Chapter 3

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"Lightningkit wake up wake up." I rolled over and found Goldenkit poking me. I hissed "stooop" Bigkit and Featherkit wandered over to us. Goldenkit slumped " Featherkit can you get him up i want to play!" I hissed a warning to Featherkit to leave me alone but he payed no attention and strolled over to me. He came over to me and bit my tail I yowled and stood up crying "I'm awake AWAKE" Featherkit released my tail looking smug with himself. Goldenkit grabbed my ear and dragged me into the clearing Bigkit and Featherkit followed us. "Because Lightningkit is such a kittypet and wants to sleep all day you can be it!" I Groaned last time we played this our mum got super mad at us for running into to Robinfeet. Goldenkit began to run away Bigkit seemed like he was trying to stumble off and featherkit just said " What's wrong mouse heart can't keep up?" I Plopped down and said " Not playing go get in trouble by yourself" i stood up and walked over to bigkit. "come on let's go somewhere more quite." Bigkit nodded and followed after me to a corner where there was a big log. i scrambled up to the top bigkit seemed to try to get up. i helped him and eventually we were both sitting side by side staring at Goldenkit and Featherkit run around. "Bigkit?" Bigkit mumbled " Yes?" I breathed slowly " are you going to be a warrior when you grow up?" Bigkit blinked his lifeless eyes " I would love to but i'm not sure if they will let me." I thought about this for awhile. "Bigkit i'll always be here for you." Bigkit turned to me and smiled. I looked down and said " Have you told anyone you wanted to be a warrior?" Bigkit shook his head "no."  I looked away and saw Featherkit and Goldenkit being told off yet again i smirked a bit.  Calmkit wandered over to us " hey guys." She leapt up on the log sitting with us. Bigkit mumbled "'isn't the breeze beautiful?" Calmkit nodded. " hey guys how many moons are you?" Bigkit mumbled "5 and a half" I blinked at him " wow close to being an apprentice calmkit?"  She twitched her ear " 3 and a half" I blinked my eyes again she seemed older then she was. I said " I'm 4 and 3 quarters" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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