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His scream reminded me of ravens crowing at dusk, directing their fellow friends to feast on the farmer's crops. The big ball of black feathers engulfed my heart, poisoning it, changing it from pure to evil. I blinked, this didn't happen. I didn't do it. The lifeless doll's expression changed from a smile and bright brown eyes to an 'X' slashed there and his mouth shriveled up like a rotten apple. I stared at it for a second and realized why the tree was shaking.

Someone was climbing up the tree.

I held my body, clinging to it, hoping they wouldn't see me. But no one can not see my ravenous purple hair. It just stood out when I didn't want it too. I had to climb higher, the person was nearly here. I grabbed my kit and hid the doll back in it's place. I climbed onto a lower branch and swung myself up on it, daring leaping onto another gracefully, hoping people wouldn't see me in this light. My fate rested purely on the advantage of the person not knowing I was there. Silence was my friend. If I moved an inch to the right I could just about see him. When the person heaved himself onto branch floor, I saw he was wounded, blood on his shirt. Yes, it was a he. Matted black hair flew up at weird angles, his arms bloody with a triangular metal disc lodged in it, and he was breathing heavily. I stared at him, watching him carefully, stealthily stalking him. Well, I had no other place to go, so I guess I was stuck here.

The penny dropped, my stomach churned its painfully horrid lunch they gave us of cold pork and moldy blue cheese. I remembered the rule. You had to kill someone else or you would lose a limb. My mind literally froze in sheer fear. I couldn't kill a boy! But, its survival of the fitness. I kept reminding myself that as I got out an arrow and drew my bow out to the fullest for the best results. I knew this was all wrong, the kidnap, the killing, the game, but my mind was set on winning. I had to. As soon as I won I would get the hell out of here and tell the police EVERYTHING. They would come here and put an end to this. My phone! If I have signal I can call the police! But I had to focus on this boy first. I don't know him , he must be someone I don't know, I released my arrow and my purity. I let the blood of his splat my face as well as welcoming evil. I'm evil. I can't change that. I'm a horrid murderer. My inside broke into a sob, I had to stay strong. I had to. He fell lifelessly onto the wood, soaking the branches in his blood. I climbed down and raided his pockets, and what he was carrying. He was carrying a stack of throwable triangular discs. in his pocket. Maybe six at the least? Another scream rang out from the forest, and believe it or not it's one of those movie type things where you scream and crows fly away from their roosts. Well, we're not far off, crows flew away from their roosts yelling offence at the screamer. And, I guess there's only six people left. I had to try and win. I just had to.

And now my main purpose is to protect my doll and it's freaky connection to me. I did a textbook gulp and silently climbed down the tree. I lost my footing. I put all my weight on that foot. I fell from the branch and hit the cold ground.

Everything went black.

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