Chapter 4- You'll Always Be Around, You Silly Goose

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Chapter 4- You'll Always Be Around, You Silly Goose

“So, I have this friend,” I tell Mason a while later as one of the workers brings us pizza and chicken nuggets. Yes, they actually have them, which is really, really good news.

“Okay…” He nods, letting his voice trail off.

“And she’s a huge fan of you. Like, really, really huge.” I say. “And then I have this other friend who really likes you but she’s not like, obsessed with you or anything, you know what I mean?”

“I think so,” Mason chuckles. “So, what about them?”

“Meet them?” I ask hopefully.

“Meet your friends who’re obsessed with me?”

“Yes,” I nod. “Mason, I swear their lives would be totally complete if you did.”

“Is this you begging?” Mason wonders, taking a bite of pizza.


“I dunno, I mean, I really am trying to lay low for a while.”

“Then can I at least tell them that you’re here? I swear they won’t say anything.”


“Please?” I plead, jutting my lower lip out.

“You’re kinda adorable, you know that?” He says, after sipping on his drink.

“Oh, well, thanks I guess,” I retort. “So can I? Please?”

“Okay, okay, fine, you can tell them. I know it’ll get out but I want at least a few days of peace.”

“I swear they won’t say anything at all. It’s just that if they find out that I knew you were here and didn’t tell them, they would literally kill me. I’m not even kidding, Mason.”

“Well, I guess that would be bad if my one friend here was brutally murdered by her friends.”

“Yes, that would be absolutely awful,” I agree.

“When you say obsessed, how obsessed are we talking?”

“Well, Holland may or may not have a shrine to you in her closet.”

“Wha?” Mason asks, his eyes going wide. “You’re kidding.”

“I am,” I giggle. “But, this morning we went to the mall and they made their monkeys after you.”

“Aw, that’s kinda cute, I guess.” He notes.

“You seem so modest about it all,” I concede.

“About what?”

“You. Like, you seem really humble considering how many people love you.”

“Oh, right. Well, I guess I am kinda humble. I try to be. Those people don’t love me. They don’t even know me. They think they do, but they just love who I am. Not me. If that makes sense?”

“Yeah, strangely enough it does. I said the same thing to Holland this morning.”

“And this is why we make great friends, we obviously think the same way.”

“It would appear so. Oh, I have a question.”

“Shoot.” Mason tells me, starting on another slice of pizza.

“Do you like, watch your own movies?”

“No,” He immediately tells me, shaking his head, crinkling his nose.

“No?” I echo. “Why not?”

“It’s kinda weird,” Mason admits, with a shrug. “I mean, usually I have to go the premieres and stuff, but I try to make an escape before they actually show the movie.”

I’m about to open my mouth to reply to, but my phone trills inside my purse. “Just a second.” I tell Mason, reaching into my purse, thumbing around for it. When I find it, I take it out, reading the I.D., and see that it’s Holland. “It’s my friend, the one that’s super obsessed with you. You don’t mind do you?”

“No, course not,” Mason shakes his head, taking his own iPhone out.

“Hey Hols,” I greet, accepting the call.

“Hey Ari,” She replies chirpily. “What’re you doing?”

“I’m erm, I’m at work,” I evasively lie, not wanting to tell her about Mason over the phone.

“It’s 9:45 though,” Holland tells me, whining.

“Holy crap! Is it really?” I wonder, taking my phone away from my ear, seeing that it really is.

“Mhm, is Barbara making you stay later or something?”

“Uh, actually I’m doing inventory, but I’m almost done. Why, what’s up?”

“Clark and I are at my house and we want you to come over,” She informs me.

“Tonight?” I ask, looking over at Mason, who’s typing away on his phone.

“Tonight, yes, Aria.”

“Can we rain-check it maybe? I, um, I have to get home anyway. You know, 11:30 curfew.”

“Oh right, I forgot about that.” Holland sighs. “Well, next weekend then because I have this stupid family thing to do tomorrow. It’s Melanie’s birthday,” She groans. “So, yeah.” Melanie is Holland’s fourteen year old step-sister, who she really, really hates. And with good reason. Melanie is the ickiest human being I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.

“Oooh, I’m sorry. Maybe it’ll be fun this year!” I say optimistically.

“Last year she put Nair in my shampoo, Aria. Nair! Luckily I smelled it.”

“That is a good thing,” I chuckle at the memory. “You’d look weird bald.”

