I Hope It Brings You

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˚➶ 。˚𝓘 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓘𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 ˚。➶˚

Their graves were peaceful today.

She stared at the headstones and placed the flowers down on top of them. They had moved Hoseok's grave so Jin and him could be together. Her knees were in the dirt, her hand pressed against the grass that tickled her skin. It was a silent, cloudy evening. The sun's rays danced with the horizon and painted it in a sheet of gold.

There was no grime on their names, Y/n made sure of it. A bucket of soapy water stayed next to her with a sponge inside it. She found it inside the castle, where she had found most of her trinkets. There were toolkits inside for crafting objects out of wood. She didn't think she could do it with her one hand, but she wanted to get back into her hobbies, even if it hurt.

Y/n sat back and sighed. "It's been two months since the Emperor died. Two months since New Theon started a new era. Farms are being built all over the land, the City is being reformed with more enforcement on no drug policies, the outskirts are getting more resources and opportunities. We did it, guys. We won."

She rubbed her lips together as tears filled her eyes. "I need your help. After all this time, I only stayed because they said they needed me, but I don't think that's true anymore. What do I say to Jungkook? How do I leave them behind and go pursue a new destiny?"

Jin and Hoseok couldn't answer, but as she clutched the wedding ring hidden underneath her tunic, she felt as though she could hear Jin's reassuring words in her mind. And, in her mind's eye, she could see Hoseok's bright smile that was shaped like a heart. She hoped wherever he was, he was dancing with his husband.

Y/n stood and brushed herself off. The castle was mere feet away. The old training grounds got turned into a memorial with countless graves surrounding her. All the rebels they had lost lay there, even the unknown ones. She stayed silent as she traversed through the names. She attempted to memorize each one. It was impossible.

The castle called to her aching limbs as she stepped inside, the gray walls engulfing her with their lack of color. She made her way to the meeting room, where Jungkook was directing Taehyung. The two were like the leaders of the rebellion with Yoongi as a helper. Jungkook took over Shawman's job while Taehyung decided to go down a different path. Jin's path.

"Ambassador Kim," Jungkook said as Taehyung stood at attention. "Want to go give our monthly address?"

Taehyung's eyes illuminated with pure bliss. "Fuck yeah!"

"Language," Jungkook said with a snort as Taehyung dashed out of the room. He pat Y/n's head on the way out, but otherwise didn't speak. Jungkook chuckled. "I've never seen him so happy."

"In a way, I think he feels like he's with Jin."

"I like to think we all are," Jungkook replied. "Hoseok, Shawman, Jin. They're with us. Without them, we wouldn't have gotten this far."

And that was the truth. Hoseok kept them alive during their teenage years. He stood up for them when they were too weak to stand up for themselves. After losing his husband, he wasn't the same, but he kept them grounded. Just the thought of Jung Hoseok had been enough to inspire them. It appeared that didn't change. The mention of Hobi brought a spark to Jungkook's expression. Y/n recognized it as raw determination.

"You're right, but I didn't come here to talk about that. Elections are almost over, right?"

"Polls say I'll be the new leader," Jungkook said with a charming smile. "Officially, anyway. I'm winning by a landslide, probably because I gave the people food. As it turns out, free food makes people like you."

"Your farms have changed New Theon. They appreciate it more than you'll know. I'm out there all the time, and they love you, Jeon. You're a great leader."

Jungkook tapped his thumb against the table and shook his head. "I never thought I'd be a leader, let alone a great one. Self-doubt is my best friend. It's like my shadow."

"Maybe it's time your shadow forgets you," she replied, placing her hand over his thumb. "Maybe it's time you leave yourself behind and become who you're meant to."

Jungkook took a second, then removed his thumb from her grasp with his eyes expanding. "That's why you're here: you're leaving."

She sighed. "Jungkook-"

"Where are you going?"

She went quiet for a beat. "The Islands. I want a chance to see how beautiful they are. There's no place for me here on the mainland, not now. After everything, I need to go find out who I'm meant to be."

