Like fire

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Minho's lips moved against his own,the movie playing in the background forgotten as his body flooded with warmth, setting him on fire, only one thought echoing in his mind, interrupting the thoughtlessness that surrounded the two, 'this is wrong, Minho is my best friend, he has no romantic feelings towards me.'

But how could he stop when it felt so nice? How could he stop when he had imagined this scene a million times in his head, only to realize the real thing was better than he could imagine. Minho's lips set him ablaze, his lips were the fire to the gasoline that flooded his veins, with just a bit of contact he was burning up. He had no idea how this had happened, the two of them were just sitting together, watching a movie then suddenly Minho's lips brushed against his own, creating the spark that started this fire.

Jisung had been in love with his best friend for as long as he could remember, of course he'd never admit that to the older who was also hopelessly in love with someone else, that someone was Bang Chan, a friend of both boys, and he only had eyes for one of his classmates who seemed to feel the same about him. So of course whenever Jinsoo hung out with Minho and Chan, Jisung was the one to endure Minho's lovesick ranting later on that night, about how he wishes Chan was his. Even though hearing the boy he fell in love with talk about his crush on someone else hurt, he did nothing about it, he accepted that he was and always would be Minho's best friend and he hadn't wanted to ruin that too.

Eventually the two did pull apart, Minho looked down at jisung, and brought his hands to his lips, a confused expression taking over his face. After seconds that felt like hours of silence he finally murmured, "I'm sorry Jisung I-, I think I should go." He then grabbed his jacket and rushed out of Jisung's living room, not even waiting for a response from Jisung.

Jisung stayed still, trying to register everything that had happened over the span of the last few minutes, he had been kissed by the boy he was in love with. Then it hit him Minho had run away, Jisung tried to let it not hurt him, he knew that it was probably an accident, a mistake, he knew he should have put a stop to it, but he couldn't, just like he couldn't stop the stab of pain in his heart.

The next time the two saw each other they went on like normal, pretending that the kiss never happened, letting it be their little secret at least that's what it seemed on the outside. Jisung hadn't stopped thinking of Minho's soft touch, his warm lips, the way his hand rested on his cheek, every time they saw each other Jisung's mind would flash back to that moment. All he wanted to do was stand up and scream that he was in love with Lee Minho, but that was the last thing he could do, not when Minho had not mentioned that day since it happened. The only difference was Minho had stopped mentioning Chan, and how much he wishes the older boy would just notice him.

When they finally met up alone, a situation much like the day of the kiss, jisung was reminded yet again of the events of the day as they sat next to each other on the couch, practically leaning on one another. Jisung sat silently, thinking of how to bring up the kiss when Minho spoke. "I'm confused Jisung, I thought I liked Chan but after that day I've been so confused about my own feelings. I don't know what came over me but when I saw you sitting there, pouting at the tv, I had the sudden urge to kiss you, to feel your lips on mine. And you didn't pull away so I just continued but I don't know Sungie," the boy paused after calling him his childhood nickname. "We've known each other for so long.." the boys words trailed off to an end, unsure of how to continue.

"I've liked, no loved you for so long, for years now," Minho opened his mouth, but jisung didn't let him speak, , "I fell in love with your smile, I fell in love with the way you spoke, I fell in love with your voice, I even fell in love with your love for cats, I fall in love with you little more every day against my better judgement, and two weeks ago I fell in love with the feeling of your lips on mine, I fell in lobe with that indescribable warmth, it felt like there was nothing that could make me feel the same again, I haven't been able to stop thinking of you, or that feeling, I know you like Chan but-" Jisung's words stopped when Minho leaned forward.

"Jisung, can I," his eyes flickered to Jisung's lips, "can I kiss you?"

Jisung looked up at him in an apprehensive manner, "look Minho I know I confessed my love for you and everything but please, please don't do this out of pity, or because you feel like you have to, you don't-" and suddenly jisung felt the warmth, the feeling that there was nothing but that moment, that there was a wall of fire set ablaze around them, shielding them from everything and everyone. It felt so right but so wrong all at once.

The moment jisung pulled away, breathless he craved nothing more than to be kissed again, Minho's lips were like the fire to his blood like gasoline and he wanted nothing more than that, even if everything goes up in smoke and ashes. But he knew it would hurt more of it wasn't real, if it wasn't genuine when it all ended, he couldn't let it go on if Minho didn't hold any feelings for him.

"Min, please, don't just do this because I confessed, I won't deny that I'd do anything to kiss you again, but it'll only hurt me if you don't like me back and I'd rather just go back to being friends if that's the case," Jisung's voice sounded heavy and serious, a twinge of pain could be seen in his eyes.

"I think-, I think I do like you Sung, I was so confused for the past two weeks, i stopped feeling so horrible when Chan was with Jinsoo a while ago, and I started noticing things about you, but I didn't think it meant that I liked you, at least not until that day, and after that I was only more confused, What I felt when I kissed you was so unlike what I'd ever felt before, so yeah I'm not just kissing you because you confessed, but because I think I like you too."

Jisung sat there, his mouth agape. He had no idea how to respond to Minho's own confession, I fact he hadn't fully registered the fact that Minho actually liked him back, that he had a chance after all these years. Suddenly he leaned forward and collided his lips with Minho's, only for a brief second, before pulling away and asking, "then will you be my boyfriend?"

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