“I don’t doubt it,” She agrees. “She’s evil and I hate her. Oh! I hav to go; Mr. Fuzz is coming on right now. I’ll call you tomorrow, Ari!”

“Bye Hols, have fun!” I reply, hanging up the phone an putting it back in my purse. “My friend is about to watch your movie,” I inform Mason, who looks up at me, putting his phone away.

“No way, really?” He asks in disbelief as if he isn’t Hollywood’s most famous teenager. 

“Yeah, the Mr. Fuzz one. Which is a really weird title. What’s it even about?” I ask him.

“Yeah, it’s kinda a stupid title,” Mason agrees, chuckling. “It’s a superhero movie and the villain’s name is Mr. Fuzz.”

“Oooh, that’s such a scary name.” I giggle.

“Right? Terrifying, I know.”

“And who were you in this movie?” I ask.

“Mr. Fuzz, of course.”

“Of course you were,” I reply, shaking my head with a chuckle.


“Aria! Aria, wake up!” Holland hollers, running into my room the next morning.

“No,” I firmly retort. “It’s too early for normal people to be up.”

“But I’m up,” Holland remarks in a mocking tone. 

“Exactly. Notice that I said normal people,” I tease my best friend.

“You know what, Aria Austin? Screw you,” She replies, climbing atop my bed, jumping up and down.

“I swear that if you don’t quit jumping, I’m gonna kill you,” I threaten as my body jump around the bed.

“Are you, Aria? Are you really?” Holland scoffs, jumping even harder now.

“Okay, no. But I will seriously injure you,” I inform her, pulling my covers over me.

“Oh, yeah? And how do you plan on doing that?” She asks, obviously not believing me.

“Like this,” I say before kicking my foot straight forward into Holland’s leg.

“I fucking hate you so, so much,” Holland cries after she shrieks and hits the floor with a thud.

“Hey, I warned you,” I defend, sitting up in my bed and stretching my arms, letting out a yawn.

“You are a horrid, horrid human being, mate,” Holland tells me, flipping me off from the floor of my room.

“What are you, British?” I scoff, rolling my eyes at her, annoyed. It’s just way too early to be up.

“Maybe!” She squeals. “I could make an absolutely divine Brit,” She assures me. “Do you fancy going to the cinema and getting me a fizzy drink?” Holland jokes, putting on a faux awfully bad British accent.

“You sound nothing like a British person and I’m sure they don’t talk like that,” I giggle.

“Yeah, well, you don’t know, so there.” Holland retorts, sitting up on the floor, tossing a stray shoe at me.

“Why are you guys so loud?” Clark wonders, walking into my room, twirling the lanyard of her car keys.

“Because that monster we call our best friend just tried to kill me,” Holland dramatically recalls to Clark.

“Did you kick her again?” Clark asks, giving me a stern look as she plops down on my bed, grabbing the remote and turning the television on.

“Again?” I echo. “The last time she fell all on her own,” I defend. “But I kicked her this time. Sure did.”

“Because you’re a mean monster,” Holland responds, standing to her feet.

 “Yeah, okay, well this ‘mean monster’ is going to the bathroom,” I announce, getting out of my bed.

Holland pounces on my bed, lying vertically and watching as Clark flicks through the channels. Holland kicks her Uggs off and takes salvage on my bed, wrapping herself up in the cover and resting her head on my fluffy pink pillow.

Yes, this is a routine Sunday morning for me. Clark and Holland always come over- though they usually come separately from their own homes. But since they had a sleepover last night at Holland’s together, I’m assuming that they carpooled. I don’t mind though- the fact that they come over on Sundays. What I do mind though is the fact that stupid Holland always wakes me up in a less than graceful way.

I walk out of my bedroom and head towards the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Catching a glance of myself in the mirror, I make this weird gurgling noise, taking in how unsightly I look right now. Granted, I did just wake up and not even on my own. My hair is everywhere on my head and the black mascara I was wearing yesterday is streaked all across my face. Man, I’m glad I have friends like Holland and Clark. You know, the kinda friends that’ll let you look stupid? Yeah, those.

Granted, I know they wouldn’t let me leave the house with mascara smeared all over my face. I didn’t intend on falling asleep with my makeup on last night, because, well, you’re not supposed to sleep in makeup, of course. Usually though, I don’t just fall asleep. I usually remove my makeup then take a shower when I first get sleepy and after that I go to sleep. It’s a foolproof plan, but Mason Carter prevented me from being able to stick to my routine last night.