"What if I need you?" he asked with a voice crack.

"Don't be a pussy, come visit me. I'm always here when you need me, but I need myself too."


When Jungkook trailed off, she placed her hand on his shoulder. This time, he didn't shake it away. She took it as permission to come closer and soothe his worries.

"Just because I was born into this life doesn't mean I was meant for it," she whispered, and he nodded.

"I'm telling Jimin."

"Why? I haven't talked to him in months."

"He deserves to know. He's been through Hell, he deserves closure. You both do, even if you don't realize it."

"Jimin's staying on the mainland?" she asked.

"He's taking care of Ash now. He's settling into fatherhood and taking his brother out to see the world. I'm sure he'll travel at some point, but for a while, he's staying with me as the trainer of our military. A new era is coming, and Jimin's going to be the face of it. Every therapist told me he's cleared for active duty. You should see him, Y/n. He's better. He's been better ever since he heard Kastor killed the Emperor."

Y/n backed away. "I'm leaving in two hours. If you're gonna tell him, you should do it soon." She went to the door, but she stopped before she opened it. "Jungkook?"

He picked his head up. "Yeah?"

She managed to smile. "I love you."

He laughed with tears in his eyes. "You're such an asshole, but I'll miss you, L/n. You better go live your best life, and come visit me every once in a while, yeah? I might not have much time to come see you as the leader of New Theon."

She snickered. "Excuses, excuses. I'll see you around, Jeon."

"See you around, L/n."

And then, she left. There was nothing for her to do for the next two hours. She wandered the halls of the castle and listened to Taehyung's speech. Most citizens of New Theon were there, but unlike before, the monthly address wasn't a requirement. There were no executions. Anyone who disagreed would be heard instead of threatened. Jungkook and Taehyung had turned New Theon around with the help of Yoongi and some other rebels who stepped up to the responsibility. As she stared up at the clouds, she hoped Hoseok could see them. She hoped he was proud.

Two hours later, she was outside the castle with Shadow. Jimin had given her to Y/n a couple months back, which meant Shadow would be accompanying Y/n to the Islands.

Y/n traced her hand down the side of Shadow's coat. She adored Shadow. Although he had never admitted it, Y/n knew Jimin gifted her to Y/n because he wanted her to find happiness.

"Jungkook told me you're leaving," Jimin's voice said from behind her.

She turned and saw Jimin and Asher there. Ash was holding Jimin's hand as they approached. He knelt in front of the kid and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Go inside to Uncle Jihyun, okay? Your Auntie and I have to talk," Jimin said.

Ash gave Jimin a hug. Much to Y/n's amazement, Jimin kissed the top of the kid's head and watched Ash go to the castle gates. He didn't take his eyes off the kid until Ash was safely inside and being escorted by one of the guards.

"You like taking care of him?" Y/n asked.

Jimin stood and went by her side, petting Shadow with her. "He's the light of my world. I needed a purpose, and Ash is it. He misses his dad, but he's already said he wants me to adopt him. I think I'm going beyond the Uncle Min status. I didn't want to replace his dad, but..."

"He's a kid. Kids need parents, and parents need kids. Just look at you and Kastor."

He smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes. "He's adopting me and Jihyun, y'know."


"Yeah, he got the papers from Jungkook," Jimin replied. "An adoption system is being set up, and Jihyun and I are the guinea pigs to see how well it works. I'll do the same for Ash maybe a year from now, when I know he's ready."

"You want to know what I think?"

"Always," Jimin said without taking his stare off Shadow.

She hesitated at that. Her gaze wandered over his gorgeous face and the way his hair shaped him. His cheekbones were as sharp as ever, and his skin was a tad darker due to how he had gone outside more. His lips were as plump and smooth as ever, and his short nose stayed flat on his face. But most of all, his eyes were what drew her to him. The hickory shade contrasted the bright colors in their environment.

