good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence.

Hermione gets right to work, but seeing as how only one person in history got this potion right, I'm not holding my breath for me to get it. So, I just grab the ingredients from the book and start trying anyways. As the cutting of Sopophorus beans gets underway, I get beaned in the head with one. No pun intended.

(Y/n): Ron?!

Ron: It wasn't me, honest! *as he hides under the table*

I picked up the bean and threw it back and it lodged it self into the table top in front of Ron. I am able to hold my bean down and cut it without much effort. I then ended up holding Hermione's as she cuts hers, She shot me a thank you smile in return. Harry meanwhile, is brewing the potion rather strangely but while Hermione questioned it I didn't think too much about it. A little while later, everyone and I do mean everyone was having some sort of difficulty and after my fourth attempt I just kinda gave up on it, while Hermione looked like a crazy witch with her hair messed up, probably from the stress I'd wager. Harry, however, was finished with his and Professor Slughorn checked it and low and behold Harry actually got it right.

Slughorn: Merlin's beard. It's perfect. So perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all.

Harry was awarded the liquid luck vial and class was dismissed.

(Y/n): Odin's beard, Harry. How did you do that?

Harry: I was just following the instructions in the book.

Hermione: Not the way we were doing it.

Ron: Come on. Lay off, Hermione. Harry might've gotten lucky.

(Y/n): Whatever the reason, nice work Harry.

Harry: Thanks.

Harry was then called away to Dumbeldore's office a little while later while the rest of us got through the rest of our classes. The next day Ron asked Hermione and I to be at the Quidditch tryouts we agreed and it was a wet morning indeed. So while, Hermione watched, I was drinking some butterbeer I had brewed myself and it's a bit stronger than mortal butterbeer but who's gonna know right? Anyways, Harry has some trouble getting the new trainees attention, Ginny was there to help him and things got underway. I then see Cormac talking to Ron and I start think about giving him the runaround and how fun that would be. Throughout the match, Cormac was nailing the keepers position and Ron was just barely keeping up. On the last pass of the day, Cormac was about to block the quaffel but is then pushed out of the balls path and I look down at Hermione and gave her a sly grin, I then see the quaffel going to Ron and I knew he wasn't going to make this last one, so I discreetly conjured a gust of wind and turned Ron upside down on his broom and the ball hit him on the helmet. I turn back to Hermione, wink and lean back and drink the rest of my butterbeer.

Hermione POV

Back in the Common room, Ron had gotten the position of Keeper.

Ron: I hope Cormac isn't taking it too hard. He's got a thing for you, Hermione.

Hermione: Well, he can give up. He's brash, arrogant-

Harry: *sarcastic* So, not at all like (Y/n)?

Hermione: Cormac is selfish, that's what sets (Y/n) apart from every other jock trying to get my attention. While (Y/n) is arrogant and rushes into battle without thinking sometimes, he still has empathy and compassion.

(Y/n) then walks downstairs into the Common Room and the three of us look at him, he sees us staring and turns around to see if it's something behind him, then turns back to us and says.

(Y/n): What?

I just chuckle and stand up, I walk up to him and kiss him until Harry calls back our attention.

Harry: Have you guys ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?

(Y/n): I've heard it but never seen it in action-

Hermione: No! Harry if you had a shred of self respect, you'd hand that book in.

Ron: Not bloody likely, he's at the top of the class. He's even better than you Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius. *(Y/n) slaps the back of Ron's head* OW!

Hermione: *as she sits down* I'd like to know whose book that was. Let's have a look.

Harry: *cowers* No.

Harry backed away, but (Y/n) quickly grabbed the book from behind him and held Harry in place on the ground with one arm. He then hands me the book and I start to look through it.

Hermione: Hmm, who's the Half-blood Prince?

Ginny: Huh?

Hermione: That's the only name that's written here.

Ginny: (Y/n)? Any ideas?

(Y/n): Hmm, I feel like I've heard that somewhere before, but I can't place it.

Suddenly, a window bursts open and a cold breeze comes in and actually puts out the fire in the fireplace. (Y/n) closes the window and I re-light the fireplace and Ginny asked.

Ginny: Where did this storm come from?

We all look outside and see a snowstorm outside and it's a powerful one.

Ron: Maybe winter decided to come early?

