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She doubted whether she heard that right. The sound of someone cocking the gun rang through her ears. She heard it right.

Click. Click. Click.

When she felt the cold metal barrel of the gun pressed against her the back of her head. She knew what was happening. Is he really threatening her? Why? For what reason did he have to kill someone for wanting to leave?

Does he know what she did? Does she know what she knew about the place? About Ciras hidden secret? Is he trying to keep her from leaving so she doesn't tell anyone else and warn them of what lies beneath?

Her heart stopped at the thought of not knowing whether he knew or not. The thought of what she knew might put her family and new companions at risk. Heat rose through her body and up to her face not out of embarrassment but out of anger.

The sound of someone else cocking a gun rang through her ears. It must of caused reaction because then another gun. And another. That was the last one. No more came after that. From the looks of the soldiers were giving from the side of her eyes, something behind her was happening. Everyone she saw their eyes were widen in shock. Their mouths dropped open and hands were over their mouths. Her eyes flickered at the glass windows before her and load and behold her family was standing there in a line. Holding weapons up to the hospital guards while the hospital guards held a gun at their heads.

Tyler was holding his gun up to John's head. A woman she did not recognize or knew her name to was holding a gun pointing it at Tyler. That same woman had a knife to the bottom back of her neck by Madison. While Richie held his gun up to another young soldier Adira recognized but didn't know his name of. The young John Doe had his rifle in hand and looked at Richie with widen eyes that filled with fear and a flicker of anger.

Her eyes then flickered to the mirror the right of her and saw the reflection of Chad and Dan. Both frozen in shock. She saw Jade's small figure hiding behind Chad's leg with her arms hugging his leg and weeping. Chad kept his arm at her side in a protective manner.

"You are not going anywhere." John slowly said, pushing the gun even further into her head for emphasizes he would kill her.

Everything went silent, except for the occasional whispers between the witnesses standing by and watching everything that going down. Eventually, she could hear some of the people start to plead to John to stop and to let them go but she paid no attention to them. She let the screaming and the sounds fade in her mind.

Adira examined John's position through the window and what she could see out of the corner of her eyes. She focused on examining the position of the spot the gun was at on her head, how his arm was positioned and his stance as he stood behind her. She took notice that the gun was closer to her right than her left, one quick swift turn to her left and she could keep the gun from being pointed at her and if it went off it would go off to the right of her head or up. His jugular was exposed as he only used one hand to hold the gun making it easier to quickly strike. She figured if she hit hard enough he would drop the gun and get him a few steps away from her.

She imagined every possible way she could go about disarming him and, also, the guards behind them without injuring her companions, any of the innocents or herself. Every way she saw possible only had the outcome of someone getting hurt, especially her.

The only possible way was her first thought and would hope she was going to be strong enough to do more damage to a guy big as John than someone two size smaller than him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes momentarily when her lungs filled with warm light air. A move John mistakenly took as submission and fear. She slowly exhaled and opened her eyes when he was seconds away from making a move.

Before he could move any closer, she turned to her left and swiftly pushed his arm away and the gun away from her to her once right. The gun went off and a loud bang filled the room for no more than a second. Adira held her palm pulled back straight and flattened, her fingers together and struck, shoving her fingers into his neck and his jugular. John gagged as one hand went to his neck and the other quickly released the gun, which she caught. When she notice him stumbling back, she took advantage and set one leg behind one of his legs and shoved him backwards. A loud thump boomed through the lobby as he hit the floor.

Adira cocked the gun and held it up aiming it down at John as he stared up at her in pain. That action caused a domino effect. As the woman is focused on what just happened in front of them, Tyler took that chance to disarm her and shove her back. Madison jumped out of the way causing the woman to knock into the guy, who Richie had his gun aimed at.

"We are leaving." Adira's voice finally broke out over the crowd of gasps and whispers of 'oh my gods'. "You are not going to stop us from leaving."

"You, bitch." John hissed his voice hoarse from the attack. "We took you in-"

"And, we appreciate it." She interrupted him, "But we are leaving. You can't force us to stay."

Her eyes were dark, even with her golden rings around her irises. They had become darker than anyone has seen them, which only meant she was pissed.

"This is how you repay us?" John questioned as if they were the ones who attacked them.

"And this is how you treat us?" Her voice rose a little louder, "We are not asking for food or weapons. We want to leave and we will."

"John, just let the kids leave!" She heard Ella plead; her voice was soft and filled with fear.

