Year 7 Part 2: Recovery

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(Y/n) POV

I am sitting in a bathtub cleaning off months of blood and torture, my wounds have healed but some emotional scars are still present. I start to think about what Loki said about my past, when I hear a knock and the door opens a little and I grow a little embarrassed when Hermione sneaks in and shuts the door again, and locks it. I cover myself a little as she casually sets down an extra towel and a bottle of, I don't know what.

(Y/n): Hermione, what are you doing?

Hermione: It's just a muscle rub.

(Y/n): I'm part god, I don't need a rubdown.

Hermione: *deadpanned* Really?

She touches my shoulder and I instinctively wince and groan in soreness and pain.

Hermione: My point exactly. Now just relax.

(Y/n): How can I relax you're in here watching me?

Hermione: Would you rather I got Ron or Harry to do this?

(Y/n): Ew, no.

Hermione: Then quit complaining. Besides, it's not the first time I've seen you like this.

(Y/n): What?!

Hermione: *giggles* Oh, nothing.

She pulls up a chair behind me and starts by rubbing my neck and shoulders, and to be honest after months of nonstop tension and violence, this was really relaxing. Hermione's touch was gentle and her skin was smooth as she moved down to my back. Hermione then moved to my sides and arms, she concentrated a little on my wrists because of the shackles I was stuck with for three months. I then asked as Hermione moved to my chest.

(Y/n): Did Harry and Ron tell you about why I was imprisoned in the first place?

Hermione: Some, Luna told most of the story, but I want hear what you were told.

I didn't even notice as Hermione moved down my abdomen, because I explained Loki's involvment in my life's story. Hermione was initially a little intimidated and scared of what Loki did to my parents and Thor, but she soon lost her scared expression and told me.

Hermione: Maybe Loki intended to use you, but if you think about it, Thor rescued you twice and for almost 10 years he raised you to become a better warrior than him. To become a hero, someone that people can depend on to help whenever they need it. Thor, your parents, even Dumbeldore, all of them knew you could be that hero, and so do I.

Hermione leans over, turns my face to hers and kisses me on the lips, we stay like this until Hermione seperates because of the need for air.

*knock* *knock*

Ron: Hurry up, (Y/n), I've gotta piss!

(Y/n): Alright, don't get your knickers in a knot!

Hermione just barely managed to keep her laughter contained, and I urged her to Apparate out of the room so Ron doesn't get any ideas. I dry myself off and dress in freshly laundered fleece-lined khaki pants, a red t-shirt and my heavy hoodie, and leave the bathroom. I go to the guest bedroom and look in the full size mirror, I have a short beard and my hair now goes down to my shoulders. I decide I like the beard and just brush and clean it up a bit, then my hair, I then address my body. Having been trapped prisoner for three months and overeating and drinking for three months prior, has had a effect on my overall physique, so what's a fella to do? Well, train as hard as I can when I can, but first I need food. I find an old boat in fine condition and grab some rope, a bouy and bait, then row out to deeper water and toss the line in the water. Three hours later, I have caught enough fish to feed the entire Weasely family, I row back and carry my haul into the kitchen and start salting the fish before filleting them and hanging them in a handmade smoker for an hour.

Hermione: Geez, hungry much?

(Y/n): I haven't eaten in three months, don't judge me.

Hermione laughs and sits next to me, she wraps her arms around my right arm and leans her head against my shoulder.

Hermione: It's honestly really good to have you back. Many times I would be sleeping thinking I was holding your hand or holding myself close to you, then wake up and realize you were still missing. *sniffles* And all this time you were a prisoner.

Hermione then explains how she was able to get images or visions from dreams about the pain I suffered through, I felt bad that she had to see some of what I went through as a prisoner. I wrap my right arm around her and pull her closer to me and she snuggled close to me. I finally eat all the fish and some biscuits, I then get to training harder than I have ever pushed myself. This went long into the night, but eventually I stop and head back to the house, I walk in and find Harry and Ron occupying the living room and I assume the other beds are taken. I am about to sit in a kitchen chair and catch some z's, at the table...

