The contract

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Lets just get over the basics shall we? I don't really feel like getting in the mood for blabbing out my life story. Plus, when I read first person books, I always see ;' My name is this, my name is that, I have spiky green and urine yellow hair blah-blah-blah!'

Well, I'M not in the 'zone' for this so I guess you'll have to go to another book and read, 'My name is Putrid Poop and I have poop brown hair.' But, stick with this book because mine will be a great tale of survival.

Name - Jade

Age - 13

Gender- no, scratch that, if my name is JADE then I'm a damn girl!

Hair color - Berry Purple to Sky blue

Eye color - Green

Skin color - Lightly tanned to match an oak tree

Girly girl or tomboy - Tomboy

Ok, so that's basic done, lets get down on it.


"Jade, all you have to do is sign this contract and you will have no more school for the rest of your life." He said impatiently, trying to let time pass by fiddling with his tie, and tapping his watch like you would see in the movies. His raven black hair slick back and smart suit gave him the impression that he was wealthy and owned a large company of some sort.

 No school huh?  Now I get to live my life, a multi-million pound home in Spain, a private villa on one of those amazing views on top of a tropical hill near to a textbook humble village stashed with amazing fresh food and natural traditions, oh I could on forever. A swimming pool here, a Jacuzzi there, a rare breed dog called Popo, and a breathtaking modern bedroom , designed personally to fit my taste. My life. *sigh*

Well, being a stupid dumb 13 year old, I signed the dodgy contract and he quickly put it back in his inside blazer pocket, straightened his belt and stood up from the moldy chair, taking care in not touching it much, and the bits where he did touch the chair he wiped off down the front of his matching trousers. The man walked off but before he did, whispered in my ear, ' Good Luck, always get the bow and arrow and dagger, they help you a lot with what you are about to face.'

His words rised up like a banner in my face and I shivered, though it was quite hot. A lot of questions formed in my head that would burn me if I didn't know the answers. Bow and arrow? dagger? What is going on? Is this like some weird, freaky competition? I know I'm like, athletic and flexible, but why can't you chose someone else, better and stronger than me? My brain worked like clockworks as I took sharp, fast paced steps home, thinking like I never would of in math.

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