The Hellion And Maryse Retire.

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A couple days later after Maryse was released from the hospital along with the twins I drove us home. I loaded her to go bag into the trunk, maryse and I loaded the twins carriers into the backseat and secured them in the backseat, we got into the car and I drove us all home.

We pulled up to the house and found it decorated to the nines like a wedding was going to take place. But when we got out of the car and started getting the twins out of the car. I was quickly rushed by Sarah, Liv, Ember, Lexi, Leah, Thea, Ruby, etc. So was Maryse. She smiled as Bayley gently took the carrier with Anthony in it from her and Sonya took the one that had Ashley in it from me. I looked to Maryse and grinned as I got her to go bag from the trunk. Then with my left arm wrapped around her shoulders made our way into the house. When we reached inside the house we were met by Sophia and Alexa. "Would either of you like to explain what's going on?" I asked.
Alexa spoke first, "They just showed up and wanted to throw a welcome home party."
"I'm sure." I smiled. "Well, it will have a double purpose tonight."
"What do you mean?" Sophia asked.
"You'll find out with the rest of them." I replied.
"Alexa where's Monroe?" Maryse asked.
"She's with CJ." Alexa pointed to the corner near the staircase. Maryse walks over to CJ and Monroe.
Then Mike came up to me. "Daniel."
"Mike." I replied.
"Congrats on your twins." He grinned.
"Thank you." I replied.
"I just want to say that I'm happy that Maryse has someone that cares for her and  loves her so much. And I know you and her will be very happy together." He hugged me and I returned it.
"Thanks man." I grinned.
He left me with Sophia and Alexa.

An hour later, Maryse who was holding Monroe was standing by me as I got everyone's aattention."Okay everybody. Settle down please." Slowly everyone in attendance fell silent. "Thank you. Umm. I'm glad you're all here tonight to welcome me and Maryse back home and to meet our twins." Lacey grinned as did Sarah and what used to be the Riott Squad. "But as it just so happens. This welcome home party. Is also my retirement party." There was a burst of whispers.
"Daniel and I talked it over and we feel that, we've done everything we set out to do in WWE. It's time to focus on other endeavors. Like Daniel's Wrestling School. We want to focus on something closer to home so we can be near our family." Maryse explained.
"Make no mistake. I'm not going to go quietly into the night and vanish without doing one more match." I started to tear up. "Uhh. With that in mind. I would like my last match to be against Mike." He was surprised by the announcement. But walked up and shook my hand.
"It would be a privilege." He smiled.
"That's all. Carry on." Ember walked up with Anthony in her arms.
"Your really serious about this?" She asked.
"Adrienne. I have achieved everything I set out to in WWE. It's time that the Hellion has his last match and retired in peace." I grinned as little Anthony enjoyed being held by his Aunt Ember.
Liv approached me holding little Ashley. "We're going to miss you around the locker room Daniel."
"Ha. I'm sure you'll find somebody to talk to Gionna. But. Be sure to ask Sarah to give you my number just in case you need to talk." She hugged me with one arm and smiled as she let go and walked away. Sasha came up to me along with Bayley.
"Your really going to do this?" Bayley asked.
"I'm afraid so. I'm happily married, I'm a stepfather to Monroe and a real father to Maryse and I's newborn twins. All in all. I'm happy with how my career has worked out." I proudly said.
"Well, their little cuties that's for sure. I just can't decide who they get their good looks from." Sasha smiled as she hugged and kissed my cheek. As did Bayley.

After the party ended. Sophia and Alexa watched over Anthony, Ashley and Monroe as me and Maryse went out for a nice walk along my running trail.
"Well, our careers are winding down and we'll have our hands full with the twins, Monroe..."
"Don't forget your wrestling school." Maryse smiled as did I.
"Oh I didn't forget." I chuckled. "It's just going to be a little hard to say goodbye to the fans and our friends when my last match happens. The only question is. When will it happen?" Maryse then grinned that devilish grin I love and at times found disconcerting. "What are you thinking?"
"What if your last match happens at Wrestlemania 36?" She asked.
I smiled at her suggestion. "I like that idea, honey." When we reached the overlook over the river. I slid behind her and wrapped my arms around her and she held my arms with with her left and right hand.