Hermione: I wouldn't exactly call that comfortable.

(Y/n): *turns around surprised* Good Gods! *whispers* What are you doing sneaking around at night?

Hermione simply approaches me, takes my hand and leads me upstairs, she guides me to the bed and lays me down before crawling on top of me and snuggling as close as she can to me. I pull the blanket over us and we immediately fall asleep, content in each others presence.

Timeskip Next Morning

I slowly wake up the next morning and groan as I rub my eyes and yawn. I try to sit up but the weight on my chest is saying otherwise.

Hermione: *in her sleep* Mmm, just a little longer.

I couldn't really say no, so I just lay there with an arm on her middle back and she coos contently, but fifteen minutes later, I did eventually rouse Hermione and we got changed and went downstairs and I made coffee as Harry and Ron soon joined us.

(Y/n): Hey, Harry?

Harry: Yeah.

(Y/n): Where did you get those wands and what happened to yours?

Harry: Ron and I got these by disarming Bellatrix and Draco.

Harry, Ron and Hermione then start to go into detail about their journey, Ron leaving, the Sword appearing, destroying the Horcrux they took off the Ministry, and the Deathly Hallows. I drank my pot of coffee and gave everyone their mugs, then ask.

(Y/n): So, these Deathly Hallows, you think Voldemort is going after them?

Harry: Just one, the Elder Wand, and he's already found it.

(Y/n): Ha, no mortal wand can match the might of Mjolnir.

Hermione: Unfortunately, not everyone is as powerful as you. It's a huge danger for all of us mortals.

(Y/n): So, what now?

Harry: When Bellatrix saw the Sword of Gryffindor in our posession, she got really crazy, I mean more than usual. She then asked us what else we had taken, she said the Sword was in her vault. That got me thinking, what else could she have in her vault?

(Y/n): Another Horcrux.

Harry: My thoughts exactly, there must be one in that vault.

(Y/n): But Gringotts is locked up tighter than the Gates of Asgard, how are we supposed to get in?

Harry: Griphook, we'll need him to get in.

(Y/n): Really? We're gonna ask a goblin who doesn't even like humans to begin with, and he'll probably have some ridiculous demand for his help.

Harry: If you have a better idea, I'm open to it.

(Y/n): I could smash my way in, grab it and get out before anyone knew what happened.

Hermione: *sternly* And possibly kill a lot of innocent people in the process. Absolutely, not.

(Y/n): *pouts a little* It was just an idea.

Harry then gets up and walks over to Bill and Fleur and asks to see the goblin, this ought to be interesting. I grab Mjolnir before walking in, just in case.

Harry: How are you feeling?

Griphook: Alive.

Harry: You might not remember that you-

Griphook: Showed you to your vault the first time you came to Gringotts? Even amongst goblins you are famous, Harry Potter.

Harry and I walk in front of the goblin's chair, I hold no malice for goblins, but they have consistently been a untrustful bunch. Griphook seems to study me for a minute before turning his gaze upon my hammer.

Griphook: How did you come to wield such a weapon?

I look at Harry and he nodded at me.

(Y/n): There is an enchantment that Odin, King of Asgard, bestowed on it. "Whosoever holds this hammer. If he be worthy. Shall posess the power of Thor." Only those truly worthy may wield Mjolnir.

Griphook: Interesting. No wonder you were able to create that storm. *to Harry* The elf rescued you?

Harry: Yes.

Griphook: And brought me here. You are a very unusual wizard.

We stood there in silence for a moment before Griphook inquired.

Griphook: How did you come by this sword? *indicating the sword of Gryffindor*

Harry: It's complicated. Why did Lastrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?

Griphook: It's complicated.