Speaking of Mason Carter, for some reason, he really, really wants to be friends with me. I’m not quite sure why that is though. I mean, we never even talked before yesterday and in elementary school we were usually in different classes. I think we had the same teacher in like, fourth grade or something and then in middle school we had maybe three classes together.

He claims though that it’s because I was one of the only ones that never made fun of him for being a little cumbersome and having braces or being in the cadet band. Not to mention the fact that I was the first person he saw when he got back to Indiana that he already knew. He’s really cool though, Mason is. And he’s pretty funny. He made me swear that I’d tell no one other than my family, Holland and Clark though, that he’s back, I mean. It’s not like I have anyone else to tell anyways since I don’t talk to too many other people, so I had no problem with that. I still haven’t told them, obviously, but I will really soon, I think.

I quickly use the bathroom and wash my hands before briskly brushing my teeth. Once I’m done, I grab the bar of soap and turn the water tab on, lathering it up in a face towel. I scrub my face with the time, removing all of the mascara and eye shadow clean.

I decide that I’ll have to shower later and pad out of the bathroom, back to my room. I notice Clark lying at the head of the bed, her legs crossed in the air as she stares at her phone with a wide smile over her face. Her fingers are flying over the screen of her iPhone as she texts. Shawn, I bet. I really want him to ask her out because their whole skinny love think is eventually gonna get old.

I mush myself on the bed, lying at the foot of it by Holland, who’s intensely watching the Christmas movie that’s playing. That’s the funny thing about Holland- she loves and I mean really, really loves, all things Christmas. The movies, the family pictures, the Christmas episodes of every TV show, the cookies, the presents, all of it. She even goes all out and makes Christmas cookies and sets them out with milk in her living room every Christmas Eve like children do.

“Okay,” I sigh, looking at Holland. “I’m fully awake and aware now. What was so important?” I query.

“Look outside,” Holland exclaims, hopping out of my bed excitedly and running to the window.

“What’s outside?” I ask her, getting up off of the bed and going to the window.

“It’s snowing!” Holland shrills, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down.

“Oh, wow, what a shocker,” I reply, pulling the curtain back and peering out of the window. "Snow in Indiana, crazy."

“A, I don’t think you realize the momentousness of this moment.” Holland stares out in sheer amazement.

“No, I don’t, because it snows like, every year here.”

“Yeah, but never this close to Christmas,” She happily exclaims. “Plus this is only the second time that I’ve seen the snow. It didn’t snow last year, remember? Only freshman and sophomore year,” She adds.

“Oh, yeah, I remember!” I retort, watching the heavy snowflakes fall from the sky.

Man, I hope this little snowfall doesn’t turn into a blizzard because I’d hate to be stuck at home. Granted, if there’s a blizzard then school will be out for sure, but still. We don’t get out of school for like, another week because Christmas is still two weeks away from now.

Like I said, Holland’s from Arkansas. She lived there up until right before freshmen year, so before she and her family moved here, she’d never seen snow. Like, apparently it snows down there in Arkansas, just not as often as it does here. That makes sense though, considering the fact that we’re in the northern part of the country and whatnot. 

“Oh my gosh, let’s go and build a snowman!” Holland shrills, pulling her Uggs and Northface on quickly. 

“Fine by me,” I chuckle, then look over at Clark who’s totally disengaged from the conversation. “Clarkey?” I chirp in a sing-song voice, trying to get her attention.

“Yes, A?” She replies mechanically, still staring at her phone screen, her fingers flying over it.

“We’re gonna go and build a snowman, do you wanna come with us?”

“No!” She firmly rejects, shaking her head. “You know that I really, really hate snow.” Clark reminds us.

“Then you picked a rotten place to live,” I laugh, pulling my white Northface over my t-shirt and Uggs on.

“Right? I’ve totally tried convincing my parents to move to somewhere warmer. Like the Sahara Desert.”

“I just do not understand how you hate snow, that’s like, hating puppies,” Holland dramatically exclaims.

“I think that that’s probably the most inaccurate simile I’ve ever heard in my entire life,” Clark responds, getting off of the bed, tucking her phone in the back pocket of extremely skinny, skinny jeans. “I am starving though.” She says, walking towards my door and Holland I follow her. “Will you make me eggs?”

