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"Get up." His voice was layered with honey, only to be hiding something underneath. He looked at me straight in the eye, like he could see my thoughts. I trembled, but did what he told me, something told me I shouldn't get on the wrong side of him. I lowered my head, my purple locks covering most of my face, and my muddy clothes hung loosely on me. The Taker took a key out of his pocket and inserted it into the base of my ankle chain. I was released and I felt blood rushing back into my right foot, fighting back the coldness. He grabbed both my arms and tied them behind me.

"If you even think about running, I'll know. Don't and you'll live. Got it?" He breathed in my ear, his hot breath rising up and forming his words in invisible sentences. I nodded slightly, and for once my Tomboy nature just shrank away from me and an unknown nature took hold of me. I didn't want to move. I was scared - what do you expect if you're in the middle of nowhere and there  is a mass killer here?  I just stood there, not moving, silently angering The Taker. He growled loudly, slapped me across the face and yelled at me to move or my life would end sooner or later. I didn't believe he could take my life so fast, I have one of those annoying traits about me, but then he revealed his gun, gleaming like a diamond in the dim light. Someone took their time to polish it. So in the end I did get up and The Taker half dragged me by my hair to get to his destination.

We wondered through the pitch black night, and Goosebumps formed on my skin like chickenpox. My rags of clothes didn't provide much insulation either, just blew in the angry wind, whispering their secrets to me through uncontrolled howls. The Taker lead me into another building, much larger and was decorated with grey pillars, now invaded by moss and ivy. The Bricks were old and crumbly, one touch could make a dent on the brick, and I followed him ( not that I had much choice ) up the uneven steps and I perched on the top step, waiting for him to fish out his key to unlock the heavy beech wood door. It creaked and groaned angrily in our late night disturbance and The Taker led me up the wooden stairs, which also creaked when it took on our weight. He led right up to the top case of stairs which led to another door, a door which was slashed with an 'X' in bright red. It was chipped and the wood must of gone rotten, which was invaded by bacteria and moss, and he opened the door it led to a large attic.

"Stay here and don't scream. You'll wake up the little ghosties and they'll eat you for dinner little girl." He pushed me inside and slammed the door shut, caving me in this large attic all alone.

 No one could hear me. No one could help me. I would stay here, left to die and no one would love me.

This is the game.

This is real. I just wish it wasn't.

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