"You were always meant to be a father," she said, and his hand froze on Shadow's back. "You're a family man, you've always gone through Hell to protect Jihyun, and now, you'll do anything to protect Ash."

He turned toward her. "And you."


"I'm not here to try to stop you from leaving. I'm still... confused. Many of my memories feel like nightmares while others feel like a dream I won't get again. Maybe we'll never see each other after this, and that's why I'm here. I need you to know I'll always protect you, and I..."

He broke off and picked up her stump. She had bandages wrapped around it; bandages she would never take off. He rubbed his fingers across it, and she trembled. For some reason, the touch wasn't comforting. Every touch made her think of the night it happened.

"No apology makes up for it, but I'm so sorry I did this to you. Brainwashed or not, what I did is unforgiveable. I doubt you'll ever see me the same way, and I don't blame you, but please know I'm sorry. Even if you can't accept my apology, I pray one day you'll know I mean it," he whispered.

She took her stump away. "I do, but I have to go. I don't want to miss my ship."

"I get it," he said, but his tone deflated as the words passed his lips. "Y/n, there's so much I want to say..."

When he trailed off, she came closer. She placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned up. He stiffened in her hold as she kissed his cheek, closing her eyes and enjoying the few seconds of contact. She pulled away and brushed her thumb across his shoulder. Then, she got on Shadow and stared down at the wide-eyed Jimin.

"Good luck," she said.

And just like that, she left.

˚➶ 。˚˚。➶˚


The Islands of Thermus were beautiful.

She laughed as she skipped through the dandelions. Mimos chirped and soared in the golden sky. Everything appeared brighter here. The trees shined a gorgeous yellow that looked like butterscotch. There were Mismas flashing their cyan lights in the leaves. The wooden fence boxing in her Leekas were just as bright as the area surrounding her. She traced her finger down the side of the material and was pleased when she saw how stable it was. Not a single splinter in sight, as always.

"Hey Honey," she said to the white Leeka munching on the tall grass. Y/n strolled through the terrain and rubbed her hand on the mane of the Leeka. She purred in response to Y/n's motions and leaned into the touch. Honey had glistening maroon eyes that contrasted her coat. In the corner were Y/n's other four Leekas, two males and two females. She preferred Honey and Shadow, but she'd never admit that out loud.

Shadow was near the front of her villa instead of in the back with the others. Shadow held a special place in her heart that she would never forget.

After feeding the Leekas, she went to the front to check on Shadow, who was frolicking in the flower gardens that made up most of the Islands. She took out a flask she bought herself from the marketplace down the road and poured the alcohol in Shadow's bowl. She neighed and lapped it up without complaint.

Y/n stood outside her villa with a grin. It was beautiful. Consisting of two stories, it was made of timber, and it had a slanted brick roof. The windows were covered with silky white curtains, and the double wooden doors out front were accompanied by steps that led to a porch wrapping around the front of the building.

As she entered, she took off her shoes and set them on the rack by her side. Her toes hit the marble floors. She went into the kitchen that had two ovens and an electric stove. Holograms popped up all around her, and she swiped them so she could see the latest newsfeed from the mainland.

Jungkook was giving a speech since it had been a little over two years since he had been elected. Every 'president' would have four terms, and Jungkook was doing his mid-season speech. He could be reelected for one more term, and seeing as he was beloved by all, the odds were he'd win the next election by a landslide.

Yoongi was by Jungkook's side since he was the new intelligence officer for New Theon. After the Emperor died, Jungkook pardoned Yoongi and gave him a job. Y/n had to admit she was proud of how far Yoongi had come.

Y/n grabbed chips and sat at her table. She enjoyed Jungkook's address. He had become more well-spoken over the years. Once every two months, Jungkook visited her. She had another month until he came back, but she enjoyed that he never forgot about her.