“If you do my Calculus homework then yes, I will make you eggs,” I offer as the three of walk down the corridor and descend the staircase.

“But I don’t even take Calculus,” Clark reminds me.

“Yeah, because you’re the freaky genius girl,” Holland jokingly interjects.

Like I said, Clark’s ridiculously smart, therefore she’s not on a regular twelfth grade level. I mean, she just doesn’t take the classes that majority of us do. Her math is called Transitions to College Math or something like that. In fact, I don’t have any core classes with Clark besides Physics because she takes all above level stuff. For example, I take AP World History, but Clark has AP American History. If that makes any sense. I do have Film Class and Study Hall with her though, so that’s pretty cool.

“And proud of it, Melbourne,” Clark teases as the three of us walk into my kitchen.

“So, are you gonna do my Calculus homework or not? Because I’m not making eggs otherwise,” I say.

“You’re really mean, you know that?” Clark huffs.

“I know! I told you that she tried to kill me this morning,” Holland interpolates, sitting at the kitchen table, taking an orange from the fruit bowl and starting on peeling it.

“Only because you guys came over and woke me up all early and whatnot. If you’d given me just a few more hours of sleeping, I’d have woke up at a normal time and everything would be okay.” I note.

“Aria, it is a normal time,” Clark informs me. “Normal people are already awake, you know.”

“It’s 8:30 in the morning!” I exclaim, glancing at the clock on the microwave display. “On Sunday!” I add.

“If it isn’t my favorite little sister and her friends,” My older brother says, walking into the kitchen.

“I’m your only sister,” I remind Caleb, chuckling as he joins Holland at the table, grabbing a banana.

“Ergo my favorite,” He replies, throwing the banana peel in the trashcan. Yeah, he’s kinda weird, my brother is. He always unpeels the banana, takes it out of the peels and then throws the peel away. Holland used to have a crush on him but as far as I know, she grew out it. It’s a good thing to because my brother’s super pervy and he’s nineteen. Granted, Holland’s seventeen and her little deal with herself is to not date any guys over three years older than her. Which is reasonable, I suppose. 

“Aria!” Clark whines, still sitting atop the island. “Eggs? Come on; I need protein.”

“Okay, okay, okay, calm down.” I reply, taking a skillet from the cabinet and setting on the stove. “What’re you gonna do when you grow up and I’m not around to satisfy your egg needs?”

“You’ll always been around to satisfy my egg needs, you silly goose,” Clark chimes, pulling her phone out.

“Caleb?” I query, looking over at my brother before pulling the eggs from the refrigerator.

“Mhm?” He asks, looking up at me with a curious expression.

“How come you’re awake so early? You usually sleep until like, dinner time.”

“Oh, because I just got back here.” He explains nonchalantly as if that’s totally normal.

“Back from wher-oh, man, please don’t tell me you were with Wyatt.” I sigh, cracking a couple of eggs.

“Fine, I won’t tell you.” Caleb shrugs. “But I was.” He slyly adds.

Wyatt is Caleb's best friend in the whole world. They’re really close, like brothers, I guess. They’ve been friends for the better part of ten years now, I think. Wyatt’s probably the most annoying human being on this side of the planet. I mean, he’s a nice guy and he’s kinda cute, I guess, but he’s really infuriating.

Not to mention the fact that he’s kinda a failure at life. And as mean as that sounds, it's totally true. Wyatt’s the same age as my brother- nineteen and he dropped out of school literally the day after he turned sixteen, which is the legal age in which you can drop out at. He already has two children- I think one is two and the other’s like eight weeks, and I don’t think he has any intention on staying with the mother. Wyatt’s not stupid, I know that, but he honestly does act as if he’s brain-dead. Caleb told me that Wyatt was one of those kinda guys that never does his work in class or anything yet passes all the tests with flying colors. I try to avoid talking to him at all costs, Wyatt, I mean. Plus he’s an awful influence on my brother- he’s already been arrested six times.

I shake my head at my brother before cracking another egg and mixing them together in the bowl. Then I pour them into the skillet, mindlessly turning them as they cook. I wonder when I should tell Clark and Holland about Mason. The fact that he’s in town, that is. I think I gotta tell them soon because what with Mason being the huge star he is, the fact that he’s back home won’t stay a secret for long and if they find out that I knew he was here, it won’t be pretty. It won’t be pretty at all.

