Chapter six: Mates

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A week later


Why did it hurt so bad when Y/n was crying? Why do I want nothing more than to hug her and shush her, and tell her things would be alright? Why do I want her to be all mine? Why did I feel for her?

"Could that be...her?" I asked myself.

"Could who be what?" Mira asked.

"You know Y/n, right? Well lately I've...been feeling for her. And I'm afraid she might be the one. My mate." I whispered the last part.

I looked over at the booths. Y/n was sitting with Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy. Natsu had his arm around her and a feeling swelled inside me. Is this...jealousy? Y/n smiled and laughed. It's been a week since her little outburst she had with Gray and she has been more happy.

She laughs more, smiles more, talks more. Hell she even was asked to sing and she said she would consider it. She's just been feeling so much better.

Y/n smiled and showed her white teeth. Her eyes seemed to smile too and she was was so many words that couldn't begin to describe her. I think...I'm in love with her. But first things first I need to find out if she has a tattoo.

I stood up and walked toward their table. Y/n didn't see me coming and she just laughed away, but all too soon I got there and towered over her small frame.

"Y/n? I need to speak with you alone. It's a very important matter." I said trying to sound formal.

"Okay Mr. Zappy Pants." She giggled.

"Don't call me that."

I lead her to the second floor and a bit further back where it was quiet and nobody could hear us.

"Look, I need you to be honest. Do you have a tattoo anywhere on your body?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Where? Can I see?"

She nodded once more but her eyes widened. As we made eye contact I could almost hear the question she was about th ask and I wanted to ask it too.

"What's your initials!?" We both said harshly.

"L.D" I answered.

"(Your initials)" she answered.

With both of us in shock we yanked up the right side of our shirts, exposing my tattoo and the one she claims to have. Her tattoo...looked EXACTLY like mine but it was my initials above the wings. I looked up to see her still staring at my tattoo.

I found her. She's my mate? She's the one who will be my forever...and she's perfect. She's strong, she's beautiful. She has been since she first showed up. No matter if she had bandages over her body or if she was all dressed up.

I studied her features, her soft
(s/c) skin. Her (H/l) (H/c) that seemed to shine. Her beautiful
(e/c) eyes glimmered and a small blush crept up my face as I stared. I fell into a fantasy of us together...ending the loneliness I've endured for so long. Her being by my side, holding my hand, telling each other we love one another.

I looked into her eyes again and saw...anger? She looked at me, anger broiling insider her. Fire was practically burning in her eyes.

"Its you!? I'm stuck...with you!? Of all people the Gods and Godesses chose you to be my mate!?" She screamed and stormed off.

I chased after her.

"Y/n! Calm down maybe they made it this way for a reason!" I tried to calm her down.

At this time the whole guild was watching us now, all intruged.

"No! I don't need a mate! I don't need someone to watch me like a child!" She yelled once more.

"Why don't you just give it a try? Just give me a chance!" I begged.

She stopped and out of the coner of my eye, I saw Gramp's eyes widen and he stood up. I saw Y/n sigh and she looked at me.

"Fine...I'll give you a chance. I trust you." She whispered the last part but I heard it.

I smiled and tried to resist the urge to hug her but I couldnt. I hugged her tightly as more throughts of us together began coursing through my mind.

I just needed a bit of time.

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