The Islands of Thermus had become a popular vacation spot now that the war was over. There were marketplaces, ship auctions, basket-weaving marathons, and more. The Islands were rich with life, and Y/n adored her corner of the world. Although she wasn't so far she was isolated, she was just far enough that she ran her Leeka farm with no threat of any bikes hitting them if they got loose. She sold their manes as they were common ingredients for baskets and drinks, depending on how they were used. Once a month, she offered riding lessons to the children and made more money than she knew what to do with. While she was settling in two years ago, Jungkook had given her plenty of credits to keep her afloat. Finally, she found her livelihood.

After Jungkook's address was over, she left the kitchen and went to her bedroom. There was a bathroom attached to it in the corner, and she walked by it as she got changed out of her outdoor clothes and into her relaxing ones. She had finished work. She had shampooed and conditioned the manes of her Leekas, and she had cleaned off their hooves as well. Now, she could settle in and cover herself in her soft, white bedsheets that matched the light theme the rest of the giant room had.

There was a bookshelf in the corner, fluffy carpets for her sore toes, and a chandelier hanging above her that lit the place. Her bedroom had a window that had a view of her Leekas so she could check on them at any time.

Although her abode was comfy, she was in the process of changing the walls. They were as white as her bed, and she didn't care much for them. She wanted to change them to brown. After over four years, it was still her favorite color. At least some things never changed.

Another hour slipped away from her. She read a fantasy book one of the local authors wrote. There were more artists living on the Islands than anywhere else. That was why the sidewalks were always beautiful. They had chalk art and art auctions along with creative cooking contests where chefs would make the most unique dish they could think of.

Y/n decided to grab her diary and write. It was entry '729,' and the last entry spoke about Yoongi and Jungkook. She admired them from afar. Yoongi had visited once back in the winter, but even winter at the Islands wasn't cold. The weather was much calmer with rain coming once every two weeks at most. Just enough to keep the land hydrated, but not an obnoxious amount.

Her handwriting had improved. For the first one hundred days, her handwriting looked sloppy, but she adjusted and learned how to write with her non-dominant hand. That was the point of using the diary; she got to practice. Whenever someone visited, she had showed off her talents.

Taehyung had visited a few times, and whenever they were together, they mourned Hoseok, Jin, and Shawman, but especially Jin. Taehyung wasn't over his best friend's death, but he was getting there by being the ambassador for New Theon. Kastor didn't visit, likely because he was a father now.

The same applied for Jimin, not that she wanted him to visit. She hadn't seen Jimin since their last conversation two years ago. He was never on the news as they were attempting to keep him hidden from the spotlight. She assumed it was because they didn't want to trigger any memories for him or put him, or anyone around him, in danger.

Her pencil hit the paper as she wrote about all she had experienced that day. However, she was interrupted by her doorbell ringing. She stiffened at that. No one had ever hit the doorbell before. Jungkook had always knocked the door so loudly she thought he was breaking into her home. Taehyung had shouted at the top of his lungs. Yoongi had stood out there for an hour because he was too shy to knock. No one from town had ever visited her; not without permission, anyway.

Y/n went downstairs and crept over to the door. She couldn't see out it since there were no windows or peepholes. She placed her hand on the knob and nibbled on her lower lip. There were a million possibilities, but as she opened the entrance and let the light in, she froze. Before her stood the man who brought her memories. Some were positive, others had her trembling.

He had the same full, plump lips and hickory eyes she fell in love with. His hair was much shorter, and he had dyed it blonde. He had an undercut, his ears were pierced with dangly cross earrings hanging from the holes, and there was a tattoo lined up with his left collarbone that read 'Tailor of Chaos.' Despite all the changes, she recognized him as if they had never been apart.

Park Jimin.

˚➶ 。˚𝓘 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓘𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 ˚。➶˚

^^ His new look. Fun fact: whenever I imagined the character of Commander Park, he always had this same exact look. He was originally supposed to have the Dicon Jimin look, but I decided to go with his black hair since I'm a simp for black haired Jimin until the day I die.

Next chapter is the last chapter. Any final thoughts before we get there?

Why do you think Jimin is visiting her after two years of no contact?

Any thoughts about Y/n's new life?

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