"If they want to leave then let them." Another voice in the crowd yelled, "The less people we have the more food."

People started weighing in all at once. One voice after another. Some Adira couldn't even recognize while others she knew who the voice belonged to. The guards were up in arms but they way their weapons were lowered and their eyes widen and face narrowed, she could tell they didn't want trouble or want to hurt anyone.

John looked up at the gun in his face and notice it was shaking. He looked past the gun and up to Adira's face taking notice in the way her jaw was clenched. Her finger wasn't even on the trigger, like he'd expect it to be. It was above the trigger lying on the side of the barrel indicating to him she wasn't going to shoot.

John barked out a laugh, "You won't shoot me." He taunted.

"Don't underestimate me." She warned lifting the gun so it was pointed directly at his head.

"You haven't killed anyone have you?" John continued to bark out a taunting laugh, "You won't shoot me. You don't have the b-"

A shot was fired. Everyone screamed at the sudden sound. The guards to her right were bent down and covered their heads with their arms. The bullet flew past the guards and buried itself within the white walls. Adira slowly pointed the gun back at John, whose eyes were as wide as flying saucers. He looked up at her. Her face was emotionless but her eyes filled with anger. Her finger was still on the trigger and the gun was still hot from the sudden shot.

"You crazy, b-"

She cocked the gun again and he closed his mouth, "I told you not to underestimate me." Her voice was low and deadly.

Everyone's attention was on them. Tyler, Madison and Richie all looked to Adira for instructions on what to do. Do they leave? Can they leave? They all looked at her. Standing before them was not the girl they knew. She didn't even look like the girl they knew.

Emotionless and almost dead-like, she lifted the gun once again to his head. John looked at her and for the first time he'd seen her. Her eyes were a deadly fire and her face lacked any form of emotion. As he looked at her, he realized there was an eerie feeling about her. A feeling that sent shock waves through him and hitting him, like he just go hit with a bus. And, it was then for the first time, he felt a spark of fear erupt in him. She cocked it once more. Finger on the trigger, target lined up with her aim and slowly her finger started to pull back the trigger.

A shadow appeared in her peripheral vision but she didn't get a chance to face it as it got closer and a the sound of something hitting bone rang through her ears as if it was right someone was hit right behind her. Her vision, suddenly, went blur and a high pitch ring started ringing in her eyes causing a headache to take form. She huffed out a breath of air as she landed on the ground on her side. She saw a blurry vision of everyone, especially John, in her line of vision turned on their side. She saw the same shadow hovering over her again before coming closer. The last thing she heard was her companions screaming her name. Then everything went dark. 

Announcement- Please read.

For those wondering, there is going to be a book two. And, you (hopefully) all know I have been working on it and lately I have been lacking on writing more chapters to the book because of school and all the essays I have been busy with. I still have an essay right now that needs to be done but I thought I give you the epilogue since the essay I am doing is a narrative essay, which just gave me inspiration and motivation for this story and another one I will be working on but that's another announcement. I also wanted to update you all on the second book.

So, as of right now I officially decided I will be posting the second book on November 25 of this year and in this month. The day after Thanksgiving. I am still unsure whether I want to give you the first chapter then have a weekly schedule right then or if I should just give you chapter one for now (and by now I mean thanksgiving) and then start updating weekly around Christmas?

If you aren't following me than here's an quickly update on everything else.

*Cover is done! And I am excited and so motivated.

*Description is done! So that makes me proud.

Ideas are flowing and I am still rearranging some ideas so it comes together in chapters since I draw down my ideas and scenes before actually creating the chapters. This way I could see what doesn't belong in a chapter or what should be used for later chapters. Another must is actually typing them out on my computer because with school and all I only been able to get my ideas out in my Story Time Journal. (Yes I have a journal. Yes its called Story Time. Don't judge.)

I will be posting the book two here when it's ready maybe give you a sneak peek of the cover and description? What do you think? Want a sneak peek? 

Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you to all who have read my book from beginning to end I really appreciate taking your time out of your day to read. I cannot thank you enough. (1.1K reads!) I hope you enjoyed please if you did give this a vote and/ or comment I would appreciate that as well. :) If you like the epilogue, feel free to also vote and comment too, I would love to know what you think.

I was also wondering for book two if I should start dedicating chapters to those who vote and comment? Maybe? If you would like to have a chapter dedicated to you, please vote or comment letting me know what you think and whether you want a dedication when the book comes out. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for reading. :) Have a nice night... Or day.. wherever you are in the world. :)

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