Chapter 9

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The Reveal

    Soon enough, I was running quickly again, traveling at the speed of light, trying desperately to escape Creek.

     Right now... I didn't even care that I couldn't stop. All I cared about was getting away alive. And I was definitely succeeding with that. No way that purple nuisance could keep up with me at the speed I was traveling.

     I ran so fast, that I couldn't even see where I was going when I turned down an alley, suddenly slamming hard into the brick wall at the end of it.

     "Oof..." I groaned, falling to the ground, as everything went dark...

     Well... that was one way to stop... I guess. 


     "Ugh..." I groaned softly, once I began to wake up, rolling around on the ground a little before finally managing to rise back up to my trembling feet. Man that hurt...

         Confused, I blinked as I looked around at my surroundings. Where was I?

     That's when I suddenly remembered what was happening... Creek was coming for me!

     Quickly, I turned, desperately hoping I still had time to escape, but of course... right when I got to the exit of the alley... Creek turned the corner, a big nearly toothless grin on his face. I must've made him punch himself harder than I thought...

    "Now I've got you," he chuckled, his friends quickly turning the corner to join him, as they panted heavily, their hands grabbing at their knees to try and catch their breath from all the running they had just been forced to do.

     Much too quickly, they caught their breath, straightening up so they could walk forwards to stand with Creek, all of them slowly approaching me together.

     With a gulp, I backed up until I hit the wall again, looking around frantically for another exit. The only other way out would be to go over the wall like Creek had, the first day I had ever met Poppy.

     Quickly, I turned my back to the bullies, beginning to jump as high as I possibly could, reaching desperately for the top of the wall, but I couldn't reach it. No matter how hard I tried... I could not do what Creek had done so easily... I couldn't escape...

     Finally, I stopped jumping, panting heavily in fear and exhaustion, as I turned back to face the three boys, my eyes wide in terror.

     "I don't know how you did the things you just did..." Creek told me, menacingly cracking his knuckles as he approached. "But I'm going to make it so you can never do them again. Or... anything else for that matter."

     He chuckled softly as he stepped closer and closer to me, an evil grin plastered on his face.

     "You're dead kid," one of his friends told me.
"So dead," laughed the other.

     Having no other way to escape, I closed my eyes tightly.

     No... I wasn't giving up... not this time... I needed to think of a plan...

     Maybe I could make Creek punch himself again. That was pretty funny, after all.

     Settled on the idea, I began to concentrate all my brain power on making the jerk troll's hand fly up into his nose once more.

     'Please work... please work...'

     Suddenly, I heard all three boys scream, my ear twitching slightly at the sound.

     Had it worked? Had I done it?

     Quickly, I opened my eyes back up to see what I had accomplished, a big smile plastered on my face. I was so delighted with myself!

     My smile soon faded however, when I realized I hadn't done... what I thought I had done...

     "AHHH!" I screamed, when I saw what was happening. I was flying!

    I looked down at the ground in fear, flapping my arms frantically, afraid I was going to fall. How was this happening? Why was this happening!?

    Stunned, Creek and his friends stared up at me, fear clearly being seen in their wide eyes.

     "She's an alien!" one of the boys suddenly screamed out, pointing up at me. "Poppy turned her into an alien, just like her! Run!"

     Quickly, Creek's friends fled the scene in terror, leaving the purple troll behind, too shocked to follow.

    At the sight of Creek standing there in horror, my fear suddenly turned back into delight, as I smiled fiendishly at him, my arms crossing.

     "Boo," I said smugly with a quiet chuckle.

     "AHHHHH!" he screamed like a little girl, suddenly turning to run off as well. "You're crazy! You're absolutely crazy!"

     He ran, quickly turning to the left, as he vanished behind the buildings separating the alley from the street.

     I smiled as I hovered there, watching him go in delight. I wasn't even thinking about how I was going to get back down. All I could think about was how awesome that terrified look on Creek's face was.

     Suddenly, another scream rung through the air, Creek suddenly turning, and running the opposite direction past the alley.

     As he ran for his life, he suddenly tripped, falling onto his face, but quickly got back up, looking over his shoulder in the direction he had just come from. Then, he started running again, disappearing behind the buildings to the right this time.

     Well... that was weird... weird... but hilarious!

     Just then, Poppy came running around the left corner, gasping in shock when she saw me floating at the end of the alley way.

     "Wow," she muttered, as she stared up at me in amazement.
"I have a feeling Creek won't be bugging me anymore," I said smugly, still smiling wide with delight.

     Poppy smiled as well, laughing quietly.

     "Get down here," she laughed.

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