I groan quietly while rubbing the bridge of my nose, I can tell Harry is looking at me and I simply shake my head a little.

Harry: The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it.

Griphook: There is a sword in Madam Lastrange's vault identical to that one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer.

Harry: And she never suspected it was a fake?

Griphook: The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true Sword of Gryffindor.

(Y/n): Who's the aquantince, may I ask?

Griphook: A Hogwarts professor. As I understand it, he is now headmaster.

(Y/n): *growls* Snape.

Ron: He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why?

Griohook: There are more than a few curious things hidden in the vaults of Gringott's.

Harry: And Lastrange's as well?

Griphook: Perhaps.

Harry: I need to get inside Gringotts, into one of the vaults.

Griphook: That's impossible.

Harry: Alone, yes. But with your help we could.

Griphook: And why should I help you?

(Y/n): Saving your ungrateful hide for a start.

Hermione: (Y/n). Tone it down.

Harry: (Y/n) and I have gold. Lot's of it.

Griphook starts thinking quietly and I can see the wheels turning in that greedy mind of his. He then points to the Sword....

Griphook: That. I want the sword. That is my price.

Harry: *thinks* Fine. You help us and it's yours.

I keep my composure but I cannot believe Harry just gave away our one way of destroying these Horcrux's. I hope he knows what he's doing, we go into the hallway and Ron asks.

Ron: What are you thinking? Giving away our only means of destroying these Horcrux's?

Harry: I'm still working on that part.

From the next room over Fleur comes out and tells us.

Fleur: He's weak. So take it easy with questions.

Fleur heads downstairs and we all walk into Ollivander's room and see him sitting in a chair next to the window. Ollivander raises his head as we enter.

Ollivander: Yes?

Harry: Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions.

Ollivander: Anything, my boy, anything.

Harry: *approaches Ollivander* Would you mind identifying this wand? I need to know if it's safe to use.

Ollivander is handed one of the wands that Harry and Ron took off Bellatrix and Draco, and examines it.

Ollivander: Walnut. Dragon heartstring. Twelve and three-quarter inches. Un-Unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lastrange. Treat it carefully.

Harry takes the wand back and asks Ollivander to identify the other, again he examines it.

Ollivander: Hawthorn... and unicorn hair. Ten inches, reasonably pliant. *holds wand close to ear* This was the wand of Draco Malfoy.

Harry: Was? Is it not still?

Ollivander: Well, perhaps not, if you won it from him. I sense it's allegiance has changed.

Harry takes the wand back and then inquires about the study of wands.

Harry: Sir, you speak as if wands have feelings.... can think.

Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. That much has always been clear to those who study wandlore.

Harry: And what do you know about the Deathly Hallows?

Ollivander: It is rumored there are three: The Elder Wand, The Cloak of Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone. Together, they make one Master of Death. But few truly believe such objects exist.

Harry: Do you?

Ollivander: Well, I see no reason to put much stock into old wives tales.

I realize Ollivander is lying and set my hammer down and approach the old man. I kneel down next to him and place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and sees the confidance in my expression as I say.

(Y/n): Fear makes You-Know-Who more powerful, there is no reason to fear him, so there is no reason to lie to us. What did you tell him?

Ollivander: .... He tortured me. Besides, I only conveyed rumors. There's.... there's no telling whether he will find it.

Harry: He already has. He has the Elder Wand.

(Y/n): We'll let you rest. Everyone out.

Ollivander: He's after you, Mr. Potter. If it's true, what you say. That he has the Elder Wand. I'm afraid you really don't stand a chance.

Harry: I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds me, then.

We walk out and head downstairs to come up with a plan. I just hope I don't have to hurt anyone to do so.

(A/N): Hey, what's up?! So this is it the final arc to the Harry Potter journey has begun. So I'm gonna take things a little slower because I want to make this finale really fun and exciting for all of you. Have an awesome day and I'll see you at Gringotts! PEACE OUT!!!

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