Once I finish Clark’s demanded eggs, I hand them to her on a plate and she gratefully takes them, gobbling them down and typing a message on her iPhone at the same time. With that, Holland and I leave the kitchen, going outside to build our snowman. As soon as we step outside, Holland does a cartwheel in happiness- which proves not to be the smartest thing to do when it’s snowing as she lands on flat on her butt.

“Oh my gosh,” I laugh, waddling over to her and pulling her up. “Hols, you really need to stop falling.”

“I totally had it,” She assures me, pulling her long blonde hair back into a wavy ponytail.

“No, I don’t think that you did,” I disagree, making my way to the center of the front yard.

“I did,” Holland insists, pulling a two pairs of gloves from her back Northface pocket. She slips one pair on and gives me the other before leaning down and gathering up a bundle of snow in her hands. “I just love snow so, so much.” She explains, packing some snow together for the bottom part of our snowman.

“I can see that,” I chuckle. “Though I’m not quite sure why,” I reply, starting to roll my own snow together.

“Because you’ve grown up with it. Like, you’ve always had snow so it’s not really special to you, but in Arkansas it never snowed and when it did it was usually never on or around Christmas. Mostly it was in like, January or March or something like that. I think this might be the first time I have a white Christmas, Ari,” She tells me, a faint smile on her face. This is really big to her, I guess. It makes sense too, I guess, considering she’s not really accustomed to the snow like Clark and I are.

“That makes sense,” I appease to her before plopping down in the snow as we begin to roll a ball together.

We’re quiet for a while and it doesn’t take long before we’ve got a tall, fat and sturdy snowman built. Holland even wandered off and found some twigs and sticks and rocks. She placed two pebbles where his eyes would be, another in place of his nose and some more for a dotted smile. Then she impales the snowman with two sticks on either side of him, calling them his arms.

“There,” She steps back, looking satisfied with her handy work.

“Wow, that’s pretty nifty,” I chuckle, putting my hands in my pockets to warm them through the gloves.

“I thought so too.” Holland pulls her iPhone out of her pocket and hands it to me. “Take a picture, please.”

Holland prances over to the snowman and stands beside it, smiling from ear to ear. I snap the photo and give her back her phone just as mine rings in my pocket. I raise an eyebrow curious as to who could be calling me at this hour and take my phone out. Well, it’s not like I don’t have any other friends or anything, it’s just that Holland and Clark are my best friends, ergo the people I talk to the most. Looking down at the caller I.D., I see that the number isn’t a Indiana area code but shrug and answer it anyways.


“Are you awake?”

“Mason?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “How’d you get my number?”

“I don’t wanna sound cocky or anything, but I’m Mason Carter, I can get anything.” He replies.

“Okay, that’s true,” I chuckle. “But yeah, I’m awake, obviously.” I tell him, subtly taking a few steps away from Holland who’s too busy playing with the snowman or something to take any notice in my phone call.

“And what’re you doing?” He interrogates.

“My friend and I just built a snowman,” I respond. “Why do you ask?”

“So that means their actually is snow outside? I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or not.”

“Yes, Mason,” I say with a small giggle. “There actually is snow; you weren’t dreaming.”

“Hey, in my defense, I haven’t been here in five years- it’s been a while since I’ve seen the snow.”

“You’re Mason Carter, don’t you vacation where it snows?” I wonder, kicking some snow up with my boot.

“No,” He laughs. “When I’m not working or shooting and stuff I just stay in California, really.”

“So, you’ve never been to a place that has snow?” I incredulously ask.

“I don’t like the cold too much,” Mason admits. “I mean, I usually vacation in the summer anyway. I can only take about two weeks off at a time habitually. Winter is really when I’m working my ass off. But yeah, when I vacation, it’s almost always in the summer and I go places like Greece, Bora Bora and stuff like that.” He explains. “I’ve been to Colorado though and skied, if that counts.”

“So, you’re pretty happy about this snow, I imagine?” I reply. “And I guess Colorado counts.”

“Damn straight,” Mason chuckles. “So, what’re you doing today?”

“I dunno,” I tell him, absentmindedly twisting a lock of my hair around my finger. “What’re you doing?”

“I’m attempting to make muffins, but I think I’m kinda failing desperately.”

“Muffins? Why’re you trying to make muffins?” I ask, laughing lightly.

“Because I like muffins!” He huffs in a ‘duh’, tone.

