Year 7 Part 1: Rescuing Harry

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3rd Person POV

The summer has not gone very well for our heroes, with Dumbeldore now gone, Voldemort and his forces are running wild around the world. Before he left, it was clear that Dumbeldore's death took a heavy toll on (Y/n), so much so that he felt like he was never quite ready for such power and responsibilty. So, in a moment of fear, he placed Mjolnir on the fountain of Hogwarts and vowed never to pick it up unless he became truly worthy. The rest of the Quartet are not faring much better, Harry is sending the Dursley's somewhere safe so the Dark Lord won't find them, and Hermione was forced to wipe her own parents memories of her and left to join the rest of the Order at the Burrow. Hermione has tried helping (Y/n) but even she is not having any luck getting through to him. But for now the Order as well as some new allies are planning on moving Harry to the burrow and have just arrived at #4 Privot Drive. Harry has packed a bag and is reminiscing over the memories at the Dursley's, and while it was mostly bad, Harry can't help but feel a sort of attachment to this place. He then turns to the front door as he hears the roar of motorcycle engine and then a knock on the door is heard. Harry opens the door and is greeted by a bunch of friendly faces.

Hagrid: Hello, Harry.

Ron and Hermione greet Harry with a hug and while (Y/n) does give a hug too, it was kind of half-hearted, as he states.

(Y/n): We can greet each other later, we need to get undercover before someone murders us all.

(Y/n) walks past everyone and into the living room, Harry looks at Hermione confused, she could only respond with a sad shrug. Everyone then files into the living room, Harry is introduced to Bill Weasely, Ron's older brother.

Moody: All right. We'll have time for a cozy catch-up later. We've got to get the hell out of here. And soon. Potter, you're underage, which means you've still got the Trace on you. Which means we need to use methods of transport, the Trace can't detect. Brooms, Thestrals and the like. We go in pairs.

(Y/n): That way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be.... they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one.

Harry: The real one?

Moody then pulls out a familiar looking potion bottle.

Moody: I believe you remember this particular brew.

Harry: *realization* No. Absolutely not.

Hermione: *to (Y/n)* Told you he'd take it well.

(Y/n): Hmph!

Harry: No, if you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me. I--

(Y/n): You don't get to decide for us, Harry, so get over it. *rips some hair from Harry's head*

Harry: Ow! Bloody hell, (Y/n).

(Y/n) drops the strands of hair into the Polyjuice potion and Moody stirs it a bit before passing the bottle to those who agreed to take it.

Moody: If you've never taken Polyjuice potion before, fair warning, it tastes like goblin piss.

Fred: Have a lot of experiences with that, do you, Mad-eye? *Moody glares* Just trying to diffuse the tension.

Fred, George, Fleur, Mundungas, Hermione and Ron all take the potion and soon everyone looks exactly like Harry.

Fred/George: Wow. We're identical.

(Y/n): Not yet. Strip down and get those clothes on. You too, Harry.

All the Harry lookalikes put on the same set of clothes and glasses and each Harry is paired up with an adult, while the real Harry will be riding with Hagrid. Hermione finishes changing and walks up to (Y/n) and asks...

Hermione: (Y/n)? Are you sure you're all right?

No answer

Hermione: Look, whatever's going on, I'm here to help you. All you need do is ask.

(Y/n): Let's just get to the Burrow.

Moody: Right then, Everyone get to the Burrow, we run into any trouble, just look out for the lightning bolts.

*Thunder Rumbles*

(Y/n): Let's move.

Every Harry pairs off and Moody gives the signal for each pair to take off, (Y/n) flies ahead to draw attention away from the group, as soon as the Order takes off however, the Death Eaters attack. Harry and Hagrid make it through the fight and continue pushing towards the Burrow. Back in the fight, the Order is barely holding their own, when the thunder storm starts getting more intense and lightning strikes across the sky, this gets the Death Eaters attention.

(Y/n): HEAR ME, DEATH EATERS! If you truly claim to be warrior wizards, then prove it! HYAH!

The lightning starts hitting the Death Eaters and they try stupidly to fight back, Moody takes the cue and tells everyone to make a run for it. The Death Eaters try to flank (Y/n) but they all get hit by lightning bolts, turning them into ash piles. Meanwhile, Harry fended off Voldemort just long enough to get he and Hagrid to the Burrow, after a rough landing the pair approach the house as Molly and Ginny come to see who came.

Molly: Harry. Hagrid. What happened? Where are the others?

Harry: Is no one back?

Hagrid: They hit us right from the start Molly. We didn't stand a chance.

Molly: Well, thank goodness you two are alright.

Hagrid: It was an ambush it was. They were waiting for us.

Ginny: Ron and Tonks should've already been back. Fred and Dad as well.

Just then Lupin Apparated to the Burrow with a wounded George.

Lupin: Here! Get him into the house.

Harry helps bring George who's transformation is wearing off and played down on the couch, Lupin then grabs Harry and pins him against the wall.

Ginny: Lupin!

Hagrid: Have you gone mad?!

Lupin: Shush! *points wand at Harry* What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office at Hogwarts?

Harry: Are you mad?!

Lupin: What creature?!

Harry: A Grindylow!

Lupin: *lowers wand* We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter.

Harry nods in understanding when sounds come from outside of more people entering the Burrow's grounds. One by one more and more people showed up, (Y/n) is the last to show up and lands with a hard thud in front of the house, since he's not wearing his armor the marks of spells showed more clearly. Hermione rushes to him and wraps her arms around him.

Lupin: What happened out there?

(Y/n): None of the Death Eaters remain, but Moody was killed. When Mundungas saw Voldemort, he Apparated to gods knows where. *sigh* I need a drink.

(Y/n) works his way out of Hermione's grip and goes into the house and grabs a cask of butterbeer. While everyone else saw to George and even though he got a hole in his ear, he was still cracking jokes. Everyone takes the aftermath of the attack and try to get some sleep with a grain of salt, and as Hermione went to bed for the night she looked at (Y/n) who was looking outside and drinking his fifth bottle of whiskey, (Y/n) has also stopped training and is not as toned as he used to be, not by much, but enough. Worried, Hermione approaches and stops him from taking another sip, she took the bottle and put it away. She then sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around his and leaned her head on his trembling shoulder.

Hermione: Why did you leave your hammer?

(Y/n): .

Hermione: Look, I know you, something like this wouldn't bother this much. Please, let me help you.

(Y/n): You should get some sleep, we've... got a wedding to prepare for.

Disheartened, Hermione stood up and kissed his cheek for a long time and went to bed with tears threatening to overflow. (Y/n), meanwhile, just sat and stared out the window, thinking, about what being worthy really means.

(A/N): Whew, what a ride, huh? Well, our heroes are conflicted and even have some doubt and fear, but this much is certain, they must find a way to destroy Voldemort at all costs.

Tune in next time, as the journey continues. PEACE OUT!!!

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