We soon headed back home and found Alexa putting Monroe to bed. And after singing her to sleep with a rendition of 'Dream A Little Dream'. And Maryse and I kissed her forehead goodnight. We headed to the nursery to check on the twins. We stood at the doorway smiling at our little ones sleeping soundly in their cribs.
"Their little angels." I smiled.
"No. They are more than that. Their our little angels." Maryse grinned as I kissed her neck.
"That they are." I approached Anthony's crib first. 'Sweet dreams little Anthony. Always remember that your mother and I love you and your sister very much.' I leaned down and kissed his forehead then turned my attention to little Ashley. 'And as for you my little princess. You were named after a very good friend who had a strong heart and will. I hope you live up to those aspects of your namesake. Which I'm very sure you will."
I kissed her forehead and gently slid my hand over the top of her head and returned to Maryse's side. And after a moment or two we headed to bed ourselves.

Over the next month I trained in the gym with Maryse getting ready for our return to the ring. Alexa watched over Monroe and the twins even when they were playing in the toy room.

When we returned to Raw a couple weeks before Wrestlemania 36. We came out to the loudest pop we've ever heard in our entire careers. I pulled the ropes open and slid into the ring after Maryse who went over to the time keepers corner and asked for a microphone.
The ring announcer handed her one and she smiled as she kissed me. And handed me the mic. I stood in the center of the ring and held the mic to my lips. Before I could say anything the crowd cheered and chanted, 'Welcome back'. "Thank you." I laughed and smiled as did Maryse. "Now what I'll have to say is probably going to make you all say the exact opposite." The entire arena fell silent. "About a month ago. After our kids were born. I came to the realization that I need to be closer to home. As I don't want to leave Maryse alone with three children to raise alone and with Alexa going to classes at the University of Eastern Idaho. I want to be there for my kids and for my Maryse." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "After a little discussion with my wife here. I came to the decision to retire from wrestling. However, I also thought it would be a fitting way to go out with one last match against the Miz." The crowd roared to life with an uproarious applause. "And that will happen at Wrestlemania 36 in Tampa, Florida. But if all goes well in a couple months I'll be opening my own wrestling school and with Maryse be training the next generation of Hellions and women superstars. So I just want to say before me and Maryse ride off into the sunset as it were. We both want to thank you all for coming out and watching us and supporting us as we entertained day in and day out over the years. It has been a real blast coming to cities like this and putting on the best show possible. And we are so grateful for fans like all of you, thank you." I dropped the mic and Maryse and I headed to the back.

Finally it was upon us. WRESTLEMANIA 36. And my last match was the main event since a certain Beast Incarnate refused to show up. The entire week leading up to Mania was spent doing appearances and interviews. Maryse and I went to the Hall of Fame ceremony the night before. With our twins and Monroe and Alexa dressed to the nines. But tonight was going to be bitter sweet. As it would mark the end of an era. But as I watched Monroe, Anthony, and Ashley play around together. I smiled at the sight before me, and as the time drew near for the main event. I got ready for it. Maryse even dressed in a coat and attire that had flames stitched into them. She definitely looked like a beauty worthy of Hells Playground. Alexa watched over them but was soon joined by Ember, Ruby, Sasha and Lexi. Maryse and I kissed each of our kids before we headed to the gorilla. Mike was already out in the ring waiting for me. When my theme hit. Everyone in the arena stood up and cheered their head off. Maryse smiled as I took off my jacket and handed it to her.  Once the introductions were made and the bell rang. Me and Mike collided in the center of the ring.

55 minutes into the match, I was running on empty as was Mike. When I took him down with a shoulder tackle. I crawled over to my corner and ed myself up and looked around the arena. The crowds was cheering, 'Lights Out, Lights Out' over and over again. I lashed my right arm out signaling the time to end the match. When Mike got up I ran at him with a full head of steam and took his head clean off with a harsh lariat and pinned him for the one,two, three. I had won my last match in WWE and when I got back to my feet. I helped Mike to his feet and hugged him. Then he raised my hand as a sign of respect and slid out of the ring. Maryse got in the ring and we took in our last moment inside a WWE ring.
When we got to the stage everyone came out and gave us hugs and shook our hands. The crowd cheered and chanted  'Thank you, Daniel' and 'Thank you, Maryse' as well. We took one final bow and just went to our locker room, got hugs and kisses from Ember, Sasha, Ruby and Lexi, changed into some clean casuals and with our kids and Alexa. Went right back home to Rigby, Idaho.

Three months later, I opened my wrestling school and me and Maryse took turns as to who would be training and who would just observe while watching the kids then we'd switch.
All things considered. I don't need a plaque with my accomplishments on it. Or have a fancy ring around my finger. Because I already have a ring around my finger from when I married my French Canadian Beauty of a wife Maryse and have a beautiful stepdaughter in Monroe. Plus me and Maryse's twin babies. And the only plaque I need is the one on my office door that reads 'Daniel and Maryse Boyce-Ouellet. Owners and Trainers.'
Maryse is the love of my life. My wife. And the mother to our children.
And that's enough for me.

The End.

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