“You’re like a little child.” I note, drawing a huge A on the back window my of dad’s black Range Rover.

“Hey, in my defense, I left Indiana when I was twelve and I’ve been working since.” He reminds me.

I open my mouth to reply but I can’t because I shrill loudly as the impact of a snowball slams into the back of my head, breaking busting and going down the back of my shirt, causing me to frantically jump up and down, trying to get it out. I whirl around and see Holland doubled over, laughing her heart out.

“O-oh my gosh! Your face, Aria,” She giggles, holding her stomach.

“I’m gonna murder you,” I threaten, stomping over to her.

“You’re gonna murder who?” Mason enquiringly wonders.

“My stupid friend, Holland.” I explain to Mason. “She nearly gave me a heart attack!”

“Well, let’s thank our lucky stars she didn’t,” He laughs. “Oh is that the girl who has the shrine?”

“That’s her,” I giggle. “I mean, she doesn’t really have a shrine…at least, not that I know of.” I add.

“Wait a minute,” Holland declares after recovering from her fit of laughter. “Who’re you speaking to?”

“Erm, no one. I’m not talking to anyone.” I tell her.

“So I’m no one? You’re a mean girl, Aria Austin.” Mason interjects, his voice teasing.

“Is that a boy? Is Aria Austin actually talking to a guy?” Holland wails happily.

“Uh, I’m gonna have to call you back,” I say to Mason, taking a step back so Holland can’t hear his voice.

“Mhm, okay. I wanna go to the zoo today,” Mason randomly informs me.

“The zoo?” I repeat, crinkling my forehead even though he can’t see me. “Why do you wanna go there?”

“Because zoos are cool. And if you don’t come with me, Chule’s gonna come and I don’t want that.”

“Why not? He seems super nice,” I respond, feeling Holland staring at me intensely.

“Because he’s my chauffeur,” Mason explicates.

“Point taken,” I agree. “Okay, yeah, sure, I’ll come to the zoo with you.” I confirm.

“Cool, do you want me to send Chule to come and get you in a little while?”

“Uh, yeah, sure. I think that’ll be a little weird, having a limo show up at my house, but okay.” I agree, making sure to say the word ‘limo’ quieter than the rest of the words so that Holland doesn’t catch on.

“I think you’ll get used to it; I never drive my car because I’m too lazy.”

“Too lazy to drive? That’s pretty lazy,” I reply.

“That’s what they keep telling me, but oh well.” He sighs with light laughter.

“Well, then I’m gonna get ready and stuff and I’ll see you soon, I guess.”

“Alright, see you soon. Bye Aria.” Mason says.

“Goodbye,” I hang up the phone, careful not to say his name and turn back around, facing Holland.

“Is someone going on a date?” She asks in a sing-song voice, grinning widely.

“No,” I firmly say, putting my phone back into the pocket of my Northface. “I do not have a date.”

“Sure sounds like you have a date,” Is Holland’s reply.

“Well, I don’t,” I assure her, shaking my head.

“Then who were you talking to?”

“Are we playing 20 Questions?” I shoot back, raising an eyebrow.

“Ooh, answering questions with questions, are we? Something’s fishy.”

“Nothing’s fishy,” I deny, shaking my head. “It’s cold, let’s get hot chocolate,” I say, changing the subject.

After staring at me long and hard, Holland yields. “Okay! Do you guys have the kind with marshmallows?”

“We have the kind with marshmallows,” I confirm as we walk back into my house, the heat hitting us.

“Yay!” She exclaims, slipping her Uggs off and running into the kitchen.

I know that I should have probably just told her that I was talking to Mason but I think it’s kinda cool that I’m the only one that knows he’s in town. Not that I’m gonna keep it to myself, of course. I’m only gonna tell Holland and Clark though and I know that the two of them won’t tell anyone. I think that I’ll tell them at school tomorrow definitely. Probably. Most likely. Maybe. 

Author's Note: Happy Monday! So, you guys got to briefly meet Aria's brother, Caleb. What'd you think of him so far? The picture is of Holland (Blake Lively), over to the side! Don't forget to comment, por favor, s'il vous plaît, please! Also, lemme know what you thought of the chapter in a comment, maybe? That'd be really cool. Also, Give Me Love goes up today, so if you've been waiting to read that, you now can! Okay, yeah. I'll see you guys Wednesday! 

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