(Y/n): This no snowstorm.

Hermione: *takes (Y/n)'s hand* (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Frost Giants.

     I shudder at those words, I have never seen frost giants before, but (Y/n) told me that they are truly giant, 50-60 feet tall and cause snowstorms wherever they go. (Y/n) rushes through the halls and recalls Mjolnir to his hand, he then tells everyone to get to the Great Hall immediately.

Hermione: Well, you heard him! Get to the Great Hall now!

     I stay behind to make sure no one was left behind, I then followed the crowd and we ran into professor McGonagall.

McGongall: What on earth is happening, Ms. Granger?

Hermione: F- Incoming!

      We all manage to narrowly avoid a large boulder that was aimed at the school. As I recover, I see another one hurtling towards me and brace for impact, but Mjolnir hits the boulder and turns it to tiny pepples.

(Y/n): Get to the Great Hall, NOW!

     The teachers funnel all the students into the Great Hall and we wait for the battle to stop. Ugh, I hate waiting when (Y/n) is fighting all alone.

(Y/n) POV

      I finally see that there are three Frost Giants approaching the school and not even the barrier stopped them from entering the grounds. I throw Mjolnir and destroy a boulder one of the giants was holding and they all look at me in sky as a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

Frost Giant: Thunderer! Now we crush you too!

(Y/n): Have at thee!

     The lead giant and I clash weapons and the force bounces us back multiple times.

Hermione POV

      I can hear the clashing of weapons and the force from their strikes actually shatter the windows.

Harry: What is (Y/n) doing out there?!

      I can't take it anymore, I draw my wand and head up the clock tower, against everyones protest, to get a better view of outside and the battle before me is has me shaken by fear a little.

Hermione: Come on, babe. You can do it.

(Y/n) POV

     I hit one giant across it's jaw and make it stumble backwards, but I get blindsided by a overhead strike from another's ice club, that smacks me into the ground. I quickly recover and stand up, I see the lead giant swing down on me with an ice sword. I can't dodge so I simply catch the blade to pervent it from squashing me, I then use the momentum and throw the sword as well as the giant attached to it over my shoulder. But I don't notice another giant drop one of the school towers onto me. I recover and pull myself together and fly out of the rubble and start calling a lot of lightning.

(Y/n): I say thee, Nay! I will not fall by your hands monsters! HYAH!

       But before I can cast my lightning one of the giants calls up a column of ice encasing me inside it.

Hermione POV

     I continue to watch until I see movement in the courtyard and see a woman in torn clothes, she must've not gotten to the Great Hall in time. I rush downstairs and make it outside just as something hits the school wall, I stop to avoid the debris, but then (Y/n) falls to the ground and drops his hammer.

Hermione: (Y/n)! No!

      (Y/n) gets up a little slow and the lead giant picks him up, I can't do anything to help him. Damn it! I remember why I'm out here and try to go around the giants who are all focused on (Y/n)'s supposed destruction. I get to the woman, she looks to be about my age with long blonde hair and a green headband/tiara looking piece. I become hopeful again, when I start to hear thunder in the sky, I cover the woman and try to protect her as I hear.

(Y/n): I have felt your wrath, Frost Giants. Now you shall feel mine! *calls down lightning* FOR MIDGARD! HYAH!

      A massive lightning bolt, and I do mean massive hit all three frost giants and kills them all, their bodies then collapse and fall into the canyon below the school. I peek out and see (Y/n) in the sky with lightning streaking across the clouds. The storm slowly disappears as he calms down from the rush of battle, he then sees me as he lands.

(Y/n): Hermione?! Are you alright?!

Hermione: Yeah, I'm good! Oh, we need to get this woman to the hospital wing.

     I help the woman up and she finally opens her eyes and I see her eyes are green. She looks around and is very confused, until (Y/n) shows up in front of us and she starts bawling her eyes out. Guess questions will have to come later.

(A/N): Hey guys, sorry for the wait drafting this story to work with the character and narrative I'm going for is harder than I expected but I'm not giving up, no worries. So, who is the mystery woman? Why did the Frost Giants attack? And who is they Half-Blood Prince? Find out as the journey continues. Thanks for all your support and I hope you all have a great rest of your day. PEACE OUT!!!

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